Derek Hale: (One shot/ imagin...

Bởi Nightmare_01_Angel

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[Derek Hale imagines: A Big Bad Wolf...] REQUEST ARE: (Open) Xem Thêm

when you call each other
New Student
Y/N & Scott met Derek
Scott asked Allison to be his date at party
Lydia's Party
Wearing Cat ears and tail
Stiles House


10 0 0
Bởi Nightmare_01_Angel


(Warning: Harmed, anger behavior)

You were in a Relationship with an Alpha which you're dating a Werewolf is Derek, Derek Hale that you're dating with it's been 4 months you've been dating with him but you both always love each as always but you always giving affections a lot.

You were wearing a long sleeves black skull graphic print Burgundy tight shirt, wearing a dark grey jeans flared and it does show up my big small round ass from behind, and I wear a black belt with wearing silver chain on pants, then wearing a small black leather jacket, wearing a black socks, and wearing a black boots and wearing black leather fingerless gloves.

You finally arrived Derek loft place as you stop the engines of your black motorcycle as you take your black helmet off your head as you get out of your black motorcycle as you put it on your seat as you go to the big building after a while you open the big wooden door to yourself as you found Derek with Scott, Stiles,

 But with Issac and Erica including boyd (his first beta-werewolf but also taller than Derek only 6'2 feet tall) you wonder what they are up to (But someone is heated other than Derek himself)

As you get inside of Derek's loft, you saw Derek and Stiles and Scott were drinking beers as you also saw Isaac and Erica making out as you saw Derek's beta werewolf, Boyd (who is tall as Derek and Issac because he is 6'3 feet tall) but he was now outside because he's smoking cigarettes because he's in a bad mood.

Derek was drinking three bottles of beers he finished it and he threw the empty bottles on the floor as he was drunk and he was sitting on the couch and on the other hand, Scott was drinking one bottle of beer same with Stiles,

 they were also both drunk but they were acting sober while Isaac was grabbing Erica's waist from her as they were kissing on the couch with their eyes closed while Erica was drinking a bottle of beer and she was about finished on drinking it.

You were worried when you came here seeing them looking as if they were drunk. You can tell that Derek and Isaac were in drunken heat when Scott grabbed Stiles and dragged him up to make him get drunk on beers with him as Derek was going to stand up but his legs were wobbly and he falls on the floor.

 As Derek tries to stand up again. Derek kept falling down onto the floor and you see Derek's eyes were glowing red when he was drunk. Derek was struggling trying to stand up again that he kept falling to the floor and his glow eyes got brighter than Scott and Stiles laughed at when they see Derek fall to the floor a lot. As Derek managed to stand up.

Derek was still wobbly and he leans on the armrest of the couch as Derek sat down, then Derek's eyes were now glowing red that he was looking at you with his red glowing eyes and he was grinning that he was still drunk.

You finally walk towards him but you stop there as you stood there folding your arms on your chest. "Hey, Derek you look drunk?" You raised your eyebrow at your boyfriend Derek who seemingly drunk

Derek chuckled loudly as he was still drunk then he nodded. Derek then spoke. He sounded a bit slurred when he spoke."Yeah, I am...I drank 3 bottles of beers earlier. But eh, who cares? It's not like anyone cares anyway."

You were shocked "You drank three bottles..! That seems to be a lot?" 

Derek looked up at you as he was still drunk that he grinned."Yeah, I know I did, but again, who cares? No one does. Especially not you."

Derek was grinning drunkenly, then slurred."So yeah, who cares? I could drink a hundred bottles worth of beers if I wanted to. But I'm just drinking to get more drunk...which is the whole point..."

"Maybe don't drink more bottle it is not good for you, and you might do something stupid when you're on your drunk mind-set." you look genuinely concerned

Derek was drunk and he chuckled when you said that."Nah...I'm fine...I can drink as many bottles of beer as I like..." Derek slurred his words while he laughed as Derek stood up but his legs were shaky still that Derek was losing balance as he almost fell onto the floor.

You quickly like to help him not let him fall down again "Let me help you so you won't fall again."

Derek nodded as he leaned his back on you to keep himself standing."Yeah...yeah...thanks..." Derek said to you as he let out a drunken sigh and Derek's red glowing eyes looked at you while Derek's face was inches away to your face when he was trying to stand by himself while you were helping him.

Derek spoke again with his slurred words again that he sounded a bit flirty to you." look pretty cute when you're worried about me about this." Derek slurred his words again that he was still close to your face and Derek's drunk face looked at you.

you could smell the beer coming from his breath "Well of course I was worried about you when you're this drunk." you slightly frown but still concern

Derek was still drunk with slurred words on his mouth."Oh? Is that so...and uh...what would you do if I drank another bottle of beers? Huh? Would you..." Derek asked you as Derek's hand was grabbing the bottle of beers as he was about to opened it up and drink it.

but I quickly stopped him holding the bottle while he was holding it "No more drinking.." I frowned a bit

Derek looked at you as you were holding the bottle, then Derek smirked at you while he spoke to you with his slurred words again."No more drinking? Heh...who says? I'm the Alpha here so I can do whatever I want." Derek then tried to move your hands away from the bottle of beers so he could open it up and drink more.

But you quickly stopped him again "Derek, i'm seriously i'm not allowing you to drink more." now speaking stern tone but also concern because later like at night or during midnight he's gonna vomit to that his body is trying to get rid of itself of a toxin out of his body

Derek was still drunk yet he was frustrated since you were holding the bottle of beers, then Derek spoke again with a slurred voice."Hey...let go...of" Derek said and Derek tried to rip the bottle out of your grip but you were still strong as you held onto the bottle and Derek didn't have any strength to rip it out of your hands.

"No." you look pretty upset but still concern lingers as you grab the bottle out of his hand so he can't drink it anymore "No more beers for you." you were a little bit strict

Derek was now frustrated as he's still drunk but his temper was starting to kick in as he spoke with slurred words. Derek didn't like being told what to do and you were pissing him off just by stopping him to drink more beers from him."Hey...let me drink one more beer..." Derek said and he was trying to grab the bottle from your hands.

But then you moved it away from him to prevent getting his fourth beer "No! you already drank three already...!" 

Derek's mood was starting to turn ugly as you still kept refusing him to not drink more beers that Derek spoke, his tone starting to shift to an angry tone and he spoke with slurred words."So? So what if I already drank three bottles already? I want another bottle, so give it to me now...or else..."

"I'm not letting you drink more don't you understand i'm getting worried about your well-being as your damn girlfriend?" but you knew he's not gonna understand when he's on his drunk mind-set

Derek's anger was kicking in as he was now mad about the fact that you're not giving him the bottle of beers and he was now starting to raise his tone of voice to you."Give me the damn bottle. Now. Give it." Derek said and Derek was standing closer to you while getting near to your face then Derek raised his tone of voice again.

"I don't care about your damn worried ass about my damn self. I just want to drink one more. Give it to me or else..." Derek's tone was more angry now as he's staring at you with his red glowing eyes and he's standing really close to your face right now.

You looked more angry than Derek but also really concerned "No." you said repeatedly to Derek

Derek spoke in a demanding tone as his anger was getting out of hand but he was still drunk as well so his judgement was off."Damn it...I'm not asking from you...I'm demanding you, give it to me. Now." Derek repeated himself as he spoke in a demanding tone and he clenched his first as his anger was in control over himself.

You started to get frustrated "I said no means no...!!"

Derek kept raising his tone of voice and he kept getting angrier as you still kept refusing to not give him the bottle of beers"I'm not taking no for the answer. I said I WANT another bottle of beer and I WILL have another bottle of beers so just hand it to me already..." 

Derek was speaking in a demanding manner as he kept leaning towards you even more while raising his hand which you feared that Derek would hit you if you still refused to give him the damn bottle.

"You give me that bottle right now, otherwise you'll be sorry." Derek's tone of voice has more anger in it as Derek kept raising his fist and he kept moving towards you like he was gonna hit you that you moved backwards a little bit as Derek kept threatening you and demanding you that you'd give him another beer bottle now.

Derek still kept raising his fist and he looked dead at you as Derek spoke with more anger and he was growling at you now."!" Derek's hands clenched into fists and he tightened them as Derek was very close to your face and he still got his hand raised up like he was gonna hit you that you could actually feel his hot breath on your face.

"I' Give me the damn bottle or get hit..." Derek spoke in a very angry manner that he was very close to hit you now.

 Derek was raising his hand even more that his fist was ready to swing you now and his other hand was clenching the bottle of beers. Derek kept getting closer to you and Derek's hand was raised and his fist was clenched in a ball, and he kept leaning more closer to you that he was very close to swinging his fist to your head.

"So, you don't really want to give me the damn bottle? Well too bad because I'm gonna hit you anyway." Derek's tone of voice now had more anger than before as he kept moving towards you as you were trying to back away more but it's not working since Derek was so tall than you and Derek kept getting closer and taller so now you were stuck. Derek's hands were still raised in the air holding the bottle of beers and ready to swing his fist at you.

"I warned you." Derek said as he swung his fist out towards your face, then Derek's anger took control of himself as he raised his other arm and hit you on your stomach repeatedly as he growled at you while you were trying to back away as his fist kept hitting your stomach again.

(He was actually hurting you as you were a fragile human as Derek he's your boyfriend and he's a Werewolf and stronger than you it hurts me typing these.. 😭)

You were reacting the pain but also crying in pain he was clearly using his superhuman strength against me but you did harshly gave to him fourth bottle "Just take it so stop hurting your own girlfriend..!"

Derek stopped when he heard you crying in pain and now he's in more anger now that he was glaring at you with his red glowing eyes while still standing over you and you're trying to back away as much as possible."Now look what you made me do.

 Now my hands are hurting from hitting you because you made me hit you by refusing to give me that goddamn bottle." Derek said with anger and anger alone. Derek then grabbed the bottle of beers from you with one hand and he quickly opened it and drank it.

"Your gonna regret this for hurting your own girlfriend..!" you shout at him you were raging crying as I quickly left him being with Scott,Stiles,Issac,Erica,Boyd as you left his loft so you can go home.

Y/N Point Of View:

you closed the big wooden door passive aggressive as you quickly left his building and going to your black motorcycle and picking your black helmet back on your head as you start to the engines and quickly back it up and make a turn as you start to drive like fast to get away as you were still crying silently to yourself.

You were driving away riding on your black motorcycle crying silently to yourself now riding back home but don't even focus that you might get yourself into car crash because too focus what happen earlier

You were even focusing on the street looking left and right when the car came by and start to honk at you and it snapped you back to reality as you see the car you didn't even have the time to react or try to drive away, but it's really too late as the car crash into you as the car broke and your black motorcycle that hit you hard enough as you fall backward incredibly fall to the ground as you react more pain you tried to move you start to groan in pain as you realized your right leg and your thigh were broken as you start to cry again but in a lot of pain.

People who saw the car accident scene they immediately brought their phones out and dial 911

Derek Point Of View:

Derek was still asleep in his bed with a huge headache and he's feeling like crap. Then he heard his phone that was on the table ringing in the room and finally, he rolled over and was reaching out for his phone slowly and he took the call, his voice still sounding slurred as he was still drunk and his headache was very real but his head wasn't moving as much as before at least.

"Yeah?...Hello?....Uh..." Derek was still sluggish as Derek spoke to who was on the other line, his tone of voice still slurred and he's talking very slowly because he's still half-asleep and Derek's eyes are closed still but soon will be awake since he's getting a little bit more conscious now. Derek's eyes slowly opened as he rubbed his head to rid his head of the headache. What was the call about?.....

"Is she alright?.....Oh, god....I got to get to the hospital right now..." Derek said as he tried to get up from the bed so he can get to the hospital and see how Lilith was doing and check on her.

 Derek was slowly standing up from the bed and he was slowly walking out of his room, still stumbling to walk due to him still being drunk but Derek was starting to become conscious and Derek was in pain inside with himself for the way he treated you tonight.

Derek was now out of the room and now walking out of his loft and closing the door behind him. Derek was starting to sober up more as he kept stumbling as he walked and he was still holding his head a lot as he was walking down the stairs to get to the first floor. 

Derek was starting to slowly sober up and he was starting to fully comprehend what he did to you as Derek was starting to hate himself a lot for treating you that way, but Derek was trying his best to not let his thoughts get the best of him as Derek kept walking.

"I'm gonna....go to" Derek spoke with more coherent words but he was still slurring on his words as he spoke but he was slowly sobered up and he was starting to realize what kind of crappy thing he did to you as he was walking to his car.

 Derek was trying his hardest to be as sober as he could be right now but it was still hard. Derek was also trying to not let his thoughts get to him, but Derek still felt terrible and felt like he was a huge douche for doing that to you tonight, especially since you were his girlfriend...

Derek kept walking to the car slowly and he managed to get to his car and he unlocked it and he got into the car. Derek put his phone down on the passenger seat and Derek started the car even though he was still pretty drunk but he had to go to the hospital to see how you were doing.

 Even though Derek was still hurting due to the hangover he was getting from all the beers he drank, Derek slowly drove his car out of the loft's parking lot and he started driving straight to the hospital. Derek was already pretty concerned about you...

After a while, Derek had finally pulled up to the hospital and he got out of the car and he went inside the hospital and he slowly walked towards the reception desk. Derek got to the reception desk and he spoke to the man behind the reception desk with his slurred tone of voice that was slowly becoming a bit clearer since Derek was slowly getting sober.

"I heard into a car accident about an hour ago...I want to know if the patient is alright by any chance." Derek spoke with more slurred words as Derek's tone of voice was a bit more clearer than before but Derek was still slurring a bit.

 The man behind the reception desk immediately looked into his computer to see about the girl who got into a car accident and after a moment, the man looked back up at Derek.

"The patient is still being treated for their injuries, the patient may be unconscious for the time being and the patient also may need to stay overnight in the hospital for observation." The man speaks from the reception desk as he looked back at the computer. 

Derek is now even more concerned about you as the man spoke and Derek's tone of voice was still slurred but it was getting more clearer as he became more sober.

"Can I see her, please?" Derek spoke in a more anxious tone as Derek's tone was getting slightly clearer but Derek is mostly still slurring his words but Derek was able to speak with more clear words than a few moments ago. Derek was starting to get impatient and he was hoping to see how you were doing.

"Unfortunately, due to the nature of how seriously injured the patient is, they are unable to have visitors especially since the patient is unconscious and hasn't woken up yet."

  The man spoke from the reception desk as Derek's expression immediately frowned and Derek's tone became more anxious and his tone started to slur again from the worry and anxiety that was going through him.

"Can I ask where the patient is though?" Derek spoke in a more anxious tone as he seemed even more worried for you now that he couldn't know how you were doing because the hospital wouldn't let him see you especially since you were still in critical condition and unconscious. Derek kept fidgeting with his fingers as he kept asking questions just to know more about you and your condition.

"The patient is still in the trauma room, in Critical Care Unit." The man spoke as he looked back at the computer as his tone was a little bit more sympathetic to Derek's situation.

 Derek was starting to get even more worried now that you were in Critical Care Unit which was the most critical room in the whole hospital and that was the last place Derek has ever wanted you to be in. Derek was starting to fidget his hands even more now as his tone was starting to be more anxious and slurred once again.

"Thank you...." Derek said as he sounded quite thankful towards the man but Derek was starting to feel more nervous and anxious now that he knew you were in Critical Care Unit and his tone was growing even more slurred and more anxious because he was starting to panic inside a little since he couldn't see you especially after what he did to you today, he's regretting that decision very much right now and he wasn't feeling the best about making the decisions he made today.

Derek was now slowly walking to the Critical Care Unit by himself and Derek looked even more concerned than before as he was approaching and getting closer to the Critical Care Unit.

 Derek then arrived at the Critical Care Unit and he stopped in front of the Critical Care Unit's doors and Derek stood in front of it, taking a deep breath in and out and he took another deep breath. Derek was feeling so nervous and anxious now as he just wants to see how you were doing.... He was even starting to regret not treating you better....

After a few long moments, Derek opened the doors and entered the Critical Care Unit. It was a very quiet room as Derek walked in and there was nurses, staff and doctors all walking around and checking on the patients inside. And one bed right at the far end of the room is where you were currently laying in it with several casts all around your leg and you were currently unconscious.

 Derek slowly walked up to the bed and he stared at you for a bit, feeling more scared and more concerned about you than before, especially due to the circumstances that got you there on the bed in Critical Care Unit...

"S-Sweetheart....?" Derek spoke in anxious and concerned tone in the slurred words that Derek was speaking as he reached out to you to hold your hand while Derek looked at you on the bed while you were still unconscious. 

Derek was starting to get even more concerned now as he saw you laying there while you were still unconscious and Derek didn't seem to know if you would wake up at all especially since you were still unconscious since being in the car accident.

Derek's expression immediately softened and his tone was slightly becoming a little more clearer as he looked at you and Derek was starting to panic inside but he felt too scared to actually cry

. But Derek was now starting to gently stroke your hair with both of his hands as he spoke to you and Derek's face showed concern as he spoke to you. "W-Wake up, Sweetheart..."

"C-Come on...wake up...please..." Derek speaks as he keeps gently stroking your hair with his hand with more anxiety and panic in his tone of voice. Derek's eyes kept looking at you with anxiety and concern in his face as his expression stayed worried.

Derek then started to tear up in silence as Derek was slowly starting to lose it. Derek's hold on you kept getting tighter in his anxious panic, he felt so worried for you and he didn't want to lose you. Derek was slowly starting to lose it in front of you while you were still unconscious but Derek didn't mind.

 Derek was crying in silence as the tears slowly slid down his cheeks, his expression was still gentle as he kept stroking your hair while holding onto your hand.

More tears started to come. And finally, Derek started to break down in tears as his grip got very tight on your hand while he kept crying silently at the sight of you in the bed, especially while you were still unconscious.

 Derek was crying as he was still stroking your hair in silence, not saying anything because Derek had no words to say right now but his sobbing was very much noticeable.

Derek just kept siting on a chair beside your bed with his grip on your hand still getting tighter while he was trying to calm down, but Derek couldn't calm down. 

Derek was sobbing and crying so badly at the sight of you inside your bed while you were still in Critical Care Unit and unconscious and not awake yet but Derek couldn't control his emotions.

 Derek was finally starting to feel the consequences of not treating you right earlier and how it came back to bite him in the ass.

Derek just kept silent tears flowing down his cheeks and Derek was just sitting on a chair by your bed with his hands gripping yours, not letting go as he sobbed. 

Derek was so worried and anxious right now and he just couldn't control himself no matter how hard he tried. Derek finally understood that his actions have consequences and the consequences were starting to smack him right on the face now.

 Derek was starting to hate himself for not treating you better and he was also starting to feel guilty for the things he said to you earlier.

It felt an Hour as you slowly start to stir regaining from your unconscious state as you softly groan as you shift your head to move a little as you felt someone's hand to your left as you slowly hold their hands back as vision were blur

"S-Sweetheart!" Derek's voice was immediately filled with concern and relief when you started stirring and regaining consciousness and moving. Derek's grip on your hand got even more tighter as Derek felt the relief start to kick in as he kept rubbing your hand gently.

 Derek was staring at you with a gentle look on his face still as he was still sitting on the chair next to your bed as Derek just looked at you with relief and worry still in his voice but there was definitely more relief in his voice now.

You heard a familiar voice other than Derek himself as you turn to him "Derek is that you?" you spoke softly but weakly before your vision could clear up so you can see him properly

Derek was relieved when you actually gained consciousness and spoke so he quickly replied to you quickly. "Yes, Sweetheart that's me!" The relieved tone was still in Derek's voice as he was starting to calm down from the anxiety and panic he was having moments earlier.

 Derek kept up his gentle and relief tone as he spoke and was looking at you now with his hands still gripping your hand.

"W-Where am I?" You couldn't even remember that much right now while you were on your unconscious state.

Derek kept comforting tone in his voice as he spoke again. "You're in the hospital, Darling. You got into a serious car accident." Derek speaks with even a gentler tone than before as he rubbed your hand with care, his grip still staying tight but he's starting to become calmer.

 Derek was also looking at you more lovingly and patiently since you were still recovering and in a delicate condition.

"I'm so sorry about what had happened to you today, I'm so sorry I had treated you so badly earlier on and everything else I had done to you before this all happened...

I'm so sorry, Sweetheart." Derek's tone was still gentle as he began to explain everything that happened earlier, how he treated you and the things he had said to you tonight and the way he had acted earlier and Derek's voice had slightly changed from the slurred words he had earlier, he was a bit more sober now.

"I-I forgive you, but do you still love me..?" you stare to his eyes searching for an answer

Derek looks back at you and his look immediately softened and his expression became more gentle as you see his answer slowly becoming more visible on his face. Derek spoke calmly as his tone was still gentle and loving as he spoke to you while he was still holding your hand gently.

"Of course I love you, Sweetheart... I love you more than myself...I love you more than everything else and I just.....I just don't want to lose you...I'm scared of losing you..."

"I was so worried about losing you, Sweetheart and I just feel so guilty for everything that happened tonight... I let the fear of losing you make me so horrible to you earlier and....I'm just so sorry....I'm so sorry for everything, Sweetheart...

I don't want to lose you, I want to do anything to make sure nothing bad ever happens to you....I don't care if I hurt myself, I don't even care if there comes a time where I sacrifice my life for you...because I will do anything for you..."

"I just don't want to see you in pain again... I just don't want to see you in a hospital bed again... I don't want to see you cry again... It's killing me inside to see you like this...." Derek kept speaking as his voice was starting to get slightly slurred again but the tears were slowly starting to flow down his cheeks. 

Derek's grip on your hand was still tight but he was starting to look at you with fear as you were still in Critical Care Unit and he feared of losing you.

Your expression immediately softened feeling your tears up again and you cried easily "Can you do me a favor for me... can you please stop drinking beer or other alcoholic drinks, I don't want to see you being drunk again it really concerns and worries me about your well-being and also your behavior." you spoke softly still

Derek immediately understood at what you were referring to and his face began to get even more concerned as his eyes teared up even more. Derek spoke slowly as he spoke with a lot of remorse and sadness in his voice. Derek's tone began to be less slurred as well.

"I promise, Sweetheart, I swear, I...I promise I will stop drinking as much beer as I still do....and I won't get drunk as much anymore... I don't want it to hurt you to see me like that all the time..."

"I just don't want you to hurt me again when you're in your drunk mind-set."

Derek immediately flinched as you mentioned about the time he hurt you when he was drunk. Derek's entire mood suddenly changed to guilt and remorse as he was starting to really feel guilty and remorseful for that time when he was drunk and hurt you.

 Derek spoke, now with more seriousness in his tone as if he was really apologizing to you for that time when he had hurt you. "I promise, Sweetheart...I will never hurt you again when I'm in my drunk mindset again....I never want to hurt you ever....again..."

"I just want to be a better boyfriend for you...and I don't want to hurt you...or anyone around me when I'm drunk, I don't want that to happen again...I promise..." Derek was staring at you with much more sincerity in his voice as he explained that he would never hurt you again when he was drunk anymore and he was never planning on getting that drunk ever again.

"I still love you even tho your hurt me physically but I was pretty upset that you raised your voice at me that you want the beer back as I tried refuse to give the beer to you."

Derek suddenly felt even more ashamed of himself seeing that his mistakes really impacted you badly as he spoke again to you. "I know...I know my actions were horrible and I really upset and hurt you, it wasn't right of me to hurt you, even less to raise my voice at you....

I just didn't know what I was doing...I was so drunk, I couldn't think decisions were made based on impulse, not thinking... I was so drunk that I just....I just lost myself..."

"I just wish I could take back my actions, I wish I could go back to that day and change and undo what I had done....and I also wish I didn't get that drunk that day because all the bad things I had done to you and how I hurt you....

I know it wasn't right but I'm still sorry for everything I had done that day...everything I said and how I acted.... I'm just sorry....sweetheart...." The guilt, regret and remorse in his words were very obvious when Derek was apologizing to you.

"I forgive you.. Derek.. I still forgive you even tho you hurt me, raised my voice at me I'm still gonna forgive you no matter what you did to me." you were being so genuinely but also telling the truth you do forgive people no matter they did to me but you know people don't deserve forgiveness but still

Derek was really touched when you said that you still forgive him even though he had hurt you when he drank alcohol, even after shouting at you and when he was drunk and acted horribly. Derek's voice was filled with a lot of relief and was feeling much better about himself as he smiled at you and nodded his head, it was obvious that his mood became significantly lighter.

"I'm really glad you forgive me, my Sweetheart....I'm really glad you're forgiving..." Derek could also see that there was no malice in your words or tone of voice either, which made him feel much better.

"I thank you a lot for that, for forgiving me, despite the fact that I know what I did was totally wrong and unjustifiable, and I definitely do not deserve your forgiveness...but I guess I do feel much better when I hear the word 'forgiven'... it makes me feel less stressed and less guilty...thanks..."

  Derek smiled and squeezed your hand gently as his face was filled with a gratefulness as Derek appreciated you forgiving him for everything he had put you through and hurt you with when he was drunk. Derek was already feeling much more calmer again.

You immediately squeezed him back with a reassuring smile slowly but weakly

Derek smiled back at you even brighter as you squeezed his hand back as Derek kept reassuring himself that everything was going to be alright now since you had forgave him. 

Derek was much more calmer now and he even felt a more positive mood starting to fill in for himself. He just kept staring at you with his soft gaze and his face starting to fill with that gentle loving expression he was so known for.

"I love you Derek.." you still keep smiling at him as you spoke now in a whisper but softly

Derek's voice was filled with both relief and love as you spoke those words which you knew he was waiting for to hear from you, he was starting to feel like all that worrying and fear he had felt earlier was going away as your words just filled him with more happiness and relief and the loving and warm feeling he so desired to hear back from you. 

"I love you too, Sweetheart..." Derek's gentle and softer voice said as he kept holding onto your hand gently and stared back at you with that warm and loving look back at you.

Derek leaned over a bit more to kiss your forehead and that gentle gesture of a kiss on your forehead made him smile as he pulled back after a quick kiss on your forehead. The kiss was obviously made with kindness at the moment and it wasn't full of passion but it was just what you both needed at the moment.

 Derek then looked back at you with that soft and loving expression still on his face as they both stare at each other with the silent and loving comfort of loving each other again despite the rough patch they had just gone through.

(Is it me that I am crying over reading this am I the only one crying reading this....;-;)

(Word Count: 6250)

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