Adler | The Monarch & The Hei...


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Book Two of The Adler series ** Cassandra Lovett had pictured her summer holiday to be a break from her prep... More

A | Aesthetics
Lovett | A ONE
Them | A TWO
Mistaken | A FOUR
Epiphany | A FIVE
Heroine | A SIX
Euphemism | A SEVEN
Cons | A EIGHT
Choice | A NINE
Mischief | A TEN
Verdict | A ELEVEN
Judgement | A TWELVE
Trouble | A FOURTEEN
Problems | A FIFTEEN
Apology | A SIXTEEN
Dishonesty | A EIGHTEEN
Heartfelt | A NINETEEN
Sleepover | A TWENTY
Kaleidoscope | A TWENTY ONE
Revealed | A TWENTY TWO
Nightmares | A TWENTY FOUR
Belligerence | A TWENTY SIX


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For anyone who didn't see the updated author's note I left in the first chapter, this is THE SECOND BOOK OF A SERIES. It is not a standalone, please read the first book, Adler | Aces of St. Sinclair before reading this book. Thank you (apologies for anyone who's had to see this note repeated, this is the last time)

Today's chapter is dedicated to TanoraWise4 and florence757. Thank you for all your feedback and support!


Cassandra sat, twirling her pencil above her completed sheet while others were still writing. Eyes on the board but mind relaying back to the intel Lydia had provided on the write up of this unlikely seeming kingdom's royals.

"Can we please start with biker boy?" Cassandra requested.

"Alright, alright. Concluding from the description you gave, biker boy is the wild card of the Kings; Ben McCoy."

"Ben? Really?"


"I was expecting something more like, Damien or Maverick or Reece. More edgy, y'know?"

Lydia rolled her eyes. "Anyway, he's part of the school's academics club called Coeus and plays as the striker for the football team. He's the most charismatic but also easy-going out of the Kings. Always the talk of the party. His best subjects are maths, foreign language classes and sports. Not known to have any strong dislikes and likes just about any kind of food. And um, is known to be around a lot of girls but never have any been certified as a girlfriend."

"So he's a fuck boy."

"Er, yeah. Some might say that."

"Proceed to the next."

"What? But I still have tons to say, don't you want more details to have something prepared when you run into him again?"

"I've heard enough." Cassandra failed to keep her tone calm on that. A player— she should've guessed as much and it wasn't like she would plan to go after him but now she was certain of crushing any illusions on that when heartbreak was definite.

"Okay. Then well, next is Will Butler. He's known as the benevolent King. Total sweetheart, doesn't judge by status or reputation and treats all equally. Very attentive, best subjects are chemistry, literature and music. He likes spicy food, prefers cats over dogs and could go a whole day just using his phone and still have top marks."

"I like him already."

"Right? Uh, the relationship aspect is obscure. I don't know if he has a girlfriend cause he's pretty private in those categories from what my sources know."

"Or he prefers older woman." interjected the voice of the school nurse who apparently had been tuning in.

The girls passed her questioning looks. "Not that I can verify that personally, of course." She added as she reported back to her desk.

Lydia's examination was finished up with the verdict that no serious damage was done to her eye and the pair exited the office with a mere ice pack to numb the pressure. "Okay, I'd really love to hear about their favourite films to their zodiac signs but my mummy— er, my mum will kill me if I make us both late on the first day so can we keep it short?" suggested Cassandra.

Lydia heeded. "Next, there's Stevie Powell. She—"

"She? There's a girl?"

"Yeah. She's known as the wallflower queen of the four."

"But how is it the Four Kings? Wouldn't it be the Three Kings and Queen? They should've kept it as The Aces, more gender neutral and less confusing."

"I thought you wanted this to be quick."

"Alright, alright. Just saying."

"Anyway, she's basically a prodigy excelling in all academic subjects but also exceptional in home economics. She's also got this mysterious air to her."

"What do you mean?"

"No one really knows what her family does for a living. She just showed up out of the blue in St. Sinclair and the Kings immediately invited her into the group."

"What? Just on the spot?"

"On the spot. The other three were friends back to the first year of school and kept a line between them and everybody else, regardless of class in society. But with her, it was like they were just drawn to her."

"She must be an heiress to some dynasty or something." Bet she's super hot, too. Cassandra thought to herself. The guys probably could just sense they were in the same posh class.
"She's very reserved and mature. Sources have noted she was in a relationship with a guy on the school swim team near the end of term but I don't know if they broke up since she doesn't bother uploading any pictures of her partners on social media. Or put much of anything on there but hey, that's why they call her wallflower."

Yep, definitely a hottie. Cassandra concluded to herself. Probably a glamour model too and stuck up since she has insanely handsome guy friends.

Suddenly, Cassandra felt a pang of jealously at a girl she'd never even met before. God, she was pathetic. "And the fourth one?"

"Ah yes, last but never the least; Garren Adler. Known as the sovereign King. Dad is a multimillionaire and he's a certified genius. He plays as a midfielder on the football team, attends the advance classes so he's sort of a blue moon. The only time you could run into him is at the lunch hall or maybe if you're in his PE class. The Coeus club members are the most fortunate at being near him up close and he's the club captain. Actually, he's the youngest ever to be elected since it's traditionally given to seniors but he's held captaincy since last year."

"Whoa, sounds really accomplished."

"That's why he's the leader."

Lydia's footsteps abruptly came to a stop then, causing Cassandra to seal her steps also.

"All I'll say is this though," Lydia glanced over her shoulders not once, but twice and spoke in a whisper, "he isn't someone you want to cross. Ever. With him, he literally could do anything. So always be careful if you run into him, Cassandra. Very careful."


Suddenly, the chairs all around Cassandra were being pushed back as the students got up from their seats. She'd spaced out to the extent she hadn't heard the bell ring nor the teacher officially dismissing them. The vivid fear in Lydia's eyes back when she said that statement circled in Cassandra's mind.

She didn't really understand the warning. Sure, the blokes were movie star level attractive and exceptionally bright but they were still just rich kids who ruled because of their parents' money. Nothing to be afraid of. Lydia was just naïve and believed everything, sadly.

As Cassandra walked to the front to hand in her sheet, the teacher stopped her on her way out. "Ms. Lovett, please be sure to make a stop by the headmaster's office before you go to your next class."

She heeded and after getting directions, she found herself standing in front of the polished oakwood door and an antique grandfather clock a few feet away. Cassandra thumped her knuckles on the frame twice, as her biochemistry teacher strongly advised.

"Enter." permitted a feminine voice from the other side.

Swallowing, Cassandra stepped inside to be stared back by almond green eyes. Silver hair arranged in a slick bun like her mother would do for garden parties and a mustard yellow tartan suit donned the elderly woman sat in the chrome leather chair.

"What can I do for you, dear?" Her voice was sweeter than her intimidating stature implied.

It relieved Cassandra. "Um, I was told you wanted to see me."

"Oh, Ms. Lovett I take it? Please, come sit."

Cassandra did so, sheepishly smiling back.

"I apologise to call you in the middle of lesson but before we get onto the matter I'd like to discuss, let me introduce myself. I am Ms. Shepherd, the headmaster of this school and it's a pleasure to meet you."

"It's a pleasure to meet you too." Cassandra replied.

"I hope you've been enjoying your first day so far at St. Sinclair."

"Oh, yeah. It's been great." Cassandra concurred and she was glad she could say that honestly. "Very uh, interesting."

"Splendid. Now I want you to know if you have any sort of problems here, you can rest assured to come to me." Ms. Shepherd vowed. "We do find students excelling in their studies vital, but their personal well-being counts above all else. Oh and might I just ask, before I get on to the reason I called you in here— the bicycle strapped up by the north parking space, is it yours?"

"Uh, yes..." Cassandra gulped. Did they have some kind of code about those things? Well, it did stick out like a sore thumb in the fancy place. She was going to butcher whoever grassed on her.

"I don't quite understand. I had been informed you were staying with Jason O'Reily in his estate. Was there some trouble providing transportation?"
"No. I uh, just like riding my bike over being driven in cars all the time."

A silence fell. Cassandra grew nervous the longer it stretched out and she had to stop it. "I'm sorry if it's caused a problem—"

"Problem? Oh good heavens, no. I was just worried there was an issue with your commute and I was willing to contact the staff on sorting it out. If a student is unable to come to school, then there'd be a problem."


"I see. That's good, good." She nodded. "I'm thrilled there are still such active youths around who can be so independent. It's bold, admirable."

"O-Oh thank you, miss." said Cassandra in a stutter. She felt very weird. Her mother had never called her choices bold or admirable.
Yet coming from this colourful old lady, she felt something inside her swell up. Pride. She sat up straighter. "So why did you want to see me?"

"Right, yes." Ms. Shepherd linked her wrinkled fingers together. "I had gone over your records and your mother transferred in some of your works from your previous school."

"Oh, she did?" Cassandra held in a groan. Hadn't her mother done enough in trying to impress these people? Albeit, Cassandra wouldn't deny she was naturally gifted in school too but she never thought anything of bragging about it.

"So I was thinking a bright girl like yourself would be interested in enlisting in our academics club."

"M-Me?" Cassandra stammered. "But isn't it for like, really smart people?"

"Indeed and I believe you'd make a wonderful addition to the team."

Cassandra was astounded for the second time that day. "O-Oh uh, thanks. I'm seriously flattered but I don't think..."

Ms. Shepherd chuckled. "Oh, I apologise if I put you on the spot there, darling. But there's no rush." She slid her hand across the desk separating them, a s boxed sheet of paper underneath it. The words 'Issue of Enlistment' most prominent to the eye. "This is the first day of term. A fresh new start, a whole uncharted land of possibilities that can only take you up in St. Sinclair. Don't fear spreading your wings, Ms. Lovett. We need unique, creative minds like you. Think it over, all right?"

Cassandra took in those earnest eyes that nearly seemed hypnotic, nodding her head. She exited the room holding the sheet of paper in hands.

She let out a breath of befuddlement.

Once again, it seemed she'd greatly misjudged the school. She was presuming the head would be a stern, iron faced dictator who's only concern was on the ratings and awards. Even her former administrator prioritised image and thought it was normal.

Turned out she'd been wrong, wrong wrong. The school was blessed with not just dazzling kings but also a kind soul for a headmaster.


"The, the headmaster specially asked you to join Coeus?"

"I wouldn't say 'specially', but— "

Cassandra couldn't speak further when she had to cover her ears from the shrill squeal of Lydia expressing her excitement, even happier than the one who received it. Gosh, for a tiny person she had a big voice. Cassandra was glad she took the initiative to call the blonde over to a secluded area by the stairwell to share the news.

"This is so cool!" Lydia exclaimed. "I can't believe I'll know someone in Coeus."

"Oi, oi oi. Hold up, I never said I was joining."

"What? Cass what are you talking about? You have to join!"

"But I'm not sure I'm really cut out for that. I'm not that good at studies."

"If Ms. Shepherd said so herself then you're plenty good enough." Lydia countered. "Have more confidence in yourself. You're a new you."

Cassandra bit her lip, staring down at the blank boxes on the sign up sheet.
"Also," started Lydia with her lips by the taller girl's ear, "did I mention that the Coeus club is completely male apart from Stevie Powell? The clubhouse is also very strict on privacy and non-members aren't even allowed inside. Including the teachers. If you entered, you'd be one of the only girls in the academy to get that close to the Four Kings. Think about it, they'd be fellow club members and you'd get to talk to them on a daily basis. Just you. Every girl in the school and district would be dying to have what you have."

The all too obvious teasing voice slithered in and Cassandra's skin ran amok with goosebumps. She lightly shoved her friend back. "Lydia, I'm not going to join a club just to drool over boys. That's so stupid."

Lydia smirked. "Yeah, tell that to your red face. What, thinking of something you'd rather do than say hmm?"

"Oh piss off." Cassandra sputtered, pulling up the paper to conceal the heat radiating off her face from the sun rays. Yeah, it was the sun. The blonde would just jumping to conclusions.

Cassandra started out of the stairwell, the snickering short girl following to tease her all throughout.


A large frown rested on Cassandra's face as she leant on her elbows by the pristine kitchen counter. Mark had been dormant for a whole week as of now, none of her thirty four texts responded to. More than just upset, she was getting worried.

Would there be a chance her mother would let her make a quick trip to East Chesterfield to check? Maybe if she informed her the administrator personally invited her to join their big, fancy club she'd be so thrilled and accept? It sounded plausible.

Speaking of the power hungry lunatic, she came strutting in in high red heels, designer shopping bags swinging from her arm. "Cassandra I— what in god's name are you doing?!"

Cassandra slowly looked down to the ham and lettuce in hand between two slices of bread. "Um, making a sandwich?"

Her mother let out a haggard breath, rubbing her temples. "Cassandra there are maids to attend to those things. Why are you behaving like a peasant?"

"Mummy the peasants couldn't afford anything other than vegetables since meat was a luxury back then."

"Don't get sassy with me, missy."

Cassandra rolled her eyes and proceeded to bite into her snack. It never met her lips as a hand snatched it.


"No snacking."

"If you wanted one, you could just ask." quipped Cassandra.

"You're not eating anything because you'll need room in that tummy for this." A frilly envelope with a rose as its seal was slapped onto the countertop.

Cassandra regarded it with furrowed brows, flickering her gaze to her grinning mother before seizing the letter. A pungent whiff of perfume hit her nostrils and she scrunched her nose. "Urgh, it smells like grandma Edith. What is this?"

"An invite to the 51st Von don Vancouver Berry tea party."

"Von what now?"

"Von don Vancouver." Her mother repeated without getting tongue-tied somehow. "Their family is one of the longest lines of wine merchants. For over half a century now the woman of the Von don Vancouver hold a Berry tea party either by the start of summer or after. Jason was talking to the youngest son, Edgar Von don Vancouver as they frequent the same gym."

"Uncle Jason goes to the gym?"


Cassandra pulled a face in bewilderment. The man wasn't in bad shape but she struggled to imagine him lifting dumbbells and those stubby legs in trainers, running on a treadmill.

"Cassandra! Are you listening?"

"Mmm? Oh yeah, sure."

"Good then take these," her mother hauled the heap of shopping bags into her arms, "and try them on."

"What? Why? Aren't these yours?"

"No, it's for you. This is an invitation for you."

Cassandra didn't like where she feared this was going. "Please don't tell me..."

"You're going to the party."



"But I don't want to. I wouldn't even know anybody. Why can't you go?"

"I am going."

Her reply was perfectly timed to cue in the driver Winston waddling into the place, carrying double the amount of bags. If there was one thing Miranda Lovett didn't object to doing yourself it was shopping.

"I'm guessing uncle Jason paid for those?"

"He insisted." Her mother proclaimed. "He doesn't want his precious niece wearing gaudy rags on her debut at a vintner's party."

"Vintner's wife." Cassandra clarified. She'd had a little experience with tea parties in the past, all prissy as one could imagine. Oh, and not to forget, they were boring.

"Just go on your own please, mummy. I want to stay in."

"Doing what? Moping around all day, staring into your phone screen? You don't even have any plans."

"Yes I do." Cassandra lied, but she was determined to call up Lydia and make some.

"Cassandra, have you forgotten the game plan? We are here to rise above and beyond everybody back in that dingy city who abandoned us." Her mother's voice stern and gaze impossible to look away from. "This is an opportunity. The Von don Vancouver's are old money. Old money means they've been around to forge the bigger pool of connections. This year it’s being hosted by Edgar Von don Vancouver's new bride and she's just a little older than you are. She'll have her friends and they'll bring their friends. Make a good impression and mingle, so this can open doors. Or do you want to keep loaning off on your relatives forever?"

Cassandra shook her head.
"That's what I thought. So mark that 13th on your calendar, because you need to be set."

"13th? Wait, it's not today?"

"No. Of course not, you think I'd be capable of having you prepared in that little time?"

"Then why did you steal my sandwich?"

"Because I know bread makes you bloated— don't deny it. And I don't want to have the other woman thinking you're expecting triplets."

Cassandra absentmindedly placed a hand on her stomach, gasping. "Hey, it's never that bad! It was just one time because—"

"I don't want to hear it. Now, up to your room and no bread until the party."

Knowing there was no room for arguing, Cassandra grumpily lugged the bags and clambered up the stairs. Then waited five minutes at her door, listening in for the affirming click clacking of her mother's heals to gait past the corridor. Once hearing the thud of the door closing, she raced back to the kitchen island, only to find her plate empty.

Cassandra could've sworn she left it right there. She scoured the area for any clues when the clicking clacking reemerged.

She shot up her head from the cupboards. Her mother stood perched at the top of the stairs, sandwich in hand. Hawk eyes looming over. "Looking for something?"

"U-Uh no, not particularly." Cassandra stuttered.

Her mother bore a wide smirk, casually taking a large bite and said nothing more, waltzing back to her room.


Cassandra never cared for trigonometry but not to say she was bad at it.

She could recite the formulas pretty well. However, in her current mood she couldn't even bother feigning attentiveness. Yesterday, she spent a lengthy span rummaging through the frills, velvets, puffs and more frills for any thing she could tolerate clothing herself in. Bizarrely enough, the woman had even purchased matching bras and panties too.

What on earth was she expecting to occur at a tea party?

In distress, she called up Lydia for rescue and that ended up going haywire because the girl turned out to be very indecisive with her ordering Cassandra to try out the same outfits multiple times in what was supposedly would asses a conclusion.

Cassandra really wondered how Lydia could get dressed every morning and be on time. The worst part, Lydia had gotten an invite too but she couldn't tag along as she had her shift at the pet shelter to attend.

Cassandra couldn't deprive the blonde of her civic duty to join her in torture. Although, Lydia was very excited to do the make up. Cassandra would rather have her do it than some overpaid stylist with uncle Jason's money.

She tore her gaze from the series of triangles to fish out her phone that vibrated. It wasn't Mark but the message was big enough to have her eyes widen.


Induction of submission forms will be held by captain Garren Adler and fellow management officials.
Report to the conference room in the clubhouse IMMEDIATELY at 11. 15. If you are one minute late, you will be accounted for as resigned.

Cassandra couldn't help but stare, reading it over a few times. She'd gave in her submission form when Lydia wasn't lurking but when she hadn't heard anything back, Cassandra pushed it all to the deepest depths of her mind.

Now here this was. Ms. Shepherd hadn't mentioned anything about an induction— was she meant to prepare something first if they asked questions?

Maybe she should've let Lydia know so Cassandra wouldn't be freaking out now. It was literally ten minutes away from eleven o'clock and her panic shot up when the bell abruptly rang, teacher wiping the board clear. Wait, what? Where had all the time gone?
When Cassandra shut her eyes, she envisioned that blinding smile and dreamy blue eyes. It urged her off her seat, but at the same time got knots in her stomach at the thought of embarrassing herself even more this time, in front of three of those majestic creatures. God, why hadn't she looked them up to know what to prepare her heart for instead of stalking Mark's feed and scouring through cat memes?

Now she was walking in there blind and probably be a bumbling idiot.
Cassandra slapped her cheeks. Calm down, calm down, she told herself. You've got this, they're not going to eat you alive.

Yes, they were on a different league but she needed to stop focusing on the distance and jump— no, fly.

'Don't be scared of spreading those wings' the kind headmaster's words zipped to her mind.

Cassandra held onto it, like a mantra and dashed forward to carve her new path.

A/N: How do you think this induction will go for Cassandra?

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