For Honor: Heathmoor at War

By Sleepy940

90 4 4

Three regions in a place called Heathmoor. Ashfeld, Valkenheim, and the Myre. Nice and beautiful places, but... More

A Knight, and a war
The Rise of war and Taz and Rar's unforeseen friendship
Escalations in the Myre and the Mercenary Duo
The Viking and the Knight
The Meeting
A gift from the east
Mercenaries at work
The Deathless Village
Legend of SunDown Town and The invasion of the Vikings
Akari joins the squad
We are the Samurai!
The Fear Eater

Ashfeld's reckoning

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By Sleepy940

As Viking Nationalists break through Ashfeld's northern defenses Taz Falls back in Ashfeld, the invaders will raid any village and anything in its way. The worst thing is that Samurai Nationalists from east also broke through the defenses.

As all of this is happening Daubeny is watching from Feronia, seeing the Viking invaders get closer to his base or operations each day.
Daubeny knows that if the Iron Legion falls to stop the invasion they will come for him.
Daubeny sends Hannah and her squad of Mercenaries up to Northern Ashfeld to help the Iron Legion.
Hannah and her squad travels to a neigh-by knight camp, she is met by a Captain of the regiment. The Captain no other than Taz.
Taz and Hannah proceeds to talk.

Hannah: "hello,we was sent by our boss to help you and your Iron Legion Knights to fight back against the Viking invasion"

Taz: "welp, nice that we got reinforcements. But yall are mercenaries, unskilled. Are yall ready to fight against these nationalists warriors? Tough times are approaching. And I need to know if you are ready."

Hannah: "oh I'm more than ready, I don't think you know here I am. I'm Hannah"

Hannah proceeds to bring her hand out, ready to shake his hand.

Taz: "Hannah? The Crime-Slayer?. I heard about you, just because you got rid of some crooks in SunDown Town doesn't mean I respect you. You still a mercenary and haven't fought against these Vikings before."

Hannah: "don't give up hope on me yet, I show you what I can do. Give me and my boys a chance. And are t you gonna tell me your name?"

Taz: "you will only know me as Captain, that's all. Let's prepare ourselves. Viking Natiobalists are gonna raid this town. We gotta get there first"

Hannah sighs, then nodding. Taz and Hannah's group proceeds to head towards the town before the Vikings arrive. They set up defense and archers around the town to help defend off against the Vikings.
They begin to wait, Hannah and Taz are in silence. It appears that Taz don't like Hannah for some reason. It's unknown why, Hannah thinks about it. Her thinking is cut short one a horn plays in the distance. It's a raid, Vikings starts flooding in. The defenders getting ready for what's about to come.
Clash of Dane axes, clash of long swords, and arrow flying.

Hannah is laying through the Vikings, one swing after another. Stumbles a Viking to the ground and and finishes him off.
Hannah looks over to her right and Iron Legion knight are losing ground. Getting pushed back little into the town, "fall back!" Taz says screaming from his helmet that muffled him a little.
Taz and a group of Knight and Mercenaries runs past Hannah, Hannah follows them. Retreating back into their second line of defense.
As they run behind the line of archers, as the archers shoot their arrows at the incoming Vikings they block the arrows with their shields. All of them, not an arrow hit in sight. Taz, bamboozled over what he just saw told his archers to fall back to the third line of defense deep in the village. This line of defense is the last defense, if they fail here then the town is lost.
The 3rd line of defense is a group of knights making a shield wall. They learn this formation from the empire way back. But now they are using it today. As Vikings threw themselves at the shield wall a battle is fought for the Town.

Taz uses his original shoulder bash to push two invaders back, then follows on a long sword swing from the side. Striking two of them at once. The two invaders fall another one comes from behind him, drooling while swinging his Dane axe, Taz saw it last second and ducked under the attack. He strikes the Viking nationalist from underneath, hitting him in the throat.
He collapses to the ground holding his throat. Taz watches but has no time, he immediately turns around to see Hannah outnumbered.

He charges in, tackling one to the ground. He immediately gets up and strikes the 2nd one in the leg. Hannah sees this as on opportunity and swings her sword at the distracted 3rd Viking. Popping his head right off. She turns around and noticed the tackled Viking on the ground is about to get up before she can warn Taz he turns around and swings his long sword at his throat. Almost cutting his head off.
Taz looks at Hannah, "stay focused, or they will have your head!!!" Hannah stops standing around. She charges into the battle to help out their comrades.
A couple minutes of brutal fighting and the defenders managed to push the nationalists back to their original 2nd line of defense.
The knights and Mercenaries sends the running, the Vikings turns around and tries to repel their attacks. A big battle begins again, knights looked like they was pushing them back then Taz noticed something in the sky, they have arrows of their on.
The arrows falls on the Knights and the Mercenaries. the knights was able to block with their shields, But the mercenaries that was unprepared gets hit. A lot wounded and dead. Hannah is enraged of what she saw jumps into the fray. Swinging her sword around rapidly, the Vikings uses their shields to block her attacks. The the knights around her starts to join in. All pushing and nudging the Viking shields to break through their shield defense. They was successful, then Taz leaps in with a stabbing motion. A couple is injured
Hannah continues swinging her blade, still enraged. Sense their shield defense are down this time they couldn't block her attacks. A group of the Vikings are injured and starts to fall back a little.
Taz yells in Latin, "all of you will die here!"he says getting ready to shoulder bash them.
He does and knocks one to the ground.

Brutal fighting continue to go on, finally the Viking Nationalists begin to falter and starts running. As they run the knight archers fires at them, trying to take down as many as possible.
As the Knights of the Iron Legion chase them down. Taz raises his sword up, celebrating.
Hannah walks up to him, "we did it, so am I so bad?" She says while putting her sword over her shoulder. Taz looks at her, holstered his weapon.
"Maybe, maybe not" then he walks off.

Taz walks down the road to the front of the village, as Hannah looks around at the dead bodies. Looking at her mercenaries, she sees her mercenaries cheering in their victory. "If Kruz was with me the battle would probably be over by now" she says quietly to herself.
As the Knights and the Mercenaries cleans up the village and chase down fleeing Nationalists to the east of Ashfeld the Samurai Nationalists broke through the defenses. Taking control of East Ashfeld. The Nationalists almost made it to the center but was stopped by knight reinforcements.
Now that the Samurai Nationalists is halted the Iron Legion can clean up East Ashfeld and slowly take back their land. Daubeny sends mercenaries from Feronia to help the Iron Legion clean up East Ashfeld.

With the Samurai Nationalists deep in Ashfeld, Kruz and Akari are stuck in The Mountain Fort deep in the Myre, no backup from the west until East Ashfeld is back in the hands of the Knights.

Civilians from around Heathmoor wonders if the Knights will take back their land from the invaders and reclaim their glory. The Iron Legion's spirits begin to grow back after successfully defending the Village,
The only allies that is helping the Iron Legion right now is Daubeny's mercenary group. The Dawn Empire can't send anymore Samurai because they to busy holding off Viking and Samurai Nationalists. With the south-western territory of Valkenheim under Viking Nationalist's control the Warborn is cut off and separated from the Iron Legion. Unable to help Ashfeld's northern front.

Hopefully over time the Knights of Ashfeld will repel the attacks and reclaim Ashfeld's outer territory. If not then Ashfeld will be in the state of perpetual war and most likely have new Legions split off from the Iron Legion.

Let's just hope, Deus Vult.

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