The Arrangement

By PumpkinZulu879

394 33 1

Stucky fic - still a work in progress. Amelia (OC) meets Bucky and Steve in a club, they agree to a one night... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18

Part 14

18 2 0
By PumpkinZulu879

A.N. Did ya'll really think I'd leave you hanging? ;) My writing partner says you're welcome! Seriously though, wait till the end.

T.W. Smut, fluff, angst, mentions of violence, Dom!Bucky, Dom!Steve, stalker like activities, voyeur type things (if you don't know what that is you're too young to be reading this& I'm calling your adult.)


Amelia POV: 

My bare feet padded across the cold marble floor. I turn on the shower and pull my shirt off, thankful that the room is already warming up by the steam bellowing around me. I wait a few more minutes, looking over the dark blue walls. I don't think Steve or Bucky picked out the color scheme, but it's nice. I think it's very relaxing. I check the water again, pleased that it's at the perfect temperature before stepping in. I close my eyes and lean my head back, letting the hot water wash over my hair. The sound of the rushing water and my breathing fills the air. I think I hear the door opening but brush it off. 

If I'm right, Steve is out there tearing Bucky apart for not at least calling last night. I share in his annoyance but I'm willing to push it aside. He must've had a good reason for not coming back, right? I wipe the water from my eyes and look at the bottles of products on the shower shelf, frowning slightly at my options. Typical guy things, 2-in-1s, body wash but to my luck I found a bottle of just conditioner.

"Has to be Bucky's." I giggle to myself before tipping my head back into the water again. My mind wanders to the night before. Steve taking control, but still making sure I was safe, comfortable and taken care of. I smirk to myself and grab a bottle of body wash, squirting some of it on a washrag I found on the shelf next to the towels. I move the rag across my body, lathering the soap against my skin. I'm taking deep breaths, the rich, earthy scent filling my nose; I know almost instantly that it's Bucky's. He always smells like he's been walking around the woods for hours.

I hear the shower door slide open and almost slip when I spin around to see who it is, my breath hitching when Bucky catches me. He's got a cocky smirk on his face as his eyes scan over my naked body. "I thought I smelled my soap."

"I-I'm sorry. I'll get you more of it... I just didn't-."

"I'm not worried about it, sweetheart." He steps in the shower and moves his face close to mine. "I like the way it smells on you."

My face gets hot and I can't stop the giggles from bubbling out of my mouth. "That is so corny."

He chuckles a little and shakes his head, "Oh, come on, that was my best pick up line."

"The best one? Poor baby, you really have no game."

"Oh really?" His eyebrows raise as he looks down at me again. "You're really going to tease me about how I pick up girls? Especially because it didn't take much to get you."

I put my finger on my chin, pretending to think about this for a moment before smirking and nodding my head. "Yeah, because I think it's fun to tease you." His eyebrows raise again and I'm distracted by the look in his eyes before being brought right back to reality by a quick slap on my ass. "Ow, Bucky!" I yell, turning my head to look at the bright red handprint.

His fingers grip my chin and he forces me to look up in his eyes. "Don't act like a brat, and I won't treat you like one."

My bottom lip pokes out slightly, leaving a soft pout on my face. "I thought you said you wouldn't hurt me?"

"Oh, love, there's a difference between hurting you and discipline. That was discipline, your mouth got a little too smart for your own good. Now, say you're sorry." I mumble a half "sorry" and try looking away, but he pulls my chin again. "A real apology, Amelia."

"I'm sorry Bucky, I didn't mean to upset you."

He smiles and lets go of my chin before leaning to kiss my forehead. "It's alright, baby-doll. I think I know how you can make it up to me." He flashes me a flirty smirk.

I smirk back at him, "yeah? How can I make it up to you?"

His eyes scan my body again, that devilish look flashing in his eyes. "I think you already know... on your knees."

The shower door slides open again and Steve looks at both of us, his eyes settling on Bucky's hardened length. "As much as I'd love to see what happens next, we have to go."


Devon POV:

I didn't know where they were going and I honestly didn't care. Amelia was going with them, which meant they'd all have a shadow today. How'd I get here? I followed the dark haired guy here from the apartment this morning. Figured it was only right since he spent the night invading our space.

The rage I felt seeing him freely walking around her place is indescribable. He had no right to go snooping around. All night I watched him pace around, touching her things, reading her work, laying in our bed. At some point the asshole even walked around with his shirt off after taking a shower. Do you know how hard it was to keep my cool?

I'm snapped back to reality when I hear her sweet voice, whining at them. My eyes widen when I look up and catch sight of her. One of them somehow managed to get her in a yellow sundress. I've known Amelia for years and I've rarely seen her wear dresses; it's always been jeans and a shirt. "Bucky, just tell me where we're going!" Her lips forming a cute pout, she spins around to look at them and leans against the car. Bucky? What a stupid name, makes him sound like a hick. I roll my eyes, she can't really be into these guys. They're idiots, a couple of dumb jocks.

The blonde guy smirks and opens the door. "Just hush, get in, and enjoy the ride. It'll be worth it, I promise, honey." Honey? Who the fuck does this guy think he is? Amelia sighs and slides in the backseat, the door closing behind her. The idiots smirk at each other before getting in their own seats and drive off. I start my moped and follow behind, making sure to stay just far enough back that they won't notice me.

An hour later, we're pulling up to an aquarium, one of the biggest in the city. I park a few spots away, watching as Amelia steps out of the car and stares up at the building. She's got the sweetest smile on her face. I get annoyed looking at it, knowing someone else is causing her to smile like that. It's almost sickening the way they look at her... like she's their pet, but she's not. She belongs with me- she belongs to me. She starts walking toward the entrance, following Steve. Poor thing... really does have lost puppy syndrome.

I can't lie, there's a jealous rage that comes over me every time I notice one of them touch her. I almost lose my cool completely when she takes one of their hands in each of her's, but I don't. I want her to have a decent day, even if we're separated by these dumbasses the whole time. It's almost like we're spending the day together.

Once we're inside, the crowds filter and separate through different corridors and pathways. It's easy to keep track of them, since they're both a little taller than most people. Amelia seems insistent on stopping at every tank and watching the fish swim. She takes her time reading the information cards and explaining something to Bucky before they continue walking around. I'm  getting tired of watching her interacting with them and I'm already over the amount of walking this little "date" requires. A part of me wants to give it up for the day but I'm caught up in her beauty as she walks around haphazardly, watching the life moving around her.

The guys lead her down another corridor, revealing a glass tunnel. She's completely enamored by everything she sees. There's a little bench on one side of the walk way and I smile softly when I see her sit down. She's still staring up, watching as a shark of some sort swims over her head.

"You okay?" Steve asks, standing in front of her.

"Yeah... I've just never seen anything like this in person before... It's beautiful..."

Steve smiles and sits down next to her. "Not nearly as beautiful as you."

She smiles and looks at him. "How long have you been planning this?"

"A while... I figured it'd be a great first date if I ever got the chance." He looks around, noticing Bucky across the walkway, staring intently at the water. "What's wrong, Buck?"

Bucky shakes his head and turns around. He has a big, stupid grin on his face. "Not a damn thing... I've just never been to one of these."

"What?" Amelia asks, reaching a hand out to him. "Everyone's been to an aquarium before."

He smiles and takes her hand, "not me, doll. I have a messed up past, remember?"

"Right. Sorry, I keep forgetting. You guys just seem so... normal?"

He laughs and brings her hand to his lips, kissing it. "You don't have to apologize." He sits on her other side, and the trio sit in silence as they watch schools of fish pass by them.

"What's your favorite?" Bucky leans closer to her.


"Yeah, which one do you like best?"

"Sharks. I don't know why but I've always been fascinated by them."

Steve smirks, "Sharks aren't actually fish."

"Yes, actually they are. They have gills, which technically makes them fish... just really big fish." She giggles a little.

It feels like they sat for an eternity before finally standing up to look some more. As they walk away I notice something I hadn't before, they were both wearing black. They put her in that yellow dress and are literally trying to make her their sunshine.

"Well, what about dolphins?"

"Mammals - they don't have gills and they give birth to live babies."

"Huh? Who've thought that?"

Amelia laughs again, "anyone born in the 21st century..." Bucky casts her a harsh glance for a moment. "Oh... sorry, I probably shouldn't joke about that."

"It's okay, honey." Steve glares at Bucky for a second before turning his attention back to Amelia. "We've been here for hours... You hungry? There's a little cafe next door."

"Yeah, I'm not like super hungry but I could definitely go for a snack or something. Bucky?"

He stops and nods to them, "you two go ahead and get us a table, I'll catch up."

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just gonna stay here for a little longer... it's calming."

Amelia smiles and leans up to kiss his cheek. "Don't take too long, okay?"

He nods then stands there, watching Steve walk away with his arm around her. I'm curious about what he's doing but I'm not giving her a chance to get out of my sight. We walk a little ways down the street to a small cafe. Steve leads her to a table outside on the little patio area. I take a seat a few tables away, making sure to keep my head down. The waitress goes up to them and takes their drink order. I sigh a breath of relief as the pair talk about the aquarium. She's talking with her hands, so she's finally not touching him. It's a relief to say the least until he leans over and kisses her.

As he pulls away, he moves a  strand of hair behind her ear and holds her face for a moment. "I'm glad you spent the day with me."

"Thank you for this, Stevie." She smiles at him. "I needed to get out again."

"Welp, there's going to be plenty of that, doll." Bucky says, walking up to them with a bag from the aquarium's gift shop, putting it on the table right in front of Amelia.

"What's that?"

He kisses the top of her head. "You'll just have to wait and see." He teases her, as he sits down.

"Wait until when?" Amelia asks.

"Just until later... We need to talk first."

She looks between them, "about what?"

The guys share a look for a moment, then Bucky clears his throat. "Well, doll, about us... we want to make sure we're on the same page."

"The same page?" She quirks an eyebrow. Steve opens his mouth to say something but closes it when the waitress returns with their drinks. "Our relationship?"

"Yeah... more like how we'd like to see things go..."

"I... I thought we already... We are together, right?"

Bucky chuckles and wraps an arm around her shoulder. "Yes, baby, we're together; but we didn't really have a conversation about things. We have certain... expectations beyond the bedroom stuff."

"Bucky likes majority control, in and out of the bedroom." Steve states. 

"Nothing crazy like asking permission to take a shower or going to work... More like letting at least one of us know when you do go somewhere. Check in every so often during the day. Just to let us know you're okay."

"Okay... but when you're on missions and it's not going to put one or both of you in harm's way; you have to do the same. Deal?"

"We can make that happen." Bucky smirks.

"There's a few things that go along with that... Daily rules to follow. Eating everyday, drinking more water and less coffee..." Steve side-eyes her.

"Going to bed at a reasonable time. Hell, going to bed in general in your case." Bucky smirks again. "I know you like staying up for days at a time."

"No going to the bar or club without us."

Her face sours for a moment, "ummm, I can live with that, but, what about girl's night?"

"Consider it... personal security for you and your friends." Bucky smiles.

"You'll never see us, but if you need us, we'll be there."

"So... you'd be my scary dog privilege... I like it." Amelia smirks. Scary dog privilege? Those fuckers. I feel my blood boil at this. They just told her in every sense that they're going to keep us apart, and she is more than willing to let them? No way, not happening. I jump up from my table, knocking the chair out from under me and into a waitress.

The tray of food falling to the ground. "What the hell?" She yells, giving up on picking any of it up until she gets an apology she won't receive from me.

"Fuck off." I spit back, turning my attention back to Amelia. I'm about to go confront them and I take a step when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"You're going to have to pay for this. This is your fault." The waitress states, pulling me back slightly.

"I'm not doing anything." I argue back. I look around, noticing everyone watching the scene unfold, everyone except Amelia. I catch Bucky's eyes meeting with mine and panic sets in. The manager of the cafe heard the commotion and walks over  and starts trying to talk to me. I'm not listening to a word he says as I watch Bucky and Steve lead Amelia away.

I argue with them for not even 5 minutes before saying screw it and tossing a hundred on the table and storming off. They couldn't have gone that far, right? WRONG. By the time I made it back to the parking lot, their car was gone. "Fuckers..." I mumble to myself as I sulk back to my moped. I decide to go home, maybe they'd show up there? I really didn't care the whole day had me pissed off and I needed to chill out for a bit. It's another hour long drive to the apartment. I had mostly calmed down until I saw the car parked out front. I fumble with my keys and wonder if she realized I wasn't here to greet her like usual.

Once inside, I peel my jacket off, tossing it to the couch. I plop in the chair at my desk and pull up the camera feed. I try to steady my breathing as I flip through the cameras, panicking slightly when I don't immediately see her. My blood boiling when I get to the bedroom feed.

Amelia is laid out on the bed, a dark colored blindfold over her eyes. Steve is laying next to her, his larger frame blocking most of her body; his mouth leaving kisses and soft bites on her skin. While Bucky is on top of her, slowly sinking his dick in her slick heat. I lean forward and grab my headphones, turning the sound on. Hearing Amelia's soft moans and gasps fill me with even more rage. Every sound she makes in response to him just pisses me off more. I want to go over there and break down the door, pull them off of her and show her what a real man can do, but I don't. I can't, I'm glued in my seat watching Bucky rhythmically move into her - over and over again. She's getting close, I know it. I've seen that look on her face before, late at night when she's all alone. I get pissed again when he pulls out of her, denying her a climax. I'd never deny her something like that.

She starts to prop herself on her elbows, readying herself to argue with him when he bends down and catches her lips. He pushes her back down against the bed. "Nu-uh, doll. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't share my toys?" He smirks, moving away from her, giving Steve access. Bucky moves a pillow around, dropping it perfectly so it blocks my view of her perfect tits. His lips ghost up her neck, "you're gonna be a good girl for Stevie, right?"

She quickly nods her head, biting her lip. I can tell her breathing is fast as she waits for one of them to fill the void he so rudely left. Steve positions himself at her entrance before he pushes himself inside her slowly. Inch by inch he makes sure she feels every bit of him. She lets out an almost ethereal groan as he starts moving inside her. "Take it slow, Stevie. She's not allowed to cum until Daddy says she can." Steve nods his head and slows his pace even more. Bucky moves the pillow slightly, ducking his head down to flick his tongue across her nipple. His eyes move up and he stares directly into the camera. This is the first time I get confirmation that he knows I'm watching her.

His hand replaces his mouth's place and pinches her nipple between two fingers, letting it roll slightly. "Tell Steve you're enjoying this." This asshole is toying with both of them... and me.

Amelia moans a little, "Stevie, I need more, please."

Bucky shakes his head slightly and lightly pops her breast, causing a lustful whimper to escape her lips. "I said to tell him how much you're enjoying this, not beg him for more."

"It feels sooo good." She whines, her back arching slightly.

"That's better, sweet girl." He smirks and nods at Steve who starts moving a bit faster. "You like it when Steve gives you his big cock, don't you?"

"Y-yes, daddy." She whines, letting her hips buck.

Steve grabs her hips, holding her in place beneath him, "uh, uh, uh, princess. You were told to let us do the work and you lay here and take whatever we give you."

"I need more, Stevie, please."

Bucky smirks at the camera again, "Go ahead." Steve plunges deeper into her again, bottoming out inside of her. Amelia's back arches again and her hands grip at the sheet beneath her. Anger rises in me with each thrust he gives her. "That's our girl." Bucky says loudly, still staring at the camera before he leans down to bite her neck.

Amelia lets out a sharp gasp at feeling his teeth sink into her skin. "Fuck, Bucky..." Steve groans, running a hand through Bucky's hair. "Do that again, she really likes it."

"I've got something better." Bucky smirks, moving the pillow again to block my view and kneeling on the bed next to her face, making sure I could see his dick close to her mouth. He grips Amelia's chin, pulling her head to the side. "Do you want to feel both of us, doll?" She nods her head, already reaching out for him. Bucky grabs her wrists with one hand, pinning them over her head. His metal hand guiding his length to her mouth. "Open." He growls, my own mouth opening slightly when she actually does it. Amelia gags slightly as she pulls him to the back of her throat.

His hand tangles in her messy hair, guiding her movements. The whole time, he's exchanging glances with Steve and giving the camera a cocky grin. "Such a good girl... fuck baby, you're so perfect." Steve praises her as he pounds his cock harder into her. Amelia lets out gagged moans as her body starts to shake. "I don't think she can last much longer, Buck."

"Aww, does my little doll want to cum?" Bucky taunts, pulling himself from her lips. She nods her head as another loud moan slips out. He rolls his eyes, his metal hand coming down to grip her throat slightly, "words, doll, or I'll make you wait till the sun comes up."

"Yes! Daddy, please. I need to... I can't..."

Bucky licks his lips, his hand moving from her throat as he bends closer to her face. "I'll tell you what you need from now on, got it?"

"Fuck, yes, please. Just let me cum." She sobs out, her body shaking more. Amelia's lips are parted as her breathing comes out in shallow pants. I see her beautiful legs wrap around Steve's body, pulling him further into her.

Bucky slipping himself in her mouth again. "You can cum when I do." I wish I could see her eyes from under that blindfold, I just know that they widened at his movements. Her cheeks hollow out and I see drool running down her chin as he rolls his hips into her mouth. Bucky looks at the camera again and growls, "My girl."

Steve takes this as his sign to jackhammer himself into her more. The sound of wet skin slapping against skin and gravely moans fill the room. Bucky's head falls back slightly and I swear I can spot the exact moment he releases in her mouth before pulling away and laying down next to her. He's more gentle now, running his fingers through her hair and ghosting his lips across her skin. I can't hear what exactly he's saying but I know he's coaching her through her own climax.

Amelia's body shakes and quivers under Steve who's still slamming into her at an inhumanly pace. "I've got you, baby-girl." He smirks and leans down to kiss along her jawline and down her neck. Bucky moves back, leaning against the headboard watching as Steve bites down on the opposite side of her neck. Amelia's eyes roll back as a strangled sob leaves her lips. Her body quakes as Steve finally pushes her over the edge, following just a moment later.

I didn't realize how hard I'd been gripping the arms of my chair watching them until now. I'm going to kill them for touching her. Bucky especially for being a cocky bastard. Steve lifts Amelia from the bed and carries her to the bathroom while Bucky still just sits there. He eventually stands up and moves to the center of the room to look at the camera again.

He smirks at me through the lens. "Checkmate." He says before flipping me the bird and disappearing from the screen. I panic, seeing an empty room and flip through the the camera feeds, finding that every room looked exactly the same, other than they were missing.

"Fucker!" I yell, jumping up from my chair and slinging it across the room. I'm seething with pure blind rage now. I don't know what they did, and I don't care. I'll get rid of them one way or another.



So... how do we feel? Any ideas what our little stalker is up to? Any suggestions?

Hope you enjoyed!! Don't forget to vote and comment!!

Happy Reading!!!!

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