Chapter 1: A Rivalry is Born. A Promise Between Friends

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y/n POV

I've been staying at U.A. for a few weeks now, but I'm only allowed to roam the property of the school. Not like I'm complaining, since it's a pretty big property. Unfortunately, they put me here in the middle of the school year, so if I ever want to go anywhere, I have eyes on me. On the plus side, I've gotten to know most of the staff pretty well. Right now, however, I'm currently working on a technique of mine.

Benimaru: Crimson slash!!

My sword coats with a bright red energy as I slash it towards a large boulder in one of U.A's training facilities. The energy shoots out in a large red wave towards the boulder, and is about to collide with it when it disappears altogether.

Benimaru: Damn. I need to keep working on that.

???: Out here again, are you?

I turn around as a female voice calls out to me.

Benimaru: What do you want, Midnight?

Midnight, also known very well as the R-rated hero. Once you take one look at her, and her hero costume, you understand where she got that name. She even uses a whip for a weapon, which seems a bit much.

She wears an outfit similar to a professional dominatrix getup, which, I will say, compliments her very well

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She wears an outfit similar to a professional dominatrix getup, which, I will say, compliments her very well. Midnight creeps me out a little sometimes. Most of the time she's very nice, but there's a switch in her head that can turn her into a super sadist.

Midnight: Well, we do need to have eyes on you at all times. I just figured that I could volunteer myself.

I turn away from her and focus on the boulder once more.

Benimaru: Isn't that why you have cameras all over the place?

Midnight begins speaking in a more sultry tone.

Midnight: Yes, but cameras are so unreliable. We don't want such a fresh, youthful catch like yourself slipping away from us.

Benimaru: I'm certain Nezu would sniff me out eventually. He's only one of, if not the absolute, smartest creature on Earth.

Midnight: Aww, does having an older woman watching and judging you while you work on your performance make you nervous?

Benimaru: No, but your phrasing makes me uncomfortable. But if I didn't know better, I'd say you were just looking for an excuse to put off work. Am I wrong?

Her voice loses it's sultry tone taking on a tired one instead.

Midnight: ...Ugh, fine. You caught me, ok? Grading papers is the worst. I figured watching you would be a lot more interesting. So what're you working on, anyways?

Benimaru: I'm trying to develop this blade beam technique I've been working on for a while now, but something's missing.

Midnight: Is that something food? You've been out here for a while now, right? You should get something to eat.

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