Love Bite | Yandere!Vampires...

By starflame_x

171K 7.8K 3.7K

Desperate for money to pay off your debts, you sign up for a program that allows you to sell your blood to va... More

01: First Bite
02: Sweet Scent
03: A Tempting Offer
04: Complications
05: Rejected
06: Untouchable
07: Rude Interruption
09: Frightened
10: Predator and Prey
11: Impending Danger
12: Unexpected Hangout
13: The Happiest Day
14: Followed
15: Helpless Little Thing
16: Too Far Gone
17: No Freedom in Sight
18: Resignation
19: Crossing Paths
20: All He Needs
21: Unexpected Ally
22: To Seek Forgiveness
23: Still Living
24: Losing Control
25: Passion and Obligation
26: Taking Accountability
27: Honesty
28: Possessiveness
29: It's Okay to be Weak

08: A New Contract

6.9K 326 142
By starflame_x

"You look like you've been having a fun night," Johnny remarks. As always, he's got a sadistic glint in his eye. "I didn't realize you had so much time to spare fooling around with men. I was under the impression that you were busy working to pay me back."

Your throat clenches uncomfortably. God, why is this happening? Even taking into account your drunken blackout, you'd actually been having a good time for a change. Spending time with Elliot is fun. You feel at ease around him. You feel like you can let your guard down and allow yourself to actually breathe.

But nothing is ever allowed to go right in your life, which is why Johnny chose the perfect time to crush your spirits.

"He's my friend," you say, trying to keep your voice steady. "I'm just trying to go home and get some sleep. Please."

Johnny scratches his cheek. "Well, originally, I just happened to be in the area, but now that I've stumbled across you like this, I have to admit that it's left a bad taste in my mouth. If you can afford to drink the night away with your little boy toy, then things must not be as bad as you let on. You must have more than enough time and money to spare. It looks like things have improved for you quite a bit lately, huh? Or maybe you were just lying to me all along about not being able to make your payments on time."

You can feel your stomach progressively twisting into a knot. He's as scummy and remorseless as always, not that you'd expect any less of him. Nonetheless, you can't stand what he's insinuating. Just because you recently started selling your blood doesn't mean you've been blessed with immeasurable wealth all of a sudden. Money is still tight, even more so considering how much you spent on that hospital visit.

He's making it sound like you're living pretty, without so much as a care in the world, when he's the sole reason for your stress and misery.

"I just wanted to see a friend for a little bit," you swallow. "I'm still working several jobs, and I haven't failed to pay you back on time, right? I don't understand what the issue is. I'm doing everything I can to hold up my end of the deal."

Johnny narrows his eyes. "The problem is that if you can afford to do shit like this, then you should be paying me back more often, because clearly, you have the means to do it."

"What?" you gasp. "No! I can barely afford what I'm paying you as is!"

"Oh, really? Then how is it that you're able to enjoy a night out with this spineless-looking piece of shit, and why do you reek of booze as if you just drank your fill at a bar?"

Tears well up into your eyes. What the actual fuck does he want from you? You so rarely splurge or treat yourself. You so rarely give yourself a break and take a moment to unwind. Are you not allowed to live like everyone else? At least every now and then? Does he want you to be miserable every second of every fucking day?

When your parents signed off on the massive loans they took out all those years ago, they also signed off on your freedom.

"I just think there's an issue of transparency here," Johnny glares. "It seems to me like you can afford to pay more than our current agreement, and I don't appreciate being cheated like this."

You feel like you're about to start crying. Everything about this situation is just so goddamn hopeless. Right as you finally started making enough to meet his demands, he starts asking for more. Greedy assholes like him will never be satisfied. They'll keep pushing you until the day you inevitably break.

Is there even a point anymore? Will you ever be able to live a life that's entirely your own?

You sniffle, wiping away the tears before they can fall, but just as you're composing yourself to form a response, someone interjects.

"Excuse me," Elliot frowns. He steps forward, placing himself in between you and Johnny. "I don't know the whole situation, but it sounds like you're shaking [Name] down for money."

"Shaking her down for money?" Johnny laughs. "Ha! You make me sound like some common thug. She owes me money, dipshit. She's in a ton of debt, and since her parents skipped town, it's her responsibility to pay me back."

Elliot recoils, then searches your expression for an answer. When you opt to shamefully stare at the ground rather than argue otherwise, it tells him everything he needs to know.

"So... how is that fair?" Elliot gapes. "It's not her fault her parents didn't make good on their dues. You should have kept better tabs on the people who borrowed money from you. Not to mention that, as far as I know, loan sharking is a crime. You can get in serious trouble for harassing someone like this."

"[Name] is the next of kin," Johnny says simply. "And believe me when I say that we tried to track those scumbags down. They got lucky and slipped under our radar. By now, they must be long gone. No way in hell will I ever get my money back. So, [Name] has to foot the bill in their place. And please don't threaten me, you little fuckface. Try getting the police involved and see what happens. We keep our books clean, and you've got no evidence whatsoever. But if you want to get [Name] in even deeper shit, then be my guest. Pull the trigger."

Elliot scowls. It's probably the first time you've ever seen him look openly upset before, and while you appreciate that he's getting so passionate on your behalf, Johnny isn't someone he should be making an enemy out of.

"I'll get the money," you mumble brokenly. "I'll pay you now, earlier than usual. If I do that, will you leave? I promise I'm being honest when I say I'm doing everything I can to keep up with this debt. I'm not taking it lightly, and I don't have excess cash laying around. I just... for one night, I just wanted to spend time with a friend and forget my worries. That's all."

"Yeah, well, you should've picked up another shift instead of fucking around," Johnny snaps. "Learn to be more responsible, for fuck's sake. It's no wonder you've been doing such a shit job of paying me back. Now, hurry up and get me my money, you dumb bitch."

You flinch a bit, although it's certainly no worse than what he's called you in the past. In any case, the only way to get rid of him is to give him the money and hope that he doesn't stir up any more of a fuss. Things will be tight for a little while, and you'll probably have to skip more meals than usual thanks to how abrupt this all was, but there's nothing else you can do.

Visibly dejected, you turn and trudge towards your apartment to retrieve Johnny's fee.

But you don't make it very far.

"What did you just call her?" Elliot glowers. His eyes are wider than you've ever seen them, and he even clenches his jaw, causing one of his veins to throb visibly.

Johnny blinks, unamused. "You got a problem with how I talk to my bitch? Shut your mouth and stay out of it. You know, you're really starting to piss me off, meddling in business that you've got nothing to do with."

"Take it back," Elliot warns. "Not only are you harassing [Name] and shaking her down for money, but you're disrespecting her too?"

"Whoa, what the fuck? Did you just try to tell me what to do?" Johnny half-chuckles, but it's clear from the cold look in his eyes that he's quickly losing his patience. "I'm not joking around. You'd better back up before I punch you in the throat."

The tension between them is unmistakable, and at the rate things are going, it's only a matter of time before this gets really bad.

Frantic, you try to protest, "I'm getting the money right now-"

"Go ahead," Elliot deadpans. "Hit me. See what happens."

You would've never expected him to be capable of such frigid hostility. Of course, you understand he's only doing this for your sake, and as far as he knows, standing up for you is the right thing to do, but what he fails to realize is that angering Johnny will only make things a million times worse for you in the end. It'll make him act out with a vengeance and seek out new ways to destroy you.

Elliot needs to stop provoking him. The thought alone is worth its weight in gold. You appreciate that he cares enough to try and protect you.

But he seriously needs to stop. Like, right now. Or rather, he should have stopped a long time ago.

"Fine," Johnny glares. "Just remember you asked for this."


It's already too late.

Johnny lunges at Elliot, eyes wide and manic, and you swear you hear the sound of the air pressure as he drives his fist ahead at full force.

Johnny is a loan shark, but he's basically just a glorified gangster. You've seen him beat the shit out of more people than you can even count, and a lot of the times, he did it just to send a message. Just so that you would know exactly what will happen if you ever fuck him over.

That's why you can't bear to watch. You squeeze your eyes shut on instinct, terrified of seeing yet another one of your friends have their face bashed in. The stress of the situation has gotten to you, and in this moment, you've actually forgotten a very crucial detail.

One of them is a human, and the other is a vampire.

Johnny doesn't stand a fucking chance.

The sound you were waiting for-the sound of Johnny's fist colliding forcefully with Elliot's face-never comes. Instead, you hear something akin to a strangled gasp, and when you hesitantly open your eyes, you realize that Johnny is standing stiff as a statue, with a look of utter disbelief.

Elliot caught Johnny's wrist long before his punch could hit its mark.

"Okay," Elliot says, visibly unimpressed. "Is that it? You're so weak I almost feel sorry for you. To think that you said all those horrible things, but when it comes down to it, you don't even have the strength to back it up."

Elliot grips down on Johnny's wrist, and you watch as the latter winces from pain. He eventually kicks away from Elliot in a desperate attempt to put some distance between them, and once he's free, Johnny cradles his wrist, which is now an angry red shade and appears to be throbbing uncontrollably.

"Fucker," Johnny spits. "I see your fangs now. Looks like you're one of those goddamn freaks. Those disgusting vampires."

"Regardless of what I am, I'm still less disgusting than you," Elliot glares. "You're a pathetic man who preys on the weak and harasses women. I don't know how you can sleep at night. I feel sorry for you."

"I sleep comfortably, in a big-ass house, thanks for asking."

Elliot's expression darkens. He steps forward again, and even though he never struck you as the type to get violent, based on the way his fists are repeatedly clenching and unclenching, you can tell he's itching to beat the ever-loving shit out of Johnny.

A vampire like Elliot can easily pull it off. He can give Johnny a rude awakening, lay him out in the dirt and make him beg for mercy. Based on how easily Kai pummeled Caleb, you already know that the average person can't do a damn thing when faced with overwhelming power.

But just because he can doesn't mean he should. If Elliot beats the crap out of Johnny now, then what happens next? Johnny won't hesitate to punish you in his stead. He'll send his goons after you to figure out your exact schedule, and you get the sense they're already keeping a lot of tabs on you. It won't be difficult for them to find an opportunity when you're all alone and vulnerable. Elliot can't possibly be by your side every moment of the day. Even if he tries to protect you for a period of time, eventually, they will make you pay the price.

You know how this story ends, and unfortunately, there's nothing Elliot can do to fix the root of the problem-AKA your debt.

Unless, of course, he kills Johnny.

A shiver rips down your spine at the thought. It pains you to admit, but you've entertained the notion more times than you can even count. Time and time again, you've imagined what your life would be like if Johnny bit the dust. If he stopped breathing and finally gave you the space to breathe instead.

If Elliot kills Johnny, perhaps all your problems might really be solved.

Unfortunately, you know that isn't an option. Not only is murder wrong, but you doubt that someone as kind-hearted as Elliot would ever resort to such extremes. It's only a fantasy. A dream that will never come true.

But this is reality. And unless you want your life to get a million times worse, you need to stop Elliot before things get completely out of hand.

"It's fine," you reassure, grabbing Elliot's arm and pulling him back. You strain a smile, despite how shaken up you are. "Please don't. It'll only make the situation even worse for me. I'm just going to run inside and grab his money."

Elliot's brows droop. "But I can't keep letting him do this to you. He needs to-"

"Stop. Please. I'm begging you," you breathe. "This can't be fixed with just a beating. Whatever you do to him will come back and bite me in the ass later. I'm just going to keep paying him back, as best I can. Don't make him any more upset. You might be strong enough to deal with any threats, but I'm not. Like you said, I'm weak, and there's only so much that weaklings like me can do to survive."

"Listen to the pretty girl," Johnny muses. He's finally gotten his wrist to stop shaking, although you're quite certain it'll swell up later. "Since I'm such a nice guy, I'll forgive you for this instance of disrespect and I won't make [Name]'s life any more difficult. But only if you kneel down and apologize to me, of course."

Elliot doesn't say anything, but once again, you can see the way his jaw clenches.

"What is it?" Johnny sneers. "You're a proud little guy, huh? Does your ego prevent you from admitting you fucked up? I guess you really don't care what happens to [Name]."

Another pause, and you're afraid that Elliot might actually hit him this time, but mercifully, your worst fears don't come to pass.

"No," Elliot mutters. "It's fine. I'll apologize, if that's what it takes. I'll apologize, so don't do anything to hurt her."

It must bring him immense shame, but he gets down on his knees and prostrates himself before Johnny, just as the latter prescribed. You watch as the sneer on Johnny's face gets wider, and feeling emboldened by having regained his authority, he stomps down on the back of Elliot's head, forcing his face to kiss the ground.

"Asshole," Johnny mutters. "You and your kind make me sick to my goddamn stomach. It won't be long before this city goes to shit. I don't know what people are thinking, letting monsters like you inside our walls. If you ask me, you all deserve to be burned alive."

Johnny stomps on Elliot's head one last time, then, in the utmost act of disrespect, spits on him and lets out an unhinged laugh.

"Look at that," he muses. "Vampires are supposed to be so tough, but I've just gone ahead and made this one my bitch. Ah, life is funny. Anyways, we've wasted enough time. [Name], go get me my money before I really lose my shit."

You grimace as you avert your gaze. The fact that Elliot is having to endure this abuse because of you makes you feel immeasurably guilty, and you know you're completely helpless to do a damn thing about it.

All you can do-all you can ever do-is give Johnny exactly what he wants.

You rush in and out of the apartment, returning with the amount that you owe him. As always, Johnny takes a moment to rifle through the bills and make sure everything is accounted for. Presumably satisfied, he pockets the money and turns back towards Elliot.

"Hey, bloodsucker," he says. "You can stand up now. Take a look at this."

Elliot lifts his head and collects himself, but whatever momentary composure he feels is quickly overwritten when he watches, with a look of horror, as Johnny shamelessly gropes your ass.

"Always nice to cop a feel," Johnny muses. "See you later, cutie. And from now on, I expect you to give me more money, since you're apparently living large now." Then he walks off, the dark night sky covering him like a veil.

Elliot's shoulders are trembling now, and it's actually a miracle that he held himself back after what he just saw. He can handle having his head kicked into the dirt or being told that he's disgusting just for existing as a vampire. He can handle virtually any form of abuse, so long as it's directed his way.

What he can't handle is having to watch you be abused as well.

To this day, you're the only human who's ever treated him so kindly. He hasn't been in the city for very long, but even so, the treatment has been abysmal to say the least. If he'd known it would be like this, he probably wouldn't have ever moved here in the first place.

But ever since he's met you, he's actually had something to look forward to. He finally feels accepted for who he is. You're an amazing person, free of prejudice, and you deserve only the best in life.

So, why is it that you have to suffer like this?

"I'm so sorry, Elliot." Fat tears roll down your cheeks, despite your best efforts to keep them at bay. "I-I'm sorry you had to go through something like that because of me. I feel like... I feel like all I ever do is drag people down. I'm a shit magnet. I make everyone around me miserable."

You start crying, and Elliot feels his heart slowly break.

This is all that bastard Johnny's fault. Not only that, but the fault of your shitty parents too. It's no wonder you got so upset when he asked about your family earlier. They left one hell of a mess for you to deal with in their place. He can't understand how genuinely despicable some people can be.

"There's no need to apologize," he reassures. He hesitates for a moment, wondering if you're comfortable, before eventually pulling you into his arms. When you cling to him rather than push him away, Elliot's cheeks redden, and he holds you as gently as he can manage. "I just wish I could have done more," he mumbles. "I'm sorry for trying to start a fight with him. You're right that I might have just caused you more problems in the long run. I shouldn't have acted so impulsively, but... I couldn't stand to just keep watching. I had no idea you were dealing with something so horrible. I can't even imagine how difficult it must be."

You keep sobbing, burying your face into his shoulder. "I-I just don't know what to do. I was barely able to keep up with his demands as is, and he just keeps asking for more and more. I'm already on the verge of breaking. How much more do I need to push myself before I finally start to see some results? How much more until... this nightmare is finally over?"

Elliot doesn't know what to say. All he can do is keep holding you, offering you at least the slightest bit of reassurance.

Fearfully, he decides to ask, "How much money do you owe?"

You pull back for a moment and look at him with tear-filled eyes. Then, you whisper the amount, and even though he tries to hide it, his expression betrays his bewilderment.

That much money? All this time, you've been trying to pay back such a ridiculous sum?

It's too much for one person to bear. It's too much for a young woman living alone, with no family, no education or credentials, to possibly pay back without killing herself in the process.

He suddenly resents the world even more than he did before. Such a fucked-up situation shouldn't even be real, and yet, it is.

"I've been doing everything I can," you whimper. "I even started selling my blood not long ago, just so I could make ends meet."

Selling... blood?

Elliot swallows without realizing it. "When you say selling blood, you mean..."

"Oh." You blink, and all of a sudden, it looks like you've realized something. "Yeah. I never mentioned this before, but I signed up for a program where I can take on vampires as clients and sell my blood to them. Obviously, there's only so much blood I can give, and only so often, otherwise my body wouldn't be able to handle it, but that's what I've been doing on the side, and honestly, it's the only reason I've been able to pay Johnny back recently."

Elliot's heard of the program you're referring to. It's supposed to be quite expensive, far more expensive than the government-mandated blood packs that he's been buying until now. But from what he's heard, it's a program that allows you to drink blood directly from the source, which, for a vampire, has always been the ideal.

But he never signed up for it, because quite frankly, he didn't think he would be able to deal with the scathing, fearful looks people would give him. It's bad enough when the average person discovers he's a vampire. He can only imagine how terrified some poor human would look if he was going to drink their blood, regardless of whether or not they signed a contract to do it.

But now he discovers that you've been doing this all along. Perhaps that's why you're not afraid of vampires, like everyone else. You've already experienced what is likely the most frightening outcome of being in contact with one.

And that also means... that vampires have been drinking your blood.

Vampires other than him.

"Um, this might sound kind of weird," you frown, rubbing at your damp eyes. The sound of your voice quickly snaps Elliot out of his daze, and he collects himself enough to smile.

"What's weird?" he asks.

"I mean, what I'm about to suggest. I don't want it to make you uncomfortable or anything. Just, after Johnny showed up and everything, I've been thinking." You purse your lips, clearly hesitant, but eventually, you let out a sigh. "Feel free to turn me down if I'm getting ahead of myself, but would you be willing... to drink my blood? I mean, is that something you would want? I'm not sure how you've been getting blood until now, but I was just wondering if-"

"Yes," Elliot blurts. He doesn't even need to hear the rest of your question. "You need money, right? I was actually going to offer to give you some, but this way, you won't need to feel guilty about taking it, because I'll also be getting something in return."

Your eyes widen. "Is it really okay? Since we're friends and all, I worry that it might make our relationship a bit awkward. I-I mean, I'm fine with it, but I wouldn't want to put you out. I just wanted to leave it as a suggestion in case it was something you were interested in..."

Elliot is definitely interested. He's really, really interested. And he wouldn't feel comfortable doing this with anyone other than you.

Above all else... he has to admit that he's curious. Ever since the moment you first spoke to him, with that kind smile of yours, he's been wondering.

Wondering what your blood would taste like.

A blush spreads across his cheeks. He feels guilty entertaining these kinds of thoughts, but he's a vampire, and he can't help what he wants. Besides, this way, he can help support you, even if it's only a little. Both of you can profit from this arrangement. There are no disadvantages to either side.

"I want to do it," Elliot nods. "If I can help you, at least to some extent, it's already worth it. How do I sign up for that program and get matched with you? Am I able to request you by name?"

You pause to frown. "Actually, now that I think about it, I'm not sure if it would work. They seem pretty stingy about confidentiality and keeping both the client and donor's information private. Since we already know each other beforehand, they might not agree to put us together. And I think my contract states that I can't solicit clients without obtaining them directly through the program. Probably so that friends like us can't use it to our benefit."


Elliot's shoulders slump. What a shame. He was hoping to help you out a bit, while also sating his curiosity and finally getting a taste of your blood. But if those are the rules, then he supposes there's nothing he can do to-

"How about you just pay me directly?"

The sudden question makes him blink. "Pay you directly?" he reiterates. "As in..."

"Forget going through the company. You can drink my blood, and just pay me after the fact."

Technically, that was the agreement you once had with Felix, but Elliot is different. He isn't the type to lose control and push you too far. You were blackout drunk tonight, as vulnerable as you could possibly be, and he took care of you rather than taking advantage of the moment.

Yeah. Elliot isn't like Felix. That much you're certain of.

"I trust you, Elliot," you say, offering him a smile. "You've already done so much for me, and watching you stand up to Johnny solidified what I already knew. If this is really something that you're interested in, I feel comfortable moving forward, even without the program's involvement."

Elliot doesn't know what to say. The fact that you believe in him to this extent... quite frankly, it's almost enough to move him to tears.

He will never mistreat you. He will never give you a reason to doubt him or his intentions.

You won't regret letting him into your life.

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