Avatar the Last Airbender: Je...

Bởi IthioranJedi

798 37 2

Benjamin Wilum harbors a secret within the confines of a Fire Nation colony. As a young teenager with a shado... Xem Thêm

An Introduction Before Reading...
Chapter 1 - False Jedi
Chapter 2 - Forgotten Power
Chapter 3 - Last Stand
Chapter 4 - Forgotten Memories
Chapter 5 - Stay or Flee
Chapter 6 - Truth of The Old Order
Chapter 7 - Kiara the Dark Jedi
Chapter 8 - Benjamin the Jedi Knight
Chapter 9 - Failure of The Jedi Knight
Chapter 10 - The Fortune Teller (Part I)
Chapter 11 - The Fortune Teller (Part II)
Chapter 12 - A Jedi's Weapon
Chapter 13 - The Holocron of Exar Kun
Chapter 14 - Dark Forces
Chapter 15 - Birth of The New Jedi Order
Chapter 16 - Nightmares and Convictions
Chapter 17 - Jedi, Killer
Chapter 18 - Shatterpoints
Chapter 19 - Guilt of a Jedi Knight
Chapter 21 - Unrelenting Savagery

Chapter 20 - Benjamin the Jedi Watchmen

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Bởi IthioranJedi

Author Note: Please kindly consider following, favoriting, and leaving a review. Your support greatly fuels my motivation for both writing and editing. Wishing you a wonderful day!

Chapter 20 - Edit

Appa's mighty roar pierced the skies as they soared through the clouds. Team Avatar occupied the saddle, their gazes fixed intently on the path ahead, their journey taking them deeper into the heart of the Fire Nation. The previous Avatar, Roku, had directed Aang to this place, urging him to seek a prolonged conversation. There were warnings and lessons to impart about Aang's next steps in their quest. Aang needed guidance, not only for himself but also to assist Benjamin.

Katara sighed, her fingers gently combing through Ben's hair as she used her other hand to adjust the blanket covering him. His eyes were closed, his breathing shallow. At a glance, he seemed asleep, but Aang had conveyed the dire nature of the situation. Once he entered the spirit world, there was no easy return. His spirit was adrift there, and they needed Roku's intervention to guide him back to the mortal realm.

Jet observed the fallen Jedi, running his hands through his hair in frustration. "I still don't understand. What happened?"

"Well, you see..." Aang began, attempting to explain.

Jet shook his head, silencing Aang. "No, that's not what I mean. Benjamin, he's different. He's changed ever since that time in the forest."

"What do you mean?" Sokka inquired, curiosity piqued.

Jet leaned against the saddle, his gaze locked on Ben as he continued. "He's supposed to be this powerful Jedi, taking on all these formidable foes. He destroyed Zhao's warship, defeated numerous dark Jedi and Fire Nation soldiers. But after what occurred in the forest..."

Katara recalled her interactions with Ben before that fateful encounter. His distant demeanor, the hints of fear and hesitation she had noticed. "Yes," she murmured in agreement.

Sokka chimed in, echoing Jet's sentiments. "Indeed, it's not just about what happened before the forest. Ben's been changing gradually for a while now. Ever since he constructed his lightsaber."

He recollected the incident in the cave, the moment when Ben had unleashed powerful electric blasts that crackled through the air, the eerie shift in his eyes from golden to euphoric orange, and his roaring battle cries. It was as if he had developed an insatiable hunger for combat, an unquenchable thirst for conflict.

Aang strained his eyes ahead, wrestling with a sense of guilt. Was he somehow responsible for Ben's struggle? He was different from Sokka and Katara, bound to accompany Ben on this journey. He couldn't shake the memory of Ben confessing his actions in the chasm. Had he coerced himself into this path?

Shaking off his doubts, Aang refocused on their immediate mission. "What are we going to do?" Sokka's voice cut through the heavy atmosphere, reminding them of the urgent task ahead.

Jet's eyes widened, and he turned toward the warrior with a perplexed expression. "What..." he mouthed, then glanced back at Katara and Aang. They were now beyond the Fire Nation borders. "You don't have a plan?"

Aang responded casually, "No? We usually just wing it like Ben does... or Sokka comes up with something on the fly."

Jet shook his head, his gaze darting to the side. They were officially within Fire Nation territory, the ornate temple perched atop a massive mountain visible in the distance. Aang guided Appa to land at a safe distance from the temple but still within walking distance.

As the group disembarked, Momo perched on Aang's shoulder. The Avatar gently removed the creature, pointing toward Ben's unconscious form. "You've got to watch out for Ben while we're gone," Aang instructed, though Momo simply stared at him, exuding an air of indifference. Momo then nestled atop Ben as Aang rolled off Appa's tail.

Jet voiced his concern, "Are we just going to leave him?"

Katara turned to him and shrugged. "Yeah, I don't think we can do anything else. Appa is smart; if there's danger, he'll take him far away... and Momo is trained to come get us."

Sokka nodded in agreement and patted Appa as the group began to prepare themselves mentally and gather their equipment for the impending journey. "Jet, your swords... where are they?" Sokka inquired.

Jet instinctively looked behind him. Those blades had been a part of him for the longest time, and leaving one behind felt like defeat. "That dark Jedi from before destroyed one, and I had to leave the other behind. Next time we're in another town, I'll get a replacement."

Jet didn't relish the idea of replacing his swords, but he understood it was necessary, especially now that he was traveling with the Avatar. Katara climbed up Appa's tail and approached Ben's still form. She unfastened his lightsaber from his belt.

A gust of wind brushed past, and Jet reached out instinctively, his hand brushing against the cool, metallic surface. He examined the object closely, holding it up with both hands. "Benjamin's blade," he whispered, recalling how Ben had taught him to use it, to connect to the Force and locate a shatter point within a Dark Jedi.

Taking a deep breath, Jet pressed the trigger, and the lightsaber hummed to life, a brilliant purple beam emanating from the hilt. He practiced a few swings, getting a feel for the weapon.

Katara coughed into her fist. "A lightsaber, it's different from a standard sword. Ben told his apprentice that he'd have to get used to its weight."

Jet continued to move the blade around, trying to acclimate himself to the weapon. "It's strange; I've never truly used something like this before," he remarked before extinguishing the lightsaber and attaching it to his belt. With this newfound weapon, the group pressed onward, moving toward the temple.

Ben's eyes widened in alarm, his gaze unsteady as he surveyed his unfamiliar surroundings. It was a place utterly foreign to him, a realm beyond his comprehension. A mountaintop, perhaps, though unlike any he had ever known. The Force pulsed here, its presence unmistakable.

It was, without a doubt, a breathtaking place. A locale that defied the imagination, a place he had to witness to believe. The salty tang of the ocean lingered in the air, while tendrils of vibrant green grass brushed against his boots. Sunlight poured over him, bathing wildflowers of every hue, a kaleidoscope of colors, in its golden embrace. Birdsong filled the air, waves crashed against nearby cliffs, and the wind whispered secrets as it rustled through the lush grass.

He stood on the precipice, his eyes drifting down to his attire, the Jedi robes he wore even in this mystifying place. "This... it can't be," he mumbled, the words escaping his lips as his lightsaber danced in response to the wind's whims. It wasn't a dream, nor was it a Force-induced trance. It was something else, something inexplicable.

The sound of footsteps reached his ears, and he swiftly turned, lightsaber ignited, its purple blade hissing to life. His gaze fell upon a figure approaching him, a man of slighter stature, draped in traditional Jedi robes, face hidden beneath a concealing hood.

"Seems you're a bit jumpy," the stranger remarked, observing the Jedi exile. Ben sighed deeply, feeling the unmistakable presence of the Light Side of the Force, an intensity that eclipsed anything he had ever experienced. "A blade that quivers with fear..."

Ben extinguished his saber, returning it to his belt as he sighed once more. "Anyone would be jumpy after dealing with the kind of crap I've been through," he replied, gazing once more at the boundless blue sky, unlike anything he had ever seen.

"Your master," the hooded figure began before Ben could react, "she believed that you and I could find common ground." With a practiced motion, he threw back his hood, revealing a mane of brown hair that cascaded to his shoulders. Shedding his Jedi robes, he stood before Ben. "You're even dressed like me."

Ben's voice caught in his throat, his thoughts racing as he tried to process who he was speaking to. He exhaled heavily, finally finding his words. "I can see why Meetra thought you might understand me." He studied the man's features, his gaze eventually falling on the robe that mirrored his own. "I know who you are—the rising star of your order, one of the most skilled duelists of your time, and a formidable adversary against the dark lord Exar Kun."

Ben couldn't shake the discomfort that Ulic's words brought. Exar Kun, a name that carried a heavy weight, a name that resonated deeply within him, and a name that had sinister implications for both him and Benjamin. Mandalorians and Jedi alike remembered that name, and for a Jedi with Mandalorian blood, it was a message etched into Ben's very soul.

"I know of you, the one who betrayed us all," Ben began, his voice laden with history and regret. "The one who became Exar Kun's Sith Apprentice and lost the Force after murdering his own brother. You trained Vima Sunrider, daughter of the famed Jedi Grand Master, and in the end, you found redemption. I know of you, Ulic Qel Droma."

Ben and Ulic locked eyes, two Jedi exiles from the same order, both warriors who had fallen in the fires of war and walked the treacherous path between the light and dark sides of the Force. But their fates had diverged. Ulic had his connection to the Force forcibly ripped away, only to regain it in death. Ben, on the other hand, had chosen to sever his connection, only to reclaim it when the world faced dire perils and to protect those he loved. Different paths, yet they shared a profound commonality. Meetra had been astute in having them converse.

"Benjamin, I've spoken with your master, and she believes you're prepared," Ulic said, his approach bearing the weight of a true Force warrior. The intensity of his presence nearly left Ben speechless. "You've felt it, haven't you?"

Ben had indeed felt it. A subtle shift in the Force, an unsettling undercurrent that seemed to accompany his every use of the Force or swing of his lightsaber. Something was amiss, something he couldn't quite grasp.

"Good. The time for Jedi secrecy in this world is nearing its end," Ulic said, clicking his tongue and shaking his head. "Whether the Four Nations accept it or not, the final conflict will be determined by the Avatar and the strength of Force-sensitives."

Ben understood the gravity of Ulic's words. It was never solely about bending; the Sith were entwined in this world's fate, and the destiny of this realm hinged on the Avatar and the Force users. It was an inexorable conclusion.

"So, what must I do? I won't let the Fire Nation or the Sith prevail," Ben asserted, determined.

Ulic acknowledged Ben's resolve with a nod. He began to speak once more. "Benjamin, you are the last of the Jedi in this world. There's no cavalry from our galaxy. No one is coming to rescue you. This was a one-way journey. I hope you've made peace with your old life."

Ben needed no further explanation; he already understood. The mysteries of his mother's fate would remain unsolved, and his confrontation with the Force in his own galaxy was no longer his concern. He was a Jedi of this world, and this world was his home.

"Very well," Ben agreed. "Let's move forward. I'm prepared to increase my training. The threats will surely escalate, and there are higher mysteries of the Force to explore. The path I take within the Force, I will choose it myself."

Ulic nodded solemnly. "Do you seek battle, the clash of blades against an enemy? That is the way of the greatest Jedi warriors, the Weapon Masters."

"Maybe it's about teaching others the ways of the Force," Ulic mused, his voice carrying a weight that matched the gravity of their conversation. "Training students in the higher mysteries of the Force, the path of a Jedi Master."

Ulic considered this for a moment before offering another perspective. "Or perhaps it's the way of the Jedi Watchman. Men and women who've taken it upon themselves to traverse the stars, seeking out and nurturing Force-sensitive individuals in the Jedi way."

As the wind rustled through the wildflowers, Ben's fingers raked through his hair, his eyes fixed on the vibrant blossoms. Inside, a tempest of thoughts raged. Questions and desires for answers churned within him. He pondered his loss of Force abilities, a profound mystery that confounded him. And then there was the enigma of this meeting. Meetra had summoned him to converse with Ulic, both former students of the dark lord Exar Kun. But there was another puzzling facet. Why had Meetra chosen not to face him directly? Why had her presence, her voice, seemingly avoided him?

But these questions would have to wait. There were pressing matters at hand, and Ben steeled himself to delve within. "Why me?" he questioned aloud.

Ulic sensed the unease and hesitation in Ben's words, and he responded with a hint of a smirk. "You are the last of the Jedi. Such prestigious roles are rarely granted, but your circumstances are exceptional. Being the final Jedi of this world, your feats during the Mandalorian Wars and your actions in this realm, including safeguarding the Avatar—these warrant an exception."

Ben felt the tension within him ease slightly, but becoming a Jedi Master was a daunting prospect. It typically required training ten students, a task he had not yet achieved. Moreover, the notion of being a Jedi Master left a bitter taste in his mouth, though he couldn't quite articulate why.

Then there was the path of the Weapon Masters, a direction Ben had been reacquainting himself with, diligently relearning the lightsaber forms, especially Shien (Form V), through battles and rigorous practice. To become a true Weapon Master, one needed to master all the lightsaber forms, including Jar Kai—a long and arduous journey lay ahead.

Yet, the third option intrigued him the most. The way of the Jedi Watchman had been disbanded for years, since the time of Exar Kun. Ben turned his gaze to his friends, especially to Haru, the young man he had discovered in a remote village and trained as a Jedi. Haru now wielded his grandmother's green-bladed lightsaber, embarking on a quest to free the frontier from the Fire Nation's grip.

"The Watchman," Ben thought, reflecting on their mission to seek out Force-sensitive individuals, protect the innocent, and provide them with Jedi training. He clenched his fists, a determination swelling within him.

"Ulic, I've made my decision," Ben declared, his gaze shifting from the wildflowers to Ulic, his resolve firm. "I choose to walk the path of the Watchman."

Ulic nodded approvingly. "It's not about passing some grand test. It's about deciding who you want to be, continuing your training, mastering the ways of the Force, and sharing that knowledge with those you deem worthy."

As they stood amid the wildflowers, it seemed like a momentous parting, but both men knew that their paths would remain intertwined for the foreseeable future.

Ulic let out a sigh, regarding the determined teenager. "However, I suspect you're not entirely satisfied with this choice. Trust me, I'm not finished either. I'm sure you have questions of your own."

After their covert exploration of the temple and a run-in with the fire sages, Team Avatar found themselves navigating concealed passageways, shadowed by a fire sage who led them near the raging pit of lava.

The fire sage turned abruptly, his gaze fixed on a distinctive belt worn by Jet. "A Jedi?" he questioned, suspicion coloring his tone.

Jet pivoted, his hands raised in a placating gesture. "No, not me. It's my friends here; he's the Jedi."

"A Jedi..." The fire sage turned his attention back to the dimly lit path ahead, contemplative. "I've heard whispers about them before. Only the highest-ranking members of the Fire Nation are entrusted with knowledge of their existence... and also of the Sith."

Aang held his tongue but felt a burgeoning question take root within him—a question Benjamin couldn't possibly answer. With urgency, Aang approached the fire sage, recounting the distressing discovery at the Southern Air Temple. The fire sage met Aang's explanation with a gaze tinged with guilt and remorse.

"It was a nightmare, you see," he admitted, his voice laden with regret. "The prior fire sages were forbidden from opposing Fire Lord Sozin. It was a massacre, and for that, I am deeply sorry, young Avatar."

Aang shook his head, gratitude replacing any resentment. "No, you're doing the right thing now, helping us. Your loyalty to change matters. Thank you." But Aang's gratitude wasn't the only thing he needed to express.

He hesitated before broaching the next question, the words heavy on his lips. "But when I was there, I couldn't find a single Jedi skeleton, or a lightsaber. It doesn't make sense. Where were the Jedi when my people were being attacked?"

The fire sage sighed heavily, coming to a halt and turning to face Team Avatar. His eyes held a distant sorrow, as if he clung to an unbearable truth. He couldn't meet their eyes, instead, his gaze fixed on the floor as he prepared to reveal something that would shake them to the core.

"The Jedi," he began, his voice tinged with sorrow, "you are correct, young Avatar. It's no surprise you didn't find any Jedi there. The truth is, the Jedi did not come to the aid of the Airbenders. They did not intervene."

The group stood in stunned silence, the revelation hanging heavily in the air. "What... that's impossible!" Katara exclaimed, her disbelief palpable. "Benjamin told me that the Jedi were peacekeepers. How can this be?"

"Katara," Jet interjected, resting a calming hand on her shoulder, "do you understand how strange this sounds? I may not know much about the Jedi, but what I've learned from Benjamin is that they wouldn't have let something like this happen."

"I realize that this is a lot to digest, and it baffles us too," the fire sage explained, his voice heavy with shared sorrow. "But there are no clear answers in our records. Even the history of the Sith's resurgence has been concealed, accessible only to the Sith lords in their academies within the Fire Nation."

Sokka, ever the strategist, struggled to find an explanation. The Jedi had concealed themselves well, even journeying to a secret academy to assist Benjamin in finding and constructing his lightsaber. But with the current spread of knowledge about the Jedi and the Sith, it was perplexing that not a single Jedi had come forward. The silence that followed hung heavy with unspoken doubts and unsettling mysteries.

Ketaru, wielding a sinister green lightsaber, had fooled them all into thinking he was a Jedi like Benjamin. But the shocking revelation revealed him as a Sith. The bitter realization hung heavy in the air as they grasped the truth – Jet and Ben had trained Haru, and currently, they were the only two Jedi in the entire world.

The weight of this knowledge pressed hard on Sokka's mind. He couldn't shake the sense of unease it brought. Yes, the Jedi could rebuild their order, but the burden of that responsibility now rested heavily on Benjamin's shoulders, whether he accepted it willingly or not.

"C'mon, Sokka," Katara urged, grabbing his arm firmly, pulling him from his thoughts.

The team ascended to an elevated area consisting of five dragon statues, each designed to channel and enhance firebending. Sokka had a plan, though it faltered upon execution, it inadvertently worked in their favor. As they approached the dragon statues, the fire sages guided them, employing their firebending skills to unlock the chamber door. Aang leapt forward, dashing inside, just as the massive doors began to close behind him.

In that tense moment, a crimson blade sprang to life. It was Zhao, accompanied by his battalion of firebenders, emerging from the shadows. The firebenders, led by Zuko, moved in tandem with their dark Jedi ally, closing in on the group. Just as Aang prepared to leap back to safety, the massive doors sealed shut, trapping him inside with their formidable adversaries.

The firebenders advanced, flames flickering menacingly. Jet, feeling the weight of a peculiar object hanging at his belt, knew there was no escape. A strange sensation pulsed through him, and he sighed in resignation. He unhooked the object, holding it firmly with both hands, and with a decisive motion, ignited the weapon. The blade burst to life, casting an eerie purple glow amidst the chaos, poised between the forces of light and dark. As the dark Jedi encircled them, the odds stacked impossibly high, Jet knew the battle was about to reach its terrifying climax.

Ulic contemplated the question, his thumb tracing thoughtfully along his chin. "You wonder why this barrier exists within your connection to the Force?" he asked, his gaze locked onto Benjamin.

Ben nodded in earnest, his eyes fixated on some distant point as he eagerly awaited Ulic's response. There was a growing sense of anticipation in the air, like the calm before a gathering storm.

Ulic began to pace around the area as he spoke, thoughts and words weaving together like a tapestry of revelation. "I cannot say for certain, but I believe I may have a solution," he offered. His words hung in the air, carrying a glimmer of hope.

Approaching Benjamin, Ulic extended his right hand, a gesture of profound significance. With a heavy breath, Ben accepted it, their hands clasping firmly, and both men closed their eyes. In that moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the raw, palpable energy of the Force.

It was a brief yet profound experience, like the electric surge of Force lightning or the ignition of an unquenchable flame. Ben's eyes snapped open as he abruptly released his grip on Ulic. "How did you...?" he stammered, astonishment and curiosity mingling in his voice.

Ulic responded with a gentle, knowing chuckle. "It's a simple technique I learned from my own master," he explained. "You've already made remarkable progress in your retraining, and this trick merely helped you reconnect with the Force. Your mind had erected a shield of its own making, unable to grapple with the vastness of the Force, compounded by your deeply rooted emotions."

Ben looked down at his clenched fists, determination etched on his face as he made another attempt to immerse himself in the Force. It proved elusive, a tantalizing enigma. Ulic's soothing words offered both guidance and patience: "Relax. This is not an immediate revelation. It's a journey you must undertake, for the Force is vast and boundless, and your feelings serve as both a protector and an enigma that must be unraveled."

"How do I fix this... I can't fight like this," Benjamin implored, his voice fraught with desperation. He understood the gravity of his situation all too well. His core abilities, vital for survival in a world teeming with peril, were compromised by a paralyzing hesitation.

In his mind, a haunting memory resurfaced – a dark Jedi toying with him, treating him as little more than a pawn. Jet had saved him then, with his unique knack for locating shatterpoints. Without that lifeline, the outcome could have been far more dire. Ben clenched his fists, his resolve deepening. "I need my abilities... right now!"

Ulic, the once-rising star of the Jedi Order, leaned in to offer an answer. "Obviously, through training within the Force," he explained. His words were a glimmer of hope in the shadowy labyrinth of doubt that had ensnared Benjamin. Yet, it was clear that Ulic had more to say, his gaze suggesting hidden depths.

Ben sensed the weight of the unspoken words, like heavy stones pressing upon the air between them. He knew the significance of Ulic Qel Droma, a Jedi whose tragic fall into darkness had marred the annals of history. The tales of his heroic feats, his descent into a dark side cult, and his subsequent apprenticeship to the Sith dark lord, Exar Kun, were well-known.

Ben recalled the dark wars that had nearly torn the galaxy asunder, his master's master, Exar Kun, at the heart of the conflict. Ulic's dark journey, culminating in the murder of his own brother and his ultimate banishment from the Force by Nomi Sunrider, left a bitter legacy. But there was also his redemption, training Vima Sunrider in the ways of the Jedi.

Ulic's words pierced the silence. "Your raw Force power is astounding," he acknowledged, his eyes locked onto Benjamin, "and your mastery of the lightsaber aligns with the guardian class. Yet, the dark side within you hungers. It writhes with complexity, driven by emotions."

The intensity of Ulic's scrutiny was like a searing laser, seeking the truth beneath the layers. "Your master and I know of your actions, apprentice. Dark side artifacts, surrendering to these corrupting powers..."

Ben's frustration boiled to the surface. He gestured sharply through the air, as if slicing through the tension. "Don't lecture me, Ulic. I'm not like you or my master. I don't have a choice," he retorted with conviction. He wrapped his arms around himself, an embodiment of inner turmoil. "To defeat the dark Jedi, the Fire Nation, to restore balance... I don't have the luxury of immersing myself in Jedi teachings. I need every edge I can get."

Ulic's gaze held a profound understanding, as if staring into a mirror reflecting his own past desires for good. However, he knew that succumbing to the dark side was a treacherous path. If he couldn't convey the perilous road Benjamin tread, the young Jedi might fall irrevocably.

"Benjamin," Ulic implored, his voice tinged with empathy. "I sense your pain, your guilt, your anger... and above all, your fear." He watched as Ben swallowed his shame, eyes cast down. "But this is not the way. You are the last Jedi in this world, the sole hope for setting things right. If you succumb to the dark side, your power would be harnessed for unspeakable evil."

Ben's head shook vehemently, his voice a caustic brew of bitterness and defiance as he confronted the spectral figure before him. "I know precisely what I'm doing, and I have mastery over the dark side of the Force." He pointed to his own chest, his voice heavy with conviction. "I've fallen before, right after Malachor V. But now, I have something... someone new. I have a family that relies on me, that needs me. I've walked that treacherous path, and I know it better than anyone."

Ulic, with a voice heavy as the echoes of a dark past, countered with a hint of regret. "I once believed as you do now, when I was enmeshed in that Sith cult, entwining myself with the sinister powers of the dark side to mask my presence. I deluded myself into thinking I was immune..."

His words hung heavy in the air, like storm clouds gathering. Benjamin watched as Ulic's very being underwent a malevolent transformation, as if a tempest of raw emotion swirled around them, and his eyes blazed an eerie, fiery orange. But it was the mark on his forehead, the ominous Sith sigil, that sent shivers down Ben's spine.

"If you tread the same path as Exar Kun," Ulic cautioned, "just as I once did, he will render you something far more grotesque than a Jedi or a Sith. In the vast galaxy, there are horrors that eclipse even those."

A primal scream ripped from Benjamin's throat, reverberating through the eerie void. Ulic's eyes widened, capturing a glimpse of suppressed terror beneath the surface. In that moment, Ulic began to grasp the veracity of Meetra's words, for it seemed Benjamin teetered on a precarious precipice. Maybe his delusion served as his anchor, a lifeline to cling to, but how long could he walk this razor's edge? How many times could he surrender to his unbridled passions and untamed emotions before succumbing to the dark side, shrouding the world in shadow?

Ulic felt utterly helpless. He'd heard that Benjamin posed challenges, but this exceeded all expectations. "...I'm using Exar to acquire knowledge," Benjamin asserted defiantly. "I'm different from both you and him. I'm forging my own path."

With a sigh heavy as the weight of ages, Ulic realized he'd done all he could. He'd shown Benjamin the depths to which he could fall, and he knew that Benjamin was no stranger to the legends that shrouded Ulic's past. Now, the rest rested in the hands of Benjamin and Meetra. Ulic could only hope that Ben would cease deceiving himself and uncover the true essence of the Force.

Raising his head, Ulic urged with a final warning, "Benjamin, time grows short. Yet, heed my words... do not tread the path that Exar and I once walked. It's a journey marred by despair. Even I once believed I was invulnerable to the seduction of the dark side."

As the world crumbled around them, Ulic began to dissipate, his voice a lingering echo. "Take heed, Watchman. Journey to the Northern Water Tribe, meditate there. Your master awaits!"

Benjamin descended into darkness, the harsh sunlight dimming as the weight of his responsibilities slowly reasserted its hold on him.

Jet lay sprawled on the ground, his eyes half-shut, and blood oozed from his battered face, pooling around him like a malevolent halo. Benjamin's unignited lightsaber lay just beyond his reach, a silent testament to the savage clash that had unfolded. Above him, the dark Jedi loomed, his crimson blade shimmering with malevolence. Zhao, a figure of sinister authority, stood sentinel, while Katara, Sokka, and the fire sage were ensnared in unforgiving chains.

Elsewhere, Zuko and the others grappled with the unyielding doors that held Jet's fate captive. The fire sage, bound by duty, recounted the temple's grim secret: once the doors admit the Avatar, they yield to none. Desperation hung in the air like a heavy shroud.

Jet, barely clinging to consciousness, struggled to piece together the hazy fragments of what had transpired. In a frenetic blur, he and Team Avatar had launched a frenzied assault against the Fire Nation soldiers. Katara and Sokka had valiantly clashed with their foes, but it was the dark Jedi who had toyed with them, flinging them about like mere playthings.

He grimaced, the pain surging through his battered body as he tasted the coppery tang of blood. His eyes, fixated on the cold floor, rang with echoes of his own inadequacy. A formidable duelist, a skilled combatant with his twin blades, yet against that menacing crimson weapon, he had managed only moments of futile defense before being sent careening, powerless, into a stone pillar.

"If only I were stronger... faster," he mused, his mind wandering to his memories. They melded with the blazing images of his hometown and his second home, devoured by the relentless flames of the Fire Nation. The fiery vengeful hatred that surged within him, the burning desire for retribution, lent him strength.

But there, amid the shadows of despair, came Benjamin's voice, a beacon of reason. Benjamin's words reminded him of his latent potential, the dangerous precipice of drawing strength from anger, a precipice he teetered upon. He squinted as if submerged underwater, the world around him distorting and surreal.

The dark Jedi held his malevolent blade in hand, scrutinizing Jet's prone form, a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. "This isn't the Jedi, not the one who defeated Kiara and the others at the academy."

Zhao watched intently, his narrowed eyes tracing Jet's battered form. It was clear that Jet wasn't Benjamin, but dismissing him outright would be imprudent.

"So, what is he, then?" Zhao inquired.

"A Force-sensitive, undoubtedly powerful, with an aura unlike any other," the dark Jedi replied, his lips curling into a sneer as he leveled his crimson blade at Jet. "He could pose a problem in the future... I shall handle this nuisance myself."

Katara's desperate cries for restraint fell on deaf ears, until Zhao rested his hand on the dark Jedi's shoulder, a tentative gesture of caution. "Wait. You've mentioned before that he's strong. What reward would we reap if we took him back to the Fire Nation?"

The dark Jedi sneered, his gaze unwavering as he deactivated the crimson blade, its sinister energy receding into the hilt. "He shall be molded in the ways of the Sith. As for your rewards... that I do not know."

There was a venomous edge to the dark Jedi's words, biting and acidic. But before the consequences of his defiance could unfurl, the temple doors began to groan and part. Firebenders surged forward, their might palpable.

And then, like a force of nature, the Avatar's spirit surged forth. It danced with a vibrant, almost otherworldly flame, incinerating chains and propelling Zhao, his soldiers, and the dark Jedi backward.

The moment of reckoning had arrived. Katara and Sokka swiftly gathered Jet, securing Benjamin's lightsaber to Sokka's belt. Explosions and flames ignited within the temple, forcing them into a desperate retreat down the corridor. Aang, his eyes brimming with understanding, knew that this was no time for respite or questions. With urgency in his stride, he sprinted alongside his friends, unleashing a mighty airbending blast that tore through the walls. Fresh air and boundless hope beckoned as they rushed toward a waiting Appa.

"You guys need a lift!" Benjamin's voice called out, and their spirits soared. Their purpose clarified, their abilities awakened, and their escape plan set into motion, they soared away from the oppressive clutches of the Fire Nation.

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WARNING!!!! The following story contains spoilers of Netflix's new live-action series; "Avatar: The Last Airbender". Read at your own risk. Water 💧 ...
59.2K 1.9K 30
Fem!reader, 1st person POV I felt myself being shaken awake. I already knew something was definitely wrong as I groggily opened my eyes. There was b...
115K 3.1K 17
Lightbending. It's only the greatest element, and one girl seems to conquer it. She finds out about her past, and what she can do with that element...
583 15 9
Over 100 years ago, the Avatar vanished when the world needed him most. No one knew where their savior had gone and soon abandoned hope as the powerf...