Issei: Into the Isseiverse

By RageRevan

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After the group escapes from the Backrooms, Issei and his new friends all decided to deal with some issues ba... More

Prologue(Part 1): Welcome Home
Prologue(Part 2): Settling Scores
Character Information
Chapter 1: The Collider
Chapter 2: Another Issei?
Chapter 3: Different Realities
Chapter 4: Confrontation with Hades
Chapter 5: Magic and Guns

Chapter 6: Dance of Blades

1.4K 33 50
By RageRevan

Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes, Reality change

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

[] + Bold: Recording, Chat logs, Small Timeskips and Flashbacks

(A/N: All the images or gifs or videos used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Concept! Issei blocked a strike from Lilith who was surprised to see him this strong. No Huntsmen or Huntress could be as strong as her. She sensed his magic only to be shocked by the amount of magic he has. 

She jumped backwards, in shock and terror looking at Concept! Issei, as Concept! Issei spoke, "So you see it too, right?" 

"Impossible! How can your magic be this endless!?" Lilith exclaimed with horror and anger, Ozpin was stunned while Arcadia! Issei was unaffected due to him sensing Ophis's magic from him, as Concept! Issei spoke, "Oh my dear Lilith! Your mother is nothing but an Ant compared to our strength!" 

"You lie! You cannot be this strong!! Mother is the strongest there is on this planet!!" Arcadia! Issei only laughed at her face,  making her even more angry, as Lilith shouted, "What's so funny!?" 

"You really think Salem is the strongest cause of her immortal body, right?" Arcadia! Issei only spoke with a mocking tone, as Lilith responded, "Yes, this old wizard couldn't kill her, what makes you think you two can kill her!!" 

Arcadia! Issei and Concept! Issei only laughed even louder hearing this statement, in response Lilith unleashed a fireball magic towards Concept! Issei as he slashed it with ease, which surprised her even further. 

"This was mother's magic, how can you deflect it that easily!?" Lilith exclaimed with shock and horror as Concept! Issei spoke. 

"Here is the thing!" Concept! Issei disappeared from the view of Lilith much to her surprise and in a split second attacked her which she barely blocked with her own Katana, gritting her teeth in frustration as Concept! Issei was overpowering her. 

"Just cause you have magic doesn't make you automatically the strongest!" Lilith gathered a Katana and braced herself for an attack. She had to defeat him, for her mother's sake. 

Unaware that her opponent has taken down God Class and higher beings before. 

Opening Start

[I see it! I see it! And now it's all within my reach!]
The Boosted Gear 2.0 is shown, it was glowing,
With the wielder pulling it back, revealing it to be Issei

[And now it's all within my reach! Endless Possibility!!]
Issei's team is standing beside him, as they smile at the screen.
Rex, Yang, Ruby, Olivia, Jade, Ingvild, Issei, Jaune, Ravel, Summer, Valery, and Music Man, split in squares with a smile on the screen
The scene changes to Hunter! Issei, Concept! Issei, Reset! Issei, Arcadia! Issei, Thor Regus and Zalgo, as they also do the same. 

The scene shifts to the Khaos Brigade armies with Rizevim laughing at the situation, before he looks surprised at an explosion that takes place.

[This is my escape, I'm running through this world!]
Issei and Valery were the ones attacking the army in their balance breaker armors, as the other girls try to clash for his affection. Jaune and several members watch in amusement.

[And I am not looking back!]
The scene changes to several Red Dragon Emperors fighting against even more armies of the Khaos Brigade with Issei's current team.

They fight against a Silver haired man and Purple haired girl.

[Cause I know I can go! Where no one has ever gone! And I am not looking back]
The scene changes to Jade showing the project to many of the guests involved.
She has a smile on her face.
Everyone sees her with a happy face, excited for the project.

[And how will I know, when I get there! And how will I know when to leave?!]
The scene changes to Issei looks at a spear wielding man, who has a cocky grin. He grits his teeth at what he has done, as several of his allies surround him.
Issei's own team is ready to fight him, along with his friends from Grigori

[We've all got to start from somewhere! And it's right here for me!]
Issei is fighting against the spear man, as he pushes him back, he enters into his Semblance while the spear man activates his Balance Breaker.

[The possibilities are never ending!]
The spear man is joined by a Silver Haired man, however Issei is joined by Sirzechs who double team against them.

[I see it! I see it! And now it's all within my reach! Endless Possibilities!]
Issei is seen dashing with others along with his friends as they face off against the Khaos Brigade armies.
They slaughter everyone that tries to harm them and their loves ones

[I see it! I see it now! It's always been inside of me! And now I feel so free!]
Issei fights off against some of his old foes, as an Issei enters into his new armor, more powerful than before.
He faces off against a Faction of Humans who want to eliminate him.

[Endless Possibilities!]
Issei is seen able to gracefully fend off against his attackers with ease, while a brown haired man watches with a smile.

[I see it! I see it! All within my reach! The Possibilities! Endless possibilities]
Issei is looking down on some of his foes, as several of similar looking people smile at him with happiness, as they all watch him defeat his foes watching him grow and develop.

Opening End

Terra-Cotta Residence, Argus, 3:00 PM

"Never thought I'd see three versions of the same person, right again..?" Saphron spoke with a surprised tone, as Reset! Issei spoke, "What can we say...we all were dragged her by the Super Collider and the next thing we know, we are in Issei's world.." 

"Regardless. Jade really outdid herself...summoning all of you to this world, must be really something.." Hunter! Issei spoke, "You got that one right, we were all wondering how we even came here, my first attacker was a serial killer that was attacking the Huntsmen and Huntresses! I must say, this world of Remnant is really something.." 

"Totally, I wonder if it exists in my world.." Thor spoke, as Zalgo responded, "It is possible, although I can't pinpoint it, there is a chance it does exist, but let's just say it is not what you would expect.." 

"Well, as long as it is advanced, I am alright with it. I won't be bothering it anyway.." Thor responded, as Reset! Issei spoke, "Say, what is your Planet Amarius like?" 

"Mostly like any Isekai planet, which is a medieval standard technology, culture and religion, aside from that. I will reveal more details till the rest of the guys come.." The others nodded, as Sirzechs spoke with a apologetic tone. 

"I am glad you could have us around, I am sorry for coming here unannounced.." Sirzechs spoke as Saphron responded, "No worries Lord Lucifer, any friend of Jaune, is a friend of mine." 

Jaune was playing with Adrian, alongside Yuri, Ruby, Yang and Summer who were all looking at the child. Adrian enjoyed playing with his uncle while the girls minus Summer cooed seeing how the child was playing with the others. Valery was watching with a smile, she remembered how Adrian used to get along with Issei as well. 

"I must say, human children are quite interesting, beings.." Heimdall spoke with an intrigue, as Terra asked, "Right...never thought my house would be having a God over here.." 

"I understand this is knew for you, but this is quite common in our world, ever since an alliance was made between the Norse and the other races, intermingling has become more common. I was asked to help locate the other alternates of Issei...I am pretty sure this is the first time you have seen a God, right Mrs. Terra?" Terra nodded as she spoke

"Yes, and probably be the last.." Heimdall only gave a hearty laugh as he spoke, "The more you hand out with Jaune, I am pretty sure I won't be the only divine being you'll be seeing.." 

Terra could only nod at this, as she soon headed inside to get some more snacks, while guests appearing was unexpected. Saphron soon asked the rest of the Isseis 

"So it is just the Four of you? Or are there more?" Saphron asked to which Zalgo spoke, "No Saphron, there are two more, and three Isseis that remained to be looked after, I and Heimdall are still trying to locate them, hopefully we can find him.." 

"I see....and where is our Issei, then? Even Jade, Ingvild, or Ravel are absent.." Sirzechs then spoke, "He is with Azazel, they are meeting someone apparently.." 

"Hmm.." Saphron mused, as suddenly Zalgo became alerted as he spoke

"We have some uninvited guests, Saphron, have you done with your packing?" Saphron nodded, "I just did, we were actually going to contact you, but you showed up yourselves. Then we had this conversation, and here we are.."  

"I see..." Zalgo turns his gaze to Sirzechs and spoke, "Sirzechs, look after Saphron, Terra and Adrian.." 

"Why? Is something wrong?" Zalgo looked with a serious gaze, "The Arc Dogs are here, to stop the three.." 

They all immediately went on guard, as Saphron instinctively took Adrian, as she looked towards Jaune, he nodded in understanding as they had to act on the situation. 

*Scene Change*

The Arcs had brought an entire army, led by Emilio Lowe. He was described to be man with a rather scholarly appearance, with round glasses, and wore a black suit with a purple undershirt. He also wore a yellow tie, striped with black. His eyes were a bright pink, and his hair was white.

"That's as far as you go, Emilio Lowe!" The one who spoke was Jaune, who was in front of the group. They all were ready to fight against their opponents, as Emilio spoke

"If it isn't the disgrace that completely ruined our clan's reputation! You scumbag disgrace!!" Emilio spoke with a growl, as he continued, "This time, you will not get in our way!" 

"Last time I checked you ran away like a fucking pussy! Just run away like you did so before, Emilio!" Valery spoke with a mocking tone, as Emilio glared at her in anger, as he spoke

"You scumbag! I will make you pay for defying the will of the Clan!" Heimdall then spoke, "I can sense the arrogance reeking of this man. Emilio, right? How about you take your little clan of puppies, and get the hell out of this location!" 

"You! I will destroy you!" Heimdall could only laugh at Emilio angering him as he shouted, "You! Don't underestimate me! I am the strongest archer in all of Remnant!" 

"Archer, you say?" The one who spoke was none other Thor Regus, as he spoke with a smile, "So you are the best archer in Remnant, right?" Valery wanted to speak, however Thor puts his hand and gives her a smile. He has got this in the back. 

"Yes, I am!" The two look at him, as he continued, "And you will regret messing with the Arc Clan!!" 

"Oh! Then how about this? I will take you on alone, let two Marksmen have their fight. Since you are the best Archer as you claim to be! Then how about we fight!?" Thor brought out his Donner and Schlag and aimed it at him, as Emilio grunted for a moment, before making a grin. He then spoke

"Fine!" Thor then spoke with a sadistic grin, he was going to enjoy putting this arrogant hero like he has been doing in his world. He destroyed many of the heroes like this before ultimately killing him, he would be doing the same to this one as well. 

"You guys mind if I take this arrogant hero?" Reset! Issei shook his head and spoke, "Knock yourself out.." 

"We will handle the rest of these grunts!" Hunter! Issei spoke, as the others got ready to fight the army of the Arc Clan Huntsmen and Huntresses that are ready to engage. Thor and his group begin to fight against the Huntsmen and Huntresses that are led by Emilio Lowe. 

*Scene Change*

Haven Academy, Mistral, 3:30 PM

Concept! Issei was fighting off against Lilith as sparks of magic was sent flying from the Blade clashes, the surrounding building was in complete tatters with the walls and the surrounding paintings being destroyed.

"Why!? How are you this strong!?" Lilith spoke with an annoyed tone, as Concept! Issei spoke

"I have fought and slain gods, defeated beings far more skilled than you could even imagine! You claim to be one of the strongest of Remnant! While that may be true, in reality, if you were in my world, I theorise that you would be Middle Class being at best, nowhere close to the beings that I have beaten! You are just an Ant crawling in a room filled with monsters!" Lilith gritted her teeth in fury. She was about to attack him with everything she got. 

However, Concept! Issei predicted this, he immediately acted quickly and gave a strengthened slash, which was aimed at the upward direction. This caused Lilith to lose her Katana which flipped multiple times before being struck to a nearby wall, much to her shock and horror. 

"No..." Lilith backed away as she started to raise her hands to use Telekinesis to immobilize him and use the other hand to unleash a powerful beam of magic, Arcadia! Issei and Ozpin were ready to assist him, however Concept! Issei spoke

"I got this in the back.." Concept! Issei muttered only audible to Arcadia! Issei, who stopped Ozpin. 

He soon was starting to resist her Telekinesis breaking free from Lilith's control, much to her shock as she shouted. 

"Impossible! You shouldn't be able to resist my Telekinesis!" Concept! Issei only cackled evilly as he responded, "My dear, you have no idea what is possible!" 

Concept! Issei raised his own hand causing Lilith to start choking, she lost her magic power as she struggled to even breathe at this point. For once, she started to fear the person in front of her. 

In her eyes, which includes her sisters as well, all men are known to be nothing but weaklings, beings easy to be manipulated and toyed with. But here, it was the polar opposite, a man was getting the complete better of her and overpowering her with ease. She was choking struggling to even speak at this point. Tears started to fall from her eyes, Issei walked towards her, dispelling the Darksaber. He internally grinned on planning a different fate for Lilith.  

(A/N: I don't own this gif or Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith)

"Heh, how does it feel? To be overpowered...You are quite strong, I will give you that...but even you have limits.." Lilith couldn't help but grit her teeth, however it was more in a helpless manner, she was going to die. She cried knowing she was unable to do much for Salem. Her mother would be disappointed in her. 

"But fret not, I won't kill you...instead..." Concept! Issei brought out the Crown of Thorns, known as Alphecca Tyrant. 

Arcadia! Issei noted the holy power coming from this relic, wondering what else did he design, he had an idea on him being a Genius level like he is, but he wondered on what he was doing. While Ozpin pondered on what he is going to do. 

"You will be my informant, telling me everything what you and your sisters plan. This includes your mother as well." Lilith only glared at him and spoke with a defiant and cold tone, "I will never join you!" 

"Oh my dear! You have no choice.." Concept! Issei generated a Holy Nail and spoke, "Soon you will think about us and your mother and sisters differently.." 

He threw the nail which went inside her head, she soon lost her consciousness as Concept! Issei dropped her to the ground. Arcadia! Issei and Ozpin joined him, as Arcadia! Issei spoke

"What is that?" Concept! Issei spoke to Arcadia! Issei as he responded, "Alphecca Tyrant, one of the Holy Relics that are with the church. It allows me to alter and create different personalities for a person, and this includes memories as well." 

Arcadia! Issei nodded, he was internally concerned on what the Church, or worse his so-called brother Dai would do. Once he gets back, he needs to inform his wife about it. Otherwise, the wielder would pose danger to him and the Kingdom that gave him home. 

"May I know who the current wielder of the gear is?" Arcadia! Issei asked to which Concept! Issei spoke, "Her name is Meredith Ordinton. I was able to get her out of the institute of magicians, the Golden Dawn. She is now working as one of my faction's agents. She can even do so to you as well.." 

Arcadia! Issei nodded, as Ozpin gulped, these Sacred Gears are dangerous and must not fall into the wrong hands. 

"Now if you will excuse me, I need to begin initiation of our new first multiversal 'ally'.." Concept! Issei soon entered into her mindscape that would be generated by the Alphecca Tyrant. 

*Scene Change*

Concept! Issei enters into Lilith's mindscape who was chained, she had tears in her eyes as she shouted with anger yet sadness. 

"What are you here for? You will make me fight my own mother, right?" Concept! Issei spoke with a sigh, as he spoke

"Yes I will...your mother has been quite the problem, and she needs to be stopped, and you shall help us achieve that, my dear.." Concept! Issei spoke as Lilith could only tear up at this, she hated fighting her own mother, "Besides, from what Ozpin told me about her, she probably doesn't even have that much love for you.." 

"You lie! Mother will always love and care for us!" Concept! Issei only grinned, this reminded him of a certain Goddess that had belief that her father wouldn't abandon her, yet he did. It was like deja vu to him, and he knew what he had to do. 

"Ozpin wasn't lying when he informed me about Salem, he reminded me of someone from my own world. A father that abandoned his own daughters to save his skin, and I pretty much see Salem doing the same to you as well. She only sees you as pawns, just like she sees many others as such!" Lilith gritted her teeth in anger, as Concept! Issei continued. 

"See for yourself then, on how Salem will abandon you when she sees fit. She replaced her daughters with you four, her original daughters that she herself had a hand in killing due to a fucking disagreement." Lilith lost her anger a bit and looked at Concept! Issei. Unbeknownst to her, Concept! Issei inflicted a seed of doubt in her. 

Little does she know, however Concept! Issei was far from wrong, Salem will abandon those when she sees fit, and her daughters are no exception, she uses fear to get her allies, and is also known to be quite manipulative, as she desired to conquer the kingdoms once, but failed due to an unknown force, causing her to hide in the shadows. 

"But, you will help us destroy her regardless, there is nothing you can do about it."  Concept! Issei spoke, as he soon started to walk out her mindscape, Lilith shouted with tears in her eyes, 

"No, please! Issei! My mother and sisters are the only family I have!!" Lilith kept crying, as a bright light covered everything. Lilith could only watch helplessly, now being a Sleeper Agent of Concept! Issei, the destroyer of the Supernatural. 

*Scene Change*

Lilith started to regain her consciousness, as she soon stood up and spoke while bowing, "My loyalties are to you, Lord Issei...what is it that you ask me for?" 

"Rise, Lilith!" Lilith nodded, as Inner Lilith could only watch in horror, she watched as she was completely controlled by Issei. She stood up, while Arcadia! Issei watched with intrigue and surprise seeing how this Sacred Gear worked, being even more determined to find Meredith and deal with her accordingly. 

"I want you to spy on Salem, report me everything that she does.." Lilith nodded as she spoke, "As you wish, Lord Issei.." 

"But before you go, tell me the names of your sisters..and their locations.." Lilith spoke with a cheerful tone. 

"Yes! Their names are Pandora Arcane, Ariel Arcane and Rose Arcane, they are all located in Vacuo, Atlas and Vale respectively. I can send you their images if you want me to.." Concept! Issei nodded as he spoke

"You may...and send it to Ozpin.." Lilith nodded as she sent the images to Ozpin, as he looked at them and nodded, he needed to make plans to deal with her, as Concept! Issei spoke

"You can leave, and report me everything on what Salem does, alright?" Lilith nodded as she left the room, while Inner Lilith only watched the scene helplessly, her whole plan and operation has been compromised, as Arcadia! Issei spoke

"Wow! Who knew that there was a Sacred Gear out there that can mind-control someone..." Concept! Issei only nodded as he spoke

"Well, that's just how it is, we should head back and catch up with the others." Arcadia! Issei nodded as the three headed out of Haven Academy. Not only did they get a spy of their own into Salem's Inner Circle and family, but also they took out a spy of their own as well. 

All in all, it was a total victory for them. 

*Scene Change*

Argus, 4:30 PM

Thor was easily overwhelming Emilio who was gritting his teeth in frustration, He saw his armies being wiped out, with Heimdall unleashing several blows onto the Arc Clan Hunters bringing them to their knees, they are easily overwhelmed. Jaune also joins in, eliminating and decapitating anyone that would stand in their way. 

Ruby and the others minus the ones inside were also wiping out any Hunters, that would stand in their way, as they used their weapons or in Yang's case close combat punches to do so. Her enhanced strength thanks to her Rook Piece allowed her to do so. Summer was slaying most of the Huntsmen along with Reset! and Hunter! Issei. Yuri froze any Huntsmen and Huntresses that got in their way. 

"Seriously just how many are there?!" Yang exclaimed with frustration as Valery exclaimed while blasting several Huntress with her magic, "Just a little more, all we have to do is wait!" 

"Yep, we are moving through them like nothing but ants, they are just not that strong as opposed to any of the Chronos members!" Jaune responded, as Hunter! Issei responded 

"You got that one right, even a Nuckelavee will take them down!" Hunter! Issei's words made many of them angry as they start to charge at them, only for Reset! Issei to speak

"Agnipath Krodhi!" Reset! Issei brought Durandal and unleashed a Fire whirl, which completely wiped them out burning them into cinders. The Hunters screamed in pain but nobody heard or stopped them. 

The Onlookers were surprised by what they were witnessing, their power and abilities made them stunned yet completely fearful on the powers that they were witnessing. They also saw the Headmaster of Beacon fighting alongside them. 

Someone had called the Atlas Military due to what was going on. 

Thor was shooting every shot that Emilio was aiming at him, which angered the Chronos member to no bounds. However, before he could react Thor dashed and gave a kick aimed at his stomach making him cough up. 

He soon used Donner to land a brutal blow at his chin making him almost spit out Blood. Thor noted that his aura was in the red, meaning it was close to shattering. The earlier blows that he had given him worked wonders. He soon slammed him with his revolvers and followed it with two shots aimed at his legs using both Donner and Schlag at the same time which pierced his aura, and blood came out where the bullet came from. 

(A/N: I don't own this gif or Mortal Kombat 11)

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!!" Emilio fell on his knees, as Thor soon summoned two Cross Bits and started to ambush him in all directions by exclaiming. 

"Blow up!" Thor backflipped and the explosive shells hit Emilio, as a smoke screen was unleashed revealing a broken and tattered Emilio. He tried to take his bow only of Thor to shoot his hand causing him to scream in pain. 

He gritted his teeth in pain as he looked towards Thor who had taken his bow, as Emilio shouted. 

"Give that back!!" Thor looked at the bow and spoke, "So this is your prized weapon, eh?" 

Emilio glared at Thor with pure hatred, as he brought out his Chains known as Deny All Existences, as he spoke, "So you like this, eh? Well, that's too bad!" 

Thor had a grin, as he used the chains to nullify the properties of the bow and completely shatter and destroy it, much to Emilio and even Jaune's shock and surprise. He heard of these weapons to be unbreakable, yet Thor managed to do it with barely any effort. 

The Bow's Orichalcum fell to the ground, crumbled to dust as Thor spoke with a grin. 

"It's all gone, so Emilio, are you going to fight against me, or are you going to cry here like a baby!?!" Emilio was seething in rage, not only did this man beat him and prevent him from completing his mission. 

Meanwhile, Jaune got out of his daze, and uses his Telekinesis to send several of the Huntsmen flying as Ruby defeats them by slicing them apart with her Crescent Rose. Summer also joins in by slicing up several of the Hunters with ease, her Maiden powers allowed her to manipulate the plants that were present as she threw several of them with ease and eliminated them out of the fight. 

Just as one attacked her from the behind, a light spear had been aimed towards him as he looked in horror to see Issei, Jade, Ingvild, Ravel, Azazel and the newly joined Olivia come, as they also joined in the massacre as well. 

Issei entered into his Semblance, Dragonforce Stage 1 which was more than enough. He clawed through some of the Huntsmen as Ravel burned their flesh using Flame magic causing them to scream in pain. 

Jade soon followed up by throwing some of the Blaster Turrets aimed as she commanded them to fire at the Huntsmen before they could react. One tried to ambush her from the behind, only for Jade to block the sword with a Gauntlet she had made. 

The Electric Mana stored in the Gauntlet electrocuted them to no bounds. He soon fell to the ground dead, as Olivia joined in, she created a small whip out of Holy Magic and sliced apart the limbs of all the Huntsmen that were accompanying Emilio. 

"You're good with that whip.." Jade commented as Olivia spoke, "Thanks, took several years to get this skilled with it..." 

Olivia soon raised her hand up. No sooner had she done that, the clear skies now turn into a dark cloudy sky as the clouds form into a cyclone and unleashed a lightning storm onto the Huntsmen who screamed in pain. 

(A/N: I don't own this gif or Final Fantasy)

The others had cleared the Huntsmen as well, leaving barely any survivors behind. The only survivors that were present were some of the Huntsmen that were facing off against Reset! Issei, who ran away with fear. He could care less on what they think of him anyway. 

Emilio watched the scene with horror, as he looked towards Thor and spoke. 

"You sick bastards!! The Arc Clan will make sure you are dead!!" Emilio shouted as someone called from a distance. 

"They won't!" The one who spoke was Ozpin, who was alongside Concept! Issei and Arcadia! Issei, as Arcadia! Issei was surprised. Why would the Arcs attack them? Especially with one of them being their own. 

Additionally, the man Emilio he looked at did not resemble anyone from Arcadia, unlike Jade and Jaune, who had some resemblance to their Arcadian counterparts. The group looked at them, as Concept! Issei spoke while looking around the corpses. 

"Seems like you guys had a party...shame I couldn't be here.." Hunter! Issei spoke with a mocking tone. 

"No need, it would have been an overkill.." Concept! Issei shrugged in response. Arcadia! Issei then asked. 

"What is even going on here? Why did the Arcs attack Jaune and you guys? What is happening here?" Arcadia! Issei's confusion was understandable, Emilio was about to speak. But Jaune speaks before that. 

"I will explain Arcadia.." Emilio cuts him off by speaking, "Don't listen to him, he is a-" 

Emilio was unable to speak as someone sealed his mouth, he gritted his teeth in frustration as Zalgo soon spoke. 

"Allow me to reveal everything, Arcadia.." Zalgo showed the events that had happened to Jaune so far, as he revealed it to everyone. Even the onlookers looked at the events and had become disgusted at what the Arcs had done, Jade was only looking down in sadness, as Jaune clenched his fists. The others were furious at what happened as well.

Hunter! Issei looked at the scene in disappointment knowing this happened or something similar happened to his Jaune as well.  Thor and Olivia Grigori were angry at what happened the Jaune, however there was someone that was the angriest amongst them. 

This was none other than Arcadia! Issei, not only do these Arcs go against all what he knew about the clan. They also spit and disgrace their ancestors memory by doing such actions. He glared at Emilio as he shouted

"You! You are nothing but a bunch of living disgraces to the Arc Clan! The Arcs prioritise Family and one other over reputation! You abandoned Jaune for being weak! How could any of you do so!?! If the Arcs of the past see this, they would be fucking rolling in their graves, seeing what you bastards are doing!! Jaune and Jade are not the disgraces to the clan, you all are!!" Arcadia! Issei glared at Emilio who was glaring back, as many were surprised by the outburst that Arcadia! Issei showed as Jaune was glad another did not see him as a disgrace, as Jade nodded in agreement. 

Emilio took a glance towards a woman with specs and blonde hair, noting she looks familiar. Jade stepped forward and spoke

"Yes, Emilio it is me! The same Jade who went missing 6 years ago! I am back, and I know what your clan has done to my little brother!" Jade spoke with anger in her voice, as she followed it up with a kick to his chin, "Arcadia is right about you, none of you deserve the mantle of the Arcs, my own Grandparents's spirits claimed that to be true, after the one whom you call a 'disgrace' told them about what you did and after you killed the Winterflake Couple, I am disgusted to think the clan would go this low!" 

Emilio couldn't speak anything but could glare at Jade, he should have found her and dealt with her sooner, they didn't do the same with Saphron earlier and he would have gladly killed them. 

"Thor finish this disgrace! I can sense his thoughts and he wants to perform nothing but harm! Wipe him out!" Thor only grinned as he spoke, "With pleasure!" 

Thor aimed his Gun at Emilio who was losing his anger, and started to become fearful. He looked at his enemy with utter fear, as Thor spoke

"Goodbye Emilio Lowe, nobody is going to miss you!" Thor pulled the trigger and...


Emilio soon dropped to the ground dead, as no one could comprehend what had happened, almost everyone in Argus knew what was happening, as Arcadia! Issei spoke seriously. 

"Now then, Jaune...I want you to come with me." Arcadia! Issei's cold gaze made Jaune concerned, as he spoke, "It's time to give an example to the Arcs of this world. They will regret ever crossing with you guys!" 

No one knew anything, what caused Arcadia! Issei to get really angry but all they know is that the Arcs are going to learn the truth one way or another. 

*Scene Change*

Salem's Castle, Land of Darkness, 6:30 PM

Salem was smirking from the Land of Darkness, waiting for her daughters to show up, she remembered on how she used the man to breed and have children with her. He initially approved of her domination, but when she went too far, he chose to abandon her. Needless to say, he was captured and killed by him. 

After that Salem raised her children all by her own, teaching her and projecting her thoughts onto them. The Children being Ariel, Pandora, Lilith and the youngest Ariel. 

"Mother, we have arrived.." The one who spoke was the oldest, that being Ariel. She was described to be a very beautiful woman with white hair and red eyes, she wore a revealing red ball gown, with black designs. She wore a mask that was attached near her head. 

The second was Pandora Arcane, she was described to be a black haired beautiful woman with dark skin. She wore a black dress that was adorned with jewellery. She had worn a golden hair jewellery on her hair, arms and legs. She was the second youngest amongst the Arcane children. 

The Third was Lilith Arcane, who wore the same dress as before. 

The Fourth was the youngest Rose Arcane, she looked like a Goth Girl that had black hair and blue eyes. She wore a white top witch hat and a white sleeveless dress skirt that had a black dress that covered her top side. She also wore a black coat. 

"I am glad the four of you could make it.." Salem spoke with an evil smile, as she continued,

"Speaking of which, do you four have anything to report?" Ariel walked forward and spoke, "I do, the Grimm attack was a success till two individuals had interrupted it completely.." 

"What? Explain!" Ariel spoke with a deep breath as she continued, "The first used heavy firearms that dismantled the Grimm with ease, while the other used a very strong Gravity based attack wiping out several in just one blow..I was away handling a situation, had I known I would have fought and dealt with them.."

Salem grumbled remembering on how in some rare cases Aura can win over magic, remembering a certain Arc that was able to defeat her. She then spoke, "Fine, locate those two and eliminate them, Ariel!" 

"As you wish, Mother!" Salem looked towards the others as she spoke, "Anyone else have anything to report?" Rose spoke while walking forward. 

"Yes Mother, I heard your ex-husband speaking to someone from an unknown dimension. They claimed that several 'Isseis' will be coming, apparently one of them made even him pale.." Salem thought for a moment, before responding. 

"I see..." Salem thought evilly maybe she can bring these Isseis to her side, she is immortal and she believes they don't have the power to kill her. 

Oh boy, how wrong is she? Some have killed immortals stronger than her before. 

"Try to locate these 'Isseis'. Bring them to your side by force, if not do involve me, I will handle them with my powers.." Salem spoke as Lilith walked forward and spoke. 

"Mother, there is something I need to tell you.." Salem turned to Lilith who spoke, "Yes, my dear?" 

"I have faced against one of these Isseis..." Lilith's words made them wide-eyed as she continued, "They are much stronger than me, I was able to barely save myself, he was the one of the strongest opponents I have faced so far. They are not to be underestimated.." 

"Lilith, are you sure of this?" Lilith nodded, as she spoke, "Yes, and I also believe that he would be a perfect husband for me.." 

Lilith spoke with a blush, while Inner Lilith pondered on how her mother would respond. She could see a smile on her face, as Salem spoke

"I see...seems like I got to get involved to make this Issei...submissive to you. No matter, do lure him out and bring him to me. If he does not comply, I know on exactly on what I need to do. He can't kill me even if he wants to." Salem spoke with a smile, as the others started to tease Lilith. Both Liliths were embarrassed at this, she did not know how to act upon this. Inner Lilith was uncertain of having a relationship with someone that was basically puppeteering her. 

"Anyways, I believe it is see, these Arcs have been a thorn on my side. So when one of them killed two members of the Chronos, I was able to bring two of them to my side.." Salem spoke as she snapped her fingers, two coffins were revealed which had the names of two Arc Clan members. 

"These Clan members have been enhanced by my Grimm, making them much stronger than before. Shame, nobody even bothered about them knowing they had become nothing short of criminals after what they did with an innocent couple.." Salem spoke as the coffins opened up revealing none other than. 

Baldorias S. Fanghini and Kranz Maduke Arc, they opened their eyes that were red in color with black surrounding their red pupils. They were Grimm now serving their leader Salem. 

 *Scene Change*

Arc Compound #100, 8:00 PM

The Arc Elders were discussing something due to what Alex had told them, Jaune's return angered many of the Arcs, especially those that hate him. While a few wondered on what was going to happen, due to Jaune's return. 

However, suddenly they all felt an immense presence, as they turned to see none other than Arcadia! Issei and Jaune, which made many angry knowing what they are going to do. 

"You damned disgrace! I will-" Mason was unable to complete when he was being choked by Jaune's telekinesis, his Knight piece increased his speed significantly, including his reaction speed. 

"Shut the fuck up! You bastards had the gall to force my sister Saphron to listen to your so-called will! I will make sure to make an example out of you!" Arcadia! Issei nodded, as he opened up a magic portal which dropped a corpse, upon closure inspection. It was the dead corpse of none other than Emilio Lowe. 

"No, you damned monsters!" Jean charged at the two along with the rest of the Arcs. They were angered at what Jaune had done to Emilio, as Arcadia! Issei narrowed his gaze and quickly brought the Star of Eden and released immense Gravity Magic, which caused them all to fall to the ground, including the ones that didn't attack Jaune like Belize, the Cerberus, Aqua, Olivia Arc and Train. 

"Kneel!" Arcadia! Issei spoke with a cold tone, Jaune was stunned by this Issei's nature, he was able to subdue the Clan in less than a second. 

"This power, it is like Father's...." Belize spoke with a low tone, as he looked at the others all on the ground, in a kneeling position. Many of the arrogant members hated this, but the power that Arcadia! Issei displayed was staggering. 

Arcadia! Issei looked down upon these Arcs, in his eyes they are the same Arcs that sided with his universe's version of Nicholas Arc. He spoke with a cold and shrill tone. 

"Pathetic.." Arcadia! Issei walked towards Nicholas and kicked him in the stomach, that he wished to puke. Juniper watched as Arcadia! Issei kept beating him up, she tried to use her Semblance but the immense Gravity field prevented her from moving completely. 

The only one unaffected was Jaune, as he watched with no emotion seeing Arcadia! Issei beating up his sorry excuse of a father. 

After a while, he stopped beating him up, as he looked at Nicholas's battered and bruised face. Arcadia! Issei then spoke

"I can kill you all right here, and right now. You all shame the Arcs in every way, spit and destroy their legacy in every manner. But I won't do that, no, not today and not now. Why? Cause Killing you is an easy way, no I want you all to suffer for every single pain, every single crime you have inflicted. If the Arcs of the past see what you have done, they would have destroyed you in every manner, preventing you from ever spreading your influence to the world! You are not a family, like you claim to be, but a cult following these old hags that you call Elders, who only care about their reputation and power! These bastards will discard you without a second thought!!" Arcadia! Issei spoke coldly, as he walked away. He then looked towards his best friend's Arcadian counterpart as he spoke

"So what now?" Arcadia! Issei gave a sigh, and spoke, "We leave from this place, if they continue this path, they will themselves drive the clan to extinction." 

Arcadia! Issei's words made the elders really angry, along with some of the Chronos members but they were unable to handle the pressure, the Gravity pressure was on par, no it surpassed Liam in every manner. 

"Do you have anything to say to this sorry excuse you call a family?" Jaune nodded as he spoke

"Yes, I do. This is your last warning, if I ever see you never me or my friends and family. We all won't hesitate to wipe your clan to the ground. Arcadia! Issei is right, you yourselves will bring your extinction, and I will enjoy seeing that day come!" Jaune spoke, as Arcadia! Issei gave a small smile, as they soon teleported away. The Star of Eden was teleported away along with the field, as they all stood up. 

Mason in his anger slammed the table, while shouting. 

"That oum damned disgrace!!!" The others were calming him down, while Belize and some of the Arcs were looking down in shame. Arcadia! Issei was right in every way. 

They really are disgraces that spit and destroy the Arc Legacy in every manner. 

*Scene Break*

(A/N: Bang that's it for this chapter, the next one will be a little bit more fun and chaotic)

(A/N(2): Do expect the next chapter to have some developments as well, with the next three Issei's location being detected)

(A/N(3): Olivia Grigori will be playing a major role in the story)

Please let me know what you think, and I will catch y'all later



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