Loki-Hiding in the Shadows

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You first saw him when he was being dragged away. The earths mightiest heroes, or so they were called, had him. You were walking with your older sister with your shopping bags.

"Oof!" You fell down, your bags scattering everywhere. "Hey-" you looked at who bumped into you, and e looked at you with piercing green eyes and a mischievous grin playing on his lips. Chills were sent down your spine as he looked at you like that, and you stared into his eyes for what seemed like forever, until they dragged him away.

"Well, he was a jerk, he didn't even help you up," your older sister bent down to help you pick up your bags. "Are you ok?"

"Yea, I'm fine..." You said pretty dazed.

"Let's get you home. You look like you hit your head or something..." She said picking up your bags an helping you up.

"No, I'm fine, lets keep shopping," you said. The rest of the day you went to lots of stores, had lunch and just hung out with you sister. But the entire time, you couldn't get those eyes out of your mind.

5 months later

"I'm sorry miss (Y/L/N), there wasn't anything we could do." The police said holding his hat in his hands. You couldn't comprehend the words that he just said. There was only one word that could make it into your mind.


So you booked it out of that place. You sprinted down the road, past annoyed people that you didn't really care about then. You sprinted for about 5 minutes, when you stepped wrong, and fell down. You heard a crack, and a pain shot through your ankle. But you didn't care, you got up and ran even faster.

You couldn't stop the tears from flowing down you cheeks, caused by emotional and physical pain. You got to an ally between two buildings, and collapsed against one of the walls, sobbing and you slid down. The sobs came in chokes, and you had trouble breathing after your sprinting.

Your best friend, lifesaver, secret keeper, goofball, and big sister was killed in a car accident. A drunk driver hit her head on. What were you going to do? Memories flashed through your mind of you and her, which made you cry even harder. She was all you had. Your parents had been divorced for 4 years, and both of them worked so hard that you barely saw them,

You continued to cry for an hour when you felt a gun up to the side of your head. "Give me all of your valuables and you won't die." A rough voice said.

You froze. "I-I have nothing on me!" You didn't bring your purse or your phone. You just rushed to the hospital without bringing anything.

"Empty out your pockets!" The man pointed the gun to your head. You got up and showed the man that you had nothing with you. "You have nothing?!" He said growing impatient, "give my your necklace."

You looked down at your necklace, and your heart sunk even more. The dioxins necklace that your sister gave to you for your birthday.

"It makes your eyes sparkle!" She had said putting it on your neck.

"This is beautiful!" You said with tears in your eyes, "Thank you so much!" You exclaimed giving her a huge hug.

"I-I can't." You said.

"WHY NOT?" He yelled.

"My sister gave it to me..."

"Your sister can buy you a new one!"

"No she can't." You started crying again.

Tom Hiddleston/Loki imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now