Underestimated (MHA x Male Re...

De Some_Emo_Guy

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A MHA x Reader story. You were born with a very unique quirk. A quirk with a lot of mystery. What it lacked i... Mai multe

The Beginning
Entrance Exam
First Day
Combat Training
Class Rep
USJ: Part 1
USJ: Part 2
Sports Festival: Obstacle Race
Sports Festival: Cavalry Battle
Sports Festival: Tournament Part 1
Sports Festival: Tournament Part 2
Sports Festival: Tournament Part 3
Sports Festival: Finale
Hero Names
Nighteye's Tests
Suiting Up
Bleeding Out
Personal Growth
Exam Prepping
Final Exam
Wild Wild Pussycats
Camp Training
Good Company
Not a chapter. Suggestions?
A FUBAR Situation
Apologies & Dormitories
Ultimate Moves

The Lion's Den

1K 41 27
De Some_Emo_Guy

Y/N sat uncomfortably in what felt like some kind of chair. His entire body, even his eyelids, felt heavy. An intense overheated feeling radiated through him. "Looks like the other guy's waking up." an unknown voice said.

"That means he's fine then, Shigaraki. Searing his wounds shut worked. I'm still surprised at how much heat this kid's skin could handle. It kinda pisses me off..." a familiar voice added. It was Dabi. Y/N still hadn't opened his eyes. He found his body and mind fighting each other. One needed rest while the other was determined to wake up.

'Where am I...? What the hell happened...?' Y/N wondered, struggling. He had no recollection of the blunt force trauma that had been his downfall. Finally, he was able to open his eyes. The light somewhat stunned them, having been shut for so long.

"Can't you wake up any faster?" Shigaraki said, eerily. He was sitting at a nearby counter. Y/N appeared to be with the League of Villains in some sort of bar.

'Think, Y/N, THINK! What led up to this...' Y/N thought, squinting his eyes shut.

Voices of friends and others he knew echoed as memories replayed in Y/N's mind

"Kinda funny, you and I being paired, huh?" Jiro said.

Present Y/N: 'Jiro and I were paired together.'

"Let's hold our breath!" Jiro shouted.

Present Y/N: 'Then the gas attack hit. And there was a villain.'

"Did you hurt your leg or something?" Tetsutetsu asked.

"It doesn't matter!" Y/N argued.

Present Y/N: 'My ankle, it still hurts.'

"Hey! Where are you going?! You just got out of the forest!" Mandalay shouted.

"I've gotta find Snipe!" Y/N yelled back.

Present Y/N: 'That's right.'

Blurred memories accelerated forward until Y/N saw Izuku, Shoji and Todoroki fighting off the new League of Villains. The memory was fuzzy, but a man with a mask and hat could be clearly seen. He was clutching both Y/N and Bakugo by their necks and dragging them through one of Kurogiri's portals. All the while, Izuku had attempted to close the distance and reach them. But the portal had closed too fast...

First Person POV:

Back in real time, my eyes bursted open again, much faster than they had before. "I remember it all." I finally spoke, panting.

"Well it's about damn time, L/N! You unconscious jackass!" Bakugo screamed. There he sat, directly to my left. Taking in my surroundings more, I noticed that we were both restrained to the chairs we were sitting in.

The key difference was that my shirt was ripped, as the areas where Toga had previously stabbed me were now burned.

"My wounds are seared shut. That's why I feel so hot..." I realized, sweating hard. Toga approached with a bag of ice and set it leaning against my burn marks. The cool felt great against the burning sensation I was feeling. Toga then lingered for a moment, getting close to my ear.

"You're still cute, but I like you better when you're bleeding." she whispered, in a flirty tone. I reflexively shifted in my chair, out of anger. In my mind, I wanted to hit her again, more than anything.

"Fuck you, you crazy bitch! You killed Snipe!" I yelled, furiously.

"What?! Seriously?!" Bakugo exclaimed, facing me.

"You guys killed a pro and didn't even bother to mention it?" Shigaraki asked. Dabi glanced to him with a casual expression.

"Must've been the girl. Wasn't me." Dabi replied, uncaring.

"The gun guy? I didn't go straight for the kill. He should still be alive, back in the forest. If someone got to him in time." Toga defended.

"I was gonna help him! Then you bastards took me away from there!" I yelled, again.

"Calm down. If these guys say he'll live, he'll live. Who knows better than a bunch of killers?" Shigaraki said, surely.

"Why did you flat-earthers bring us here?" Bakugo demanded.

"These two are so angry! Wow they're nice!" Twice shouted.

'Why does he contradict himself with his own words?' I wondered.

"We brought you both here to talk." Kurogiri explained.

"You're shitting me, right? Old Dusty over here was out to kill me, not even a week ago!" I argued, pointing.

"The mall incident? That was you?" Bakugo asked, not having known. He had been the only one in the class who hadn't gone along for the class shopping trip.

"That was a very tricky situation. Besides, I came there asking myself a great question, and you showed me the answer. I may not like you, but we definitely don't need to be enemies." Shigaraki stated.

"What does that have to do with me?! Huh?!" Bakugo demanded. Hearing that, Shigaraki stayed quiet for a moment.

"Dabi, release their restraints." Shigaraki suddenly said.

"Huh? These guys are gonna fight, you know." Dabi reminded.

"It's fine. We need to treat them like equals, since we're scouting them. Besides, you can tell if you'll win or not in this situation, right, UA students?" Shigaraki asked.

"Twice, you do it." Dabi ordered.

"What, me? No way." Twice replied.

"Do it." Dabi repeated.

"Man..." Twice complained, stepping forward. He began to undo my restraints and then Bakugo's.

"I do apologize for using such forceful methods. But please understand that we are not just a mob trying to commit crimes." Mr. Compress said. Shigaraki stood from his seat and approached Bakugo and I.

"We didn't kidnap either of you by accident. Even though our situations differ, everyone here has been restricted and suffered because of people...


and heroes...

I'm sure you also..." Shigaraki continued. He was interrupted as Bakugo blitzed forward and hit him point blank with an explosion. Though he remained standing, Shigaraki was knocked back and the hand over his face had now fallen off.

"Shigaraki!" Twice yelled, shocked. Bakugo and I stayed where we had been and both had our guard up. Unfortunately, I could still barely stand because of my injured ankle.

'Shit... And people say I don't think things through! In this situation, I'm not any good against villains this elite... Bakugo's about to get me killed...' I thought, worried.

"I listened quietly to your endless talking... Idiots can't get to the point, so they're always talking for a long time. Basically you mean, 'We wanna harass people, so please join us,' right? Don't bother." Bakugo said. I glanced at him for a moment to see that he had put on a determined smile.

"I want to win like All Might. No matter what anyone says, that will never change!" Bakugo screamed. Shigaraki finally started to move again. He creepily crouched down and picked up the severed hand he had been wearing as a mask. All the while, not uttering a single word.

"Kurogiri, Compress, make them go to sleep again." Shigaraki suddenly said. Mr. Compress released a disappointed exhale.

"I can't believe they're such bad listeners. I'm almost impressed." Mr. Compress said, stepping forward.

"If you want me to listen to you, then get on your knees and die!" Bakugo screamed. He sounded angry, sure, but any idiot could see his thoughts were getting more desperate as the villains drew closer. I suddenly clenched my fist hard and threw a punch into Bakugo's jaw. Although it was staggering, he was more shocked than anything. He and all the villains looked to now be in complete confusion.

"Come on, Bakugo. For the first time in your lifetime, think. Your quirk is superior to most of the people at UA; students and teachers. Clearly you're aware of this. Why else would you call everyone rejects, since we were little kids?" I stated.

"Hey...what the hell are you doing...?" Bakugo asked.

"Think! You want to be the best. I know you do! I'm the same way! Imagine if you didn't have to hold back with those explosions of yours every time you fought someone! And imagine what I could do with a simple flamethrower or full-auto rifle! The biggest thing limiting what we can do, are the made up rules heroes are expected to follow." I continued. Bakugo's expression and tone of voice were almost shaky, at this point. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. 'Dammit, take the bait, Bakugo. Realize what I'm doing.' I thought, hopeful. With a bitter expression, I hobbled backwards from where Bakugo stood, and towards the villain side of the room. Based solely on the stares I was feeling, the members of the League weren't completely convinced. But Toga soon ran up. She reached where I stood and wrapped herself around my right arm, as though she'd known me for years.

"Y/N! I knew that you'd get it! Shigaraki mentioned you were smart. I'm so happy we get to be together!" Toga exclaimed, blushing hard. I masked my disdain for her with all my strength.

"I suppose one of them seeing the truth is still something." Mr. Compress said.

"Oh, no! I mean hell yeah!" Twice yelled.

"Looks like it's just you now, kid. You're the only person here who refuses to see reason." Shigaraki spoke, menacingly.

"Shigaraki, what say we have the new guy restrain him, then?" Dabi suggested, monotone.

"I can barely stand, folks. That's a bad idea." I defended. Toga kept her grip on my arm.

"He's telling the truth. He's pretty wobbly right now. I'm helping him to stand." Toga agreed.

"Somebody just restrain him, already." Shigaraki reiterated, growing impatient.

"Y/N...you treacherous bastard..." Bakugo said, quietly. His tone was betrayed. In that moment, I matched his glare, but gave a wink, hoping he'd see my intention. Bakugo's eyes barely had time to widen in realization, as I made my move. I swiftly pulled my right arm upward and free of Toga's grip. Next I grabbed Toga, lifted her and spun on my one good heel, before throwing her over the bar counter and into Kurogiri. As I then dove over the counter, myself, Shigaraki's hand just barely missed touching me.

'FFFFFFUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKK!' I thought, scared shitless. Dabi raised a hand to shoot his flames, but with me safe behind the bar counter, Bakugo engaged. He threw his hands in front of him and released a massive, concussive, scorching explosion. The detonation blew through the bar's back wall and part of the roof off of the building. As the dust settled, an ungodly ringing filled my ears. I sat up to see Toga moving to stand, but I quickly launched a kick that knocked her into Kurogiri again. While I struggled to stand, a hand suddenly extended down to me. It was Bakugo. I took his hand and he helped me up. Surprisingly, he even pulled an arm over his shoulder and supported my weight.

"That was a pretty crazy plan, L/N, even for you." Bakugo said.

"I deserve an Oscar for that. I actually had you convinced, for a minute there." I replied, laughing.

"Like hell! I saw what you were doing a mile away!" Bakugo screamed, in response. The side of the room Bakugo hadn't blown to hell, was suddenly knocked down, as pro heroes rushed in.

"Smash!" All Might screamed. Along with him were Kamui Woods, Edgeshot, and a short elderly hero who moved through the air, like a jet. The downed League members were each attempting to stand.

"Kurogiri! Gate!" Shigaraki ordered.

"Pre-emptive binding...Lacquered Chain Prison!" Kamui Woods yelled. He rushed and wrapped up all the villains before they could do anything.

"A tree? What the heck?" Dabi said, seeing his restraints. Before he could burn himself free, the elderly hero jetted through the air and kicked him in the face.

"Don't be impatient. It'd be in your best interests to stay put." the old hero said.

'Despite his age, he knocked him out instantly!' I thought, impressed. Then I recalled when everyone in Class A was talking about the pro's they'd be interning with. "Gran Torino!" I exclaimed.

"Huh? Have we met before?" Gran Torino asked.

"No, but my best friend interned with you." I explained.

"I'm sure you both were scared... You did good bearing it. I'm sorry. It's fine now, young men!" All Might assured.

"I wasn't scared! Not even close, damn it!" Bakugo shouted.

"I don't know. Personally, I thought we were doing pretty okay on our own for the last little bit. I mean, we had all of the League on the ground, by the time you guys rushed in." I admitted. All Might held his usual smile and gave a thumbs up to us both.

"League of Villains, you underestimated everything too much. The soul of these young men. The diligent investigations of the police. And...our anger! That's enough with the childish pranks. This is the end, Tomura Shigaraki!" All Might proclaimed. The villain began to resist the binds Kamui Woods' had him in and stand.

"It's over Handjob. So let your goofy-ass mask fall off, and try not to drop the soap, in prison." I added.

"The end you say? Don't be ridiculous. I've only just begun. Justice...peace... I'll destroy this garbage heap that you put a lid on with such vague ideas! It was for that purpose that I set All Might apart and started gathering people to my cause. Don't be ridiculous. This is the beginning... Kurogiri!" Shigaraki said. Edgeshot immediately changed shape and moved through Kurogiri's torso in a string-like form.

"No, stop! I couldn't see anything! What, did you kill him?" one of the villains said. Edgeshot reverted his shape and made himself visible again.

"I played around with his insides and made him unconscious. He is not dead. Ninpo: Thousand Sheet Pierce! This man was always a nuisance. I'll have him sleep." Edgeshot explained.

"Did he really just say he, 'played around with his insides?' Ha! Context!" I said, sarcastically.

"Would you shut up?! I'm helping you stand, and you're spouting your annoying nonsense right by my ear!" Bakugo yelled. Gran Torino moved to stand before the defeated League.

"Didn't I tell you earlier that it'd be in your best interests to stay put? Kenji Hikiishi, Atsuhiro Sako, Shuichi Iguchi, Himiko Toga, Jin Bubaigawara. With little information and time, the police officers worked through the night to determine your true identities. Do you understand? There's nowhere left for you to run." Gran Torino said. He then looked specifically to Shigaraki. "Where is he? Where is All For One?" Gran Torino demanded. Just then, multiple strange portals that looked almost like swirling grey liquid appeared, and Nomu's started coming through!

"Nomu's?! They came from nowhere!" Kamui Woods screamed, shocked.

"What is that?! Edgeshot, what about Kurogiri?!" Gran Torino called out.

"He's still unconscious! He didn't do it!" Edgeshot confirmed.

"They just keep coming!" Gran Torino exclaimed.

"Kamui Woods, do not let them go under any circumstances!" All Might demanded.

"Yes, sir!" Kamui Woods said. In that instant, the same type of portals opened, whisking Bakugo and I into them.

"Young men!" All Might shouted, desperately. For a millisecond, I could see him attempt to grab us, but it was for nothing... We were gone.

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