As long as I'm your"bestfrien...

By lo_rd_ita_chi

741 33 0

"are you okay?" "I-I wish I was" NARUTO UZUMAKI, a cheery goofball who makes everyone smile with his jokes a... More

chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 7

chapter 6

46 3 0
By lo_rd_ita_chi

hey y'all you guys doing? was my I wanted to give you guys a feast ..but couldn't..something or should I say someone came up..and i was lost..i am glad that i am finally and enjoy..but give me some votes and comments as courage..its enough for me<3


nothing will be fine until you let go of the past


The morning usual naruto woke up before the alarm started ringing..he wandered his eyes around the whole room...suddenly he spotted someone laying on the floor.who it was?

He readjusted his eyes by rubbing it..yeahh it was his brother..his lovely brother who leaved the town before two years ago..its been 2 whole years since he went away without telling anyone...even to naruto..
its been so tough since he left but naru somehow figured out how to live alone.naru knew there was some reason behind deidara to leave the town... he couldn't help but hate his own older brother that time


one day suddenly a call came to naruto's phone and it was his brother deidara...naruto cried hardly standing there..and he could also hear deidara weeping sorrowfully actually regretting the decision of leaving his younger brother behind..thats  when the hate for deidara vanished away from naru's heart...

days passed and naru lived with the feeling of emptiness as sasuke also leaved him...deidara was busy that he couldn't even return to his hometown for naru..deidara leaved for his education

and  lived  for the welfare of naru..

he done so many jobs and took care of naru secretly with the help of iruka..he couldnt leave his brother..he also helped neji after all its his cousin and almost like a brother


naruto always wished to go to the cinema with deidara..but couldn't do it..he always call deidara on weekends

" nii san,will you come back on the next weekend?"

And deidara will always say yes but will have to cancel it the last minute breaking naru's heart..naru knew he was busy that deidara even forgot how to smile
naru will repeat the question every weekend or holidays..but deidara couldn't come and see the blondie..and naru stopped asking him when will he come back...somethings are better to not to ask after all

In the last weekend deidara called naru...and naru shared the wish of watching a movie together

"nii san,there is a new movie out there..The little mermaid..i wanted to watch it with you..."

deidara was about to say something but naru cut off him and continued

"its okay nii san..i know you cant come..its really fine..i am going to be fine after all you are busy .i know I can are busy ..busy with your studies that you even forgot you have a brother who you left behind!!!..are you gonna abandon me like mother did?"


 deidara couldn't hold his hurts right there on heart...abandoning him?....did naru always felt like that? Did he felt always felt ABANDONED? For two freaking years?


deidara grieved with guilty..He assumed that his brother was going through something even if he didn't talked about it..He regretted the fact that he wasn't there for him...he was such a 'bad brother'


deidara packed his bags and headed towards the railways see his was already night and.the number of passengers were empty like his mind...there was no rush,no almost felt like he is at peace

he was already planning to go today and to settle with naru...he was planning to go with him for to watch movie..and cherish him like always did..He wondered how he will be after those 2 years..will naru hate him for abandoning him? he did for his own sake..but he couldn't ignore the feeling called REGRET..

deidara sighed as he was standing there watching trains.and jumped into one that was going to konoha..he sat there on his booked seat..looking outside the window had always been his favourite thing..he feels like its been decades since he enjoyed the world around him.the breeze slowly passed him trying to wash his sadness away..the breeze softly touched the young man's pretty blond hair knowing she can't vanish all the sorrows and pain that kid once were in..she brushed past his blond locks singing an unknown lullaby which is only known to him...the breeze were giving him her a 'mother' who loved her child that melody the only thing that overflowed was love..the love he and his brother didn't got the chance to get till they were satisfied..deidara himself started to become unconscious in that heartwarming feeling...

The next morning dei woke up with a smile on his face..its been a while since he slept like this .he could hear the sound of train.but it felt really like he was miles away.he grabbed his phone and dialed a number..luckily that person accepted his phone call..

".dei-nii sann..its been a long time since you called first!!!!.."

"yeah its been,where are you now?" deidara felt himself smiling

"home? What happened?"

"canyou do me a favor .....Neji?"

neji had gone insane when the big blond haired said he was back...neji and deidara planned to give naruto a surprise..he still don't know if his brother hate him..and when the time came and he saw naruto running to him while holding an ocean of tears in his eyes, he realized that his baby didn't hated him but missed he is never gonna abandon him like once 'mother' did


naruto remembered yesterday was pretty crazy seeing his brother back.he never thought he would be able to see him this soon..and the way his brother cried saying he was sorry would never be forgotten by him...and they watched the movie he wanted to watch..neji were with makes him happy...but why was he back?.. suddenly?..what made him come back?But naru was glad that he got to see his brother again

"dear son dei, please wake up kiddo don't make your mom shout!"

it was deidara 's ironic..naru smiled at his brother..even if he says he hate mother..he still use mom's voice as his alarm?

"nii san is still so soft" naru chuckled as he switched off dei's phone trying to give him a proper sleep ..

"he must have been so tired "

after some time dei slowly woke up

"good morning naru dear"

naruto's eyes swelled up with tears.why was he being so emotional?.its been a while since someone had called him 'naru dear"..his mother and nii san was the only treasure he had

" my bold blondie crying?"dei slowly got up shaking his head and wrapped his arms around naru,embracing him with love

"shuutt upp nii san!!!"  deidara laughed..

"how were you doing? Kiddo"

"fine..just fine" still being crushed by deidara

"you know I am back just for you..iam not gonna abandon you.NEVER" deidara hugged him more and naru hugged him too crying hard

"I-I-I am s-sorry ni s-san, is-shouldn't ha-have s-said tha-that to y-you" naru tried to make his words recognizable but failing miserably

"its fine dear..cry all you want..I am here..your brother is here..."

"nii sann..i-i am sorry..i am so s-sorrryy!"

"its fine naru..its fine"

"i am such a disappointment!!"naru blurted out and dei's eyes widened as he saw his younger version in front of him calling out for help...

"No naru," Deidara hugged Naruto again...

"please know that you are valuable to me..and you will always you are not going anything alone..your big brother is here"

dei hugged him trying reassure the crying kid in front of him...who knew he had this much of feelings inside of him..the feelings were runnng out of naru as tears and no one would be never be able to know the pain behind those ocean blue one would be able to calm him down except dei..naru hiccuped trying to stop himself from crying..but there were no use.the intensity of hiccup increased as he tried more.. naru can't even breathe now

"naru..its fine..breathe!..breathe!..please"

now it was the turn of dei to apologize as guilt took over him..dei's eyes began to fill until it cant hold anymore..

"i am sorry naru!!!!!..i am sorry for leaving you!!!!..i am really sorry!!! I went for your studies..I couldn't stay here . if I dont make money who will look after you?..who will give you education? I needed money! Just for your sake!.not for mine!.I...leaved...just for you my naru dear......"

"promise me that you will never leave again!" naru whisper yelled as he tightened the hug..he even felt melting away

"i promise...i promise I will never leave and if I am going ,you will be with me..thats why I transferred to our city university for studies"

'WHAT??!" the look of 'shock'..but somehow it brought a warm feeling in his heart

"yeah..and I got plans for the future of yours and mine of course" dei patted his head

"seriously nii san?" they haven't let go of each other both knew the other deserve this...somehow dei managed to calm naruto..

"yeah....i was planning for this"

"then let me say the lost friendship is gonna be renewed" naru smiled ..still tears in his cheeks

"huh?hey what does that mean?"

"itachi kun  transferred to your university"

"holy shit! SERIOUSLY!?"deidara was excited.. he missed his gang so much

"yeah wanna know another surprise?"deidara noded

"he is our neighbour!!"


naru giggled as he saw deidara's shocking expression.

"then lmma go see him" deidara marched towards the front door..naruto couldn't help laughing

"nii san its sunday...he would be sleeping"

'OH RIGHT! Excitement got me at its peak" naru and deidara giggled

"dear son Naru. it's time for waking up. don't make your mom shout".naruto's alarm started ringing

"ohhh what a great timing!" deidara laughed as he peeped at naru's phone

"i hate that damn voice!" deidara chuckled glancing at naru

"says the one who still can't wakeup without hearing mom's voice" naru said mockingly while switching on the TV

there was a pause..then dei slowly spoke

"yeah naru you are right..i cant even sleep without hearing her shout at me DEIDARA GO AND FUCKING SLEEP!!" deidara and naru laughed along with each other

"thats a painful truth I cant even hate mom..cause she was our could I hate her?" deidara smiled..naruto smiled too ..the blonds were having their own time


Outside the apartment area a beautiful handsome boy was tying his new shoes he bought yesterday with his brother's money..yeah he was total brat...a spoiled one..but however I must admit that he was so handsome that any girl will simp for...those white skin .the blue hoodie and tight black  jeans he was wearing made him more heat shaped earring was on his right ear..that hot black hair dancing with wind..that pretty face..the last but not the least ..he was blessed with a pair of onyx black pretty eyes..he was the figure every boy wished hard to get and the one who everyone were jealous of..yeah cause of how his kind brother treated this brat..he was none other than THE SASUKE UCHIHA

sasuke cursed as he was waiting for someone..he looked at his phone time to time..anger was visible on his pretty face..suddenly his phone ringed with the Caller ID 'suigetsu.the trouble'

sasuke attended the call and yelled at him


"calm down sasuke ..i got trapped in traffic' on the other side suigetsu said as he pressed horn in the car

"Darn it!..when will you arrive?"sasuke groaned

"i am not sure ..its been I hour ya know and I am trying ha--"

being annoyed sasuke ended the call and muttered some cursings under his breath

"so damn annoying."

sasuke checked the time again and looked the other side of the road he were in..someone familiar walked opposite side of him..that person was too immersed in the phone so he haven'nt seen sasuke..sasuke wondered who it was he couldn't remember but he felt so familiar...that black haired guy with stylish yet casual outfit just walked to the apartment area of him..then disappeared into the area...sasuke sighed not being able to recognize him..this town had been changed ..maybe people too.since its been 2 years he went with itachi and his parents for family business..or was it 3 years? No he doesn't remember..he almost forgot everyone..but not some certain people

"he felt familiar..wait was it SAI?..why would he be here?..but there is a chance.. No way..i must be wrong" sasuke looked at the red car thats coming towards him..not being scared sasuke just stood there..

"sorry I am late" suigetsu grinned at sasuke

"i am not here to see your teeth..move..i will drive" suigetsu moved out from the driver seat and let sasuke sit there..

"as you wish" suigetsu rolled his eyes


Sai and Naruto were walking towards their bestfriend's house..they wore casual but matching dress..they slowly walked and clicked some photos in their phone..

"can't believe you forgot about our outing we planned yesterday" sai looked at naruto as he saved another selfie of both

"i am sorry sai..i was diverted because of nii-san's arrival" naruto smiled

"yeah understood" sai smiled back at him

"but why did brother deidara came back?..i mean why so suddenly?"

"i don't know but he transferred to the university here.."

"thats a pretty good news"

"yeah it is..and he is never going back"

"he is not?..woahh..why?"

"he said he got some plans..i wonder what it is" naruto looked at sky watching the clouds

" will be for the good him.."

"yeah i do..he is my brother after all" sai and naruto smiled at each other

" said you have something to say when we meet through phone..what was it?" Sai put his hand on Naruto's shoulder

"OH know i completely forgot" naru sheepishly  smiled

"thats usual though..its nothing's new" sai laughed

"you know..sasuke came back to our town" naruto again looked at sky

"WHAT?" sai grabbed naruto's shoulder and made him look at naruto

"yeah and unluckily he is my neighbour"  naruto sighed as he felt sai's grip loosened on his shoulder

"great!! just great!!..who you never wanted to come across is the next door guy?.."


"now what will you do? naru?"

"i don't know"

they finally reached the pinkette's home ..they slowly entered the garden and reached the door..they heard some yelling and noises from that big household

"NO you are not going!"

"make me stop!!"

"isnt that sakura chan's voice?"sai nervously looked at naruto

"yeah it is" naruto was nervous wreck

''knock on door" sai looked at naruto as he knocked 

"oh coming!" they heard a yell

"scaryyyy" naruto whispered to sai

"i am scared" sai whispered back

suddenly sakura's mom came and opened the door..the angry expression on her face was replace with a kind's mom was exactly like sakura..she welcomed the both of them into their home

"how are you aunty?"naru said sweating as they both bowed at her

"oh fine dears .please don't be formal please stay straight... and what about you  guys?"

sai and naru stood straight

"we are fine aunty" they both smiled at her

"oh sai and naru..why are you guys here?"sakura's mom asked

"aunty we came for sakura chan..we kinda planned an outing just the three  of us" 

"oh my god.wait..she was coming with you guys??! ..but she never said i kinda told her not to go" sakura's mom laughed softly

"i thought she was going alone..if its with you two ..i am okay with it"

naruto and sai smiled at that woman

"do you want to drink some tea? .should i take you some apple juice?"

"no need aunty we kind of ate breakfast in naru's home" sai smiled

"please for me" mr haruno kindly asked them

"please aunty we are already full" naru politely rejected the offer

sakura came downstairs wearing the same dress naruto and sai wore..she smiled at her two bestfriends

"hey guys"

"yeah saku look stunning"

"yeah exactly sakura"

"you guys look really good too"

"The trio is  wearing the same?thats cute"sakura's dad came out of nowhere and said

"yeah it is"sakura's mom smiled at the trio

"thank are you doing uncle?"  sai and naruto bowed infront of sakura's dad..

"oh fine kids..please don't be formal.." he made them stand straight and smiled

"let me click a picture" mr.haruno took a photo of them standing together smiling happily

"so where are you guys going first?"

"we haven't decided..but first we will go to the mall" sakura said

"when will you come back?"

"don't know aunty..if we are going to mall first then we will really spent a entire lifetime there" naruto said eyeing sakura

"naru...." sakura glanced at naru

"maybe evening or night?" sai replied smiling

"do you guys have enough money?" the pinkette's mom asked trio..sai and naru too

"then if you need some don't hesistate to call me" mr haruno kindly said

"so shall we go mom,dad?" sakura asked still not looking at them

"yeah you can..just because its with naru and sai" mrs. haruno looked at mr.haruno

''i don't trust my daughter..but i trust you guys" he said to naruto aand sai


her parents laughed while looking at their daughter's reddened face

"so shall we go?"

"bye aunty and uncle"

"bye dad and mom love youuu"

"take care kids" haruno couple smiled at them

they waved byes to eachother..this day is going to be extremely good..just the three of them..this is gonna be extremely crazy..they really looked forward for this..they are gonna enjoy this whole day and make new crackhead crazy memories to remember till the last day.....


i am hoping you guys enjoyed the chapter...I am gonna try hard for making the chapters long..but i need your support..please give me some votes atleast..why you all are silent readers?..thats so mean least press that vote will never lose anything..this writing is never an easy job you know...i am looking forward..please this is a request...and you can message me freely on wattpad <3


please vote




see you next time if i make it alive


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