For Honor: Heathmoor at War

By Sleepy940

90 4 4

Three regions in a place called Heathmoor. Ashfeld, Valkenheim, and the Myre. Nice and beautiful places, but... More

A Knight, and a war
The Rise of war and Taz and Rar's unforeseen friendship
Escalations in the Myre and the Mercenary Duo
The Viking and the Knight
The Meeting
A gift from the east
Mercenaries at work
The Deathless Village
Legend of SunDown Town and The invasion of the Vikings
Ashfeld's reckoning
We are the Samurai!
The Fear Eater

Akari joins the squad

4 0 0
By Sleepy940

Days pass, and Kruz is bored in the Deathless Village. He just want to fight someone already.
As Kruz walks through the Deathless Village, he notices a Japanese woman leaning against a nearby wall. Her posture exudes a sense of weariness, but there's a hint of determination in her eyes as she calls out to him. Intrigued, Kruz approaches her, his footsteps echoing softly against the cobblestone streets.

The woman's attire suggests she might be a traveler, her clothing slightly worn from the journey. Despite the language barrier, her expression carries a sense of urgency, prompting Kruz to pause and listen attentively. With a nod of acknowledgment, he gestures for her to speak, his demeanor calm and receptive.

In a mixture of broken English and gestures, the woman begins to express her concerns. She explains that she's searching for someone—a loved one who went missing during the recent turmoil in the region. Her words are accompanied by gestures that convey both desperation and determination, revealing the depth of her emotional turmoil.

Moved by her plight, Kruz offers his assistance, assuring her that he will do everything in his power to help locate her missing loved one. He speaks with a gentle tone, his words a beacon of hope amidst the uncertainty of their surroundings. As they continue their conversation, Kruz learns more about the woman's story and the challenges she faces, deepening his resolve to aid her in any way he can.

As the woman shares her story with Kruz, her words carry a heavy weight of concern and sorrow. She reveals that her beloved mother went missing during the chaotic uprisings of the nationalists, leaving her heartbroken and filled with uncertainty. Kruz listens intently, his expression mirroring her emotions as he empathizes with her plight.

In response, Kruz offers words of sympathy and reassurance, assuring her that he will do everything within his power to help locate her missing mother. He expresses his heartfelt condolences for her pain and vows to support her in this difficult time. With a gentle nod, he gestures for her to accompany him, signaling his commitment to aid her in the search for her loved one.
The woman gazes at Kruz's helmet, curiosity evident in her eyes, and inquires about his origins. Kruz, meeting her gaze with a sense of openness, shares a brief recount of his background, revealing his affiliation with Daubeny's mercenaries. He explains that he hails from a distant land, a place of conflict and camaraderie, where he serves as a steadfast protector alongside his comrades.

As he speaks, Kruz's words carry a hint of pride mixed with humility, reflecting his unwavering dedication to his cause and the bonds forged through his experiences as a mercenary. He offers insights into his journey, painting a picture of the challenges and triumphs that have shaped him into the person he is today.

The woman listens attentively, captivated by Kruz's tale and the strength of character it reveals. In return, she shares snippets of her own story, weaving a narrative of resilience and hope amidst adversity. Together, they find common ground in their shared experiences, forging a connection that transcends their differences and unites them in their quest for answers and understanding.

The woman's request catches Kruz by surprise, but he considers it thoughtfully. After a moment of contemplation, he nods in agreement, recognizing the importance of self-defense in uncertain times. With a reassuring smile, he assures her that he'll do his best to impart the skills she seeks, emphasizing the need for patience and dedication in mastering the art of combat.

Over the following days, Kruz devotes himself to training the woman, guiding her through the fundamentals of swordplay, footwork, and strategy. He imparts lessons drawn from his own experiences on the battlefield, emphasizing the importance of discipline, focus, and adaptability in combat. As they practice together, the woman's determination and perseverance shine through, inspiring Kruz with her unwavering resolve.

Their training sessions become a testament to the power of perseverance and the bonds forged through shared adversity. With each passing day, the woman grows stronger and more confident, her skills honed by Kruz's guidance and encouragement. Together, they embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, united by a common goal and a shared vision of a brighter future.

The woman introduces herself as Akari, her name carrying a sense of resilience and determination. As she shares her name with Kruz, a bond of trust and friendship begins to form between them, strengthened by their shared experiences and mutual goals.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Kruz and Akari continue to work tirelessly to protect the Deathless Village and its inhabitants. As they face the challenges of the uncertain future together.

Akari's intelligence shines through even in her moments of shyness, her quiet demeanor masking a keen mind and perceptive nature. Despite her nerves around Kruz, she musters the courage to engage in conversation, her words often tinged with a hint of bashfulness. Kruz notices her blushes, a subtle indication of her feelings and the depth of her connection to him. Despite her shyness, Akari's determination to overcome her fears and grow closer to Kruz is evident, adding a layer of sweetness and vulnerability to their interactions.

Later on after they finished training,Akari playfully tries on Kruz's helmet, she can't help but feel a surge of excitement and curiosity. The weight of the helmet feels foreign yet empowering as it rests on her head, shielding her face from view. With a mischievous grin, she turns to Kruz, her eyes sparkling with amusement and anticipation, eager to see his reaction to her impulsive gesture. Though she knows she shouldn't have taken it without his permission, the thrill of wearing the helmet fills her with a sense of adventure and camaraderie, strengthening the bond between them.

Kruz watches with a mixture of surprise and amusement as Akari dons his helmet, her features partially obscured by its sturdy metal frame. Despite his initial instinct to scold her for taking it without asking, he can't help but chuckle at her audacity and the infectious excitement gleaming in her eyes. With a playful smirk, he reaches out to gently adjust the helmet on her head, ensuring it fits securely.

"You look like a true warrior," he remarks, his tone laced with admiration. "But remember, it's not just about the helmet. It's what's inside that counts." His words carry a hint of wisdom, emphasizing the importance of inner strength and courage in facing life's challenges. Despite his gruff exterior, Kruz finds himself drawn to Akari's spirited nature, grateful for the unexpected connection they've forged in the midst of turmoil and uncertainty.
Kruz looks at her rugged Japanese clothing from god knows where. He gestures one of his men to bring her an outfit that they can find.
Grateful for the gesture, Akari dons the clothing provided by the mercenaries, proudly displaying the colors and emblem of their group. As she adjusts the attire to fit her frame, she feels a sense of belonging wash over her, knowing that she is now a part of something greater than herself.

With each garment adorned with the symbols of their mercenary group, Akari feels a deep connection to her new comrades, united by their shared purpose and determination. As she looks around at her fellow warriors, she knows that she has found a family among them, bound together by loyalty and camaraderie.

Embracing her new identity as a member of the mercenary group, Akari stands tall and resolute, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead. With her newfound allies by her side, she knows that together they will overcome any obstacle and emerge victorious in their quest for justice and freedom.

As Akari blushes deeply and becomes visibly shy, she quickly retreats from Kruz's presence, mumbling something about having other tasks to attend to. With a hurried step, she walks away down the road, her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment.

Kruz watches her go, a faint smile playing on his lips as he reflects on their brief but meaningful interaction. He understands her shyness and respects her need for space, knowing that their connection will only continue to grow stronger with time.

As Akari disappears from view, Kruz can't help but feel a sense of warmth and gratitude for the unexpected companionship she has brought into his life. He knows that they will meet again, their paths destined to cross once more in this unpredictable journey called life.

As night descends upon the Deathless Village, Akari finds herself grappling with her fear of the dark, a persistent shadow from her childhood. Despite her efforts to overcome it, the darkness still holds sway over her, casting long, unsettling shadows that seem to dance and flicker in the corners of her mind.

Kruz, ever vigilant, remains awake, his watchful gaze scanning the perimeter for any signs of danger. The night is quiet, save for the occasional rustle of leaves in the breeze and the distant hoot of an owl. The flickering torches cast dancing shadows across the village square, their warm glow offering some solace amidst the encroaching darkness.

Akari walks out down the road until she can find Kruz.

Sensing Akari's unease, Kruz offers her a reassuring smile, a silent gesture of solidarity in the face of fear. He knows the weight of her burden, the lingering echoes of past traumas that still haunt her. Yet, in his presence, she finds a measure of comfort, a beacon of strength amidst the shadows.

As the night wears on, the two companions find solace in each other's company, sharing stories and laughter to drive away the darkness that threatens to consume them. And as the first light of dawn breaks across the horizon, casting its golden rays upon the village, they find themselves ready to face whatever challenges the new day may bring, together.

Akari: "Kruz, thank you for staying with me tonight. I know it's not easy for you, but your presence here means everything to me."

Kruz: "Of course, Akari. I'll always be here for you. We're in this together."

Akari: "I just... I can't shake this fear. The darkness feels like it's closing in on me, suffocating me with its weight."

Kruz: "I understand, Akari. But remember, you're not alone. I'm right here beside you, and I won't let anything happen to you."

Akari: "Thank you, Kruz. Your words mean more to me than you know."

Kruz: "You're welcome, Akari. Now, let's keep watch together. We'll get through this night, just like we've gotten through so many before."

They stay close together for the rest do the night, morning comes and Kruz looks to his left to see Akari sleeping. Kruz walks off to check on the rest of the village, leaving Akari sleeping near the entrance.
After 4 minutes Akari wakes up confused. She looks around trying to find Kruz. But he is nowhere around. She gets up, dust herself off and starts walking down the village road. Some mercenaries starts waking up around her as she walks, others past her walking towards the entrance area that she previously left.

Akari spots a civilian sitting around in front of her home, Akari noticed she looked Japanese. So she walked up to her. With a friendly smile,
"Excuse me miss, uh have you seen a big guy carrying with a pole-axe. Oh he also is wearing knight armor." She says in Japanese. the women replies back, "oh yea I see him, he went that way." She points, she noticed Akari's clothing and the colors representing the mercenary group.
"What is a Japanese women doing in a rugged mercenary group with all these strong men?" She then asks. Akari replies with a confused look on her face. "I honestly don't know, I joined them trying to find adventure. And also they will help me find my lost mom"
The Civilian lady looks back at her face.
"I seen you training with that man the other day, you are growing to become a warrior". Akari smiles as the lady says that, she stays quiet and gets shy over the compliment.
"Wait, I got something" says the lady, retreating back in her house. She eventually comes back out with a blank white noh mask. Nothing on the mask besides two eye holes.
They begin to talk.
Akari: "is that a mask?"

Lady: "yes, it's for you. This will help you, sense you are gonna be a warrior you might as well need a mask to hide your face from your enemies right?"

Akari: "thank you so much"
Akari tries on the mask
Akari:" you are so kind, this will go good with my hat"
Down deep in the village Akari has a folded amigasa hat.  Along with her Naginata spear.
Akari waves at the lady in appreciation to the gift.
The mask represents Japanese tradition in the Myre. With the mask she feels like she can represent the people with it, she can already feel like a warrior.

Before finding Kruz she gets her stuff and puts on her hat and grabs her spear to be in full gear.
She then finds Kruz down the road talking with two mercenaries.
She gets Kruz's attention and starts posing.
"What do you think?" She asks while showing her new mask.
"You look great!" Says Kruz, Akari starts busking under the mask. Thank god she has a mask on she thinks to herself.
Akari and Kruz begin to talk about what's going on today.

Kruz: "the village is looking peaceful and not a nationalists in site"

Akari: "oh yea, the nationalist. They are the ones
We fighting against right?"

Kruz: "yep, ever since the emperor died these nationalists begin to fight back against the Golden Empire for control"

Akari: "it must suck having your empire crumble like this, and needing help from a mercenary group. Kinda sad"

Kruz: "indeed"

Akari: "...Kruz..I got a question, can you help me speak English better? I'm not excellent in speaking English. And I want to speak it better so I can talk with the rest of the mercenaries"

Kruz: "sure I can teach you, is this some excuse to have more time with me?"

Akari starts blushing under her mask again, is nervous over what Kruz just said.

Kruz: "haha just kidding, i got time. Let's go teach ya some good O English"

Akari sighs silently in relief, she doesn't feel like explaining that what he said was indeed one of the reasons why she asked him.

Hours past and Kruz teaches her English, she gets the hang over it mostly and starts practicing with Kruz. While they was practicing a mercenary guard interrupts them. "Sir, we got samurai in front of the village entrance, and It's not nationalists"
Kruz looks up at the Mercenary nodding in confirmation.
Kruz makes his way to the front entrance, he looks at the two Samurai, both of them standing side by side with their katana's hoisted on their waist. Kruz notices their armor is in yellow, he then realized these was Samurai of the Golden Empire.
Samurai starts talking in English
Samurai 1: "hello there, we heard the news of you and your group overtaking the village, and we just want to ask if it's ok that Golden Empire army has the village back? We will take it from here"

Kruz: "I'm fine with it, go ahead. Let's hope that the Samurai nationalists don't take it from y'all again"
The Samurai gets a little annoyed over what he said.

Kruz: "squad it's time to move out, pack y'all's stuff, We are moving back to the Fort.
Hey you!"

Mercenary: "yea sir?"

Kruz: "I need you to deliver a message to Daubeny, to him that we handed over the Deathless Village to the Golden Samurai"

Mercenary: "understood, I be on my way right now"

The mercenary takes off in a hastily, while Kruz rallies his men, along with Akari to follow him back to the fort. Akari never been to this fort before so she is a little nervous.

Sense the fort is near the village they make it back there fast and easy. Kruz tells Akari that they call it "The Mountain Fort".
As they entered inside the Samurai defenders welcomes Kruz and his men back, thinking that they died during the battle at the village. As the mercenaries walk off in different directions Akari follows Kruz.
The Samurai defenders glances at Akari,
They starts talking in the their native language.
"I recognize those clothes, and that mask. I think she is Japaness" says one of the guards, the other one replied "a Japanese women? Ha! What she doing with a bunch of mercenary men from Ashfeld?" They talk and talk judging her, they don't realize sense she is Japanese then she can hear  what they are saying.
As Akari continues walking with Kruz deep into the fort, with glances from the Samurai defenders. She adjusts her mask and hat.

Kruz stops and turns around, he proceeds to gaze at her mask, looking at her eyes through the eye holes.
Kruz laughs and the proceeds to speak.

"Welcome to the club"

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