Sleeping With Sleep

By PotatoRot1875

2.1K 64 34

I shakily reached for his hand and he stood, gently pulling me up with him. My gaze bounced between each of t... More



148 5 0
By PotatoRot1875

"Now... Why don't we get this paint off of us and you can show me just what you mean by 'hung', hmm?" I lifted my head off of Vessel's shoulder and looked into his eyes, my face on fire. Ves let his hands drift to my hips and he squeezed, pressing his fingertips into my hips. He tilted his head, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"Well?" I swallowed hard and nodded, my heart pounding in my ears. Ves's brows furrowed and he shook his head, whispering.

"No, no, no... Use your words, my love." I opened my mouth, but only a shaky breath escaped. Vessel cupped my cheek with his right hand and rubbed a gentle thumb across my bottom lip. My eyelids fluttered.

"Y-yes... Please..." Vessel gave my outer thigh a gentle pat and sat up. He led me to the doors on the back wall, opening the one on the left.

The door opened up to a decent-sized bathroom. Straight in from the doorway was a sink with a wide counter alongside it. To the right was the toilet, tucked into the corner. To the left was a walk-in shower with a sliding glass door. Black towels were already on the counter, but they looked slightly ragged, so they were most likely Vessel's, not just some provided by the concert hall.

I follow Ves in and fiddle with a loose thread on my dress as he shrugged off his cloak. My eyes followed his hands as his long fingers struggled with his belt. He was gripping it with just his fingertips, clearly trying to avoid getting any of the black paint from the backs of his fingers on his brown belt. I smile at his struggle and step forward to help.

"Allow me to assist..." I hold his gaze and slowly unbuckle his belt, slipping it from the loops in his pants. I rolled it up and set it on the counter. Vessel sharply inhales, gritting his teeth. I see his mouth moving, faintly whispering.

"Gotta get this fucking paint off... fuck, fuck, fuck..." I chewed on my lip and grabbed his wrists, leading them to the cut-outs in my dress, letting him slip it over my head. I had opted not to wear panties, considering they would show through the cut-outs in my dress.

Vessel slowly laid the dress on the counter. His eyes trailed over my body, the bright green almost glowing behind his long black waves. My cheeks reddened and I pressed my thighs together, becoming shy. Ves took notice and lightly shook his head, stepping even closer to hold my face.

"Don't get shy on me now, sweet girl. I have too many plans for us for you to clam up now." He pulled me in close, hugging me to his chest. I hugged him back and felt his warm fingers press against my back for only a second before my bra was loose. I giggle and snap the waistband of his harem pants.

"Oh, you sly motherfucker. How'd you do that?" Vessel simply winked and tossed my bra to the counter as well. I stuck my tongue out at him and slipped my index fingers into his waistband, letting the weight of my hands pull it lower. It exposed more of his happy trail, the full fluff starting to show as well. I glanced back up at him, consent-checking. He smiled and held his lip between his teeth. I took that as a yes, and slipped the pants halfway down his pasty thighs, letting them drop to the floor.

His shaft flew up, hanging high in the air. Vessel sucked a sharp breath in through his teeth and a deep growl resonated from his chest. The head of his cock was a dark red, the tip holding a perfect, clear bead of precum. Through the tip was a thick metal horseshoe piercing with round balls on each end. Just watching it I could see the veins pulse with each rapid heartbeat. His balls hung close to the base of his shaft. His hair was wild and fluffy, but still manscaped nicely.

I resisted the urge to reach for it, knowing we were far too eager to get to the fun. We both had the black paint all over us still. I opted for simply teasingly tracing my finger down his stomach and into his pubes, but lifting my hand off before I touched his cock. His eyelids fluttered and his eyes rolled back slightly. He reached forward with an evil smirk, aiming for my throat, but I blocked his hand and laced my fingers with his.

"Ah-ah... We gotta get the paint off. Before we do something we regret." Vessel whined and stepped out of his pants, slipping off his socks. He took a wide step backwards and twisted the shower knob, warming the water.

"After you, darling." I tiptoed into the shower, the water already fairly warm. I step under the water and lift my palms to the flow. Vessel stepped in behind me and slid the door closed. I shut my eyes and sighed contentedly as the water heated up to a comfortable temperature, easing my muscles. I felt a soft, warm hand caress my outer thigh, fingertips trailing up my leg and onto my ass cheek, massaging the plush meat. Vessel's lips met my shoulder and kissed their way up to my neck, his tongue collecting sprinkles of water. I tilted my head back to rest it on his collarbone, exposing more of my neck.

A soft growl escaped his throat and I felt his teeth graze my skin, giving me goosebumps. I turned around to Ves and cupped my hand, letting water collect in it. He watched with furrowed brows and I just smiled up at him. I brought the water to his throat, letting it pour down his chest. Standing so close I could see the goosebumps raise on his skin.

He rested his hands on my hips, his thumbs roughly massaging the skin. I could tell the longer I made him wait, the more impatient he became. He was really holding himself back, the muscles in his jaw flexing anytime I touched him.

I reached over and grabbed the bottle of body wash. Of course it's fucking Old Spice. I squeezed a bit into my palm and set the bottle back down. Vessel's Adam's apple bounced as he swallowed hard, knowing what I was about to do. I held back a snort and smiled as I lathered the gel in my hands, creating a soft foam. I glanced through my lashes at Vessel, who was watching my hands intently.

I started at his neck, gently scrubbing the paint off. Ves let his head dip back, his jaw falling loose. I felt his cock twitch, tapping against my thigh. Feeling the boiling heat radiating off of his skin, how solid his cock had become, how his heartbeat practically pounded out of his skin. It made my knees weak and I felt my own pulse thump through my pussy, matching his.

My hands slid down to his pecs, and I couldn't help but give them a little squeeze, massaging the muscles beneath. I heard him let out a breathy laugh and he flexed his stomach and chest, making them more prominent. I whimpered and moved my hands to his stomach, my fingers fluttering over his abs. My eyesight became blurry, the veil of arousal falling heavy over my eyes. My resolve to get rid of the stupid paint was washing away with the water running down my back.

I raised my line of sight to Vessel, whose neck was still reclined back. An evil smile filled my cheeks and I used one hand to spread the soap across my breasts. Lifting my hands back to his neck and wrapping my arms around it, I pressed my soaped breasts against Vessel's chest. His cock got trapped between our stomachs, throbbing hard. Ves flipped his chin down, watching slack-jawed as I rolled my body against him, the paint turning the soap foam grey. I felt sharp claws dig into my back and I knew I needed to finish up before I was laid on the shower floor.

I rushed through cleaning the soap off of us, watching the paint melt off and flow down the drain. I turned around to shut off the water, but I was pressed roughly to the porcelain wall, my nipples hardening against the cold. The force knocked the air from my chest.

"Ugh-... V-Ves what are you doing, we're clean-" Vessel laced his fingers into my hair and pulled, tilting my head back. His lips found mine and this time, he slid his tongue further, utilizing the long tongue he had. It curled around mine and it elicited a shaky moan from my chest, my eyes rolling back. His tongue slithered around mine for a few seconds before he pulled back and pressed a kiss to my ear. His voice resonated deep within his chest, almost a growl.

"Are you sure you're ready, my sweet girl? I won't be gentle..." My knees almost collapsed and all I could manage was a squeak and mouthed the word, 'yes'.

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