Altruism | Part Two : Care

By ScarlettSinger

43.1K 1.2K 111

"Let me be your light at the end of the tunnel" - Ana Cabrera Ana Cabrera is a Cuban immigrant. She lives in... More

Cast - Season Two
Episode One
Episode Two
Episode Three
Episode Four
Episode Five
Episode Six
Episode Seven
Episode Eight
Episode Nine
Episode Ten
Episode Eleven
Episode Twelve
Episode Thirteen
Episode Fourteen
Episode Fifteen
Episode Sixteen
Episode Eighteen
Episode Nineteen
Episode Twenty

Episode Seventeen

1.8K 50 8
By ScarlettSinger

[Okay, I'm sorry, I obviously didn't get this episode out last night but I was just so tired. I figured out the problem with my computer and downloading gifs but now wattpad won't let me insert them, so until it does, I'll just keep inserting these edits, none of which are mine by the way, I just find them on youtube. Thank you for everyone who is commenting, please continue to comment on anything and everything, I love reading them. I'm keep track of the amount of comments on Episode Fifteen and so far 8 people want Tim x Ana and 4 want Ana x Tim x Lucy. Please keep voting. I'm going to keep track until Sunday at midnight. Hope you enjoy the episode and I'm keeping my timeline of being done by Sunday.]

"Lastly, the brass wants us to increase our social media presence within the community." Grey says.

"We're cops, not influencers." Tim scoffs.

Ana raises her hand.

"Cabrera?" Grey asks.

"what's social media?" Ana asks, softly.

She spent all of her childhood in poverty and even through college she didn't have a phone. She only got one during the Academy because it was required. Ana barely if ever uses it, so her knowledge on social media is literally none.

"Chen" Grey says.

"I got her" Lucy says, starting to quietly explain it to Ana.

"Like it or not, Officer Bradford, you're both. A strong relationship with the public makes us all safer. So let's show them we're people, too. Get out there, take a few selfies. Yes, Officer Nolan?" Grey says, turning back to Tim before Nolan raises his hand.

"Back in Foxburg, I knew most of the cops by name." Nolan offers.

"Because there were four of them." Harper jokes, making everyone laugh.

"Five, but the number didn't matter. It's just that they spent most of their time on foot. I mean, how are we supposed to take a selfie with someone when we're trapped in our shop most of the day?" Nolan explains.

"That's a good point. We do spend too much time locked inside our shops. New plan. Everyone spends the morning on foot patrol." Grey decides, making everyone groan.

"Good one, Officer Nolan." Grey smirks while Nolan regrets ever saying anything.


"Are we following Nolan, ma'am?" Ana asks, softly, as they walk.

"Maybe" Harper replies.

"Are you trying to figure out how to kill him without your body camera catching it?" Ana guesses, softly.

"I'm really going to need you to stop reading my mind, runt" Harper says, making Ana giggle.

"Mommy! Policeman!" A young boy (Sam) says on a walk with his mom.

"Hi, what's your name?" Ana asks, softly.

"Sam. Is that a real gun?" Sam asks, pointing to the gun on her holster.

"it is" Ana smiles.

"Can I hold it?" Sam requests.

"No, only because I have something even better" Ana offers, holding out some stickers.

"Thanks!" Sam exclaims, before walking on with his mom.

"Of course. Have a good day." Ana calls.

"That wasn't bad, it was sweet" Ana says, softly, turning back to Harper.

"There are four felonies an hour in Los Angeles. But, no, that was a good use of time." Harper dead pans, making Ana frown.


"Say "Waste of police resources."" Harper says, taking a picture with Ana and a shop owner.

"Cheese!" Ana says, trying to stay positive as Harper takes the picture.

"Thank you, sir. Have a great day!" Ana says, softly, as they walk away. 

"Maybe some optimism could help" Ana suggests, softly.

"Drug deal." Harper spots, looking across the street.

"they'll see us walking over" Ana points out, softly.

"Wrong. Put your hand over your collar, like this." Harper demonstrates.

"Covering our badge is going to work?" Ana asks, unconvinced. 

"Yep. Watch. ..." Harper says.

The two girls walk over to the two people, Harper removes her hand from her collar when they're within speaking distance.

"Hi, there!" Harper exclaims.

"Cops!" The man says before running off.

However, Ana and Harper are able to get the woman he was speaking to.

"Bianca?" Ana asks, softly,

"Ana. I can explain." Bianca says, feeling guilty for the sweetest cop finding out that she lied to her.

"I thought you just got your thirty day chip" Ana frowns, softly.

"I know. I know. But I'm making minimum wage. My mom's sick, and the medication's expensive." Bianca explains.

"That's rough. You're under arrest." Harper says, having no sympathy for the girl.

"Please. I can help, like last time." Bianca pleads.

"You mean when you bailed out the window and then you OD'd? Yeah, that was such a help. Hook her up." Harper tells Ana.

"Turn around, please" Ana sighs, softly, disappointed and hurt as she handcuffs Bianca.

"It's different now, okay? I'm clean. I know about a huge score. A ton of fentanyl." Bianca says, desperately.

"Are you lying?" Ana asks, softly.

"I would never lie to you, Ana." Bianca promises.

"Who's selling the fentanyl?" Harper asks.

"Uh, Curtis." Bianca replies.

"His last name?" Ana questions, softly.

"I don't know it, but everyone calls him Ripper." Bianca answers.

Ana and Harper exchange a look, familiar with that name.


"So...been hanging with Bianca?" Harper asks as they walk into the station.

"I helped her get into a program, I left her alone after she got clean, didn't want to bother her or anything" Ana explains, softly.

"I don't think that worked. Girl just got arrested, but she seems more upset that she disappointed you." Harper shakes her head.

"Really? I didn't see that" Ana frowns.

"I did." Harper answers.

"I just-... maybe if I had stuck around, she wouldn't have gotten back into this business" Ana says, softly.

"Don't do that. This is on her, not you." Harper corrects.


"So, you sure this tip is solid? I know how badly you want to get Ripper." Grey asks, after they finished explaining it all to him.

"Judge thought so. Gave us a no-knock warrant based on Ana's CI." Harper says.

"Bianca says that Ripper has a huge batch of fentanyl" Ana adds, softly.

"I didn't know he was that big of a player." Grey remarks.

"He didn't used to be." Harper shrugs.

"He might be trying to become big time" Ana says. softly.

"Let's go get this guy." Grey says.


"In early September, our sources in Mexico identified a shipment of fentanyl being driven from Michoac across the border into California. Rather than stopping it, we decided to follow the drugs, use the intel we collected to arrest the entire smuggling network." Banks explains in the briefing room.

"So a controlled delivery, like you used to do?" Ana asks, softly, turning to Harper.

"Yes, Agent Banks and I worked together on them on the Narcotics Task Force." Harper nods.

"Nyla was the most hardcore UC I've ever seen. She could lie to God Himself and get away with it." Banks compliments.

"You don't say. That's surprising, 'cause she always tells me the truth. Right, Detective?" Grey asks, turning to Harper.

"Absolutely, sir." Harper promises.

"The truck was ambushed in the desert outside Ocotillo. We were monitoring with satellites. Seven minutes later, the entire shipment was gone." Banks continues.

"And you think Ripper stole it." Harper finishes.

"We don't think it. We know it." Banks responds.

"So, why'd you shut us down?" Harper asks.

"'Cause the drugs aren't stored at the location that you were about to hit." Banks replies.

"And you don't know where they are, that's why you're talking to us" Ana realizes.

"We've been on Ripper and his crew for two weeks. They haven't gone near the fentanyl." Banks sighs.

"So, what kind of weight are we talking?" Harper questions.

"20 kilos, uncut. Street value -- roughly $10 million." Banks answers.

"That is a morgue full of ODs in the making." Harper shakes her head.

"What's your plan, then?" Ana asks, softly.

"Honestly, we didn't have one, till we got wind of your warrant. You've given us a way in -- your CI. We can use her to introduce me as a straw buyer to Ripper." Banks responds.

"I-I don't know if Bianca is ready for that, sir" Ana says, softly.

"Then you can make her ready. Every hour that goes by increases the risk that those drugs end up on the street." Banks orders, leaving Ana a little shocked.


"Are you sure you're up for this?" Ana asks, softly.

"Yeah." Bianca nods.

"You have to convince Ripper that you have a buyer, not just sell him some" Ana reasons, softly.

"I know. I can do it." Bianca promises.

"Alright, then practice with me, try to sell me" Ana says, softly.

"What?" Bianca asks.

"Please" Ana pleads, softly.

"Okay. H-Hey, Ripper. I heard you scored some fentanyl." Bianca says, getting into character.

"Heard from where?" Ana asks, sounding a hell of a lot like Ripper.

"You know." Bianca shrugs.

"No, I don't know." Ana dead pans.

"People. Anyway, I got you a buyer out of Chicago." Bianca says.

" 's Kansas City" Ana corrects, softly.

"What difference does it make?" Bianca asks.

"Because Kansas City is where the DEA set up the fake buyer." Ana explains, softly.

"I'm sorry. I'll do better. I promise I won't let you down." Bianca promises.

"Don't worry about me, you need to worry about you, Ripper will kill you if you say one wrong word" Ana says, softly.

"I love how much you care about me." Bianca remarks, making Ana's eyes widen exponentially.

"Um... Stay here." Ana says, softly, scurrying over to David.

"David, will you watch her for a minute?" Ana asks, to which David nods and she thanks him.

"Excuse me, sir. Do you have a minute?" Ana asks, softly, running up to Grey.

"Sure. Everything good to go with your CI?" Grey responds.

"n-no, I think Ripper will see right through her" Ana replies, softly.

"You tell Agent Banks?" Grey questions.

"n-no, but it's not just that... I think..." Ana huffs, struggling to get it out.

"I think that maybe Bianca believes that because I've helped her, that I have feelings for her" Ana explains, softly and nervously.

"Yeah, yeah, that is a problem." Grey agrees.

"I didn't mean to give her such an impression, sir, I just-" Ana starts, softly.

"No, no, no. It's not your fault. CIs, by definition, are in crisis. They've endured a series of hardships and made a lot of bad choices to end up in this station. Then we come along and help them back up, giving them the first sympathetic ear that some of them have ever had. If you think Bianca's unprepared, you got to pull her." Grey interrupts her.

"I can do that, sir?" Ana asks, softly.

"She's your CI, which means it's your call, even as a rookie. But know this -- Agent Banks will be pissed." Grey advises.


"Agent Banks?" Ana asks, softly, walking over to Banks with Bianca.

"Good. Let's wire her up." Banks smiles, seeing Bianca.

"She can't do this" Ana announces, softly.

"Yes, I can." Bianca argues.

"n-no, she's not. She's my CI, and I can d-decide whether she goes through with the operation or not" Ana says, softly, trying to sound confident but failing.

"You can? I make one phone call, you'll never put on that uniform again. So wire her ass up." Banks threatens.

"N-no, sir. She's not ready and if she slips up then your operation will be scrubbed and all of that fentanyl will hit the streets" Ana argues.

"Get her out of here." Banks orders.

"Okay, let's go." Ana says to Bianca, starting to walk away.

"Why are you sending me away?" Bianca asks, now upset.

"I can't do this, y-you're confused and I can't hurt you" Ana stutters out, feeling very guilty.

"You're not hurting me. Let me help you" Bianca insists, taking Ana's hand and making her freeze.

"Please, just, go home" Ana insists, softly, taking her hand from Bianca.

"Why did you take me to NA? Help me find a job?" Bianca asks, hurt and upset.

"b-because I wanted to help you. Life is terrible and I wanted to help b-but I can't... I can't continue to use you like this... I don't have feelings for you Bianca and I can't allow for you to make decisions based on your unreciprocated feelings for me" Ana murmurs, softly. "so please, go home"

Bianca scoffs and walks away, leaving Ana a mess.


"Runt!" Harper calls entering the bathroom.

Ana is splashing water on her face, crying a little bit.

"Yeah?" Ana asks, softly, turning to look at Harper.

"We've got a new plan to get Ripper. I'm going in as Crystal. And you're coming with me." Harper announces before leaving the bathroom and Ana confused.


"You expect me to believe you got millions, driving around in this low-rent ride?" Ripper asks, with Ana posed as Harper's younger sister.

"I thought you told me he was smart." Ana smirks, turning to Harper.

"What's that mean?" Ripper questions.

"You wanna be a cop magnet? Drive around in a flashy car." Ana asks

"You learn that in KC? Working corners in Brookside?" Ripper replies.

"I look like a Brookside gal to you? I'm from Blue Parkway. And before you start quizzing me on ribs, it's LC's all the way." Ana answers.

"All right. Just had to check." Ripper says.

"Okay, so, can we talk numbers now?" Harper says.

"20 keys uncut. Selling at 400 per." Ripper replies.

"Hell, no. Nah, 250. We're buying your entire load, so we ain't paying retail." Harper disagrees.

"300. Best and final." Ripper negotiates.

"That's a million, just to prove we're for real." Ana says, showing him a briefcase.

"All right." Ripper nods.

"Careful." Ana warns when he holds up a bag of fentanyl.

"Relax, KC. It's a sample. But cut that at least five times before you taste it, or whoever does will be dead before they hit the floor." Ripper smirks.

"So, it's a deal." Harper asks.

"Maybe. We still got to do a little background check on your girl here." Ripper says, looking Ana up and down.

"All right. Well, you got my number. But you make us wait too long, it goes back to 250." Harper says and Ripper walks away.

"Is this gonna work?" Ana asks, softly, turning to Harper.

"If Banks doesn't screw up your paper trail." Harper replies.

"If he does?" Ana questions, softly.

"We pray the body count doesn't include us." Harper answers, sending shivers up Ana's spine.


"Why hasn't Ripper called to confirm the meeting yet?" Ana asks, getting more and more nervous as time goes on.

"He's doing his homework, making sure the story checks out." Harper replies, familiar with Ana's overthinking tendencies.

"What if I blew it?" Ana asks, softly, pacing.

"You didn't." Harper assures her.

"Speak of the devil." Harper smiles when Ripper calls her.

"Ripper. What's up?" Harper asks over the phone, putting it on speaker.

"Hey. You and your girl check out." Ripper says over the phone.

"Tell me something I don't know." Harper responds.

"Deal's on. Meet me behind Rock N Roll Ralph's tomorrow. 11:00 a.m." Ripper instructs.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. We'll be seeing you." Harper says before hanging up.

"Okay, that's good" Ana relaxes.

"Don't get excited yet, Runt. We still have a long night ahead of us, making sure that he does not change his mind and sell the drugs out from under us." Harper answers making Ana nod.

"You up for a coffee run, Officer Cabrera?" Banks asks.

"Coffee?" Ana questions, softly.

"Wouldn't be a proper stakeout without coffee." Harper smirks.

"Yeah" Ana says, softly, pulling out her card.

"First round's on me." Banks says, handing her his card.

"yes, sir" Ana agrees, softly.


Ana knocks on Lucy and Tim's window.

"I'm going for a coffee run, do y'all want anything?" Ana asks, softly.

"Uh, chai tea latte, please." Lucy replies.

"This is a stakeout. She's not going to Starbucks. Two coffees. Black." Tim says.

Ana just gives Tim a sheepish smile, handing Lucy the chai tee latte and him a dark roast.

"really, cupcake?" Tim asks, raising an eyebrow.

Ana just giggles. "bye"


"Hot coffee is -- You want me to come back later?" Ana says, softly, walking into the van to see Banks and Harper pretty close.

"No. Give me the damn coffee." Harper says, snatching the coffee.

"who's that?" Ana asks, softly, seeing a girl walk up to Ripper's house.

"Neighbor?" Banks guesses.

"Seems nervous. Keeps moving around." Harper shakes her head.

"Could it be one of Ripper's carriers?" Ana asks, softly.

"Doubt it. No backpack, no bag." Banks answers.

"It's Bianca" Ana realizes, softly. "what is she doing?"

"Double-crossing us." Harper answers.

"It would be suicide" Ana frowns.

"What was that quote about a woman scorned?" Harper points out.

"I can't just let her walk into his" Ana says, softly, grabbing a flannel jacket.

"Runt!" Harper calls but Ana is already out of the van and walking over to Ripper's house. 

Bianca is already inside so Ana knocks on the door.

"KC? what are you doing here?" Ripper asks, answering the door.

Ana looks past him and sees that Bianca looks confused and scared.

"Heard my girl stopped by, came to pick her up" Ana says, getting into character.

"your girl?" Ripper questions.

"my girl" Ana repeats, stepping past Ripper to get to Bianca.

"your girl just told the cops" Ripper snarls.

"my girl didn't tell anyone jack shit" Ana defends.

"then how does she know the cops are onto us?" Ripper asks, looming over Ana.

"she doesn't want me walkin' into danger, so she'll stop by, try to get y'all to back off" Ana lies.

"isn't that right, babe?" Ana asks, turning to Bianca.

"just want you to be safe, baby" Bianca replies, before kissing Ana.

Ana has never been kissed before and she freezes up before Bianca separates the kiss.

"tomorrow morning, 11 am" Ana says, taking Bianca's hand and walking her out of the house "and don't go behind our backs or we will go to the cops"


The entire day has been a mess of emotions. Somewhere in her mind, she had stupidly dreamed her first kiss would be with Tim, even though him ever reciprocating feelings is impossible. 

And Ana hates it.

She hates how much she likes him.

She hates how he's dating someone and she can't stop her heart from wanting.

She hates all of it.

She cries into Tim's shirt that night, overwhelmed and confused and heartbroken.

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