Vengeance [Avengers Fanfictio...

By _quirky_

541K 19.6K 3.9K

[CURRENTLY EDITING] [ONYX: PHANTOM TRILOGY BOOK TWO IS IN PROGRESS] He murdered everyone I loved. He fed me l... More

[Chapter 1]
[Chapter 3]
[Chapter 4]
[Chapter 5]
[Chapter 6]
[Chapter 7]
[Chapter 8]
[Chapter 9]
[Chapter 10]
[Chapter 11]
[Chapter 12]
[Chapter 13]
[Chapter 14]
[Chapter 15]
[Chapter 16]
[Chapter 17]
[Chapter 18]
[Chapter 19]
[Chapter 20]
[Chapter 21]
[Chapter 22]
[Chapter 23]
[Chapter 24]
[Chapter 25]
[Chapter 26]
[Chapter 27]
[Chapter 28]
[Chapter 29]
[Chapter 30]
[Chapter 31]
[Chapter 32]
[Chapter 33]
[Chapter 34]
[Chapter 35]
[Chapter 36]
[Chapter 37]
[Chapter 38]
[Chapter 39]
[Chapter 40]
[Chapter 41]
[Chapter 42]
[Chapter 43]
[Chapter 44]
[Chapter 45]

[Chapter 2]

17.9K 589 156
By _quirky_


    The next night when I got to work, I was told that I had waitress duty. Grumbling, I tied on one of the pocketed aprons and grabbed a notepad to write down orders on.

    Tonight O'Leery's Bar wasn't very busy. There were a few customers here and there; most of them were sitting at the bar watching a football game. I was one of the three waitresses working tonight. I only knew one of the other two, a brunette named Taylor. As far as I could tell she was an OK person, but it wasn't like I had ever talked to her. I like to keep to myself.

    The girl I didn't know was behind the bar cleaning glasses and Taylor was at the bar taking drink orders. I guess that leaves me the tables. I took one man's order who looked to be immersed in the game on TV. After bringing him his whiskey, I saw that the only table that hadn't been waited was the one in the far corner. Three men sat at the table. Their posture was hunched forward, as if they were discussing something private. If this was a drug deal or a black market dealing, I may deal with it later. I hoped they were discussing something about the League so I could get some information.

    The League is a corrupt group that pretty much has control over Fycon City. About half of the city is involved in it. Cops, drug dealers, street fighters, business men, everyday store owners, politicians. The head of the League is Corvus Vermont, a city councilman, and my father. I refuse to think of him as my father, not after what he's done. Ever since I escaped, I vowed that I would kill Corvus Vermont and tear down the League with him. Even if I die in the process.

    I made my way over to the table, notepad in hand. The men quickly noticed me walking over and their conversation came to an abrupt stop. One of them with dark brown hair and a closely shaved beard leaned back in his chair, no doubt trying to look less suspicious. To the right of him sat a man with short brown hair and a piercing gaze, his eyes carefully evaluating me as I strolled over. Behind his relaxed stature was the sense that he was always alert of his surroundings. The third man was tall with blond hair and bright blue eyes. He wore a plaid shirt and a leather jacket.

    None of the men seemed like they were involved in the League. I could usually tell after a moment or two, but none of these guys fit the description. All of them seemed like they would do well in a fight though, considering their muscular build. I would still have to be on guard around them.

    "May I take your order?" I asked, my face expressionless. I made sure I didn't make eye contact with any of them.

    "I'll have a scotch," the one with the beard said; a slight smirk playing on his lips gave him a cocky air. I quickly scribbled down the order then turned to the other two who both gave a shake of their heads.

    As I walked away, I heard the guy with the beard yell, "Make it snappy!"

    Oh, I'll make it snappy, alright. Maybe I'll also spit in your drink for fun. As I was standing behind the bar getting ready to pour the drink, I saw the lights faintly flicker. I froze and looked out the window, my eyes scanning the dark street. One was out there, I knew it. Thankfully only I had noticed.

    I returned to the table with the three men sitting at it and placed the glass on the table. Out of the corner of my eye I kept a watch outside, scanning for one of them.

    After taking a sip of his scotch, the bearded man gave a slight cough and then looked up at me, eyebrow raised.

    "I ordered scotch, this is bourbon," he stated. Sorry buddy, but I have other things on my mind right now.

    "I guess when I made it snappy I also made a mistake." I then turned and walked away. I heard the quiet chuckling of his companions behind me and the man's muttering.

    "Taylor, take out the trash!" I heard Rob yell from his usual seat at the bar, gaze fixated on the TV screen. After Taylor picked up a black bag filled with garbage in each hand, she started towards the back door. Oh no, bad idea. I ran up to her as she was standing by the door.

    "Here, I'll take it for you." I offered. She let out a breath and visibly relaxed, relieved she didn't have to go out.

    "Thanks." she said with a grateful smile. I took the trash from her and walked outside. I made sure the door closed behind me. There weren't any lights back here but the full moon was out, casting long shadows around every corner.

    I was on full alert, scanning the alleyway for any signs of movement. They stuck to the darkness, but if they were hungry enough they would venture into dim lighting to find some prey. I shuddered, then quickly lifted the top of the trash can and dumped the garbage bags into it. I winced when the top of the can made a loud metallic clang as I put it back on.

    Wait, what was that? I heard ragged breathing from behind me, far away enough for me to not have noticed right away, but close enough to faintly feel its cold breath caressing the back of my neck. Goosebumps rose on my skin and I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck prickle. If I could carefully pull out the dagger above my waist, I could kill it before it even moved.

    A high-pitched shriek cut through the night, making my breath catch in my throat. Quickly, I dove to the side just in time to see the demon lunge at me. It missed and crashed into the trashcans, sending them tumbling to the pavement with a loud bang. Making an inhuman growling noise, the demon turned to face me. Its razor sharp teeth and claws glinted in the moonlight, and I saw that its wide mouth was ringed in blood. I pulled my daggers out and crouched, ready. The creature's leathery wings expanded and it came at me again, screaming. Its rotting breath hit my face as I swiftly stabbed it in its heart. The demon gave a last cry of agony before it disintegrated into ash at my feet.

    I wiped the thick, black blood off of my knives with a random piece of paper in the alley before stashing them away again. I made my way to the door then gripped the door handle. Before I went back inside, I plastered a terrified expression on my face. I swung the door open, immediately noticing the tense and quiet atmosphere. Everyone's attention snapped to me as I walked into the room. Taylor ran to me and engulfed me into a hug, sobbing. I tensed at the sudden contact, but didn't push her away so I could keep my scared act up.

    "W-we thought you were dead!" she wailed, mascara running down her cheeks. As she pulled away I saw Rob standing there, mouth agape and cigarette forgotten.

    "How did you survive a demon attack? You should be dead!"

    Gee, thanks. Well, I'm actually an anonymous vigilante who is the only person who can actually kill those things. I would've said that, but seeing as I want to keep my real identity a secret, it probably isn't wise to tell that to a bar full of people.

    Taylor gasped. "It was the Phantom, wasn't it? He saved you!" I nodded, and she gasped again.

    I glanced at the clock. My shift ended five minutes ago. I went to the back and grabbed my jacket and my things, then made my way towards the door. As I walked, I noticed that the three men I had served earlier were deep in conversation. They all nodded then walked out the door, unnoticed by anyone but me.

    "Wh-where are you going? You can't go out there, there may be another one!" Rob sputtered, his wild and terrified eyes trained on me.

    "My shift ended, I'm going home." Faking as if I had tears in my eyes, I swung the door open and walked out.

    "You can take tomorrow off!" Rob called from behind me. Tomorrow was my day off, but I didn't argue. Right now, I have three people to follow.

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