Blue Summer

By rubayataumeed

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"When do I sleep? My eyes are heavy all the time, but when I close them, they burn. So I haven't slept in a w... More

Part 1: A Blue Summer
Chapter 1: Annyeonghaseyo!
Chapter 2: Misao's Oppa
Chapter 3: A friend
Chapter 4: The School Festival
Chapter 5: The Confession
Chapter 6: Redemption
Chapter 7: Ibuki's new job, the first day
Chapter 8: A Fateful Affair
Chapter 9: Cheongug Pharmaceuticals
Chapter 10: A choice to make
Chapter 11: A friend of a decade
Chapter 12: A dream of the future
Chapter 13: Love is tough
Chapter 14: Heuksando Summer
Chapter 15: A Twisted Fate
Chapter 16: A past that hurts is a past that heals
Chapter 17: Smile!
Chapter 18: The Hidden
Chapter 19: Dark Summer
Part 2: A Summer Dance
Chapter 21: A Lonely Spring
Chapter 22: The Seoul conundrum
Chapter 23: Utopian dream in the dystopian cage
Chapter 24: The Song of death
Chapter 25: When the veils fall
Chapter 26: A Promise of Old
Chapter 27: "If chance has it, I will save you!"
Chapter 28: Hope as it shines
Chapter 29: The will to live and love
Chapter 30: A heartfelt reunion
Chapter 31: A new beginning
Chapter 32: The Memories
Chapter 33: The setting of the future
Epilogue: Change has come
Mini Chapter 1: Joon-Woo talks about his childhood
Mini Chapter 2: Joon-Woo talks about his family
Mini Chapter 3: Joon-Woo explores his learning

Chapter 20: Till Death Do Us Part

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By rubayataumeed

"Had my life given me one chance, I could have proven my worth. But now I stand here not knowing who I am, what I am doing and why I am living. It does not take long to realise that if you are living, not knowing why, then you are no less than a dead person. To try to breathe without air, that is what it is."

Stuffed with voices and screams, Ibuki could only see what he heard. Faces blurred, and it seemed he was amongst demons of some sort. He kept pushing anyone who tried to come near him, even Misao. Even her voice could not calm him down. Lisa was still standing next to him, trying to calm him down, but to no avail. He pushed her and yelled, "Don't come near me! I hate you. Don't come near me!"

Realising his mistake, Heechul tried to talk with Ibuki, but he did not let anyone speak to him. The voices were not words but sounds he could not comprehend. He finally rushed out of the house as Rui ran after him. Ibuki was dizzily running on the road, barely managing to avoid hitting obstacles. He was breathing heavily. Rui tried hard to catch up to Ibuki but, due to the business on the road, wasn't able to.

"Ibuki! Stop!" he called out.

Ibuki heard the muffled sound of his call and responded, "Stop! Please, stop!"

Ibuki dragged his body to the building, where he had made many attempts to end his life. His head was moving. The building seemed taller than it actually was, and Ibuki leaned against the wall. He then entered in and walked up. When Rui arrived, Ibuki was already on the top. He held his head, and a never-ending pain took him over. He felt tired, his head was dizzy, and all he wanted to do was to stab himself. Not once but many times until the pain would go away. Finally, he loosened the grip on his head, closed his eyes and eased himself. His body tilted towards the edge until it gave way, and gravity pulled him. Nothing stopped him. He could feel the wind thrust against him. He felt the time was long and stretched.

Rui, horrified and shocked, looked down from the edge at Ibuki, who had fallen onto the ground. A pool of blood spread around Ibuki's head. He was unconscious yet aware. Moments later, he heard voices. Time meant nothing to him. Everything was gone from his vision.

Suddenly, he felt hands picking him up. He heard sirens and cries. He then felt his body being pushed against something soft. And then the cries began diminishing, and he could now hear the sound of horns. Time passed, but it felt like it had paused for Ibuki. Then he felt it again, the hands. He heard panicked voices and felt his body moving. Finally, he lost all consciousness.

"Ibuki! Don't go there, it's dangerous! You will fall down!"

"Look at me now, Dad, I have fallen down. Not only has my body fallen down, but my soul, too. Where are you now? Why didn't you stop me from falling? Why?"

Heechul sat in disbelief and regret. Seo-Yun was comforting Misao. Lisa stood with Rui, discussing informing Ibuki's mother.

"I cannot forgive myself, Mom. Why did I have to drag him into all this?" Misao sobbed.

Seo-Yun held her head against her breasts as she calmed her, "It's okay. Everything will be okay."

Heechul got up and walked up to Rui.

"I know it feels weird to take it up now, but I am taking back my objection regarding your marriage. I feel there are some things I cannot control, and neither should I."

Rui teared up and hugged his father, "I know you love me."

Misao smiled, looking at her father and brother, who agreed. But then the smile faded.

"What does it take for Dad to accept this relationship? Ibuki's life." Misao thought.

It was late evening when Rui and Misao arrived at Ibuki's house to explain what had happened. It would be hard, they knew, but they could not afford to hide. Seo-Yun returned home with Lisa while Heechul stayed at the hospital.

Ibuki had been treated but hadn't regained consciousness yet. Heechul sat outside his ward, reading a magazine he had picked up from the hospital lounge. As he was reading, he was approached by the doctor who had treated Ibuki.

"Mr Park, can I speak to you?" he asked.

"Yes." Heechul put the magazine aside.

"Are you the father of the boy?"

"No. I am his friend's father."

"Oh, where are his parents?"

"His mother will be arriving soon. His father is not alive."

"Thank you. Please ask them to meet me once they arrive."

Heechul nodded, and the doctor left.

Ibuki opened his eyes slowly and found himself in hospital. He clenched his fist, "Why did I survive? For what?"

He turned his head and saw Heechul. He came and sat next to him.

"Why did you choose to end your life?" Heechul asked.

Ibuki closed his eyes, letting tears roll down, "I don't know. It was painful, all the voices and faces. Too much for me to handle."

Heechul patted Ibuki's head, which was wrapped in bandages. Ibuki remained silent and looked at the ceiling. He then slowly turned his head around and looked at a painting on the left wall. Eventually, he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Heechul's patting had comforted him somehow and relaxed his mind. He fell asleep calmly with no thoughts.

When Misao and Rui narrated the incident to Mrs Cho, she sobbed. Rui calmed her down and asked her not to worry herself as it may affect her health. Mrs Cho took a deep breath and thanked God for saving Ibuki. She joined Rui and Misao to go to the hospital. When she arrived, Ibuki was sleeping, and Heechul greeted her.

All night, she stayed by her son. Heechul also stayed there for the night while Rui and Misao returned back home.

Misao was sleepy and tired. She skipped her dinner as she did not feel like eating anything. She went straight to sleep, dragging her fallen quilt back to the bed. Rui let Lisa return to the hotel and stayed back with his mother and sister. Seo-Yun and Rui stayed awake for the most part of the night. The day had been the most exhausting ever, and Rui couldn't even decide whether he should be happy about his marriage.

Late in the middle of the night, Misao woke up panting and sweating. She had had a bad dream. She got out of her bed and went to the window for some air. The moon was crescent, and the stars were twinkling. She leaned against the railing of the window and stared into the night sky. She had not seen Ibuki jump, but she could still picture Ibuki jumping and hitting the ground. The vivid pictures her imagination built made her uneasy.

Her eyes began feeling sleepy, and she went back to bed. She closed her eyes and tried to picture something serene and calm. That is when her mind took her back to the instance when she kissed Ibuki at the party. She stood up with a jerk and said, "I did not kiss him! Misao!!"

Rui wasn't very religious if prayer was something to count. He recalled going to the church the last time when he was fifteen and needed God to help him with his exams. But today, he wanted to go there to pray for Ibuki. Seo-Yun and Lisa joined him, too, while Misao remained asleep in her bed till late in the morning.

Ibuki had woken up somewhere before dawn. The dim light of the sunrise started sneaking into his ward. He turned his head around, still facing the left wall, and saw his mother. Her head was dumped in her arms. Ibuki slowly touched her and thought, "The pain that I have caused you, Mom, I know it is worse than what Dad did. Please forgive me."

Mrs Cho did not wake up, and Ibuki remained looking at her, waiting for her to wake up.

Heechul was talking to the doctor, and once done, he went in to check on Ibuki.

"Ibuki," he said. "How are you feeling?"


Ibuki sighed, and Heechul came and sat on his left side.

"Ibuki, your mother was very worried."

"I know. I feel bad. You know there were monsters that forced me to do what I did," Ibuki said.

"Feel better. No monsters will come at you anymore," Heechul placed his hand on Ibuki's forehead.

"You know, you are giving me the comfort I wished my father would stay to give me."

Heechul smiled.

After a while, Mrs Cho awoke and immediately hugged her son. Heechul stood aside near the door, watching as Ibuki embraced his mother, apologising for attempting to take his life. Mrs Cho was furious about Ibuki's actions but did not want to make him feel bad as he was already guilty enough. So she tried to relax him and said, "I am always there for you. Come to me when you need me, my dear."

The news of Ibuki's attempted suicide seeped through into the ears of Chang as the guy he had hired to keep an eye on Ibuki narrated the whole incident.

"Fool, kid! He has no sense of what trouble he will get me into," Chang smashed the table in front of him, gaining the attention of everyone in the café.

"Sir, it is okay for now. Let him get better; you should talk to him."

Chang nodded and sipped his coffee.

As he was about to leave the place after paying, he got a call from Sungmin.

"Yes, sir?" he asked.

"I need you at the lab. Now!" Sungmin said.

Chang rushed to his car and left for the lab. He arrived at a furious-looking Sungmin.

"Yes, sir? What happened?" Chang asked worryingly.

"Our drug test process has been delayed. Do you know why?"

"Why, sir? I don't know. I am sorry."

"Because the 'couldn't-care-less' woman has arrived!" Sungmin kicked his car.

"Gong Yun-Ji?"



Youra and Joon-Woo arrived back from vacation a week after the incident on the island. Youra wanted to stay longer but was also worried about Misao. Joon-Woo had given up and felt bored on the island. Finally, the two mutually decided to return. Upon their return, they were met with two news: Ibuki had attempted suicide, and Rui was getting married. They did not know whether to be happy or sad. The events that were connected were even more confusing for the two.

There were still three weeks before school resumed. Both of them had no idea how they would spend the rest of the vacation aside from completing their schoolwork. Joon-Woo finally decided to visit his maternal family in Busan while Youra remained with Misao.

"I am happy for your brother," Youra said as she folded Misao's quilt. Misa stood near the window, unbothered by what Youra was saying. She was heavy with guilt for causing Ibuki harm. Youra came to her and said, "Are you not happy for your brother?"

"Yes, I am. I am worried about Ibuki," Misao replied.

Youra sighed and went back to setting up Misao's bed.

"Did Uno return?" asked Misao.

"I don't know," Youra replied.

Misao thought for a moment and then spoke, "I haven't spoken to him since the day I found he said certain things about Ibuki."

"Aw, that is not good. That is not how you should treat your boyfriend," Youra put down the pillow on the quilt but then, realising it looked odd, placed it down.

"B-bo-Boyfriend?" Misao said, puzzled.

"Why, I thought he was your boyfriend. Weren't you telling me that if he ever returns to Korea, you will date him, and you even went on a date with him? So?"

"Youra, you have never been so far from my thoughts today. No, I am not dating him. He is only my friend. Just like you are."

"For the record, I am your best friend, and he is your friend. Don't compare him with me!"

"Okay. Chill!"

Youra finally organised Misao's bed and sat beside her near the window.

"So, is there anyone you like? Otherwise, why would you not date Uno?" Youra asked.

"No, not really. I don't feel like being with him as his girlfriend."

Right then, there was a knock on the door. Misao went to open it, and it was Uno.

"Speak of the devil, and he is here," Youra mumbled.

Misao greeted him and said, "How have you been?"

"I am fine. How are you?" Uno asked.


"I hear your brother is getting married soon?"




Realising that the two were not sitting down to talk, Youra went to them and asked them to sit. Uno denied the offer and said he had only arrived from the island and wanted to see Misao before going home. He left by saying he was inviting Misao to a get-together at his house as his mother had returned.

Misao agreed, and Uno left. Youra also decided to go back home. Misao, after everyone had gone, decided to meet Ibuki. The main door was open, and so Misao entered without knowing. She locked the door behind her and went up to Ibuki's room. Misao found that Ibuki was alone at home. His mother has gone to get his sister. He was in his room, sketching near the window.

"Ibuki?" she called out.

Ibuki turned to her, "Yes, Misao. How are you?"

Misao came and sat near him, "Fine."

"I was sketching you, by the way. See.." Ibuki showed Misao the sketch he was making of her.

Misao found it beautiful and asked to keep it. Ibuki handed it to her, smiling.

As Misao placed the sketch near her on the left side, her eyes fell on Ibuki's arm.

"Needle marks?!"

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