The Y Hero (My Hero Academia...

By BlazingHotTodo

372 16 1

y/n l/n, better known as the infamous vigilante, Kengo Benimaru. y/n lives a happy, quaint life all by himsel... More

Prologue: A Sword the Color of Blood. The Life of an Outlaw
y/n Bio

Chapter 1: A Rivalry is Born. A Promise Between Friends

131 6 1
By BlazingHotTodo

y/n POV

I've been staying at U.A. for a few weeks now, but I'm only allowed to roam the property of the school. Not like I'm complaining, since it's a pretty big property. Unfortunately, they put me here in the middle of the school year, so if I ever want to go anywhere, I have eyes on me. On the plus side, I've gotten to know most of the staff pretty well. Right now, however, I'm currently working on a technique of mine.

Benimaru: Crimson slash!!

My sword coats with a bright red energy as I slash it towards a large boulder in one of U.A's training facilities. The energy shoots out in a large red wave towards the boulder, and is about to collide with it when it disappears altogether.

Benimaru: Damn. I need to keep working on that.

???: Out here again, are you?

I turn around as a female voice calls out to me.

Benimaru: What do you want, Midnight?

Midnight, also known very well as the R-rated hero. Once you take one look at her, and her hero costume, you understand where she got that name. She even uses a whip for a weapon, which seems a bit much.

She wears an outfit similar to a professional dominatrix getup, which, I will say, compliments her very well. Midnight creeps me out a little sometimes. Most of the time she's very nice, but there's a switch in her head that can turn her into a super sadist.

Midnight: Well, we do need to have eyes on you at all times. I just figured that I could volunteer myself.

I turn away from her and focus on the boulder once more.

Benimaru: Isn't that why you have cameras all over the place?

Midnight begins speaking in a more sultry tone.

Midnight: Yes, but cameras are so unreliable. We don't want such a fresh, youthful catch like yourself slipping away from us.

Benimaru: I'm certain Nezu would sniff me out eventually. He's only one of, if not the absolute, smartest creature on Earth.

Midnight: Aww, does having an older woman watching and judging you while you work on your performance make you nervous?

Benimaru: No, but your phrasing makes me uncomfortable. But if I didn't know better, I'd say you were just looking for an excuse to put off work. Am I wrong?

Her voice loses it's sultry tone taking on a tired one instead.

Midnight: ...Ugh, fine. You caught me, ok? Grading papers is the worst. I figured watching you would be a lot more interesting. So what're you working on, anyways?

Benimaru: I'm trying to develop this blade beam technique I've been working on for a while now, but something's missing.

Midnight: Is that something food? You've been out here for a while now, right? You should get something to eat.

Benimaru: Y'know, all that worrying will give you wrinkles.

Without looking, I dodge the whip that's heading towards me. I turn to give her a deadpan look.

Midnight: Don't say things like that! I'm an attractive, mature older woman, not some wrinkly old hag! Got it?!

Benimaru: Alright, now can I get back to this? I just need a few more tries, then I'll get something to eat.

Mdinight: You better, or Nezu might order Lunch Rush to force feed you so that you don't starve to death. Have fun, I have to get back to work.

I hear her heeled footsteps fade out. Turning back to face the boulder, I level my breathing and close my eyes. I feel energy flow into my sword again, as I shoot my eyes open.

Benimaru: Crimson slash!!

Slicing forward, a bright red, wave shaped beam shoots from the sword, flying towards the rock. But then, it disappears again.

Benimaru: RRRRGH! Forget it, maybe some food would do me good right about now.

I sheath my sword and turn to get something to eat. I walk the halls of U.A, heading for the lunch room. As I'm walking, I can't help but notice the constant eyes on me, as well as the numerous murmurs. I try my best to tune them out, but to little avail. Eventually I reach the lunch room where all the students have gone quiet. I sweep my eyes over the crowd quickly, before turning to the head chef, Lunch Rush.

His food is truly amazing. Every time I think it can't get better, he surprises me.

Lunch Rush: Hey, Benimaru. Glad to see you remembered to eat today.

Benimaru: Well, Midnight basically threatened me to, but I'm here either way.

Lunch Rush: Yikes, I wouldn't get on her bad side. She gives me the chills sometimes. Anyways, I assume you'll have the usual?

Benimaru: If you don't mind, that'd be great.

Lunch Rush: One seafood platter, coming up.

I lean against the lunch counter as I wait for my order to be ready. Until, that is, I feel a tap on my shoulder. Turning, I end up facing a boy with strange looking blue eyes and blond hair.

Benimaru: Oh, was I in your way? I apologize.

Blond Boy: No, not at all. It's more like I wanted to ask you something.

Benimaru: Oh, this is unusual. Ordinarily, all you students just avoid me.

Blond Boy: Well, not today! My name is Mirio Togata and I wanted to fight you!

Benimaru: Huh, interesting. It's not really my decision though, we'll need approval from a teacher.

Mirio: Oh, of course. I already got permission from Principal Nezu. He said we can spar in the gym.

Benimaru: Hm, very well. Let's do it.

Lunch Rush: I assume you'll want to wait for the seafood platter.

Benimaru: If it's no problem, thank you.

Short timeskip

Mirio and I are now standing across from each other in one of U.A's gyms with Mr. Aizawa and Nezu standing off to the side.

Nezu: Ok, the fight will end once one of you concedes or once one of you is unable to fight any further. If things seem like they're going too far, Eraserhead will intervene.

Mirio: Sounds good to me. Whenever you're ready, Benimaru.

Benimaru: Very well, if you insist!

I charge at him, jump in the air, and attempt to land a kick on his face, but I end up going right through him.

Mirio: So, you went for a kick, huh?

What kind of quirk is this? I whip around to face him, only to see that... his clothes fell off?

Benimaru: ...So do you always fight naked or what?

Mirio: Oh! I'm so sorry! My quirk is just a bit tricky to work with sometimes.

Mirio scrambles to get his clothes back on, leaving him full of openings. I run at him again and swing my sword horizontally at his face. As I expected at this point, it fazes through, just like my kick. But, using the momentum from my slash, I spin around and sweep his legs, this one actually landing. He stumbles a bit before falling through the floor, leaving his clothes behind. So it's some kind of quirk that allows him to pass through objects? Hmm, if he's underground, he must be completely intangible, otherwise he wouldn't be able to fully submerge himself due to the law of matter not being able to overlap. I keep my head on a constant swivel, walking around cautiously. Suddenly, I catch a glimpse of him shooting out of the floor towards me. I sidestep and go to slash at him, but my sword just fazes right through him again. He then falls through the ground once more.

Benimaru: Damn, what an annoying opponent. A quirk that essentially makes him invincible. But there has to be a weakness to it. Just need some time to think.

I charge my sword up with bright red energy, jump into the air a short distance and slice towards the ground.

Benimaru: Crimson slash!!

A wave of red energy shoots from my sword and hits the ground, kicking up a large cloud of dust in all directions. I might not have that move mastered, but it still works if the distance between myself and the target is short enough. I hear Mirio's voice through the smokescreen.

Mirio: Oh, a smokescreen? I wonder how you caused this? But either way, I'm having a great time! You're a good sparring partner, Benimaru. I don't mean to sound cocky, but you're the first in a long while to make me work this hard, not to mention actually landing a hit on me. I didn't expect you to go for my legs like that!

I pinpoint his location easily due to my enhanced hearing, but it doesn't make sense. Why would he talk so much in a situation like this? It completely gives away his position. But maybe that's the point. I begin walking around, slowly.

Benimaru: I understand now. You're weakness must be that you don't know where I am when you're intangible. Your body becomes completely intangible, meaning your eyes can't reflect light to see, and your lungs can't receive oxygen. You just want me to reveal myself so that you know where to strike in short intervals. Am I correct?

I keep my ears peeled as I hear nothing in response. I then notice a blur speeding towards me, causing me to sidestep out of the way, causing him to speed past me. I raise my sword in anticipation for his next move, hoping my prediction is correct. Mirio then comes flying at me again from a different direction, causing me to sidestep his attack once more. Mirio then sticks both his arms out to the side, his left one hitting me hard. But I bring my sword down from above my head and stab into his arm as it's digging into my stomach.

Benimaru: Got ya this time!

I actually land this hit, causing blood to start pouring from his arm, as I remove my sword from his arm. I notice him reeling his other fist towards me, causing me to bring my sword up again and attempt to stab into that arm as well. The moment I feel his fist connect with my face, I drive my sword down again, inches away from my own face, digging it into his right fist this time. Mirio jumps away from me, my sword fazing through him as he does. By now, the smoke has settled. Mirio has two arms with blood spilling out of them. And I feel a few bones in my abdomen are worse for wear and I can't see from my left eye.

Mirio: Not... bad.

Benimaru: Not so... bad yourself.

I attempt to lunge at Mirio once more, but find myself being tied down.

Aizawa: Alright, I'm putting an end to this. Not just because you two would kill each other if you went any further, but because lunch is almost over and I have classes to teach.

Nezu: Just as well. These two need a trip to Recovery Girl, ASAP. But I must say, that was a truly impressive sparring match. Both of your futures are looking bright as heroes. Now, Aizawa, if you could help these two to Recovery Girl's office.

Aizawa: I don't get paid enough to put up with these kinds of things.


Mirio and I were brought to Recovery Girl's office to heal and rest up for a while, and we've now been here most of the day. Recovery Girl is the school's nurse, and for good reason. Her quirk heals injuries of whoever she kisses, but this instant healing costs the recipient some of their stamina so her quirk only works for so long at a time. Recovery Girl is a very short old woman who wears a lab coat and glasses. She has her grey hair done up in a large bun.

Recovery Girl just got finished using her quirk on us, and now she's ranting about why we're here.

Recovery Girl: Honestly, what were you two thinking?! Going this far just for a sparring match? And the principal allowed this, because why not? *sigh* You kids need to take better care of your bodies, because you only have the one. A good while longer of rest, and you'll both be good to go. I have to run and grab something really quick, but if either of you even think of moving I'll stick you in here again myself.

She then walks out of the room, leaving Mirio and I sitting there on our respective beds, wrapped in bandages.

Mirio: I'm sorry, Benimaru.

Benimaru: Hmm, what for?

Mirio: If it weren't for me, we wouldn't be here now. I just wanted to see if I had gotten any stronger since coming to U.A.

Benimaru: Don't apologize. I accepted your invitation to spar, and I also wished to see the gap between U.A. students and myself, so I believe we're both to be blamed. However, I do wish I had found a different way around your quirk than tanking your hits and stabbing you. My eye has certainly seen better days.

Mirio: Yeah, and my arms are gonna sting for a while. But you're amazing, y'know that? You figured out how my quirk works and it's weakness so quickly. How'd you do it?

Benimaru: Hey, if you illegally stop as many criminals and scumbags as I have, you pick up a few tricks. Mind if I ask you the specifics of how your quirk works?

Mirio: Only if I can ask how you made that smokescreen. I still can't wrap my head around that.

Mirio and I then begin talking for a while, discussing various things from our quirks to his life at U.A. Eventually, Recovery Girl returns.

Recovery Girl: Ok, you both are good to go now. Just take it easy on your bodies for a day or two, and leave those bandages on your bodies until you go to bed tonight. And don't let me see either of you in here for something like this again, understand?

Benimaru and Mirio: Yes, ma'am. Thank you.

The two of us leave the office, as I stretch my arms.

Mirio: Man, Recovery Girl's quirk is amazing. I feel good as new!

Benimaru: Yeah, but it's still nice to be out of there. My arms were starting to get stiff.

???: Hey, Togata!

A girl's voice calls out to Mirio from down the hall. Looking forwards, I see two people approaching us, a girl and a boy. The girl has long periwinkle hair that twists and reaches down to the back of her knees. She also has deep blue eyes and a happy smile on her face.

The boy, on the other hand has messy indigo hair, elf-esque ears, and a sharp look in his grey eyes.

Girl: Hey, hey Togata. Who's this? Wait, is this Benimaru?! Woah, cool! Hey, is your fur really soft, like an actual cats? Are you even a cat? How do you clean all that fur? It must take a long time, right? Why do you have that black thing around your eyes? Can I feel your ears?

Boy: Um, Hado. M-M-Maybe you sh-should s-slow down. H-H-He probably can't keep up w-with y-your questions.

Benimaru: My fur is quite soft, yes. I am a humanoid cat, but my original self is human. I clean my fur by showering and a lot of shampoo, and it does take a while. The black thing around my eyes is just a part of me, it serves no purpose. And you are already touching my ears, so please be gentle. They're sensitive.

Hado: Wow, your ears are really soft!

Mirio: Wow, not bad Benimaru. Not many can keep with with Hado's questions.

Benimaru: You know these two, I presume?

Mirio: Oh, right! My bad, haha. The girl is Nejire Hado.

Nejire: Hi, it's nice to meet you! You wanna know what my quirk is, right? It's called Wave Motion! It lets me shoot energy waves from my hands and feet, but it costs me stamina when I do, so I need to be careful not to use too much at once.

Boy: I, umm, I... I wanna go home.

Nejire: C'mon, Tamaki. You need to be more confident in yourself. You're like a goldfish when you need to have the confidence of a shark, know what I mean?

Tamaki: Umm, k-kinda.

Mirio: He's Tamaki Amajiki and I've known him since forever! He's a great guy, just give him some time. He's pretty shy. And he's got a really cool quirk called Manifest. He can take in the physical attributes of anything he eats and use it to fight!

Tamaki: M-Mirio, please stop h-hyping me up s-so m-much. My quirk isn't anything s-special.

Benimaru: Not true, it sounds like a very versatile and useful quirk to me, with lots of possibilities.

Tamaki: Oh, uhh, thanks. I g-guess.

Nejire: Hey, Benimaru! I heard you and Mirio battled today! How'd it go? Who won? Was it really serious? Is that why you both have bandages all over you?

Mirio: Yeah, it was a great fight! Benimaru is a tough customer.

Benimaru: You fought quite admirably as well. If this is what U.A. trains its students to become, then I have a lot to work towards.

Mirio: Wait. Benimaru, are you going to attend U.A.?

Benimaru: I'm sure going to try, but I must keep training. Who knows what the entrance exam holds in store for me?

Mirio: Well, if you make it in, promise to come say hi to us. Who knows, maybe you could fight Nejire or Tamaki when you do. Or maybe you and I can have a rematch with an actual winner this time.

Mirio extends his hand toward me. I close my eyes and can't help but chuckle.

Benimaru: You sound like you have a lot of confidence in me. So I swear I'll do my best to live up to your expectations.

I take his hand and we give each other a firm handshake.

Nejire: Hey, Togata. We should get going, the school day is over. You were in there a long time, y'know? Come on!

The energetic girl drags Mirio off until he begins walking on his own, Tamaki following after them. I make my way back to the room U.A. gave me and finally transform back from Benimaru to myself again.

y/n: Man, what an exhausting day.

Nezu: Tell me about it. Tea or water?

y/n: Water, thanks.

I take the cup of water handed to me and take a sip, before realizing what happened and spat it out in shock.

y/n: *cough, cough* What the heck!? How'd you get in here?!

Nezu: I'm the principal. I have keys to all the doors in the school. And even if I didn't, I could find a vent to crawl through, despite the fact that I'm above that, but I digress. So would you like me to refill your cup, or are you going to spit that one out as well?

y/n: I'm good, thanks. What are you doing here anyway?

Nezu: I dropped by to tell you that I was impressed by you today. Mirio is one of our top students, not many can last as long against his attacks like you did. Furthermore, you figured out his quirk and managed to counter it, landing two severe hits to him. So I came to inform you of something.

y/n: What's that?

Nezu: You will be having a slightly different entrance exam than the rest of the students. And you'll be going at a later time than them as well. Same day, but a different time, so you may have a crowd watching you.

y/n: Wonderful. And I assume you're not going to tell me what this challenge is.

Nezu: You assumed correctly. Just keep yourself sharp and you should be fine, you've proven yourself to be more than capable.

Nezu hops off my bed and makes his way to the door, only to realize the obvious. I get up and open the door for him.

Nezu: Thank you. Despite my intelligence, doing things like this without assistance is quite difficult.

He then walks out, but not before turning back to me.

Nezu: Work hard, Mr. l/n, because you know what will happen to you if you fail.

He then leaves as I close the door and lay in my bed.

y/n: I'm going to keep getting stronger.

My stomach then growls as I realize something and sit up.

y/n: I never got my seafood platter.


Ok, second chapter, done. I don't really have much to say about this chapter, but the next one should be entrance exam time, so look forward to that. Anyways, thank you all for reading. Bye!

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