Honkai Impact 3rd x Tom Clanc...

Por JackJoyce2

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[AMATEUR WRITER AND FIRST STORY] Writing this on a whim. This is a crossover story between characters of a di... Más

P1: Mission Briefing
P2: The Tarmac
P3: Max "Boomer" Bailey
P4: The Hangar
P5: Buddy and Lucy
P6: DDP-52 Razorback
P7: "Finality... is now!"
After Story: Recovery - Part II

After Story: Recovery

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Por JackJoyce2

▽ | SHD File 3 - Recovery Operation


The following is the video log transcript of the recovery operation of Black Tusk equipment left behind after the completion of Operation: Dark Hours.

This file also contains a rough guide on how to obtain the five Raid Keys to unlock the loot crate at the very end of Operation: Dark Hours (ONLY AVAILABLE IN NORMAL MODE), following the perspectives of both Bronya Zaychik and Seele Vollerei written in a short side story between two beloved characters. Enjoy!

Timeline: 0715 EST

Manny: JTF Unit Leader 1, go and secure the northern tarmac. JTF Unit Leader 2, secure the terminal. Sweep the plaza and recover anything that you can find on the servers. Immortal Blades Squad, go ahead and sweep the mall, see if you can find anything useful and recover the Warhounds- Buddy and Lucy.

JTF Unit Leader-1:
Affirmative sir! We'll secure the area now!

JTF Unit Leader-2:
Yessir! Unit is now moving into the terminal!

Durandal: Understood. Shall we go?

Rita Rossweisse: After you, Durandal-sama.

Durandal: Susannah?

Susannah: *almost trips and falls*
Ah! Woah! Ahem... Yes! I'm ready for duty!

Durandal: Seele?

Seele: Ah... Please, you can go on ahead. I need to speak with Bronya.

Durandal: I see. We'll be heading into the mall, just climb up those boxes over there and make a right through the concourse, the mall is through there.

Seele: Mhm! Got it. I'll see you later! Please be safe!

Durandal: Of course. Let's go now.

Seele remains in the tarmac and heads over to where Bronya and her friends still remain.

Kiana: Can you make fried chicky~~ Pweeeeease! Mei-Senpai!

Mei: Okay, okay! Once we get back to the Hyperion, I'll pack up lunch for you!

Bronya: If Kiana idiotka steals food again... The Bronya will bonk-

Seele: Big sis!

Bronya immediately turns around upon hearing that familiar voice.

Bronya: Seele?! What are you doing here?

She ran over to see her best friend.

Seele: Recovery squads! Manny gave Durandal and the others tasks to recover what Black Tusk has left behind. But I wanted to see if you were okay...

After hearing what Seele has to say, Bronya gave a heartfelt smile in return.

Bronya: The Bronya- ahem, I'm fine. Thank you for worrying about me, Seele.

Bronya notices that Agent Octa was still here and the only one who has yet to leave. It seemed she had something to say to the Division agent.

Agent Octa: So that's where the last key is... Now I just need to jot it all down on the map and mark it...

Bronya hovers over to Agent Octa and began to question why he hasn't left yet.

Bronya: Agent Octa, why are you still here?

Agent Octa: Oh! Didn't see ya there. Hey, Bronya. I've got a favour for you.

Bronya tilts her head in curiosity.

Bronya: Hm? Please, go ahead.

Agent Octa: I know this might be a bit too much to ask, especially when we just completed an operation but... Actually here, I'll just give you this.

Agent Octa passes a map of Washington National Airport to Bronya. Seele walks over and inspects the map with Bronya. The two girls noticed the x marks on specific areas on the map and Octa immediately answers what they were about to say.

Agent Octa: There are five keys that I've marked their approximate locations on the map. We'll need those five keys to unlock the crate that Nep mentioned before she... rage quit.

Bronya: The Bronya is now curious. What is this talk about the "Eagle Bearer" that you and the other agents kept mentioning?

Agent Octa: Oh right. To put it simply, the Eagle Bearer is a very rare Exotic assault rifle that has a chance to drop in this raid. Its only exclusive in this raid but since nobody has yet to even get it to drop-

Bronya: Then the Bronya assumes that the loot crate at the end may have the Eagle Bearer or a chance that it will have the Eagle Bearer, correct?

Agent Octa: Yeah. I was about to waste more hours in searching but I'm really tired and its quite late. If you want, you guys can have this map and check out the locations for yourself. I gotta go. If you do get the Eagle Bearer, just keep it.

After both girls listened what Agent Octa had to say, they both looked at each other and agreed to accept the agent's favour.

Bronya: The Bronya will accept your request.

Agent Octa: Knew I could trust ya. Alright, I gotta go. Goodnight.

Bronya: Goodnight.

Seele: Mm, you deserve a break. Please take care.

Agent Octa: You too, girls.

ISAC: An agent has disconnected.

ISAC: You have been promoted as group leader.

Bronya and Seele then inspected the map given by Agent Octa once more. Bronya points at the first tarmac where they started the operation.

Bronya: Past the plaza, there's a key right there, marked at that shop. We should start there.

Seele nods at her sister's suggestion.

Seele: Okay. Let's go.

Bronya: Here, we'll just climb over and cross the taxilane, we'll end up on the other side and reach the first tarmac.


Timeline: 0721 EST

The two girls climb over multiple Black Tusk vehicles that surrounded the tarmac and began making their way over to the first tarmac. After they make it past a military cargo plane, they reach the terminal and began making their way inside.

Bronya and Seele reach the plaza where Max "Boomer" Bailey was defeated and find a bunch of JTF soldiers from the second unit, scavenging through the Black Tusk equipment left behind and checking the server farm.

A few of the soldiers greeted the two along the way and shared their thanks to Bronya for clearing the airport. The two girls make it past the plaza and reach the area where the first key is located. A few JTF soldiers were also present, guarding this location.

Bronya: This is it. It says here on the map that it should be inside the- oh. Its right in that fast food shop. "Coffee, Pastries, Subs".

Seele: Its closed up though. Can you try that button?

Bronya nods and hovers over to check up on the button next to the locked up gate of the food shop. She clicks it but nothing happens. She presses and holds the button but nothing happened either.

Bronya: Perhaps we need to get the power on for this button to work?

Seele: I think so. We should look around.

Bronya: I detect a power source nearby. It should be through there.

Bronya points in the direction of a possible power source that may be bring power to the button. A door possibly leading to the circuit breaker for that shop.

Seele: Mm! I'll check it out.

Seele moves over to the location Bronya had marked to investigate. She opens the door leading to the room with the circuit breaker. She stepped inside and went over to the breaker to inspect. All the switches are labeled with their respective names of that specific area inside the terminal. She carefully reads each label and searches for the one that she needed to flip.

Seele: Aha! This one must be it.

Seele flips a switch labeled "Coffee, Pastries, Subs".

Back outside, Bronya was speaking with a JTF Soldier when she heard a distinct beeping noise behind her. She turned around and noticed the button at the food shop was now blinking green. Seele steps out from the breaker room and calls out to Bronya.

Seele: Big sis! Did that work?

Bronya: Yes, it worked! Good job, Seele.

Seele ran back over to Bronya and has noticed the button and the power inside the shop was on.

Bronya: You do the honours.

Seele smiled and she went over to the button and clicks it... But nothing happened.

Bronya: Ah... Maybe you have to hold it?

Seele: Okay... I'll try.

Seele tries the button again and this time...

JTF Soldier: Oh fuck! We got incoming!


JTF Team Leader: All units! Weapons free, weapons free!

Seele: Huh? W-What's going on?!


Seele: W-Wha... OOMPH- AGH!

Bronya grabs Seele and dove away as a bomb drone explodes dangerously close to them. Gunfire erupted as JTF Soldiers scrambled to to open fire on a horde of bomb drones that were descending from the ceiling.

Bronya constructs multiple laser cannons using her mind and returned fire, firing multiple multiple bursts of lasers at the incoming horde of bomb drones.

Seele got up and immediately pulls out her scythe. However, it is not the best weapon to use against tiny drones, especially the explosive type. She prioritized in defense and blocked incoming drones with her scythe instead.

Thankfully, the sudden ambush attack only lasted for several seconds. The room fell silent afterwards.

JTF Soldier-3: Clear?

JTF Soldier-2: Clear!

JTF Team Leader: Sector is clear. Good work.

A small team of additional JTF arrived from the plaza, responding to the sudden racket.

JTF Squad Leader: What the hell happened?!

JTF Team Leader: Fucking ambush. Drones came outta nowhere. The area is clear now.

JTF Squad Leader: Understood. I'm sending more of my guys over here to tighten up security. Let's go, move it!

JTF Soldier: Affirmative sir!

The JTF Squad Leader leaves the area, as additional JTF reinforcements arrived to reinforce security in this area. Bronya and Seele quickly recollect themselves and went back to focusing on their quest.

JTF Squad Leader: Hey! You girls okay?

Bronya: Mm. The Bronya is fine.

Seele: I'm fine too. Thanks...

JTF Squad Leader: Good to hear. Nice work.

The Squad Leader returns to patrolling the area, leaving the girls back to what they were doing.

Seele: Let's get this gate open!

Bronya: Mm. I will cover you.

Seele nods and heads back to the food shop. She pressed and held the button and this time, the gate slowly opened itself as she held the button. The gate finally opened, revealing the empty interior of the depressing food shop.

Bronya: Have a look around. The key should be here somewhere...

Both girls took a look around in the food shop. Bronya checks for any items left behind while Seele heads over to the counter.

Seele: Eh? What's this?

Bronya: Did you find something?

Seele: There's a... briefcase over here.

Bronya walks over to the cashier desk and peaks her head over the counter to see a navy blue briefcase that was placed here, behind the counter and seemed to be unscathed as it collected heaps of dust over a long period of time.

Bronya: Wait. Before you open it, let me check if it's contaminated with any viruses left behind since the outbreak. We cannot be to careless, especially with the Green Poison still out there.

Seele: Ah, right. Please, go ahead.

Seele backs up and lets Bronya hop over the desk. She then opened a screen in front of her and checked if there were any signs of contamination around or within the briefcase. The results from Project Bunny's assessment came back negative.

Bronya: Nope. Its all clear.

She wipes the heavy layer of dust away and carries the briefcase before placing it on the counter. She nods to Seele to open it.

Seele then approaches the briefcase and unlocks it. She opened it and inspected the contents. Bronya peaks over to see what was inside.

Seele: Hm? What's this?

On the inside, there seemed to be loose wires attached to what appeared to be some sort of heavy and bulky body armor with Black Tusk markings on it. There was also a strange fragment that also had the marking of Black Tusk on it. It read: "Black Tusk Cypher Fragment".

Seele: I have no idea what this is but I think its one of the keys we're supposed find, right?

Bronya: It appears so. May I check the body armor?

Seele: Mm. Sure!

Bronya takes a gander at the chest piece of the Black Tusk body armor and inspects. Seele takes the Black Tusk Cypher Fragment and stows it away in a small container.

Bronya: Negotiator's Dilemma Gearset materials? Interesting...

Seele: Hm?

Bronya: Ah, nothing worthy to note. It appears to be some sort of specialized gear from Black Tusk. We'll bring along whatever else we find. Do you have the key?

Seele: Mhm! I've stored it inside this container. All the keys will go in here. Ah, we should bring this briefcase with us, we can store more items we'll find along the way.

Bronya: Good idea. Are we finished here?

Seele nods and packs up whatever else was left behind.

Seele: Yeah. Let's go! Can you show the way to the next key?

Bronya: Right.

Bronya pulls out the map again and checks the location for the next raid key. The second raid key is located past the hangar, outside in the courtyard, just outside of the baggage handling area.

Bronya: We navigate through the hangar and climb up to the catwalk to reach the courtyard from there. The Bronya knows the route there.

Seele: Okay. Let's go!

Bronya: *giggles* Seele seems to be in high spirits today.

Seele: Oh... Um...

She scratched her head upon hearing that remark.

Seele: Well, I haven't been able to spend quality time with you for quite a while, especially with the amount of work Schicksal has for me...

Bronya: Its completely understandable. I'm also very happy to see you again, Seele.

Seele cheeks blushed softly. She couldn't hide how happy she was to spend time with her sister every once and a while.

Seele: Er... Anyway... Let's keep going.


Timeline: 0727 EST

Bronya nods and the two continued on their search for the keys, moving onto the next area. They reach the hangar and descend down the elevator from the observation to the ground floor. Seele looks up to see the military cargo aircraft stored inside the hangar, its middle section of the hull was lifted off the ground and suspended in the air by mechanical claws.

Of course, this area was yet to be cleaned up by the JTF and the bodies of the Black Tusk were still there, including the dead lieutenants.

Seele: What... happened here?

Bronya: ...Bad things. Please, pay no mind. They're not the good guys either, Seele.

Seele noticed that the floor was covered a thin layer of ominous, purple and yellow gas that still lingered during the operation. She felt a stinging sensation against her skin while in this smog.

Seele: I-I feel itchy! What is this gas?

Bronya: The gas is toxic. Looks like the air filters aren't working. Let's move, quickly!

Seele: Y-Yeah!

The girls head over to another elevator on the ground floor of the hangar and ascend up to reach the catwalk. From there, they hopped down to the wings of the aircraft that was suspended along with the hull section of the military cargo plane. They crossed over to reach the catwalk on the other side and exited out the back until they reached the courtyard.

The two stood on an adjacent rooftop, overlooking the courtyard. Seele stopped to catch a rebreather.

Seele: *deep breath* Ah... It feels better to be outside... Ugh, my nostrils burn...

Bronya: Seele? Are you alright?

Seele shook her head.

Seele: I'm fine! Um, can we stay outside for a bit? I just need to clear my head.

Bronya: Mm. The next key is out here anyways, so we'll be staying outdoors for a bit. Down here, we'll need to descend to the ground.

Bronya hops down from the rooftop with Seele in tow. They walked over to a set of doors on the far left of the courtyard. A button was present on the left hand side of the doors but there was no indicator if the button functions or not.

Bronya tries the door handle but it was locked. She then pressed the button and tries the door again but it was still locked.

Bronya: Perhaps there is another circuit breaker that we need to find?

Seele: Hm... I'll take a look around.

Bronya: The Bronya will also help.

Bronya and Seele began searching around the courtyard for any clues to open up the door. They split up and searched high and low, looking around as much she can to see if they could find a way to get the door open. But the more the two searched, the more tiresome it got. No luck.

After roughly five minutes of searching and snooping the courtyard clean, the two came back together and share their findings.

Bronya: Did you find anything, Seele?

Seele: *long sigh* No luck... I searched every corner, there's nothing here.

Bronya: I haven't found anything either...

Bronya looked back at the door and checked the map. Agent Octa marked this location and this was the supposed location for the second key. But there was no way to unlock the-

Bronya: Seele? The Bronya asks for your assistance.

Seele: What do you need?

Bronya: We'll just use brute force to open the door. Your scythe can get the job done.

Seele: Eh? You're saying we should knock it down? I mean... what if I accidentally hit something that could be dangerous on the other side of the door?

Bronya: Hm... Seele is right. But at the same time, this airport has been abandoned for quite some time. There shouldn't be anything too dangerous here other than the equipment left behind by Black Tusk.

Seele: That's also true... It shouldn't hurt to try.

Seele unveils her scythe as requested. She then threw a quick slash at the double doors. Both doors were then blown off from its hinges from the sheer weight of Seele's scythe, crashing to the floor with a loud thud thereafter.

On the inside, the interior appeared to be some sort of closet with janitorial equipment. Bronya and Seele stepped inside the closet and checked if there was another briefcase here or at least the second key that they were looking for.

Seele: Eh... I don't see anything here, except for a lot of mops and soap.

Bronya: I haven't found anything either. Did Agent Octa get his info wrong? The note said that the next key should be in here...

Seele: Maybe... No, there's no way someone else could have taken the key, right?

Bronya thought to herself for a moment before coming back with an answer.

Bronya: We should just give up this location and move on to the next key. The third and fourth key is close to each other.

Seele: Ah... Okay. So, where's the next key?

Bronya pulls out the map again and checks back where they are before pinning the next location of the third raid key.

Bronya: Its pretty close, near the baggage handling area. Through here.


Timeline: 0730 EST

Seele nods and follows Bronya to the location of the third raid key. The next location was past an area that was used as a morgue and a dump site to trash contaminated materials since the Green Poison.

The two enter a barely lit room. Upon stepping in, Bronya turns to her right and finds a tiny, walled off room in the corner. A plaster in bold and capitalized letters read: "QUARANTINE", with the hazard symbol on it as well.

The doors leading to that room was also locked. There seemed to be small windows just above the doors, a few of which are shattered. Just to be sure, Bronya tries the door - locked.

Bronya: Hm... Seele, I think you'll be able to climb up there and open it from the other side. Here, I'll boost you up.

Seele: Mm! Alright.

Bronya boosts Seele up against the wall and she grabs the ledge on one of the shattered windows. Upon peaking into the room, she spots another briefcase of the same color and when she turned to look at the door on the inside, it appeared to have a strong, metal lock attached to the handle.

Seele: Um... Big sis? There's a big lock on the other side of this door, with no way to open it... There's a body in here wearing a hazmat suit and I don't see a key anywhere to unlock the door either?

Bronya: There has to be one in there. If not, you can smash the door open.

Seele: Eh... Okay. I'm going in.

Seele climbs through the small window and was able to fit through it with ease due to her small appearance. She hopped down, a loud thud was heard as she landed.

Seele: Oomph! Bad landing... Hm?

Seele checked around for a key to unlock the door. She inspected and searched the body and luckily, she was able to find what she was looking for. She went over to the door and inserted the key into the metal lock, unlocking it and tossing the lock to the side before opening the door, allowing Bronya inside this room.

Bronya: Is there anything in here?

Seele: *nods* Yeah, there's another briefcase here. Poor soul...

The two went over to the briefcase that was sitting on the ground, near the body and the desk.

Bronya: *sigh* Looks like they locked themselves in here. Nothing we can do about it.

Seele: Let's just hurry up and open the briefcase.

Bronya takes the briefcase and places it on the desk. She releases both of the levers and unlocks the briefcase. Inside, the contents were similar to the first briefcase the two found back in the terminal.

Another fragment or "Black Tusk Cypher Fragment" which is supposedly the third raid key, and strange parts that belong to a gear piece.

Seele takes the cypher fragment and places it in the container with the first one before stowing it away as Bronya takes whatever was left and places it in the same briefcase that she was carrying with her.

Bronya: That should be it. The next key is up ahead, just inside an elevator in the baggage handling area. It should be on the far end.

Seele nods and continues to follow Bronya. They make it to the baggage handling area, which used to be a field hospital for the sick during the outbreak.

Seele: I don't want to know the true horror as to what happened here at this airport...

Bronya: The Bronya can only imagine a scenario far worse than the Honkai. This was caused by humanity themselves, not the Honkai. A virus made in a lab, and unleashed during the sales on Black Friday...

Seele was surprised at Bronya who seemed to know what happened here in America.

Seele: Huh? How do you know all this?

Bronya: The Division agents told me the story of what happened in New York and DC. Even a simple newspaper letter found here was enough evidence to figure out the catastrophe that brought the fall of America.

Upon hearing her explanation, Seele's face ends up a bit solemn. Humanity is what caused this to happen and killed each other once the world became lawless and without anyone to enforce order.

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