In the end it is all a game (...

By jaydendush

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In search of a powerful ally, she goes throughout the world at Elio's request to find a partner More

chapter 1: the search begin
chapter 2: Bound by Fate
chapter 3: the resolve part 1
chapter 4: the resolve part 2
chapter 5:y/n origin: part 1
chapter 6: y/n origin part 2
chapter 7: y/n origin final
chapter 8: awaken trailblazer
chapter 9:echos of uncertainty
Christmas short part 1
Christmas short final
chapter 10:Frozen Destiny
valentine day!!
Chapter 11: Workshop Wonders
y/n and silver wolf shorts #1
chapter 13: vagrant shenanigans
chapter 14:new yet old faces

chapter 12: return to underground

409 13 7
By jaydendush

(next day)

As the early sun poured its golden shine over Belobog's bustling streets, an unexpected confrontation occurred outside the Astral Express hotel. With determination on her face, Cocolia, the brains behind the city's intricate political dance, summoned her daughter, Bronya, known for her undying allegiance and powerful skills, to carry out a deception and intrigue-filled plan.

Bronya stood ready to obey her mother's directions without inquiry. Her filial piety blinded her to the deadly machinations developing beneath the surface, and her faith in Cocolia stood firm in the face of uncertainty.

As Bronya approached the Astral Express outside their hotel, her demeanor exuded authority, her eyes betraying no hint of doubt as she carried out her mother's orders. With a sense of urgency in her voice, she accused the travelers of infiltrating Belobog under the guise of friendship, charging them with plotting rebellion against the supreme guardian.

Caught off guard by the sudden turn of events, the members of the Astral Express found themselves thrust into a whirlwind of false accusations and imminent danger. With no time to spare, they made a desperate dash through the crowded streets, their hearts pounding with adrenaline as they sought refuge from the impending threat.

Amidst the chaotic scramble to evade their pursuers, a sudden twist of fate unfolded as Sampo emerged  With swift and decisive action, he unleashed a potent sleep-inducing gas, enveloping both the Silvermane soldiers and the members of the Astral Express in a dense cloud of fumes.

As the drowsiness overtook them, Sampo, with strength and agility, hoisted the limp bodies of the Astral Express members, carrying them with urgency towards an unknown destination. In the confusion and haste, Bronya, unaware of her mother's true intentions, found herself inadvertently swept along with the group, drawn into the unknown  depths of the underground.

(Back to present time in underground )

As Y/n and Silver Wolf navigated the labyrinthine streets of the underground, their footsteps echoed softly against the worn cobblestones beneath their feet. The dim glow of flickering torches illuminated their path, casting long shadows that danced along the walls of the narrow alleyways.

Y/n walked with purpose through the labyrinthine streets of the underground, a piece of paper clutched in his hand. His steps were measured, each movement deliberate as he navigated the bustling thoroughfares.

With a furrowed brow, he glanced down at the paper, scanning the words written upon it.

Y/n's voice echoed through the dimly lit streets of the underground as he read aloud from the script in his hand.

Y/n: "And thus, Y/n and Silver Wolf make their way to the underground fight club".....huh?...What do you think about the script that was provided by Elios, Silver Wolf?

Silver Wolf: I mean, the script has been very helpful in getting us through our objectives successfully. Elios has a talent for projecting outcomes, and it appears that his script has become a useful resource for us. However, putting script ellos aside, why did you pose the subject now y/n?

Y/n: I'm just intrigued, Silver Wolf. If Elios can see the future, why doesn't he prevent bad things from happening? It's like having all the answers but choosing not to act on them.

Silver Wolf: as you know by now , Y/n, Elios' ability comes with a heavy burden. While he can glimpse the future, altering events carries severe consequences, often at the expense of others' lives. That's why we adhere to his script, minimizing risks and ensuring the success of our mission without unnecessary sacrifices.Just think of it as desiney that can't be intervene. You got it?

As Y/n continued his journey through the winding paths of the underground, his mind buzzing with thoughts about Elios' enigmatic abilities, Silver Wolf's words echoed in his ears.

Y/n nodded, his gaze fixed on the piece of paper clutched tightly in his hand. With each step, he felt a sense of determination wash over him, fueled by the urgency of their mission and the weight of Elios' predictions

Y/n: Yeah, yeah, Silver Wolf. What do you take me for? I know what I signed up for when I first joined our group.

Silver Wolf chuckled softly, the sound barely audible in the stillness of the underground.

Y/n: Still, it feels unreal. After one  long years of absence, I never thought I would be walking the streets of Belobog's underground again.

Silver Wolf: It sure is. It's been one year since we met, right, Y/n?

Y/n nodded, a wistful smile playing on their lips as they reminisced about the journey they had embarked on together.

Y/n: Yeah, hard to believe it's been that long already. Felt like we just met yesterday in that bar.

Silver Wolf nodded in agreement, a fondness evident in their eyes as they recalled the chance encounter that had brought them together.

Silver Wolf: Funny how life works sometimes, isn't it? One moment you're strangers in a crowded pub, and the next, we're partners.

Y/n nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of their lips as they walked side by side with Silver Wolf.

As they walked side by side, Silver Wolf's body subtly shifted to get eye contact with Y/n, her gaze meeting theirs with a sense of sincerity and admiration.

Silver Wolf: But still, it's unusual for you to read Elios' script so intensely. that's one of the reasons why I like you as a partner.

Y/n, caught off guard by Silver Wolf's unexpected compliment, felt a rush of warmth flood his cheeks as he tried to play it cool. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't help but be flustered by her words. As they walked side by side, he sensed Silver Wolf's gaze lingering on him, and he couldn't resist the urge to steal a glance.

Slowly, he turned to face Silver Wolf, finding her already looking at him with a soft smile. Their eyes met, and in that moment, Y/n's heart began to race, his breath catching in his throat. The intensity of Silver Wolf's gaze left him feeling vulnerable yet strangely exhilarated.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as they held each other's gaze, a silent understanding passing between them. Y/n felt his cheeks flush even more deeply under Silver Wolf's gentle scrutiny, and with a quickening pulse, he turned away, unable to hold her gaze any longer.

Y/n, feeling the heat of his own blush, brought a hand to his forehead as he glanced at Silver Wolf. His heart raced with a mixture of embarrassment and affection, but he tried to maintain a composed facade.

Y/n: Um, yeah, I mean, it's our job to, like, know what's going on with the Astral Express and stuff after all...

Silver Wolf couldn't help but notice the sudden change in his demeanor. His words sounded slightly unsteady, and the blush on his cheeks was hard to miss. Intrigued by his reaction, Silver Wolf couldn't resist asking the question that lingered in her mind.

Silver Wolf: Hey, Y/n, is everything okay?

Y/n: well... you know, thinking about everything going on with the Astral Express, like, since we weren't there when they were ambushed and framed by Cocolia and Silvermane.

Silver wolf: alright if you say so.

Silver Wolf replied, her tone tinged with concern as they continued their journey. She noticed Y/n's reluctance to meet her gaze, his eyes fixed on the ground as they walked.

Silver Wolf couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. She furrowed her brow, her mind racing to find an explanation for Y/n's sudden change in behavior. Was it something she said? Or was there something else bothering him?

Meanwhile, Y/n kept his eyes averted, his mind consumed with thoughts he couldn't shake. He felt Silver Wolf's gaze on him, her concern evident even without words.

Y/n: (Calm down y/n, calm down. I know she didn't mean it that way. But why is my heart racing like this? She only sees me as a partner, nothing more. I can't misinterpret her intentions. Don't let your heart  make you believe in  a false hope)

As he shook his head, Silver Wolf noticed the frantic movement, her concern deepening. She slowed her pace, her brow furrowing as she studied Y/n's demeanor.

Silver Wolf's thoughts raced as she observed Y/n's troubled demeanor. She couldn't help but feel a pang of concern at the sight of him struggling with his emotions.

Silver Wolf: (What's going on with Y/n? He seems so preoccupied... Is he worried about something related to our mission, or could it be something else entirely?)

She cast a sideways glance at Y/n, noting the subtle furrow in his brow and the distant look in his eyes. A pang of worry tugged at her heartstrings, urging her to reach out and offer him comfort.

Silver Wolf: (Should I press him for more information, or would that only make things worse? Maybe it's best to give him space and wait for him to open up in his own time.)

she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her thoughts. She replayed their recent conversation in her mind, searching for any clues that might shed light on Y/n's current state of mind.

As Silver Wolf continued to ponder, a sense of unease settled over her. She couldn't shake the feeling that she might have unwittingly crossed a line with Y/n, and the thought left her feeling unsettled.

Silver Wolf: (Hmm... What did I say that made Y/n reacted that way ?)

Her mind raced, searching for the exact words she had spoken to Y/n. And then it hit her like a bolt of lightning. The words she had uttered held a weight she hadn't fully comprehended until now.

Silver Wolf: (That's one of the reasons why I like you as a partner.)

The words echoed in her mind, carrying a weight she hadn't fully comprehended until now. She felt a flush of embarrassment creep into her cheeks as she realized the potential implications of her confession.

Silver Wolf: (Oh no... That's basically the same thing as a confession I have to clear things up before it gets ugly)

The realization sent a surge of panic coursing through her veins, and she couldn't shake the sense of vulnerability that washed over her. She had never intended to reveal her feelings so openly, and now she was left grappling with the uncertainty of Y/n's response.

As Silver Wolf reached out to call Y/n's name, her gaze fell upon his still flushed cheeks, a telltale sign that their previous exchange lingered in his thoughts. However, she paused mid-action, her hand hovering in the air as she hesitated

Silver Wolf: Y/n...

She faltered, her words trailing off as she reconsidered. The sight of Y/n's continued blush gave her pause, prompting her to rethink her approach. With a furrowed brow, she withdrew her hand, opting to remain silent instead.

Silver Wolf: (Perhaps he's interpreting my words as something more than just partnership. If I dismiss it as a misunderstanding, it could create tension between us and impact our relationship down the line. I don't want to make things more complicated by denying his interpretation. It's better to let him come to his own conclusions and approach me if he wants clarification.)

As Silver Wolf glanced at Y/n once more, a soft chuckle escaped her lips.

Silver Wolf: (But then again, seeing this side of Y/n isn't too bad at all, is it? It's a rare glimpse into his true self.)

A warmth spread across her cheeks as she chuckled, realizing the unexpected delight she found in witnessing Y/n's bashful reaction. Despite the uncertainty lingering between them, she couldn't help but appreciate the genuine moments they shared.

With a smile playing at the corners of her lips, Silver Wolf's gaze lingered on Y/n, her heart fluttering slightly at the sight of his endearing blush.

Silver Wolf:( He really is something else.)

As they reached the entrance of the underground fight club, Silver Wolf and Y/n surveyed their surroundings. The air was charged with anticipation, and the sounds of muffled voices and clinking glasses emanated from within the dimly lit establishment.

Outside the underground fight club, Silver Wolf and Y/n positioned themselves discreetly, adhering to the instructions outlined in the script provided by Elios. They scanned the area, keeping a lookout for any signs of approaching members of the Astral Express.

As a  mysterious little girl was seen  ledding both Stelle and March 7th to the front of the fight club, their presence added a new dimension to the scene. The air crackled with anticipation as they arrived, greeted by the bustling activity of the club.

???: We're here! This is it.

the girl exclaimed, her tone brimming with anticipation.

???: Hook's gonna go fight. See ya later!

March 7th :(voiced her concern) Who's in charge here? How can they just let kids attack each other...?

Hook :(reassured them)The Moles are in charge, that's who!...But only of the kids. Wildfire is in charge of grown-up business.

Stelle's voice cut through the air with curiosity, breaking the tension momentarily

Stelle: So The Moles control this whole area?

Hook: Uh, yeah, The Moles pretty much run the show down here! Oh look, they're short one player for the fight! I better hurry up and join in! If you guys ever want to throw down, just look me up!

As Hook hurriedly departed from the group, Stelle and March 7th exchanged a glance, silently communicating their shared determination. With a nod of mutual understanding, they made their decision.

they stepped forward, crossing the threshold of the fight club and disappearing into the bustling chaos within. Outside, Silver Wolf and Y/n observed their entrance, their anticipation growing as they prepared to follow suit and enter the fray.

As Stelle and March 7th entered the fight club, they were immediately engulfed in the frenetic energy of the crowd. The booming voice of the commentator echoed through the air, drawing their attention to the center of the arena where a fierce battle was about to unfold.

Commentary: Brothers and sisters! Are you ready for today's most spectacular, spine-tingling, earth-shattering contest? On one side, recommended by Tall, Blue, and Handsome, we have the unsmiling pulverizing power of the new kid on the block: Cold Dragon Young!

Commentary: And his opponent is... none other than the unfeeling, incendiary, explosive might of Team Robomatic! All praise to Boss Svarog! Since no other fighter was willing to take on the strength of Team Robomatic, Cold Dragon Young will face off against these opponents alone! On learning his fate, the brave young fighter had one thing to say: 'Whatever!' And so, let the semifinals of the 1758th Fighting King Challenge... begin!

March 7, feeling a surge of determination, turned to Stelle with urgency.

March 7: Stelle, quick! Let's help him!

As they rushed towards the ring, the commentator's voice filled the air once more, noting their unexpected entrance into the octagon.

Commentary: Oh-ho? Brothers and sisters, an unexpected turn of events... Two members of the audience have charged into the octagon! It looks like they want to team up with Cold Dragon Young!

Meanwhile, Dang Heng, surprised by their appearance, addressed March 7 and stelle.

Dang Heng: So you're awake?

March 7, undeterred, responded with determination.

March 7: Yeah! The first thing we did was go look for you! And now that we've found you, we're here to lend a hand and make sure you don't get your butt kicked! You're welcome.

Commentary: brothers and sisters, can you feel the excitement in the air? The allure of this electrifying sport is undeniable! But remember, these competitions are strictly for professionals! Kids, don't attempt this at home! Cold Dragon Young is eager to begin the match, and so are we! Get ready for the clash between Cold Dragon Young and his allies against the formidable Team Robomatic!

Danheng: I can take them on my own, you know.

Stelle shook her head in disagreement, her determination shining through.

March 7 sighed deeply, her frustration evident as she turned to Danheng.

March 7: we really need to work on your emotional intelligence.

Before Danheng could respond, the three robots sprang into action, launching themselves into the air and aiming straight for him. With lightning-fast reflexes, Danheng summoned his spear and expertly sliced through each robot in a matter of seconds. The metallic foes fell to the ground in pieces, their threat neutralized.

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause at the display of Danheng's formidable skill. His swift defeat of the opponents left the opposition humiliated and impressed by his prowess.

March 7: So, I guess he didn't really need help after all.

Stelle: Seems like it. But hey, at least we were ready to jump in if he needed us.

March 7 : Definitely. Let's keep an eye out for anything else that might come our way.

Danheng nodded in acknowledgment, his expression composed yet inwardly satisfied by his victory. With the immediate threat eliminated,

Commentary: Oh! What a beautiful performance! Cold Dragon Young and his last-minute admirers emerge victorious!

March 7: Admirers... How come we don't get cool nicknames?

Stelle teased, suggesting humorous alternatives.

Stelle: What do you want our nickname to be? Cold Dragon Younger and Cold Dragon Youngest?

March 7 rolled his eyes and let out a sigh of exasperation.

March 7: *sigh* Forget it. I think our taste in nicknames is different."

March 7's attention shifted subtly towards the audience and spectators, and amidst the fervor, she noticed someone familiar nervously attempting to leave the fight club.

March 7: Hey! Look! It's Sampo!

Stelle: We've got an explanation to demand.

Dan heng nodded in agreement.

Dan heng:  Let's get after him.

With determination fueling their steps, they hurried after Sampo, weaving through the crowd in pursuit of answers.

However, by the time the Astral Express exited the fight club, Sampo was nowhere to be seen. March 7 frowned in frustration.

March 7: That guy can't have gotten too far! Let's search nearby.

As they searched the surrounding area, the trio of March 7, Stelle, and Danheng managed to catch sight of Sampo slipping into an alleyway nearby.

As they entered the narrow alley, they spotted Sampo standing nervously against a wall, his eyes darting around anxiously.

Sampo:H-Hey! It's you! I was just thinking to myself: "Am I getting robbed? Who are these people following me?" So, y'know, you start to walk a little faster, and... Anyhoo if I'd just turned around, I could've thrown open my arms and said a big "hi" to my old friends.

March 7 interrupted Sampo with a tone laced with turmoil.

March 7: Save it. You saw us in there and got scared, so you pulled a runner.

Sampo's laughter echoed off the walls of the alley, but his eyes betrayed a hint of nervousness.

Sampo: Me? Scared? Hahaha, my friends, what do I have to fear?*gasp* Surely I haven't done anything to offend you?

Stelle's voice cut through the tension like a knife.

Stelle: You threw us to the Silvermane Guards.

Sampo's voice rose defensively.

Sampo: Hold on, hold on, hold on! If I hadn't made a run for it, Gepard would've nabbed all of us. And do you really think he would've given you a chance to explain? No way!

He shook his head, his eyes filled with urgency

Sampo: He would've tossed you straight into jail! Meanwhile, I was keeping an eye on you from afar! Do you have any idea how hard it was to sneak in? They were watching your every move! I had no choice but to bring you down here. It's too risky up there—we're wanted criminals! Sure, the Underworld isn't perfect, but at least the Guards won't follow us here. We're safe...

Danheng's voice was calm but firm as he posed the question.

Danheng: Be that as it may, did you really have to poison us?

Sampo's eyes darted nervously, but he quickly replied

Sanpo: Maybe you've forgotten, but we were in a tight spot, my friend. There was no time to think. I had to use whatever I could.

Danheng's expression remained skeptical.

Danheng: Hmm... So it wasn't to cover anything up? A secret that you didn't want anyone, including us, to find out?

Sampo let out a nervous chuckle, mumbling, "That's crazy." His demeanor hinted at a hidden truth, despite his attempt to dismiss the idea.

March 7's curiosity peaked as she interjected.

March 7: Dan Heng, what secret?

Dan heng: I'm not certain yet... but there's more to our 'friend' here than meets the eye.

Sampo: You win! I'll help you to the best of my ability, free of charge I might add! But please, don't go spreading rumors about me? *sigh* Alright! To prove my sincerity, I'll introduce you to Wildfire. If you're looking for something down here, they're the ones to ask!

Despite his apparent willingness to assist, his scoff hinted at a hint of reluctance.

Stelle: Why should we get to know Wildfire?

Sampo: Because you are looking for something! Why are you asking? Dan Heng told me you guys were searching for a... what's the word... 'Stellaron' - sounded pretty powerful. If anyone has a clue on its whereabouts, it'll be Wildfire.

Dan heng interjected, probing further into Sampo's motives.

Dan heng: you said I'd uncover a clue if I became the Fight Club champion.

Sampo stammered, attempting to maintain his facade.

Sampo: Uhh... Uh, y-yeah! I mean, If you'd fought in the final round and won, you'd have incredible street cred right now! Wildfire wouldn't think twice about talking with you. I don't see the problem.

Stelle: Why would Wildfire want to help?

Sampo: Well, there's no such thing as a free lunch, of course. Wildfire has no reason to help you yet, so we'll just have to give them one! With your talents, we have nothing to worry about. I'm telling you, no matter where you go, there's only one rule to getting things done: find the demand. Y'know, like supply and demand? Anyway, the underground has been sealed off for more than a decade, but do you think people here are just resigned to their fate?

Stelle: What kind of organization is Wildfire?

Sampo: Well, if you want my opinion, they're a bunch of artless, stubborn fools. But who cares what I think, huh? They're a band of do-gooders who sprung up to maintain order in the underground. After the Silvermane Guards withdrew, Wildfire set up shop. Still, don't underestimate them! 'We walk in the presence of giants'—have you heard that saying before? Well, Wildfire has giants in its midst,You'll see.

Stelle: Lead the way, but don't try anything suspicious. I mean it this time. If you even think about pulling a fast one, I'll personally escort you to the snow field and make sure you're buried in the pile myself.

Sampo flashed a grin, attempting to reassure them

Sampo: Have a little faith! It's like I said: 'Sampo never lets friends who've helped him come to harm.' Hehe...

As Sampo led them deeper into the underground, they passed by a cart of shiny objects.

Sampo: Huh? Where's Joshua?

March 7's curiosity piqued as she asked

March 7: What're those shiny rocks?

Sampo: Ah, this is Geomarrow, an exothermic ore. The underground and the surface are sealed off from one another, right? Well, only the Geomarrow transport line is still running. The underground sends ore to the surface, and the surface sends goods to the underground. At least in theory. Most undergrounders are miners, and this is what they mine for a living. Y'know, if we didn't have Geomarrow to burn, this world would have frozen to death long ago. Hmm, let's keep moving. The person I was looking for isn't here...

As Sampo and the Astral Express ventured further through the city, Sampo suddenly halted, scratching his head in confusion.

Sampo: Huh...? Old Oleg isn't here either. Where is everyone?

March 7, growing impatient, couldn't contain her frustration.

March 7 : Gah, so you're leading us on another wild goose chase?

Sampo: I wouldn't dare! Trust me, we're getting close!

March 7 let out a sigh of exasperation, but her attention was soon caught by something in the distance. Her gaze shifted to a massive structure looming ahead.

March 7: Huh? What's that huge structure in the distance...

Sampo: Oh, that's the Furnace Core, and it's also the pillar that connects the Underworld and the Overworld. People used to travel up and down that thing, but then...

March 7: Then what?

Sampo: It's a long story. In any case, practically nothing moves up or down anymore.

Dan heng : Except you.

Sampo: Oh! C'mon, my dear fellow, I thought we weren't going to discuss this? I beg you, the fewer rumors there are about me, the better!

As they continued looking for Wildfire, they walked up a narrow staircase that led to the top of a hill.

Sampo: Seele's usually always out on patrol here at this time... What's Wildfire up to...? Hmm... are they avoiding me?

As they reached the top of the hill, they heard commotion coming from a crowd gathered around a particular spot.

As the Astral Express rushed forward, the tension in the air grew palpable. March 7's heart pounded in her chest, adrenaline coursing through her veins as she surveyed the scene before them

March 7: Hey, look! Who is that?

Stelle: Is that... Bronya?

March 7: It looks like she's in trouble...

Sampo: M-My friends, don't just stand there! This drama really doesn't need any more bystanders!

March 7 smirked.

March 7: Oh? Y'know, it might be interesting to see you get in trouble.

Dan heng : We should avoid attracting too much attention... but we can't just leave her.

Stelle nodded in agreement.

Stelle: Dan Heng's right, we can't ignore this.

Sampo: Exactly! My boy Cold Dragon Young, uh... young master Dan Heng speaks with reason.

March 7 : *nodded decisively.* Let's help her.

But before they could intervene, the aggressive thug that was  confronting Bronya launched an attack. He pulled out his rifle, aiming it at her with a sneer

vagrant thugs : Alright, princess. Let's dispense with the pleasantries!

As the thug pulled the trigger, Bronya's instincts kicked in, and she leaped backward in a desperate attempt to evade the bullet. Time seemed to slow as she watched the projectile hurtling towards her chest, her heart pounding with fear and adrenaline. But just as the bullet was about to make contact, a sudden burst of energy sliced through the air, dissecting the bullet into fragments.

The crowd gasped in astonishment as the shards of the bullet scattered harmlessly around Bronya, who stood frozen in shock. The source of the disruption became apparent as a shimmering aura enveloped the figure of a mysterious newcomer, their presence commanding attention.

a swirling vortex of energy began to coalesce nearby, drawing the attention of everyone present. From within the depths of the swirling shadows, a figure emerged, graceful yet imposing, bathed in an ethereal glow.

The mysterious newcomer leaped out of the vortex with remarkable agility, landing gracefully on the ground before Bronya and the vagrant thugs.

The woman swung her scythe with an elegance that belied its deadly nature. Each movement was executed with precision and grace, the blade slicing through the air with a mesmerizing fluidity.

???: You dare attack someone on our turf...?Well? How about a few rounds with me?

The woman's voice echoed with authority and a hint of menace, her eyes flashing with determination as she addressed the thug who had attempted to harm Bronya.

The thug lackey's voice trembled as he spoke, his fear palpable as he warned his comrades of the potential consequences of crossing paths with the woman who had intervened.

Thug Lackey: Y-young woman... long purple hair and light purple eyes... yo, I don't think she's someone you should mess with. I think we should retreat.

The vagrant thug scoffed, his bravado faltering slightly as he considered the implications of the situation.

Vagrant Thug: Huh, and why should I? Do You know her or something?

Thug Lackey: I've heard rumors, you know? About how things work around here. When there's chaos or commotion, Wildfire steps in to sort it out. And let me tell you, they don't send just anyone. It's always their top dog, the one with the scythe... Seele. So, if we're smart, we'll back off while we still can.

The vagrant thug grunted and clicked his tongue, sensing the shifting tide of danger.

Vagrant Thug: *tsk* I will remember this day. Quick, disperse!

With a nervous urgency, the lackeys scattered, disappearing into the shadows of the alleyways like frightened rats. Left in their wake was a tense silence, punctuated only by the faint hum of the city's underbelly.

Seele sighed with a disappointed shake of her head, her voice carrying a hint of resignation.

Seele: It's quite disappointing, isn't it? They're quick to start trouble, but when faced with someone stronger, they scatter like frightened mice, unwilling to stand their ground.

Sampo let out a sigh of relief, grateful for Seele's intervention.

Sampo: Miss Seele! Phew, it's a good thing you showed up when you did. My heartfelt thanks. These vagrants have got some nerve looking for trouble in Wildfire terri-

But before Sampo could finish, Seele furiously interrupted him.

Seele: Shut it, Sampo. This has 'you' written all over it. Wildfire has countless issues on its plate right now. We don't need a side order of Koski.

Seele shifted her attention to Bronya, her expression serious.

Seele: I hear a Silvermane Guard is paying the Underworld a visit... I presume that is you isn't it?

Bronya anger was evident as she confronted the situation and inquired.

Bronya: You kidnapped me and brought me to the underground. What is the meaning of this?

As Bronya spoke, Seele's attention shifted to Sampo, a hint of disdain in her expression.

Seele: Hmph, listen to her. 'What is the meaning of this?' ...She still thinks she's an Overworld princess.

Seele's frustration was palpable as she confronted Bronya.

Seele: Do you even know what's become of us down here while you live the easy life? Did you even consider the fate of the Underworlders?

Bronya's rebuttal was swift, defending the Silvermane Guards' actions.

Bronya: The Silvermane Guards aren't 'living the easy life.' We are constantly engaged with the enemy - defending Belobog from the scourge of attacking monsters... and protecting all those above and below the surface.

Seele scoffed at Bronya's words, her disdain evident.

Seele: Hah, do you even hear yourself? You? Protect the underground? Redeploying every Guard to the surface, sealing off the only passageway... Protecting the so-called Architects, more like it.

Bronya: The Madam Guardian has her reasons...

Seele's expression hardened as she clenched her fists in frustration.

Seele: Hmph... Enough talk. You're coming with me. Chief Oleg wants to see you, and he's got more than a few questions.

Sampo: Perfect, Miss Seele! We were just on our way to pay Chief Oleg a visit ourselves. Room for a few more?

Seele's irritation was palpable as she responded curtly.

Seele: Fully booked.

Her gaze shifted to the group accompanying Sampo.

Seele: And who are they?

Stelle stepped forward confidently and began introductions.

Stelle: I'm Stelle, and this is March 7 and  Danheng, We're the Astral Express.

Seele crossed her arms, her expression skeptical.

Seele: What good is your name by itself?

Sampo cleared his throat nervously before responding.

Sampo: Well, it's like this: The chief's in the market for specific talent, an urgent request. So, I'm taking them to see him.

March 7: We're looking for a Stellaron. It's the source of all the disasters here. If we find it, we can-

Sampo coughed loudly, cutting off March 7's explanation.

Sampo: Ahem! I would recommend you not recite your story to everyone you meet. Miss Seele won't understand it anyway, so let's save it for the chief, huh?

Seele's tone was firm as she delivered her message.

Seele: You're right, I don't understand it, and I don't plan on passing the message on either. Wildfire's encountered trouble at the Great Mine; the chief's busy. If you really want to find him, come look for me at the mine entrance. I'm leaving.

Before striding away, Seele paused, a thoughtful expression crossing her face.

Seele: Still a Stellaron, huh? I recall him mentioning it during his adventures as a guard in his story.

She shook her head slightly, as if trying to clear her mind of the memory, before continuing on her way towards the mine entrance.

Chapter 12 end

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