Reaped // Minhee Fic

By ananonymousghost

365 27 30

What if you fall in love with the woman you have to kill? Kang Minhee X Female OC Grimreaper AU TW: Themes of... More



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By ananonymousghost

A/N: Apologies for the late publish lol. Get ready for a long chapter! Lyrics used is from 'Something about us' by Daft Punk

The group of friends are standing outside a house one street away from the harbour. Through the double-glazed windows are strobing flashes of colour and lively people chatting or dancing. It's a townhouse, older than Lotte's own home though, with beige stones instead of bricks and unpolished sandstone serving as the porch. Some people are also outside, dressed in their tightest clothes or brightest outfit to celebrate the New Year ahead.

"This is looking manageable," Lotte says to Yujin next to her.

Yujin is wearing her highest heels and a rainbow dress (she said whilst walking she wanted to stand out), "manageable? This is looking fun! It's not a rave or anything but it'll do."

Lotte chuckles, "I forgot how much you go out."

"I go out enough to barely graduate," The girls laugh at Yujin's reply but they stop when she turns her head back to the boys a step behind, "your man needs to be more accepting of his situation though like look at him."

Lotte turns her head to see Minhee and Hyeongjun absolutely deflated. Their visions are either on the concrete path or at the star-filled sky. "Guys?" Lotte asks, "hello?" They snap their heads at the sudden attention, "are you guys okay? You have been quiet since we met tonight."

Two days ago, Hyeongjun stomped into the apartment. Tears are falling, his eyes are red, his hands are trembling.

Minhee walks out of his room, "Hyeongjun how was it- Oh my god are you alright?"

"Wonjin," Hyeongjun hyperventilates, "Wonjin is gone. The lighter is gone."

"The lighter you mean-"

"Yes, that one." Minhee leads his friend to the couch, a hand on his back for support. Hyeongjun places his head in his hands, wailing, "I walked into Purgatory to see Seongmin there. He had no emotion on his face, it was only his voice which like stumbled a lot, "I can't find Wonjin and the lighter." And I was freaking out and panicking. I still am. Seongmin and I both think Serim took the lighter and maybe sent him to Hell or who knows? We can't save Lotte. We can't fucking save Lotte."

It's now that the gravity of the situation hits Minhee. In three days he may lose his love. His throat clenches as he frowns, his sight on the floor. As Hyeongjun readjusts his stance Minhee hugs him, "I won't kill her, I promise."

"What- oh yeah we're fine," Minhee replies, drawing closer to his girlfriend, "we're just a bit tired. But when we go in there we're going to liven up, right Hyeongjun?"

Hyeongjun is dissociating for a minute before he snaps back to reality, "oh uh yeah."

"Sure," Yujin says, "let's go then."


Surprisingly, the party hasn't been that bad for Lotte and Minhee. Whilst Hyeongjun in his colourful streetwear and Yujin get to dance their lives away, the couple sit on the old couch in the living room full of people, talking to Lotte's classmates and peers. It's the first time Minhee is meeting them, their faces are bright and fresh and young. The roof lights are off, but lamps and fairy lights (though emitting shades of green and red due to the Christmas season) are switched on. Cups are littered throughout the room and house amongst houseplants and white bookshelves. The TV displays a Spotify playlist; Lotte thinks the songs are playing around the property, but the conversation is too loud to know.

"So what do you do?" One of Lotte's classmates asks.

"I'm travelling right now, but I'm staying in Sydney for a long time," Minhee replies. His hand is on Lotte's, their bodies are magnetised to each other.

"Where are you from then?"

"Korea but I studied in the US for a time."

"What did you study?"


"Wow," another peer says. He sits on the floor beside a recliner, "that must've been hard."

"Yeah but I got through it," the boyfriend grins, "I enjoyed it a lot." He stands up, turning to Lotte, "I'm gonna find the bathroom."

Lotte nods, "alright, don't be gone for too long."

She continues talking to her friends, about how attractive her partner is and the near future, before spotting a figure across the hall. He's tall, not Minhee tall but is still a giant. He wears a black hoodie, blue jeans, and chunky air force one's. His skin is as translucent as glass, his stare on her is as cold as ice, his hair and eyes as brown as chocolate- Shit.

At lightning speed, Lotte stands up and excuses herself to the kitchen, "I just need some water... Or alcohol," before running to the neighbouring room. She hopes she disappears out of Jungmo's sight.

In the tiled kitchen, Lotte rushes to push her cup under the sink. Her head is down as she finishes filling it up, gulping down the water like it's a shot. No one is in the room to see her chest heave. Her vision is a bit blurry: Wooden cabinets suspended from the low ceiling, tiled counters, a fridge plaster with magnets and photos of random loved ones. She attempts to control her breath, in and out, in and out, before Jungmo is seen closing the wooden door behind him, "hey there."

"Hi," Lotte makes eye contact with him, her voice is quiet, "I'm sorry that we didn't go on that extra date. I'm taken now, anyways."

"Oh I know," Jungmo's grin doesn't change through his chuckles. He walks to her and leans forward, "I know I know, I've heard about you and Minhee."

The party rumbles through the door as Lotte's mind scurries through thought. From what she knows, Jungmo doesn't talk to anyone from here, hell he's from a different country: How does he know?

"If you can't be with me, why are you with him? You don't know him," Jungmo continues. His voice is smooth but his eyes are sharp, "Minhee isn't what he seems."

The woman's sight maintains his gaze, her hands trembling. She realises how close she is to him. She doesn't like it, "can you step back please? And if he's hiding anything he'll tell me, we only started dating after all."

"Yeah but what if he's just putting up with you?"

For a second, Lotte's breath stops, her green eyes widen. But she composes herself, breathe in and out, "I told you to step back."

He doesn't, he only grows closer, his voice disruptive, "god you're so two-faced. You were so sweet to me when we met. Now you're being so cold and impolite. What happened to treating people with respect huh? Did Minhee tell you to act like this? You know he has no heart."

Lotte's back is on the sink, her grip on the cup is sliding. Her breathing accelerates. She feels Jungmo's thighs on her white tennis skirt. She hates it with a passion. Her back leans against the sharp edge of the sink, the lower end of her shirt becomes damp. Her words choke on anxiety, "get off me, please."

"You don't deserve anyone. You're pathetic you know? Relying on others like that. You don't have any independence don't you? You would if you were with me but you had to fumble me huh? You're only nice when you need people. Fuck you, Lotte," Jungmo sterns, he towers over the woman.

Now Lotte starts to cry hot tears, "I said get off." She raises her bare hand, masking her fear in an angry stare, her eyebrows furrow, her eyes glare.

Jungmo laughs, "you're gonna hit me? You should never resort to violence. What would Minhee think? Oh right, Minhee wouldn't care, he's not here with you after all." After a tense second of inertia, of Lotte's frozen stance, he spits with a tease, "of course you can't."

Filled with fear, Lotte slaps his cheek, but it only does so little. No red mark is left, only a grin from Jungmo as he steps back, "that did nothing. No wonder you need someone."

As Jungmo's weight on her disappears, Lotte feels physically weak. She watches Jungmo leave through the door with an idiotic smile before she crouches onto the floor. She doesn't want to be here, she cannot be here. Despite it being summer, Lotte feels cold. No red shirt she has on can protect her from the shivers. She needs warmth, a blanket. But no one goes into the kitchen, no one notices her disappearance. She needs to get out.

After a moment of collecting herself and another cup of water, she finds her phone in her pocket, and texts the group chat that she is getting some air. Lotte then escapes from the house and street, tears staining her makeup.


"Hey, have you guys seen Lotte?" Minhee asks around the living room. Many shake their heads, others point him to the kitchen where he goes, but when the Reaper opens the door he finds it empty. He opens his phone to call her but he finds Lotte's text in the chat:

Going somewhere quiet for a bit. If anyone

wants to meet hmu

Minhee's eyes worry as he frowns, fumbling his phone to pull up her number. While he hears the phone line ring, his gaze lands on the opened door. Through the living room and the crowd and the strobing lights, the Reaper notices Jungmo's stare on him. It's bone-chilling, the corners of his lips only curved, his eyes delighted but blunt. The phone line picks up as Minhee glares at the man, "hey Lotte are you alright?"

The boyfriend hears Lotte choke on her tears, "yeah I'm- I'm fine. I'm just taking a walk."

He takes his eyes off Jungmo, focusing on the conversation, "Where are you? Let's meet."

"I'm at- uh," she sniffs before crying, "I don't know where I am, I'm just around."

Minhee's eyes worry as Lotte breaks down over the line. His body rushes out of the kitchen, through the suffocating living room as he says loudly, "I'm going to find you. Can you see where you are on Google Maps?" Across the room he sees Yujin and Hyeongjun in his vision, stopping their dance as they see Minhee. He gestures to the front door before Yujin mouths why. He points to his phone before waving them off, not caring if they don't understand his gesture. He walks through the front door.

"I'm at..." The Reaper hears Lotte stutter, "I'm a few blocks away from here, near that playground."

"Wait, Stargazer's lawn?"

"Mhmm," Lotte's voice is unstable, "not many people are here though..."

Minhee takes in the crisp air as he notices full clouds covering the star-painted sky, "wait there, I'm coming. Do you want to keep me on the line?" His walking pace speeds up, twisting through the historical streets of townhouses and Victorian terraces. The unkept paths ache his feet but they don't deter Minhee as he crosses intersections. The clouds bring humidity, Minhee's throat becomes tight.

"I'm gonna hang up," Lotte's voice is clearer, "I'll see you okay?"

"Okay," the Reaper hangs up as he speeds up a hill, his chest heaving. He takes off his leather jacket and holds it in his right arm, the man can't believe he's sweating from the cool summer night. His denim jeans stick to his legs as he ruffles his hair to get the sweat-stained strands out of his vision. With every second he walks, Minhee is praying to God that when he sees Lotte, no lightning bolt will come in between them, or Jungmo won't appear and say some stupid shit. He just wants to see his girl, make sure she's okay, make sure the hurt she feels will fade soon enough.

As he completes the hilly trek, the flat green tint of Stargazer's Lawn appears. Feeling some sense of relief, Minhee steps on it, and searches for Lotte. The wind grows, the strong branches on the trees wave. North of the park is an area of the Sydney harbour, the ferries in their yellow and green vividness float across the water, entering and exiting the Barangaroo wharf ahead. The only indication of the water is that the harbour reflects the light that beams upon it, and the sound of the gentle waves crashing onto the sandstone barrier between the lawn and the pool. There are people around the hill as the Reaper continues his search, but not as many as Minhee expected. Majority of them have their picnic blankets laid out, dishes of seafood and pavlovas out to feast whilst waiting for the midnight fireworks. Some play chilled music on speakers whilst couples have more intimate gatherings.

It takes three minutes for Minhee to find Lotte, standing by a tree, watching the ferries come and go from Barangaroo. Minhee calls out her name as he approaches her. Lotte turns to see his warm figure, his arms open. She beams, running to him and jumping into his arms.

Minhee can only laugh from the tightness of her embrace, wrapping his arms around her back, "I missed you."

"I was only gone for 20 minutes," she muffles into his chest. She pulls away, "Jungmo just said some bad things to me. That's all. It triggered my anxiety I think. And I know I shouldn't probably leave suddenly like that, I know but..." Her smile holds a hint of sadness, "I did slap him? Kind of?"

Minhee's mouth parts in shock, "you did!? He does deserve it."

"But, I did nothing to him, I'm either super weak or his face is made of steel cause I made no dent," she giggles as she looks at her man, "so yeah he just said shit like 'what if Minhee doesn't like you?' Or 'you're a bitch' and I just left. I'm sorry I should've gone looking for you."

Minhee just shakes his head and brings her back in his arms, "it's okay. I will always be here waiting for you." He says under his breath, "Jungmo that bitch."

Lotte giggles, "and I thought I was a bad person for ghosting him," lines of tears are stained down her cheeks, her face is dry. The woman separates from his body.

The Reaper takes note of her face, cupping her cheek lightly,"if I knew Jungmo was there I wouldn't have left you alone. I'm sorry." Minhee's voice is quiet enough to be a whisper, the hand moves to stroke her chocolate hair.

"It's okay you didn't know," she replies. She takes out from her pocket her airpods, "you wanna slow dance?"

"In public?" The Reaper's eyes widen, he takes an airpod from Lotte's offering hand, "I didn't know you were this bold!"

Lotte's cheeks tint a pink, "if I'm with you then of course I feel safe." She puts her remaining airpod in her ear, getting out her phone to search through Spotify, "what do you wanna dance to?"

"Anything you like," he responds immediately, adjusting his airpod.

She nods slowly, picking a slow song, atmospheric. It's a bit jazzy, a bit electronic but still fits the mood. It starts off quietly before the woman turns up the volume. Minhee gently touches Lotte's waist as the beat drags, his eyes asking for permission to wrap him around her. She smiles, her eyes filled with stars, wrapping her arms around the back of his neck. Her fingers travel to his hair, playing with a few strands as she lets the music fill her vision. The Reaper grins, her eyes are more than enough for him to reach towards her back. He leads, swaying from side to side. She follows. Both of them aren't technically trained dancers, but they don't need to be when they're with each other. The lyrics start:

It might not be, the right time

I might not be, the right one

But there's something about us, I want to say

Cause there's something between us anyways

Lotte's cheeks are stained a pink but she's not flustered nor surprised. She's perfectly comfortable as the woman looks to Minhee, her smile curved, her head tilted as she enjoys the dance. No words can describe how safe and euphoric she feels right now, with him embracing her as like a river they flow with the clouds of the night and the guitar in their airpods. No words can describe the love she holds for him.

I might not be, the right one

It might not be, the right time

But there's something about us, I got to do

Some kind of secret I will share with you

Minhee holds her gently. With every touch she makes on his neck or hair, vibrations of warmth wash over him like the sea washing over sands on a beach. He grips her back with caution as he leads the dance. He details the woman's face, body and behaviour, mentally noting down each little thing. The reaper has never danced with someone with such doves in the cool summer's air. She is his first admiration. She may be his first love. He feels human when with Lotte, he wants to keep it that way.

I need you more than anything in my life

Lotte nuzzles her head into Minhee's shoulder, he thinks it's adorable.

I want you more than anything in my life

Minhee's hands crawl up to Lotte's head, stroking her hair. Lotte becomes warm.

I'll miss you more than anyone in my life

Lotte looks up at him, smiling like an idiot. Minhee chuckles from her expression, his hand carefully tugs at her chin.

I love you more than anyone in my life

"Can I kiss you?" Minhee whispers. The wind cools down the heat rising from Lotte's cheeks as she nods, hiding her excitement.

The music continues to play in their ears as the Reaper leans down, meeting her lips. This one's more passionate, more deep. Something about the different way of him brushing Lotte has her thinking he's been wanting to do this, and more, for a while. The woman kisses back, following his lead, tilting her head to make sure both are comfortable. The wind ceases as the small raindrops patter down to their bodies. Couples amongst the park groan in annoyance of the sudden downpour but Lotte keeps her hands on the man's shoulders, on her tiptoes for the height. The drops steam off Minhee but for now Lotte doesn't realise, her eyes are closed. He presses his body against her as the people around leave the park rather quickly, continuing the kiss.

It's only until a few minutes after that the woman lets go, breaking the kiss and opening her eyes, "Oh my god, you're not wet?"

Minhee shakes his head, replying with a normal tone, "no I just don't get wet. You on the other hand," he scans her damp clothes and glossy hair, "you are soaked!"

Lotte laughs, awkwardness in her tone, "I'd ask about how you're still dry but, I don't wanna kill the mood."

The Reaper nods, his eyes becoming serious, "I'll tell you everything tomorrow." He's a bit sad now, his heart beats fast from his realisation that she still doesn't know he's from the Underworld.

Trusting him, the woman steps closer, ruffling his hair, "you will! I want to know your secret."

He chuckles trail off, his eyes linger on her body, "so, is it just your skin that's wet or..."

It takes a second or two for Lotte to understand what he's referring to, as she does her face becomes red, but her mouth becomes cocky, "aside from the fact that that's such a bad line to say: You wanna find out or what?"

Minhee takes her hand, a smug smile painted on his face, "I think it's time you make a visit to my apartment."

It's gonna be a long night.

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