Our Forced Love

By l_michelle11

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Ever since Aurora Franklin was 10, she knew that in eight years time, she'd have to marry a random man who sh... More



66 10 6
By l_michelle11


Chef has prepared an amazing course for dinner. It was a simple Spaghetti bolognese dish with a tomato and cucumber salad as a side. It tasted amazing and I couldn't help but ask for more. Daniel has already had 3 plates and Mr. Maricceli was on his second as well. I was also on my second.

Daniel scoffed down his food. "Chef, keep it coming!" He yelled into the kitchen.

"Daniel, inside voice." Antonio scolded. "Plus, you already had 3, you don't need anymore." He told him. Daniel sucked his teeth and rolled his eyes. He looks at me as I'm eating I'm trying to eat a long spaghetti noodle. I embarrassingly suck it up quickly and chew. He laughed. "You like it?" He asked and I nodded. "I can tell." He raised his hand towards my lips and wiped leftover tomato sauce from the sides of my mouth.

"Antonio, dear, you are sure you want to marry someone who eats like a pig at the dinner table? It's disgusting, to say the least. If she can't have proper table etiquette, she shouldn't be here." Mrs. Maricceli scoffed. What the hell did she just say? I look at her in disbelief and scoffed, wanting to say something back. She's been throwing comments and insults at me the entire dinner, and I'm starting to get tired of it. At one point during the dinner, she told Kylie that she had preferred her marrying Antonio.

I wiped my mouth with my napkin and sat back in my chair, avoiding everyone's stares. "Mom, that was not necessary to say." Antonio said defensively. "If you cannot treat my wife in an appropriate manner then_"

"Oh, son, okay." Mrs. Maricceli replied. "If apologizing would make you and her feel better then I apologize." I never liked to call people out of their names, but she's acting like a huge bitch. I don't even want to talk anymore. I sink away into my own world, dissociating from her own vile words and behavior.

I hear Daniel, Antonio, and their parents talking amongst each other. I just sat there, not saying anything thinking of my parents. My mom would never let Mrs. Maricceli talk to me that way. She would've definitely spoken up more and probably insult her back on my behalf. No one did anything, and that's sad. I feel tears brimming in my eyes. Shit, I don't want to cry in front of everyone.

I tapped Antonio's arm. He looked at me. "I have to go to the bathroom." I told him. He nodded understandingly and I excused myself before quickly walking to the bathroom. I stepped in and quickly closed the door.

The tears started to fall down and I groaned in frustration, trying to wipe them without destroying my makeup. I can't let this woman upset me like this. I can't let her get what she wants, which is a reaction.


Shit. She's upset. She looked as if she was going to cry, which I hate. I cleared my throat. "Mother, your behavior during this dinner was entirely inappropriate and just ridiculous." I scolded. I've never once disrespected my Mom but how she's been treating Aurora was disgusting and made me sick to my stomach.

"You're mad because I'm saying the truth?" Mom retorted. "You're leader of the Organization. She's a little girl. She's too childish to be married to you." She turned to Dad. "Why'd you pick her, of all people?" She asked him.

"Her Dad and I made a deal." Dad replied.

"You couldn't have picked any other girl for him? Doesn't she have another sister, or a cousin?"

"Aurora is the only child." Kylie responded before I could. "She does have cousins, but they're way older and married already. She's been taught well by her parents. She knows how to fix car parts, she knows how to cook, she cleans her whole house whenever her parents are gone. Aurora is anything but incapable. She's 18 years old, she's not going to go into wife mode automatically." The whole table went silent. Kylie turns to me. "Can I excuse myself? To check on Aurora?" She asked.

I was too caught up in being angry with my mother that I didn't realize that my wife has been in the bathroom this whole time. Daniel stood up, motioning toward Kylie. It was now just my parents and I. I sat back in my chair with my arms folded across my chest. The disgust I feel towards my Mother, I've never felt before. The things she has said throughout the entire dinner was enough to fuck up my day.

Dad set his handkerchief down and turned to Mother who was softly eating her food. She looked as if she felt content with herself. "Honey. Aurora deserves an apology." Dad said.

Mother scoffed. "For what? Because I told the truth about herself?" She groaned, slamming her fork down. "Son, listen, that little girl is incapable of being the wife you need. I don't even know why your father made that debt with her father. You deserve someone better_"

"Enough!" I shouted. "Mom, I can't take you hauling out anymore insults to my fiancée. Aurora is perfect in every way she needs to be. You should be more considerate that she's willing to step up and try and learn what there is to be learned. Any other 18 year old would be throwing a fit by now. She's not like any other 18 year old. She's had to live with this since she was 10. So I ask that you stop with the insults and give her a break. She deserves all the sympathy you can give." I told her.

There's still so much that I have to learn about Aurora. But since I've met her, I've felt so captivated by her. Her beauty, her innocence, her kindness. All of it attracts me to her everyday. My plan before we're married is to learn as much about her as I need to know. Right now, all I can hope is that my Mother's scornful words don't cause a drift between us.


Damn, why am I crying? I feel so rude, staying in the bathroom. I know Antonio is probably furious with me. There was a knock on the bathroom door. "I'm coming." I said to whoever was on the other side, trying to wipe my tears. The door opens and it's Kylie and Daniel. "Oh, it's just you two."

They walked inside. Kylie pulls me in a tight hug and Daniel rubs my shoulder. "I'm sorry about my Mom." Daniel apologized. "She's being very rude to you and you don't deserve that. If you want, we can all stay in here until she leaves."

I chuckled. "No, that would be rude. And I don't want to give her another reason to hate me." I told him.

"Girl, fuck her. This is your house." Kylie scolded. How can she say that when Daniel's right behind her? I look at Daniel over her shoulder and he just shrugged his shoulders. So he agrees with her? "I had to leave. She was talking about how Antonio should marry someone else. Like girl, what the fuck!"

"You're loud." I told her. I couldn't risk Antonio or his parents hearing us. I look at myself in the mirror. My mascara was running down my face. I looked like a mess. "Can y'all help me please?" I asked. Kylie tore off a piece of paper towel and wet it. She lightly dapped my face, getting rid of the runny mascara. After almost five minutes, I looked presentable again. Daniel was in the back singing Miley Cyrus. It was kind of funny.

As we were getting ready to come out, the bathroom door opened. Antonio was standing there, looking at all of us. His eyes go to Daniel, who was staring at himself in the mirror. "Why the fuck are you in here?" He asked his brother.

Daniel, still staring at himself, laughed. "Your wife, my sister in law, was crying, so I accompanied Kylie so I could cheer up." He replied nonchalantly. Oh my gosh. I didn't want Antonio to know that I was crying. He's going to think I'm a childish little girl. I fanned my face to try to get rid of any puffiness. "Kylie, let's give them a moment." Kylie looks at me with a comforting look in her eyes and rubbed my shoulder before they both walked out together.

The silence between Antonio and I was loud. I didn't know what to say. My mouth urged me to apologize, but I couldn't even get that out. He was standing in front of me with his hands in his pockets, staring at the wall above my head. I don't think he's been in this kind of situation. Maybe he doesn't know what to do? Do I want him to comfort me? To hug me and tell me that I'm right in feeling how I feel?

He clears his throat. He takes his thumb and forefinger and cups my chin softly. He slowly tilted my head up so that our eyes could meet. I looked into his eyes for a while, then tried to cast my eyes somewhere else to avoid his glance.

"No, look at me." He said, his voice making me almost jump. As quiet as it was, his tone of voice, which wasn't even as loud as I'm making it out to be, sounded like a big giant waking up a small village with small people. He sighs. He keeps his fingers cupping my chin, his thumb rubbing softly. "They're leaving, okay?" I nodded. "I'm sorry that she had made you so upset." He apologized.

I plastered a fake smile, not liking how awkward I felt. "It's okay." I told him. It wasn't, but I didn't want to dwell on it any longer and I didn't want him to start to dwell on it. "We should go back out there."

Together, his hand in mine, we walked out of the bathroom and into the living room. The energy was awkward as hell. Kylie was distanced from Mrs. Maricceli and Daniel was talking with his Dad. All eyes turn to us. Mrs. Maricceli held back a scoff and instead looked at me with her intimidating eyes.

"Oh, Aurora." Mr. Maricceli walks up to me with his arms out. He pulled me in a hug. "It was so nice to meet you, beautiful girl." He told me. I nodded with a smile.

"It was so nice meeting you, Mr. Maricceli." I said. I turned to Mrs. Maricceli who was looking elsewhere to avoid looking at me. "And you as well, Mrs. Maricceli." I said.

She just hummed. "Hon, let's go." She said to her husband. Mr. Maricceli faced me and looked at me with a sad look in his eye.

He walked up to me and placed my small hands in his large ones. He leans closer to whisper in my ear. "I apologize for her." He said and I nodded. Daniel and Kylie both say bye to Mr. Maricceli. After the Maricceli parents left, it was still that awkward tension. I was desperate to just want to go upstairs to go to bed. I was feeling extremely exhausted and just desperately needed to go to bed.

I hugged both Daniel and Kylie goodbye and thanked them for their kind words and support. They both walked out hand in hand. Looks like they're okay again, hopefully it'll stay that way finally. As the maids cleaned up our dishes, I see Guido standing next to the door on his phone. I walked up to him.

"Guido, hi." I greeted with a smile. He looked up from his phone and gave me a friendly smile back.

"Ms. Aurora." He humorously bowed down to me, making me chuckle a little. He stood back up straight. "And how was dinner?" He asked me. A groan unintentionally left my mouth, which pretty much answered his question. "Ah, that had?" He asked.

I chuckle. "I locked myself in the bathroom and cried." I confessed. He looked away and laughed. "Don't laugh, that's not funny." I playfully shove his shoulder, can't helping but laugh myself. "I looked a mess."

"Listen, I've been around Mrs. Maricceli a few times. She can be a little on edge, but I feel as soon as she gets used to you, the nicer she'll become." He told me.

"I honestly hope so." I replied, playing with the hem of my dress. "So, you stay here all night? You don't have a home you go to?" I asked him. He told me any time he needs me, he'll be here. Day and night? Does he live here?

"Yes, I do." He replied. "Myself and Mr. Antonio's bodyguard have a designated room for us. I sleep downstairs. Before becoming a bodyguard, I was one of Mr. Antonio's best men. He always depended on me to do what needed to get done. When he assigned me to be your bodyguard, that gave me an extra thing to do. So thank you for marrying him." He and I both laughed at his last statement.

I nodded. "You're so welcome." I yawned, only revealing how desperately tired I was. "Excuse me, that was so rude." I covered my mouth and looked away, embarrassed. Mom taught me to never yawn in the presence of someone. It's highly rude in her eyes.

"Don't be embarrassed, you look exhausted." Guido stated. I nodded at him and rubbed my eyes. "Go on. I'll see you in the morning." He told me. I hugged his waist. I've only known Guido for a day, but I feel like I won't totally be alone here. Like, he's a potential confidant or a friend.

I pulled away and smiled. "Good night." I said to him and walked upstairs. I was extremely exhausted and needed to go to bed quickly. When I walked in the room, Antonio stood at his dresser without a shirt on. There were so many thoughts that came to my head when I saw him shirtless and as much as I tried to keep those thoughts out, it only came back. I drool for this man every time. What's going on with me? His eyes were now looking into mine, he smiled softly. "S-Sorry, uh... I was just about to get ready for bed. I'm really tired." I told him.

"Yes, sweetheart, go ahead." I nodded and walked in the bathroom. The bathroom is misty and smells of him. I love how he smells. If I could sniff his clothes all day, I would. That sounds creepy but it's true.

I turned on the shower and stepped in, washing the day off of my body. I love this time of day. Getting ready for bed. It's the time I get to wind down from either a calm or hectic day, and just go to bed without worrying about anything. After my shower, I placed my hair up in a messy bun and wrapped my robe around myself. I sat down in front of the sink and took off my makeup, did my skincare and brushed my teeth. I felt so refreshed. I placed on chapstick so that my lips could stay moist through the night.

I walked back in the room with my robe to grab my favorite pink night gown. I stepped in the bathroom quickly to put it on. I placed my robe back on the rack and walked out of the bathroom. By this point, I was close to falling asleep. Antonio was sitting against the headboard with his laptop on his lap. He looks up at me and I smiled.

"Someone looks tired." He said and I chuckled. I laid down and he looked down at me. "I'm really sorry about my Mother. You didn't deserve that. You're a beautiful and sweet girl, she just doesn't see that yet." He apologized. I don't need him to keep apologizing on his Mom's behalf. At the end of the day, it's her behavior that makes her look like a bitch. But I choose to let it go.

"It's okay." I yawned again, this time not caring. I was tired. "You don't have to apologize." Not really thinking, I place my hand on his abs and rubbed softly. "Goodnight, Antonio."

"Goodnight, sweetheart."

I faced away from him and turned my side lamp off. As tired as I am, I couldn't get my eyes to shut. After a few, I hear Antonio sigh and mutter to himself. A thud hits the floor and the bed moves and shifts. I'm assuming he's getting ready too. A click is heard and darkness fills the room, making me quickly turn on my lamp. I sat up. He was looking at me with a worry look.

"I'm sorry." I apologized quickly. "I'm just scared of the dark. I told you the_"

"The night of your birthday, I remember." He finished. He got up and walked to the closet door. He turned on the light and even left the door open so the light could seep in the room. He walked back to the bed and laid back down. "Is that better?" He asked.

I nodded and laid back down, facing him. "Yes." I said. "Thank you." He leaned forward and planted a kiss on my forehead. I smiled, feeling his warm soft lips and turned back around, facing away. His arm comes across my body and he pulls me to him. My back was now touching his chest and I had felt safe. Like nothing could come out to harm me as long as I was in his hold.

I yawned once more and finally, I was able to close my eyes and go to sleep.

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