Superstitions {Dean Wincheste...

Bởi courtneybunny2

50.7K 1.5K 5.9K

Sequel to Haunted "If I ask you to stay, will you?" I asked, voice quiet as I stared at him. His thumb brushe... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 62

530 16 171
Bởi courtneybunny2

All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1

Dean's POV

"Don't forget the extra onions this time, huh?" I told Si and Sam as I pulled money from my wallet. 

Si snatched the money from my hand. "Millie said you're like my sugar daddy and now I can't unhear it so you must suffer too."

"I did say that." Millie laughed a little as she sat in the backseat with Sam. 

I sighed. "Well, come here, my hitchhiking sugar baby." 

"Don't say that. It's gross." She muttered as I kissed her. 

"Dude, we're the ones who are gonna have to ride in the car with your extra onions." Sam complained. 

I pulled away from her, smiling a little. "Hey, see if they got any pie." 

"Don't throw my dog out of the car, deal?" 

"Deal." I pressed my lips to hers once again. 

She pushed open the car door, stepping out into the light rain.

"Bring me some pie!" I called out as she and Sam walked toward the diner. "I love me some pie." I mumbled as I turned up the radio. 

"So how much sex did it take for her to convince you of the adorable puppy?" Millie asked as Lady chewed on a toy Saige had bought for her.

"She bought it without me knowing." I stated. 

"That works too, I guess." She shrugged. "So are you besties yet or what?"

"No. We tolerate one another for Si's sake." I glanced down at the dog beside me. She looked up at me, head tilted. "She steals my food....And my girlfriend."

Suddenly the radio began to cut in and out. I glanced down, tapping my fingers against it as static hissed. I looked up and around the car. My eyes landed on the small diner. It seemed empty now. 

Before I'd seen people through the windows. 

I push open the car door and step out into the night. I quickly make my way toward the building. I pulled open the door, walking in. 

A man sat in a booth, blood pouring from hi neck and all over the table and floor. 

I pulled the gun from the waistband of my jeans.

"Sam? Saige?" I called out. 

I slowly made my way around the counter to find two more dead bodies with their throats slit and blood everywhere. I push open the back door, looking out to the field where rain was pouring now. "Sam? Saige?"

As I let the door shut, my hand brushed against some powder.

"Sulfur." I muttered. 

I walked back outside, yelling for them both. 


Saige's pov

I woke with a pounding headache. I sit up, looking around. I lay on the porch of an old building. There was a main road between the buildings and empty animal pens. This place kind of reminded me of one of those old western towns. 

I pushed myself to my feet, ignoring the ache in my back and head.  

Most of the road and area around the buildings were muddy from the rain. I leaned down to lace my boots before stepping off the porch.

"Hello?" I called out. "Anyone here?"

I reach into the back pocket of my jeans, pulling out my phone. I held it up. 

No signal.

"Hello?" I called out again, shoving back into my pocket. 


I was walking between two buildings, coming to the end when pain erupted in my left arm and shoulder. I stumbled back, hitting the wall of the building. 

"Oh my god, Saige, I am so sorry. I didn't know it was you." Sam dropped the wooden table leg looking weapon to the ground. 

"First of all, ow." I said, rubbing my arm and slowly moving it in a circular motion though it hurt like hell too. "Second of all, where the hell are we and why the hell are you beating me up?"

"Uh...I don't know."

"Anyway, I found a friend." I said. "You can come out, he's done beating people up."

Andy Gallagher stumbled out.

"Andy?" Sam asked.

"Sam." He laughed a little. "What are you doing here?"

"I don't know."

"What I am doing here?" 

"We also don't know. You already asked me all these questions. No one knows." I stated. 

"Where are we?" Andy asked.

"Andy, look, calm down." Sam told him.

"I can't calm down." Andy exclaimed.

"Yeah, I have that problem a lot too. I've been taking Xanax on and off since I was...14 or 15. I'd give you some, but, you know, I don't have it with me." I shrugged. 

"I have just woke up in frigging Frontierland." Andy continued.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Sam asked.

"Honestly, my forth bong load." Andy admitted. 

"How are you not calm then?" I asked. 

"It was weird. All of the sudden, there was this really intense smell, like, uh--" Andy began.

"Weed?" I suggested.


"Like sulfur?" Sam said.

"How did you know that?" Andy asked. 

"Dean." Sam muttered.

"Yes, I would like to find him too. Shall we?" I gestured around.

"Your brother, is he here?" Andy asked.  

"I don't know where he is." Sam explained. "I don't know if he's--"

Sam was cut off by a woman screaming.

"I don't think that's him." I stated. 

We made our way toward the sound, walking between the rows of houses. 

"Help me! Let me out of here!" The woman yelled, beating on the door. 

"Hello?" Sam asked. He stepped up to the door that was padlocked shut. "Okay. Okay. I'm here. We're gonna get you out. Just hold on a second."

Sam picked up a large rock, slamming it down onto the padlock a few times until it broke. He dropped the rock the pulled the door open. 

Inside was Ava, the woman who had disappeared. 

"Ava?" Sam asked.

"Oh," She sobbed, falling into his arms. "Sam."

"I guess you guys know each other." Andy remarked. 

"Yeah, they do." I said.

"This feel little awkward for you too?"

"Very." I reached into my pocket, feeling something. I pulled it out. My Xanax. I had forgotten I kept it in my jacket since everything that happened with Shadow Lady last week. "Oh, hell yeah. Want some?"

I opened the pill bottle, popping one out into my palm before giving one to Andy too. 

"How did you--? I mean--" Ava began. 

"Okay, I think we all need a Xanax." I said. 

"Ava, have you been here this whole time?" Sam asked.

"What whole time?" Ava asked through tears. "I just woke up in there, like, a half an hour ago."

"Well, you've been gone for five months." Sam stated. "My brother and Saige and I have been looking everywhere for you." 

"Okay, that's impossible because I saw you two days ago." Ava stated. 

"You didn't. I'm sorry." Sam shook his head.

"But that makes no sense. It's--"

"Sorry to say it, Ava, but nothing about this makes sense at all." I stated. "It's best to just ignore that fact."

"I think that's a good idea. Just focus on getting out." Andy agrees.

"Hey, some guy I was in jail with said the same thing." I laughed.

"You were in jail?"

"For, like, a week, yeah. I was friends with a bunch of the guys there. They all asked me to visit once in a while." I nodded. 

Ava gasped. "My fiancé, Brady, if I've been missing for that long, he must be freaking out."

"Oh, crap." I mumbled. 

"What?" Andy asked.

"Uh, well--"

Ava looked over at Andy and I suddenly as if she hadn't noticed us before.

"Hey." Andy waved a hand. "Andy. Also freaking out."

"We might need more Xanax." I stated. "And some whiskey. Dean says whiskey helps too. I say we go check the saloon then go look for him." 

"Okay." Ava said, looking back at Sam. "What's happening?"

"I don't know. I don't really know yet." Sam answered. "But I know one thing. I know what the four of us have in common."

"Hello? Is anybody there?" A voice called out from the distance. 

"Maybe more than four." Sam took off.

"Wait." I called. "My arm is killing me, dude."

We ran down the muddy road, calling back to the voice. 

A dark skinned man in a military uniform and a blonde girl walked out of the house toward us. 

"Hey, are you guys all right?" Sam asked.

"I think so." The man answered. 

"I'm Sam."

"Saige." I said. "But my friends in jail called me Killer."

"What?" Andy asked. "Are you serious?"

"Saige." Sam hissed.

"What? It's funny to watch how people react. At first they don't believe me, then they look at me like I'm crazy." I laughed a little. "Just trying to lighten the mood. And yes, I'm serious."

"I'm Jake." The man said.

"Lily." The girl spoke up. 

"Are there anymore of you?" Sam asked.

"No." Jake answered.

"How did we even get here?" Lily asked. "A minute ago I was in San Diego." 

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I went to sleep last night in Afghanistan." Jake stated. 

"Let me take a wild guess. You two are both 23?" Sam asked. "We all are. And we all have abilities. Well, Saige is 25."

"Sam." I hissed. 

"What? You are. You'll be 26 in July." 


"What?" Jake asked.

"It started a little over a year ago when you found out you could do things. Things you didn't think were possible. Saige has had hers her whole life though." Sam explained. "I have visions. I see things before they happen."

"Yeah, me too." Ava added. 

"Yeah, and I can put thoughts into people's heads, like, make them do stuff." Andy said. "Oh, but don't worry, I don't think it works on you guys." He looked over at Sam and I. "Oh, but get this, um, I've been practicing. Training my brain, like meditation, right? So now it's not thoughts. I can beam out images too."

"That's awesome. I wish I could do that." I said. 

"Yeah, like, anything I want. It's like, bam! People, they see it." Andy continued. "This one guy I know, total dick. I used it on him. Gay porn, all hours of the day."

"No way." I said, smiling a little.

"It's just like--" Andy laughed. "You should've seen the look on his face."

Our laughter faded when we looked around to see everyone staring at us bored and confused.

"Well, this is awkward." I mumbled. 

"So you go, 'Simon says give me your wallet' and they do?" Lily asked. "You have visions? That's great. I'd kill for something like that."

"Lily, listen, it's okay." Sam said.

"No, it's not. I touch people, their hearts stop." Lily said. "I can barely leave my house. My life's not exactly improved."

"If it makes you feel any better, I did that once." I shrugged. "It hasn't happened since, but I can do it." 

"So screw all of you. I just wanna go home." Lily said.

"And what, we don't?" Jake asked.

"You know what? Don't talk to me like that--"

"Hey." Sam said.

"Guys, let's just calm down." I began. "We'll be fine."

"She's right. Whether we like it or not, we're all here." Sam added. "And so we all have to deal with this."

"Who brought us here?" Andy asked.

"It's less of a who. It's more of a what." Sam stated.

"I have a quick question." I said. "Does anybody else here have a Shadow Lady following them around and attacking them? Or a Trench Coat Man with wings?"

Everyone just stared at me like I was crazy.

"Jeez, the prisoners were less judgmental than this." I muttered. 

"What does that mean?" Ava asked Sam.

"It's, uh--" Sam scoffed.

"A demon we call Yellow Eyes because he has yellow eyes." I spit out. 


Dean's pov

"This is it." Bobby pointed to the map that sat on the hood of the Impala as rain drizzled down. "All demonic signs and omens over the past month." 

We stood on the side of the road between our vehicles in the rain by a motel. Lady sat by my feet, whining occasionally. 

"You're joking, there's nothing here." I said.

"Exactly." Bobby replied.

"Okay, well, that's not exactly helpful, Bob." Millie spoke up. 

I rolled my eyes. "Come on, there's gotta be something. What about the-the-the normal, low-level stuff? You know, exorcisms, that kind of thing."

"That's what I'm telling you. Nothing." Bobby stated. "It's completely quiet."

"How are we supposed to look for Sam and Saige? Close our eyes and point?" I snapped. 

My phone rang.

I pulled it out, answering. "Ash, what do you got?"

"Okay, listen, it's a big negatory on Sam or Saige." Ash began.

"Oh, come on, man, you gotta give me something. We're looking at a 3000 mile haystack here." 

"Listen, Dean...I did find something."

"Well, what?" 

"I can't talk over this line, Dean."

"Come on, I don't have time for this."

"Make time." Ash snapped. "Because this--" He muttered a 'how you going' to somebody. "Not only does this almost definitely help you find your brother and Saige, this is...It's huge. So get here. Now."

He hung up.

"I guess we're going to the roadhouse. Come on." 


Saige's pov

"So we're soldiers in a demon war to bring on the apocalypse?" Jake asked.

"More or less." I nodded.

"When you put it like that--" Sam said.

"And we've been picked?" Jake asked.


"Why us?"

"I'm not sure." Sam said. "Okay, but look, I just know--"

"Sam." Ava spoke up. "I'm sorry, psychics and spoon bending is one thing. But demons?"

"Look, I know it sounds crazy." 

"It doesn't just sound it." Jake remarked.

"I really don't care what you think." Sam snapped. "If we're all gathered here that means it's starting. We gotta--"

"Prove it to them. Show them your power." She whispered in my head. 

"The only thing I gotta do is stay away from wackjobs, okay?" Jake said.

"How?" I asked, looking around for her.

"I've heard enough. I'm better off on my own." Jake continued. "FYI, so are you." He told us all. 

"Show them." Shadow Lady appeared in front of me. "Show them what you showed the one who marked you." She touched the spot over my heart. 

"What?" I asked. 

"He's seen you. He's seen us." 

"Who? Dean?" I asked.

"Yeesss." She hissed. "Show them."

"But how?"

"Focus on it. Hone it." She grabbed my wrist, raising it up. She ran a finger over my palm and wrist before sinking her teeth into it.

I screamed, stumbling backwards. 

My blood was no longer red. Instead it was black and shadowlike. Not blood. Dark veins crept across my skin. I felt them flow through my like ice. 

Shadow Lady knelt beside me as I hit the ground. "Shh. It' all right."

"Is it?" I asked. 

"They see now. They see us." She ran her hand over my hair. "Azazel will too. He cannot poison what is mine."

"Who?" I asked, tears slipping down my cheeks. 

"They see. He sees. I will help you." 

And with that she disappeared. 

I looked up at everyone then. 

They all stared at me, eyes wide and scared. 

Scared of me...?

"What--What is it?" I asked.

"Uh, uh--I think you'll need more Xanax." Andy stuttered. 

"I'm out of here." Jake practically ran away. 

Ava was backing away toward Sam. 

Thunder rumbled overhead.

"Sam? What is it?" I asked.

"Saige, you--you--your eyes. Your skin. You were talking to yourself. You're bleeding." Sam knelt beside me. 

I looked down at myself. Black veins were slowly disappeared, blood was pouring from the bite mark on my wrist. 

"Sam, what's happening?" I asked quietly. 

"Your eyes, they turned red and purple and black all at once." Sam said. "It looked like pure darkness had washed over you. You were talking to yourself." He reaches out to help me stand.

When his skin touched mine, he jerked his hand back. "Ow."

"What?" I asked.

"You...electrocuted me. It looked like lightning bounced off your skin." Sam said. 


We found Jake in and old school house being cornered by a little ghost/demon girl who had written 'I will not kill' over and over again on the chalkboard. 

Sam grabbed an iron fire poker and swung it at her, making her turn into a puff of black smoke and zap out of the building.

"Just so you know. That was a demon." Sam said. "That thing, I'm not sure, but I think it was an Acheri."He continued as we walked out of the building. "A demon that disguises itself as a little girl."

"Is she one?" Jake asked, pointing to me.

"Rude." I said. "First of all, I'm a woman. Second of all, Shadow Lady is the problem, not me." 

"None of this tells us where we are." Sam said. "Andy, you with us or what?"

"Give me a minute." Andy held up a finger. "I'm still working through 'demons are real'."

I pulled out my bottle of Xanax, dumping two in his hand. "This'll help." I took two myself.

"Are you supposed to take this much?" Ava asked.

"Not sure. I'll be fine." I handed her one. "Lily?"

She shrugged. "Sure."

"Saige, quit playing drug dealer for a second." Sam said. 

"We're all stressed out, Sam. You need one too." I stated. 


"I've seen that bell before." Sam stated as thunder rumbled. It was a large iron bell that sat above a well. It had an engraving of a tree on the front. "I think I know where we are now. Cold Oak, South Dakota. A town so haunted, every resident fled."

"Swell. Good to know we're somewhere so historical." Ava remarked.

"Why in the world would that demon or whatever put us here?" Lily asked. 

"I'm wondering the same thing." Sam said. 

"You know what? It doesn't matter." Lily stated, turning and walking away. "Clearly, the only sane thing to do here is get the hell out of Dodge."

"Wait, hold on, Lily. The only way out is through miles of woods." Sam said. 

"Beats hanging out with demons."

"She's not used to it like we are, Sam. Give her some time." I sighed. 

"Lily, look, we don't know what's going on yet." Sam stated. "I mean, we don't even know how many of them are out there right now."

"Yeah, he's right. We should--" Jake began.

"Don't say we!" Lily snapped. "I'm not part of we. I have nothing in common with any of you." 

"Okay, look, look, I know that--" Sam began.

"You don't know anything. I--I accidently touched my girlfriend." Lily snapped.


"I'm sorry." Sam said. 

"Whatever. I feel like I'm in a nightmare and it just keeps getting worse and worse." Lily stated.

"I feel that sometimes too." I mumbled. 

"I've lost people too. I have a brother out there right now. I--" Sam began. "He could be dead for all I know. We're all in bad shape. But I'm telling you, the best way out of this is to stick together." 


A/N: Hey, guys! I know this chapter ended up pretty long. I'm not sure how that happens. We just have a lot to cover so it'll probably be similar with the next chapters too. Maybe not as bad, but still longer than normal. 

Anyway, hope you enjoyed!!

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