Journey to Faith//JJk FF

By Jeon__Dreamer97

5.1K 335 106

Title : journey to faith "Jeon Jungkook-a notorious bad boy with a penchant for trouble......the person who d... More

PART 1 🦋
PART 2 🦋
PART 3 🦋
PART 5 🦋
PART 6 🦋
PART 7 🦋
PART 8 🦋
PART 9 🦋
PART 10 🦋
PART 11 🦋
PART 12 🦋
PART 13 🦋
PART 14 🦋
PART 15 🦋
PART 16 🦋
PART 17 🦋
Part 18 🦋
PART 19 🦋
PART 20 🦋
PART 21 🦋
PART 22 🦋

PART 4 🦋

242 17 2
By Jeon__Dreamer97

YOU !!!!

As I heard her voice, a surge of recognition swept over me. It was her-the same Muslim girl from before. What was she doing here? Lost in her presence, I found myself captivated by the depth in her eyes, as if they held a world of their own.....she is like a princess!!

Excuse you wanna lay here on the road today..!! Strange

Caught off guard by her question, I quickly regained my composure and shook my head.

"None of your business," I grumbled, attempting to rise but failing and landing with a groan.

"Slowly," she urged, her voice laced with concern. I closed my eyes momentarily, then managed to stand up.

Her words hit home. "You should be careful while driving," she continued, her tone softening. "Are you in your dreams while riding your bike, mister?"

I shot her a glare. "I know how to ride a bike, thank you very much."

She raised an eyebrow. "Really? Could've fooled me with that little stunt just now."

I scoffed. "I don't need advice from someone who's just meddling in other people's business."

She crossed her arms, unimpressed. "Meddling? I was just trying to help a reckless rider who nearly ran over an old man."

"Like I needed your help," I retorted, brushing off her concern.

"Clearly," she said as I can feel a smirk on her face even her face is covered with veil....her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Next time, try not to be so clumsy."

I rolled my eyes, refusing to let her get under my skin. "Yeah, thanks for the tip. I'll keep that in mind."

With that, I mounted my bike and revved the engine, ready to leave her behind....With a smirk, I taunted her, "Better hope we don't cross paths again. You might not like the outcome, princess."

"Don't you dare to call me that" Ignoring her protest, I slid on my helmet and revved my bike engine, leaving her behind with a glare as I rode off towards the university.

I parked my bike at the university and removed my helmet, running my fingers through my hair. As I glanced up, I noticed Mark and Lisa waiting for me, their expressions revealing their surprise and perhaps a hint of shock at my appearance.

Ignoring their reactions, I walked over to them with a casual swagger, trying to downplay the significance of my changed appearance.

"What's with the looks, guys?" I asked, raising an eyebrow in amusement. "Never seen a guy switch up his style before?"

Lisa and Mark exchanged uncertain glances before Lisa finally spoke up, her voice tinged with concern. "Jungkook, are you feeling alright? You look... different."

Mark nodded in agreement. "Yeah, man. You're usually all leather jackets and ripped jeans, but today you're... well, you're wearing something totally different."

I shrugged nonchalantly, trying to maintain my usual cool demeanor. "Yeah, just felt like changing things up a bit, you know? Variety is the spice of life."

Lisa and Mark exchanged another look, clearly not convinced by my explanation.

But you look so hand---

As Mark's words were about to praise my appearance, I cut him off abruptly by playfully pushing his head, causing him to stumble into Lisa's arms. Lisa managed to steady him, shooting me a bemused look. Meanwhile, I caught sight of the same Muslim girl walking into the university, deeply immersed in her books.

A smirk crept onto my lips as I observed her.
"So, princess is in the same university as mine, and I didn't even know about that,"
I whispered to myself, licking my dry lips in anticipation of the potential encounters to come.
But before they could press further, the bell rang, signaling the start of classes.

"Guess we'll talk about this later," i said, giving them a uninterested look before heading off behind her

I observed her intently as she walked, engrossed in her book. With a mischievous grin, I decided to approach her from behind. Leaning in close, I whispered softly, "Hey, princess." Her sudden startle and gasp were gratifying to witness as she swiftly turned to face me, taken aback by our proximity. She hurriedly moved away, visibly flustered, while I remained captivated by the depth of her eyes.

Allah hu akbar !! Are you stalking me mister...!!!
Leaning in slightly to match her gaze, I couldn't help but notice the intensity in her eyes. "Stalking you? Nah, just happened to cross paths again," I replied casually, my tone teasing yet nonchalant.
"But who knows," I continued, a mischievous smirk playing on my lips, "maybe fate just enjoys bringing us together."
I could sense her irritation, but I found her reactions rather entertaining. There was something about her fiery spirit that piqued my interest, prompting me to push her buttons a little more.
"You better stay away from me"
I chuckled softly at her stern warning, finding her determination rather endearing.
"Oh, don't worry, princess," I replied, flashing her a playful grin. "I'll be sure to keep my distance.......

"Don't call me that" she said and walked away I was about to hold her hand but she glared at me

"Don't you dare to touch me," she warned, her tone firm and unwavering. Her eyes bore into mine, challenging me to defy her command. I swallowed hard, a nervous lump forming in my throat, as I withdrew my hand hastily, heeding her warning.

Her gaze softened slightly, but the steely resolve remained, a reminder of her strength and independence. I couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration mixed with a tinge of apprehension. She was unlike anyone I had encountered before, unyielding in her convictions, unafraid to assert herself in a world that often sought to silence her.

As she walked away, her demeanor exuded an air of defiance, her steps deliberate and purposeful. I couldn't help but feel a surge of frustration mingled with a hint of admiration for her unwavering resolve. Determined not to let her leave without a response, I called out to her, my tone laced with thinly veiled sarcasm.

"Fine, princess, suit yourself," I remarked, my voice dripping with mock deference. "Enjoy your solitary kingdom."

She paused briefly, her back still turned to me, before continuing on her way without a backward glance. The challenge in her eyes fueled the fire within me, igniting a desire to assert my own independence in the face of her defiance.

"Typical," I muttered under my breath, a smirk playing at the corners of my lips. "Muslim girl with an attitude."Wait till princess i will break this attitude of yours.....

Zara POV

As I entered the classroom, I settled into my seat and reached for my bag, seeking solace in the familiar ritual of dhikr to calm my restless thoughts. Lost in the rhythmic repetition of prayers, I felt a sudden tap on my shoulder, jolting me back to reality.

Turning to face the source of the interruption, I found myself met with the steely gaze of a girl I hadn't yet encountered. Furrowing my brows in confusion, I offered a polite inquiry.

"Do you need any help?" I asked, my voice soft yet firm. But instead of a friendly exchange, her lips curled into a smirk as she leaned in closer, her words dripping with thinly veiled threat.

"You're new here, aren't you?" she sneered, her tone laced with arrogance. "Better stay in your limits and keep away from what's mine."

As her words sank in, I couldn't help but feel a surge of defiance rising within me, mingled with a tinge of apprehension. Who was she to lay claim to anything in this vast university? Yet, her confident demeanor hinted at a power dynamic I hadn't yet grasped.

Suppressing the urge to react impulsively, I offered a measured response, masking my inner turmoil with a calm exterior. "I appreciate your concern," I replied evenly, "but I assure you, I have no intention of encroaching on anyone's territory."

I turned my attention back to my prayers,
"How dare you to talk back to me, you bit--" Her words halted abruptly as I interjected, my tone firm but measured. "Don't curse, it's haram," I said, holding her gaze steadily. She bit her lower lip..... when she heard Rose's warning.
"Better stay away from her, Mia," Rose said firmly as she approached us. I sighed, knowing Rose meant well, but also feeling frustrated by the tension brewing between us.

Mia, narrowed her eyes at Rose before turning her attention back to me. "You're lucky your friend is here," she muttered, shooting a final glare before stalking off. Rose let out a sigh of relief and turned to me with a concerned expression. "Are you okay, Zara?" she asked, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Is she our classmate rose"
"Yeah, unfortunately," Rose replied with a grimace. "Her name is Mia. She's in some of our classes." I sighed, already feeling the weight of dealing with Mia's attitude in class. "Well, let's try to avoid any more encounters with her,"

As the professor entered, the class fell silent. She greeted us warmly before starting the lecture As I began to jot down notes, a collective gasp filled the room at the sound of the door opening. Glancing up, I noticed the same boy from earlier entering with a stoic expression. Instantly, the girls around me erupted into whispers of admiration, marveling at his presence. Despite their praise, I couldn't help but acknowledge his striking appearance, a testament to Allah's creation. Quickly, I reprimanded myself for such thoughts, silently reciting astaghfirullah to seek forgiveness and refocus on my studies.

He sauntered into the classroom, flashing a wink at the professor, who blushed deeply in response. My eyes widened in shock at the audacity of his actions.

"Astagfirullah, what's with him?" I murmured under my breath, feeling a mixture of surprise and disapproval at his bold behavior.
As his eyes met mine, a smirk spread across his face, causing me to quickly avert my gaze and hide behind my book.

"Ya Allah, why am I encountering this shameless person again?" I whispered to myself I can feel his steps towards my chair as he removed my book from my face as I glance at him

"I said what," I retorted, staring at him defiantly, but then quickly looked away.

"Hey princess, we meet again," he said with a smirk, his tone teasing.

I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to maintain my composure. "I told you not to call me that," I snapped, my voice tinged with annoyance.

He chuckled, unfazed by my reaction. "And I told you, princess, that I'll call you whatever I want," he retorted, his tone laced with arrogance.

I clenched my fists, struggling to control my temper. "You're so insufferable," I muttered under my breath, shooting him a glare.

He leaned in closer, his smirk widening. "But you love it," he whispered, his words sending a shiver down my spine.

I rolled my eyes as he took the seat next to mine, feeling irritated by his presence so close to me. "Why are you always so shameless?" I muttered, shaking my head in disbelief.

"Ya Allah, please forgive me for talking with a non-mahram," I prayed silently in my heart, feeling a pang of guilt for engaging in conversation with someone of the opposite gender.

I saw him slouching on his bench from the corner of my eye, and I couldn't help but sigh.I refocused on the class, determined to concentrate despite the distractions.

After the class I kept my books in my bag and took out my prayer mat

"You go pray I will wait for you okay zara....."I smiled at rose and was about to leave, my eyes fell on the boy who was still sleeping. I turned to Rose and asked, "Doesn't he eat?"

She rolled her eyes. Who jungkook "Don't worry about him, girl. He's a bad boy. He doesn't give a fu-"

"Rose, don't curse, it's haram," I interrupted gently. She nervously laughed and nodded in understanding.

"He's famous here. Every girl has the biggest crush on him, but he just uses girls for his own way. You know, I just don't like him. And no one complains about him because he's the son of the richest man...!!!

As I entered the washroom, I closed the door behind me, enveloping myself in a cocoon of privacy. With a sense of reverence, I approached the sink and began the ritual of ablution, a sacred act of purification before prayer.

With a whispered invocation of "Bismillah," I began the process, allowing the cool water to flow over my hands, cleansing away the physical and spiritual impurities of the world. Each movement was deliberate, each step a testament to my devotion and commitment to the path of righteousness.

As I washed my face, I felt a sense of renewal wash over me, the water serving as a symbol of purification and renewal. With each splash, I felt the weight of the world lifting from my shoulders, replaced by a sense of inner peace and tranquility.

Moving on to the next step, I rinsed my mouth and nose, ensuring that every part of me was cleansed and ready for prayer. With each act of ablution, I felt a deeper connection to my faith, a reaffirmation of my commitment to Allah and His teachings.

Finally, as I washed my arms and feet, I felt a sense of gratitude welling up within me, grateful for the opportunity to perform this sacred act of worship. With each drop of water, I felt my heart opening to the divine presence, ready to embark on the journey of prayer with sincerity and devotion.

With the completion of ablution, I felt a sense of serenity wash over me, my soul cleansed and purified, ready to stand before my Lord in prayer. Taking a deep breath, I stepped away from the sink, With a calm resolve, I draped my veil over my head, the familiar fabric serving as a shield against the outside world, a symbol of my devotion to modesty and piety. As I stepped out of the washroom and into the prayer room, a sense of tranquility enveloped me, the stillness of the space a stark contrast to the bustling world outside.

I glanced around the room, noting the emptiness that surrounded me. It was unusual for the prayer room to be deserted, but I found solace in the quiet solitude, grateful for the opportunity to commune with my Creator without distraction.

I laid my prayer mat on the ground, its soft fabric unfurling beneath my feet like a welcoming embrace. With each movement, I felt a sense of familiarity wash over me, the ritual of prayer grounding me in my faith and guiding me on the path of righteousness.

Taking a deep breath, I stood on the prayer mat, facing the direction of the qiblah as I prepared to embark on the journey of prayer. With each word of praise and supplication, I felt my heart opening to the divine presence, my soul soaring on the wings of faith and devotion.

As I bowed and prostrated in humble submission, I felt a profound sense of peace wash over me, the worries and cares of the world melting away in the presence of Allah.

Jungkook POV

as I lifted my head from the desk, scanning the now-empty classroom. My gaze swept over the vacant seats, but there was no sign of the veiled girl who had captured my attention.

"Where did she go?" I muttered to myself, furrowing my brow in confusion. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, that she had slipped away unnoticed while I was lost in thought.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I reasoned that she must have gone to lunch like everyone else. With a determined set to my jaw, I made my way to the cafeteria, ignoring the curious glances that followed me.

my eyes searching for the familiar figure of the veiled girl. But amidst the sea of students, she was nowhere to be found, leaving me feeling frustrated and restless.

"Where is she?" I muttered under my breath, my lips pressed into a thin line as I fought the urge to bite them in frustration.As I didn't find her, I walked out of the cafeteria, boiling in anger. I searched for her in every classroom, but she was nowhere to be found. "Where are you, princess?" I whispered, ruffling my hair and biting my lips in frustration.

Then, I saw Rose walking past me, and I stopped her. "What?" she said with an uninterested tone.

"Hey Rose, did you see that veiled hijabi girl around?" Jungkook inquired, his voice tinged with urgency.

"You mean Zara..." Rose replied,
Jungkook's smirk widened as he heard her name. "Zara," he whispered to himself, a smile tugging at his lips before he quickly schooled his expression into one of indifference.

"Do you know where she is?" he asked, his tone casual but his eyes betraying his eagerness. Despite Rose's apparent reluctance to help, Jungkook remained undeterred, his determination driving him forward as he sought out the elusive veiled girl.

Rose sighed, her expression reflecting her annoyance at Jungkook's persistence. "Why are you so interested in her?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest as she regarded him with a skeptical gaze.

Jungkook shrugged nonchalantly, feigning disinterest. "Just curious," he replied casually, though his eyes sparkled with intrigue. "She seems... different."

Rose arched an eyebrow, unconvinced by his casual demeanor. "Different how?" she pressed, her curiosity piqued despite herself.

Jungkook hesitated for a moment, considering his words carefully. "I don't know," he admitted, his tone tinged with uncertainty. "There's something about her... something intriguing."

Rose crossed her arms, her gaze sharp as she met Jungkook's eyes. "It's none of your business," she replied firmly, her tone leaving no room for argument.

But Jungkook merely chuckled, his confidence unshaken. "Oh, come on, Rose," he said, his voice dripping with amusement. "I'm just trying to say hi to our new classmate."

Rose narrowed her eyes, unimpressed by his attempt at innocence. "She's not interested in your games," she retorted, her words laced with warning. "So leave her alone."

Jungkook's smirk widened, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "Is that so?" he remarked, his tone teasing as he leaned in closer to Rose. "Well, I guess I'll just have to find out for myself, won't I?"

Rose sighed, realizing that Jungkook was not going to back down easily. "You're impossible," she muttered, shaking her head in frustration.

"Maybe," Jungkook conceded with a shrug, his smirk still firmly in place. "But you can't blame a guy for being curious, can you?"

With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Rose to stew in her exasperation.....Ignoring Rose's warning, I ascended the stairs, my eyes scanning the hallway until they landed on a door. With determined strides, I made my way towards it, my smirk growing wider with each step.

Jungkook couldn't contain his satisfaction as he spotted Zara in the room. With a smirk playing on his lips, I approached her confidently, relishing the opportunity to finally confront her.

"Found you, princess," !!!!


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