Rewrite The Stars

By SlugWolf0506

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It is a story of how the divorced couple, Michelle and Anntonia, navigate life as ex-wives co-parenting their... More



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By SlugWolf0506

posterity, n.

I try not to think about us growing old together, mostly because I try not to think about growing old at all. Both things - the years passing, the years together - are too enormous to contemplate. But one morning, I gave in. You were asleep, and I imagined you older and older. Your hair graying, your skin folded and creased, your breath catching. And I found myself thinking: If this continues, if this goes on, then when I die, your memories of me will be my greatest accomplishment. Your memories will be my most lasting impression.

"You okay, baby?"

Her mummy asked, turning back to the child who became quiet behind her. Then a soft giggle made her look back once again to see what caught Dani's attention that made her giggle.

"Look at that, mummy, see, the birds." Dani pointed out. "One, two, thwee, four, five- uh oh, too many."

They're on their way home at two in the afternoon, Michelle was at the office while Ann had to stay home to take care of their daughter. Thankful for the pain meds that were given to Dani, she could slightly move and play around at home. Though she's still adjusting to using her right hand.

The mother and daughter duo went for a walk, and by walk, meant Anntonia was doing all the walking while Dani was sitting comfortably on the wagon that her mother was pulling. Dani's animal plushies and a few grocery bags surrounded it. Ann opted to not use her car so the child wouldn't turn fussy in her car seat. Good thing there was a store just outside and a walking distance near their village.

Ann chuckled at her daughter's antics, "I thought you already know how to count up to thirty? Mama was teaching you last time, right?"

Michelle had set up a mini school for their baby inside Dani's playroom, she got a board installed and some markers for them to use. Her mama acting like her teacher, their nightly classes include various flashcards of phonics, numbers and animals. Art activities were, of course, taught by her mummy. Since Dani couldn't use her dominant hand, her mum had to stick with just watching art videos with her.

"Uh-huh. But they're so many, mummy. Not thirty."

Her mother smiled, she's growing up and conversing a bit properly. "Are you going to help mummy bake mama's cake?" It's the purpose of their walk at the grocery store, Anntonia needed to buy some things she needed for Michelle's birthday. It was all planned out, even before Dani's accident. "Or you can just watch me, okay, honey? Mum doesn't want you to hurt your arm."

Tiny index finger tracing at the cute drawings and stickers on her arm cast. Another activity at home that the three of them did. Using the child's markers, her parents took turns on drawing on her cast, making her laugh the whole time. Mesmerised by her mummy's talent in drawing and doodling, making Michelle to sulk playfully for being outdone by her partner. Dani looked up to see her mother.

"Mmkay, mummy."

The planning of her girlfriend's birthday this year was extra special, because it's her birthday that they're going to celebrate together after missing three of her birthday celebrations after their divorce. It was always a simple happy birthday text or during a phone call with Dani before she hung up, so now Ann wanted to make up for those years that she wasn't with her.

And since she's the one who's celebrating their birthday, Ann will let her choose what gift she would want from her. Oh, how she would like to spoil her rotten to make up for all the lost time. One thing is for sure though, they will celebrate it as a whole family, it's going to be a fun day for her and Dani, they will bake cupcakes and cookies which her daughter had requested thinking that it's her birthday, but her mum reminded her teasingly that her birthday was already done and it was the reason they went to Paris just in case her silly baby had already forgotten about it.

Truly, it was an unforgettable trip not only for their daughter but also for the two of them. Things had been rough in the past few days but the two of them were getting better and better at communicating, Michelle even offered to go fly to New York with her next week to meet with her therapist but the busy woman that she is, there was a conflict with the schedule. Her partner wanted to postpone the meeting with the buyers of her home, but Michelle insisted she can go and that she didn't have to worry about Dani.

"Really, baby, we're gonna be fine." She said while they were having dinner. "As long as you promise that you'll always be in touch, update us on what's happening in New York?"

"Absolutely. You don't need to ask me to do that, baby. I will, it's not like I have better things to do at home in Manhattan alone, while my two favourite people are here. I'll just be home, move my stuff back into our house, then I'll unpack while I wait for Cassie to contact me."

Michelle couldn't hide the widest grin on her face just by the mention of Anntonia moving her things back to her house, their house. True, they're already living back together in Makati, but it's only temporary and Manhattan was where it's at. The place where they really call home. It made her happy that when she and her daughter would go back, Ann would be there with them.

"Why are you grinning like you've just won millions of dollars?" Ann asked, looking at her girlfriend in amusement.

She did. Truly, she did just win more than millions of dollars, more than winning the lottery. She just got the most precious thing that money can't buy. "Nothing, I'm just really happy," she said, looking down.

"Awe, honey, are you blushing?" her girlfriend teased, poking the small dimple appearing on her lover's cheek. "I don't know, you telling me you're moving your things back makes me giddy and excited." She sighed happily, looking up to meet her girlfriend's loving gaze.

"Does that seal the deal for you? That I will be with you in New York?"

The young CEO bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from smiling bashfully. "Kind of, but this, what we have here, kind of seals it. When I think about how I will grow old with you, that you're going to be by my side as we watch Dani and our other kids grow up, that's the life I've always wanted and thank you for giving me the chance to fulfil it." Anntonia's heart fluttered at her words, wondering if this person actually knew how big her heart was.

She kissed her once, twice. "That makes the two of us, baby. You and me. Thank you for being you, for having the heart that can love a person like me. I love you. Love you very much."

"Hello! Hello! Hi!" Dani greeted the people every time she saw someone she knew in the neighbourhood. All of them were her granny's friends, tending into their lawns. "Mummy, granny's fwiend!" she shouted, when she saw yet another familiar face in her granny's circle.

The old lady jumped a little, looking around for the tiny voice outside. Her face lit up when she saw Dani sitting adorably in the wagon. "Hello, my dear. Hi, Ann."

"I'm sorry if she startled you, auntie." The mother apologised when the lady approached them.

"Oh, that's no problem, dear. Where have you two been?"

"Thank you, we just went to the groceries. I thought we could take a walk, 'cause this little one is getting bored at home. Another hour in the house and she might cause stress to her pet fish."

The old woman nodded her head in understanding. "I'm sorry for your arm, little Dani. Next time, you come visit here with granny when you arm okay, hmm? I will give you candies."

"What do we say, Dani?"

"Thank you. My mama's burfday tomorrow." She blurted out of nowhere, causing the lady to grin at her.

"Is it? Well, my dear, greet your mama a happy birthday for me, okay? You two have a great day!" she said, saying goodbye to the two of them.

Ann continued on pulling the wagon, while her daughter went back into looking at the birds until they reached home.

The two of them had a shower and Dani was now in her chair while her mum was feeding her lunch.

"Honey, do you remember our secret about mama's birthday?"

The child, who knew better than to speak while her mouth was full, swallowed the food in her mouth first before answering her mother's question, nodding her head. "Mhm.."

Her mummy narrowed her eyes playfully, "I think you forgot, baby. Okay, let's have a review, what is mummy and Dani's secret?"

After taking a sip of her drink from her sippy cup, Dani answered, "Tomorrow is mama's burfday and mummy and Dani will bake."

A series of kisses have been planted on her face. "Yay! Good job, baby. Don't tell mama tonight?"

She's unsure about asking their daughter to not tell her mama about their plans, for she slips up sometimes and that's where Michelle catches on to their secretive plans. "Honey, we really can't tell mama about her birthday party, if we tell her, it wouldn't be a surprise. So, shhh.." she gestured her index finger into her lips.

"Okay, mummy. I help you?"

"Yes, baby. Cupcakes, cookies and cake?"

Dani's eyes widened at the mention of the three of her favourite treats. "And tomorrow you ride in granny's car while mum picks up mama in her office."

Everything was set, all the closest people to them have been invited, she just needed to plan on how to be discreet when she goes to Michelle's office tomorrow. Ann remembered another question she wanted to ask her daughter.

"Baby, mum has a question. How do you feel about becoming a big sister?" almond eyes stared at her while chewing at her food. "You remember when you asked mama and I in Paris?" It's a bit of a stretch for their daughter to remember it, since their five-year-old kid has the attention span of a gnat, "Do you want to have a baby sister or a baby brother?"

Dani gasped, and her eyes automatically zeroed in her mummy's belly. "You have a small baby there, mummy?" she whispered, her eyes wide.

The mother couldn't help but chuckle at how adorable her daughter is being, "None yet, I still have to ask mama. So, what do you say, sweetheart, do you want a little baby in the house you can play with?" She whispered back as if someone might actually hear them when it's actually just the two of them at home.

"Yes! A girl, mummy. I want a girl," she said excitedly.

Anntonia heaved a sigh of relief, she thought Dani wouldn't like the idea of having someone who could actually divide her parents' attention, but as she thinks about it, although it's normal, she and Michelle would actually try their best to make sure that Dani won't feel neglected when the time comes. "Why do you want to have a baby sister, honey?"

Her beautiful daughter shrugged her shoulders, something that she copied from her mama. "I share my toys, old man said we play tea parties. I give her my clothes, mummy."

So she remembered. Ann gave her a kiss on the forehead, feeling a little emotional just thinking about how Dani will become the best big sister in the near future. "You are so nice, my darling. Mum and mama love you tons."

The child blushed and gave her mummy a shy smile. "I wuv you too, mummy."

When Michelle reached home that evening, she found her two loves at the back of the house. Dani, seated on one couch on their patio, was busy watching something random while her mum was in their grilling station, keeping an eye on the meat that she was roasting. There was a lot of work needed to be done at work and going home with the smell of food and spending dinner time with her family helps her to relax.

It's her birthday tomorrow, and she wasn't quite sure if she and her girls have plans, Ann hasn't asked about her birthday plans yet, maybe tonight, she thought. However, she had a problem; she won't have the whole day to spend it with them, there was a last-minute meeting with a potential partner and the person didn't have the time to move the schedule for their meeting. She had been thinking about it the whole day, she even suggested that her dad or Rhian or even Heather could attend that meeting for her, but the client wanted it to be her.

So, she drove home dreading to tell her girlfriend that she will work on her birthday. She was thinking of taking the day off the day after tomorrow to have a proper celebration and that's what she's going to ask if her family would be okay with it.

"Hey, baby. How's your day?" She asked, sitting down beside Dani. She closed her eyes for a few seconds, tired and ready to go to bed when it's only six in the evening. Michelle felt a soft, wet kiss on her cheek, causing her to smile automatically. "Mama."

"Thank you, buddy. What did you and mum do today?"

"I ride the wagon and we see granny's fwiend." she answered, her eyes trained on the television.

"Oh, you went for a walk with mummy?" Michelle pouted. "Mama missed out on all the fun, huh?"

Dani was about to spill what are the things they got from outside but she remembered it was a secret between her and her mummy. "What is it, peanut? Are you okay?"

"Yes, granny's fwiend said she will give me candies wif granny."

Of course, the lady was notorious for giving out candies and chocolates to the kids. "You share it with mama?"

"No..." her daughter giggled, "mummy only and I have a secret."

That information got Michelle's attention back to her daughter. She smirked inwardly, already knowing with a bit of prying she can get the secret out of her daughter. It's too easy, "oh? Can you share your secret with me?"

Realising what she just said to her mama, Dani remained quiet. It's her and mum's secret only. She laughed and shook her head.

"No. No.. Dani and mummy only."

Smart kid. Her mama thought, "please? I won't tell mum that you told me."

"Hey, you're home."

She groaned inwardly. Ugh! So close.

Ann leaned over from behind the couch and kissed her on the lips spider-man style. "Hi, baby. Yeah, too busy, but I'm on time for dinner, right?"

"Yes, why don't you wash up first, baby? While I set up the table."

With one more kiss with each of them, Michelle went upstairs to take a shower, with Dani's almost confession in her mind, she's planning to know more about it. She sighed as the warm water cascaded all over her body, it's their secret and if Ann didn't want her to know then maybe she will have to respect that, or maybe it was just one silly secret that her daughter and girlfriend share, they do that sometimes, especially when Ann was planning to go shopping for their daughter and didn't want to tell Michelle about it. Maybe she would have to let this one go.

Dinner was great as usual, and the couple were in the kitchen helping each other on washing the dishes, the two of them weren't talking, very focused on the task at hand. She's still thinking about how to tell her partner that she might not be home with them tomorrow.

"Baby, do you have plans tomorrow?"

Anntonia paused from wiping the plates to look at her girlfriend. "About that, I've been meaning to tell you. I know it's your birthday tomorrow, but I have to be at the gallery tomorrow, so I was planning to ask mum or my parents to stay with Dani. It's just one meeting though, just that I'm not sure how long the meeting would last. We can definitely do whatever you want after, though, baby."

"Oh." Michelle mumbled, the artist wanted to close her eyes for lying to her and after seeing the devastation on Michelle's face.

"I guess it's okay then," she shook her head. "I was just asking because I'm going to be at the office, too. Just wondering if you wanted to do something tomorrow, then maybe I can ask Audrey to adjust my schedule."

It was only a white lie, but Ann already felt bad for lying to her. She thought Dani had already told her mama about their secret when she interrupted them earlier, but she's wrong and she would have to give her daughter a reward for not spilling their secret.

Ann stood behind her girlfriend, wrapping her arms around Michelle's midsection tightly, as she kissed the side of her head before resting her head on Michelle's shoulder, inhaling the scent of her body wash. "Sorry, baby. Tomorrow should be special- it still is, I can ask to postpone my meeting if you want?"

It's Michelle's turn to sigh, facing Ann, copying her gesture. "You'd do that for me?"

"Of course, baby."

"That wouldn't be fair to you, though. You and Dani will wait for me here, I'm not sure how long the meeting would take as well. It sucks, huh?"

Bumping their noses together, Ann gave her a smile. "It's your birthday, it doesn't suck. I'm sorry if we're both working. I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"I'll make it up to you. Besides, I didn't even want to have a party or anything. I just want to spend it with you and Dani, I think I'm too old for parties."



See, now I'm nervous if she'll like my surprise for her, but it's too late for me to cancel everything now. I'm going to make sure that she's going to love her party though, and I'm excited about her reaction when she sees all the gang are present on her special day.

I reckon what's making me all nervous about tomorrow isn't exactly because I lied, but it is the second part of the plan, when it's time for me to pick her up, hoping that dad, Rhian and mine's plan would actually work.

"Oh, come on. We all need to party at some point. To unwind and shit like that." I said, and she giggled.

She kisses me on the lips, "potty mouth. But I just want to make sure, are you really okay if I spend more than half of my day at work than with you and our daughter?"

"Totally you can go." I answered rather quickly and eagerly that it sounded so wrong. If it isn't also for the visible crease on her forehead.

"Do you not want me home to spend time with me or?"

"It's not like that, baby. I'm sorry that came out wrong, I just don't want you to worry about not spending half of your day with us. I feel bad too, not just you. Sometimes, work really gets in our way, but it happens. You're still gonna be with us tomorrow after your meeting so we can plan something. So don't worry about that pretty and intelligent head of yours, hm?" I said, reassuring her.

Michelle looked down, "well, if you put it that way, then I can bear a few hours to stay in that meeting. But make no mistake, honey. The very second that meeting is adjourned, I'm out."

"I can't wait." I winked, leaning in for another kiss, this time it lasted longer.

"Whatcha doing?"

We didn't hear two tiny sock-covered feet padding their way to the kitchen. Michelle and I smiled through the kiss, because we forgot we hadn't put her to bed yet. Her left arm is in a sling while the right one is holding her ducky stuffed animal.

"Nothing, we were washing the plates, buddy. Are you sleepy?"

Dani walked closer to us and she was pouting, which caused Michelle and me to frown, and then a meltdown started. The two of us kneeled down in front of her to check if she's hurt.

"What's wrong, honey?"

"Mama, it's itchy, take it off." She said in hiccups, fat tears falling on her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, baby. The doctor said we can't take it off, remember?" Michelle reasoned with her, but she cried harder.

Nothing breaks a mother's heart to see their child cry. Michelle glances at me, asking me what we can do to make her feel better and not feel irritable.

Dani then turned to me for help, "Mummy... pwease.."

"We can't take it off, baby. Mummy is so sorry." I say, gathering her into my arms, lifting her. "Stop crying, please. Mum and mama will try to make it better, okay? But we can't take this off yet."

Being overtired playing and watching the whole day, added by an annoying arm with a cast, can truly make her cranky. She was doing better the first week, but I know the activities we do could only do so much, especially when she sees her favourite toys in the playroom and she couldn't play with them.

We climbed upstairs with her mama in tow, holding the plush animal. She's still crying, albeit quietly. Michelle opened the door to the masters so we could go in. I put Dani on top of the bed while her mama sat down with her.

"Mum's gonna be right back, honey. Hang on."

I ran inside our walk-in closet to get the object that I needed to help our daughter relieve the itching of her arm. When I got back in the bedroom, the two of them were lying down, Dani's arm resting on the pillow.

"Hopefully, this will help. Can you lift her arm a little, baby?"

Our little one is staring at the device on my hand, "cool right? Okay, I'm gonna turn this on so it won't be itchy anymore."

She sat up, still looking at the hairdryer. "Mummy, that's for hair."

"Yeah, honey. But it has cool stuff inside. Here, mummy's going to show you."

The moment the cool air from the hairdryer hits her arm, Dani actually breathes a sigh of relief and Michelle is watching her with a smile on her face as Dani's eyes slowly droop.

"Time for night night, buddy. I love you, goodnight."

"Goodnight, my love." We're still staring at her as her breathing evens out. "Quite a meltdown, huh?"

Michelle shakes her head. "That's a first since the hospital, baby. Also good thinking, mummy. It would either be an ice pack or the hairdryer. Few more weeks and it's time for therapy, that's going to suck so much more than this, but I wouldn't have it any other way as long as she'll get better."

"Me too, I just hate seeing her having a hard time and I feel sorry for her whenever she goes inside her playroom and just sits there looking around her army of fluffy plush animals, not being able to play with them."

"It'll be over soon. She's going to be playing with all of them the second we tell her that her arm is fully healed. My white board and flashcards will be ignored soon." She joked, and we both chuckled quietly.

The next day, Michelle's birthday.

"Oh... put it here, mummy?"

"No, here. Careful, honey, it's hot. Put two of these- oh, that's too much, baby."

"Oh, no.. Sorry, mummy."

"You want to give this to mama or make a new one?"

"This, mummy."

Anntonia couldn't decide if she wanted to cringe or laugh at her and Dani's very early situation while their most beloved birthday girl was still sleeping soundly in their huge bed upstairs.

The secretive pair woke up so early- it was actually Dani who woke up first, as always. She was just lying down, facing her mummy, waiting for her to wake up, but not without her poking and touching her mummy's face, though.

She quietly carried her daughter as they padded into Dani's room so she could use her washroom before they went downstairs, straight into the kitchen. Dani was excited, it's these kinds of activities with her parents that she enjoyed the most.

Activities like these where she can be of help with her mama and mostly her mummy, like when she goes with her in the shed when Ann had to finish a painting. She was so excited when seeing all the colourful paints and got astonished by several drawings and paintings that her mummy had been doing. With Michelle, she enjoys playing with her in the playroom. Tea parties, mani-pedi-hair salon activities with her mama. She even loves their homeschool activities because her mama always makes it fun.

But this one, oh, she loves it. She is currently sitting on top of their now, flour-filled mess of a kitchen island. A tray of breakfast that comprises coffee- that her mum knew is very sweet because she was asked to put sugar on it, fluffy pancakes and a plate of fruits has been set aside.

Ann glances at the clock nearby, it's early, they still have time to bake what they've planned. She stifled a laugh when she saw her daughter's face. There's flour on her right cheek, a smidge of chocolate at the corner of her lips. "Dani, mum said don't taste the chocolate, it's still early. You're my sneaky ninja."

Dani blushes and giggles when her mummy kisses her on the cheek. "What colour do you want for mama's cake frosting?"

"Pink. With the candies?"

"The heart sprinkles? We can do that for sure. Even the cupcakes?"

"Mhm. Mum, I will put the spinkies?"

"Yeah. I'll tell mama you made it, she is gonna be so proud and happy." She whispered as she tried her best not to make a noise. Hoping that Michelle won't wake up yet, as she does sometimes whenever she feels that there's no one in the bed with her. Everything is set for her, it's ready in their walk-in closet, Ann picks out an attire for her to wear in the office, even the shoes and jewellery that would go with it.

"Baby, we're done with the cupcakes and cake for mama, just the cookies left and it's for you. You will bring it with granny later, okay?"

"I share wif her?" Her mum chuckled.

"Ask her if she wants some cookies, sharing is good, remember?" Dani nods her head, right hand sneakily getting another piece of a chocolate chip into the jar.

It's already eight in the morning and Michelle is about to wake up soon because she had to be in the office at nine-thirty. Ann had the time to tidy up the kitchen, multitasking as she cleans and washes all the kitchen and baking utensils that she and Dani had used. Dani, on the other hand, has had her breakfast and is now waiting for her mum to go upstairs and wake her mama up, also remembering that she had to feed her fish in her room.

Anntonia picks Dani up to bring her upstairs, "wait here for me, buddy. Don't get down, mum's just going to get mama's food, stay here, baby," she whispered before running back down to get the food tray. When she gets back, her obedient daughter is standing by her bedroom door. Ann smiles.

"You feed your fish?"

"Yes, mummy."

"Ready to wake mama up?" another excited nod, "don't forget to sing her a happy birthday, honey."

Dani runs inside the master's bedroom and stands beside her mama's sleeping figure. She glances at her mother. And when she got the permission she needed, she started to sing the happy birthday song, each time it got louder, causing Michelle to stir in her deep slumber.

"Happy birthday to you..." Ann joins in and she can see a smile slowly creeping on her lover's lips. A hint that she's awake although she's not opening her eyes yet, Dani leaned over and sang directly to her mama's face loudly, causing Anntonia to burst out laughing.

"Come on, baby, she knows you're awake."

Michelle slowly opens her eyes and is met by her daughter's full, round, pink cheeks and beautiful face. "Happy burfday... happy burfday-." Dani stopped mid singing and her face contorted. Her mama grimaced when she smelled it.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?"

"Mummy, I need to go..." Ann can see her girlfriend giggling under the sheets.

"Go where?" another fart came out. "Oh." The mother puts the tray that she's been holding on top of the ottoman bench and takes Dani into the toilet. "Call me when you're done, sweetheart."

Ann came back, crawling towards her girlfriend, straddling her.

"Happy birthday, baby. I love you."

Two hands crept over inside her shirt, resting them on her waist. "Thank you. I love you."

The birthday celebrant sits up slowly, still holding Anntonia in her arms. She closes the gap and kisses her slow and deep. Soft hands roaming around Ann's body until her hands reach the underside of her breasts. They both love kissing like this, unhurried and deep, where the two of them always surrender to each other before the day starts. Sometimes they make love before their daughter wakes up, sometimes in the shower. But this kiss is incomparable. Kissing her has always been her favourite, and it's the time like this one where she savours it.

Anntonia hums into the kiss when she feels Michelle's hand massage her breast. Talented fingers are playing with her already pebbled nipples.

"Is there a gift that you would want from me?"

"Aside from breakfast in bed prepared by my two girls, I get to ask for more?"

"Mhm.. anything for you, baby."

"You. I want you. Always." Michelle mumbles, as Ann shudders at the feel of Michelle's warm breath on her neck, while she slowly canter her hips upwards. "Can I have you for my birthday?"

Her girlfriend bites her lip to stop herself from releasing a moan. She's getting wetter and wetter just from the feel of Michelle's touches. Their two garments are the only thing that separates their centres. "You have me, all of me."

"If it weren't for that little ball of energy who's singing in the washroom right now, I would really love to have my way with you."

Dani is really singing something while in the toilet doing a potty. The artist wanted the same thing, no questions needed to be asked, not now though, not yet. "You and me both, darling, I would like to put your-"

"Mummy.. Done..." their daughter sings-songs from the washroom and the couple closes their eyes at the interruption.

"Okay, sweetheart, coming.." Anntonia yelled back. Before she could get out of Michelle's hold, however, the woman beneath her pulled her in one last time for a kiss.

"Am I allowed to... In the shower?" she asks her girlfriend shyly.

Anntonia wet her lips, and it's making her girlfriend crazy with want. "You can, I'll allow you once, but if you could be a little patient and wait for me until later, then maybe you'll get a reward better than your hands..." she trails off, making sure to whisper it suggestively on her ear.


The artist winked at her lover before running into the washroom to clean Dani up. The young CEO adjusts her sitting position on the bed, feeling the wetness pool into her panties.

"Fuck it, we're gonna have to wait now, won't we?" she grunted, talking to herself.

The three of them enjoyed breakfast in bed, with Michelle praising and thanking her daughter for helping her mummy in the kitchen. Everything was delicious except for the very sweet coffee and Dani had boasted to her mama that she helped make it. Good thing her girlfriend brought another cup on the side, knowing that Michelle wouldn't be able to drink the coffee that their daughter had made for her.

It surprised her to see her pantsuit ready. Michelle really felt special with all the things that her two most beloved have been doing for her. She went to the office in a pleasant and giddy mood, different from the always serious one whenever she entered the building, making everyone feel intimidated except for her assistant and Rhian.

"Good morning, boss, here are the agendas for the meeting. But your father would like to have a briefing about this in the conference room."

The CEO sighed, "Do we have time for a briefing?"

"Yes, ma'am. They will be in the room waiting for you. Whenever you're ready."

"Let's go."

She's getting bored inside the room, but she's fighting a smile whenever she remembers her surprise earlier this morning from her two girls. Seated beside her were her father and Rhian, obviously not giving Ms. Hastings, who kept on glancing her way like she knew something she didn't. Michelle nodded to her once, when she entered the room and that's about it, no other interactions or anything.

"Any plans for your birthday with the family?" Rhian murmured beside her.

"No, but I got breakfast in bed on my birthday this morning, prepared by Ann and Dani."

The old man on her left whispered, "It's why you're all smiles this morning." Her father commented, not bothering to listen about the briefing.

"Who wouldn't? If it weren't for this client that wants to meet with me, you're not gonna see my face here."

Her cousin and father shot each other knowing looks. "Yeah, sorry, this one is really picky. But you'll like her, dear."

She frowned. "I'm not meeting with her to like her, dad. I know what you're implying, but as you know, I didn't want to add any more issues for Ann and I to argue about." She said, finishing her sentence at that.

"I'm just saying, dear." Her father winked.

Her phone vibrated on the table and it's a message from Ann.

Hi. Off to my meeting. You like?

It was a picture of Ann wearing a black tube top that was too revealing for her own liking. She's sexy and gorgeous, there is no doubt about that; it's just that Michelle knew Ann was going to meet with someone she used to know in high school- something about a project, she shook her head, not again. If she continued to always get jealous, her partner might leave her one day.

'You look gorgeous, baby. Where is the meeting?'

The briefing was already forgotten as she stared at the photo that Ann had sent her.

In her office. I'm actually waiting for her, do you think she'll like my outfit? Would it help to make her work with me? I heard she has a good fashion sense.

Michelle almost glared at her phone after reading the message. Ann didn't need to impress anyone to get a collaboration or to even make an artist to agree about an exhibit. It bothered her, 'not everyone is gay, and will have an interest in your wife. Pull yourself together.' she begrudgingly thought internally.

For sure, baby. Not that you need to impress anyone, you're still beautiful to me even if you only wear a garbage bag. Who is this artist again? She replied back.

Charmer! And I can't tell you the name yet, sorry. Have to go, meeting's 'bout to start. Call you after? By the way, baby, have you seen the gift I sent you? It was delivered to your office, can you check if it's there? Love you. x

"Ms. Dee, if you have any more questions, you can ask Audrey about it." She looked up from staring at her phone at the mention of her name.

"Will do, thank you."

"Ma'am, they're here. They are waiting for you in your office."

She didn't get the chance to type a response to Ann's message. "Thank you, everyone. Let's go, Audrey."

"You can go ahead, boss. I need to stay behind for a few minutes, everything is in your office." Her assistant said. The young executive nodded her head and walked out of the meeting room.

Her mind was so busy thinking about how to get the deal on this potential business partner, she didn't notice that some lights in her office were off, even the smart glass windows had been turned on.

The moment she closed the door, she staggered to see who's sitting on the chair in front of her desk.

"You... you're the one I'll be having a meeting with?"

Anntonia smirked at her, "You seem so surprised to see me, baby. Hello, Miss Michelle. Nice to see you."


Ann could never get used to walking to a building where Michelle works. As all eyes are on her, watching her move like hawks. Some might recognise her, if they've done their research about Michelle's life enough, because these people are greeting her politely like they know who she is.

She's nervous to say the least, but aside from it, she also couldn't wait to see Michelle's reaction about her surprise number two. The aura became tense when she came face to face with Heather Hastings once again; The woman stood beside her with a tight-lipped smile.

"Here to visit Michelle?" The other woman started as they entered the empty elevator.

"Just here to pick her up."

"Are you guys going somewhere?" She pried, and Anntonia was not comfortable about this conversation at all.

"Yes, a family trip for her birthday." Ann answered curtly.

All the artist could do was to stare at the digits on the elevator as it goes up floor by floor.

Damn it, why isn't anyone riding an elevator right now so they could have company inside?

"You know," Heather started, "you're lucky you've met her first and you are lucky that she loves you."

Anntonia tilted her head to look at her. "What are you implying, Miss Hastings?"

"That if she's not as loyal as she is and not as in love as to you she is-"

"You would've had your chance with her, is that what you're trying to say?"

Heather paused at the woman's statement, a bit taken aback and intimidated by the artist. "I was so close to making her go on a date with me and after the stories I've heard, I think I would've made her happy. But don't get so comfortable."

Anntonia's blood boiled with anger, but if she didn't know any better, this woman was only saying those things to get a rise on her. She clenched her jaw and pursed her lips. "Too bad she couldn't see you the way she sees me then. Too bad you couldn't make her love you like the way she does for me. You cannot say those threats to taunt me, Heather. I am more than comfortable, do you wanna know why?"

Heather said nothing, as Anntonia turned to face her.

"Because, if you may know, I didn't need to ask her to stay away from you, as she's already doing it. I didn't even have to persuade her to tell you we're back together. Michelle chose to be with me because she loves me so much that the minute I followed her in Paris, she accepted me with arms wide open." Anntonia started, piercing brown eyes staring directly at the other woman.

"And if you're planning to jeopardise and ruin what we have, I want you to think about it first. Because it's not just mine and Michelle's lives that you're going to ruin, you're going to ruin our precious little girl's life too. So do not taunt me, because I will never let you hurt my daughter. Michelle and I have our chance to make things right and we love each other, so I am asking you nicely to please back the fuck off." Anntonia dismissed the same time the elevator opened. Leaving a fuming and humiliated Heather Hastings inside. 

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