Tom Hiddleston/Loki imagines

By disneychick23

24.4K 382 87

This is a collection of different stories about my favorite actor, and one of my biggest male heros. Please d... More

Tom-Cupcake Wars
Tom-Comfort in the Night
Loki-Hiding in the Shadows
Authors note (Its kinda urgent.)
Loki-Agents of Sheild
Author's Note
Authors Note

Tom-Saving Tom Hiddleston

3.7K 70 12
By disneychick23

"Agent (Y/L/N), we don't have much time. He's been kidnapped for weeks now, and we don't even know if he's still alive! You have to keep looking!" Your boss yelled at you. You walked out of the room, thinking of a new plan.

Thomas William Hiddleston was kidnapped 5 weeks ago, and still there was no sign of him. you wondered if he was even still alive. He had a huge reward if found, since he was a celebrity and all. You were in charge of this mission, because you were training to be one of the bosses. If you found him dead or worse, didn't find him at all, all of the fangirls would blame you, you'd get fired, and you would feel guilty. You had no idea what to do, so you decided to sleep on it, and see what happened the next day.

As you were in the office the next day, one of your co-workers rushed in. "(Y/N) we just got a call from the kidnapper, but we couldn't get a location."

"Darn it! We could've gotten him! What did he say?"

"He said that Tom Hiddleston was alive. Barely. He also said that you'll never find him by the time that Tom is dead."

"Show me the call." He sent you to the call room, an you saw the chief and others standing over the machine. You pulled out the super computer that you built yourself. It took you 4 years to make that, and you were extremely proud of it. You plugged it into the call machine, your fingers furiously typing on the keyboard. "I FOUND IT!" You cried excitingly. Everyone rushed to your side.

"I can't believe it! You need to get some men to back you up. Someone get her a search warrant. We are going to find Thomas Hiddleston!" Everyone cheered happily. You raced to your car, with a warrant soon to be in hand, and back up men. You drove close to the location, and stopped.

"Ok men, I'll go in by myself, then if something happens, I'll call you in. Be alert." You warned your men. You stepped up to the door and violently knocked. No one answered. You kicked open the door and started to search the place. You went upstairs. Nothing. Searched the downstairs. Nothing. You then noticed the rug was a bit folded over and you picked it up. Aha! A trap door!

You open it, and then go down the steps. It was pitch black. You turned on your flash light, an saw a weak figure in the corner. You walked over, and saw the one and only Tom Hiddleston. He wasn't moving, so you ran over to take his pulse. It was still beating.

"Tom, Tom, wake up!" You whisper. He sits up fast, shielding his face with his tied up hands, waiting for impact. "Tom, look at me. We need to get you out if here." He slowly lowers his hands, looking at you with hopeful eyes.

"You're here to rescue me?" He asked half hopeful half terrified.

"Yes, but we have to go right now." You try to help him out of the ropes, and you notice that he's quite injured. He has bruises and cuts everywhere on his arms, he has a huge gash on his head, that looked infected. His pants were torn, to show a huge cut on his thigh.

You get out your pocket knife, quickly cutting at the ropes, when you hear what sounds like a door closing. Tom whipped his head to the sound. "Oh no, he's coming!" Tom starts panicking.


"The man who kidnapped me." He said, struggling against the ropes.

"Ah, I see you have found my victim," you hear a man saw in a thick German accent.

"What do you want with this man?"

"Simple. I want him to pay. He has too much of a perfect life. He barely cares about anyone else in the world." you knew that was a lie, because he was one of the most generous celebrities you knew.

"Sir, I'm afraid I'm going back away, I have a gun that is loaded." You say confidently.

"I do too" the man pulls out the gun, pointing it at Tom. Tom's eyes widened, and he stopped breathing for a moment.

"I need back up. NOW." you said urgently into your walkie-talkie thing.
"Sir, can we talk about this?"

"No, I need to get my business done now. So if you would move over, that'd be great." He said evilly grinning.

"I'm afraid I can't do that."

"Ok, I'm sorry, but he's going to have to die." You take out your gun, and shoot. It hits the man in the leg. Then he point the gun at Toms head. The gunman hesitated, grabbing at his leg.

"Tom! Move!" You yelled. He was frozen in fear. So you pushed him out of the way, just as the man shot. Tom fell to the ground, as the bullet impacted you in the stomach. You fell to the ground also. Then back up finally came. They picked up the man, putting him in handcuffs, and leading him to the car.

Tom finally got out of his trance, and saw you on the ground. "Help! She needs medical attention!"

"Tom, it's too late. I'm losing too much-"

"Shh, it's going to be ok. Just look at me." He cupped your face in his hands. You could see that he was crying. Out of fear, or pain, or sadness, you didn't know. "Keep your eyes open. What's your name, darling?"


"(Y/N) that's a lovely name. Thank you so much for saving my life. I owe you so much."

"It's kind of my job..."

"You risked your life. I don't care if it was your job." He looked at your uniform, soaking with more blood by the minute. He winced.

Your vision started getting blurry, and you started to close your eyes.

"No, no (Y/N) stay with me! Please, your going to be fine!" You felt hot tears land on your face and neck.

"I-I'm sorry..." You said, drawing in your last breath.

"No... NO!" Tom yelled, crying. He was horrified. How could someone, so cruel kill a loving, caring woman that you were. Your co-workers came, picked you up and put you in the ambulance. They then took Tom, giving the medical attention he needed. But it didn't matter to him.


( This is when you got shot)

Tom finally got out of his trance, and saw you on the ground. "Help! She needs medical attention!"

"Tom, it's too late. I'm losing too much-"

"Shh, it's going to be ok. Just look at me." He cupped your face in his hands. You could see that he was crying. Out of fear, or pain, or sadness, you didn't know. "Keep your eyes open. What's your name, darling?"


"(Y/N) that's a lovely name. Thank you so much for saving my life. I owe you so much."

"It's kind of my job..."

"You risked your life. I don't care if it was your job." He looked at your uniform, soaking with more blood by the minute. He winced.

Your eyes started getting blurry, and you started to close your eyes.

"No, no (Y/N) stay with me! Please, your going to be fine!" You felt hot tears land on your face and neck.

"I-I'm sorry..." You said, drawing in your last breath. And then everything went black.

You awoke to the loud beeping of a machine. You opened your eyes, and saw the white walls of a hospital. You sat up, feeling an excruciating pain in your stomach. You winced in pain.

"Whoa, whoa, don't do that." You heard someone say, helping you lay back down. You looked up, and saw that it was Tom Hiddleston, bandaged and stitched back together.

"Hey, how are you doing?" You said in a weak voice.

"I'm good. But I should be really asking you. How are you feeling?" He asked, concern in his voice,

"What do you mean? Oh, this flesh wound? I'll survive." You say winking at him. He chuckled.

"Your pretty strong, for a girl, I mean, I'm not saying that girls are weak, I'm just saying-"

"I know what you mean. Don't worry."

"Sooo, I was wondering if you'd like to go out to dinner sometime? When your feeling better?"

"Yea, I'd love that." You say, smiling. Your boss came in, and looked relieved that you were awake.

"Hey chief (Y/N), how are you feeling?" Your eyes get wide.

"You mean-"

"Yep, you got the job! I'm extremely proud of you! The kidnapper is in jail right now, and it looks like you'll be alright after a while! I'm giving you time to take off, so you can be healthy when you come back. Also, your parents are waiting to see you, so I'll leave you alone now." He said, smiling.

Your little siblings ran in, jumping on you and attacking you in bear hugs. You winced when one of them touched you stomach.

"Oof, give me some air, will ya?"

"Oops, sorry." Your family visited you for about an hour, giving you goodies of all sorts. Then they left. Tom still stood there, hands in pockets.

"You can leave too, you know." You said, as he yawned.

"No, I'd like to keep you company while you're here. By the way, look at your Twitter and Instagram." You got your phone, and it was blowing up with notifications. You looked at multiple tweets.

"Thanks for saving our Tommy, get well soon!"

"You are now one of the leaders of Loki's army. Thanks for saving Tom!"

"We all wish you a good recovery!"

"Whoa! I'm famous!" You say, giggling, "How did they find out so fast?"

"Believe me, fangirls find a way to find out EVERYTHING about me. And.. Well... You kinda do have a newspaper story on you, worldwide."


"I hope that doesn't make you mad..."

"No, I just... Whoa."

"Yea, I know. Hey, let's take a photo, post it to Twitter. Smile!" He takes a decent picture of you guys, and posts "Thanks to this amazing woman, to saving my life. Get well soon, (Y/N)!"

This looks like it's the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Here's the second story!

I got the idea from one of my cousins dreams.

*Blows kisses to readers* Thank you for reading, I love you all. Have a good day!!!

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