Bride for Sale

By SinfulGuilt

453 100 7

Maria Davis is ready for an arranged marriage on the pretext of investment in her father's company. What she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Author Note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 5

39 10 0
By SinfulGuilt

Maria was getting back to her place with his driver. It was the first time she was intrigued by a man. His focus, and obsession about his goals were something. That man was as twisted as he was simple. No wonder he had become successful in such a short time. It takes generations to make the kind of wealth and contacts he had amassed. It was the first time she was getting back from a date and didn't feel bad about herself. He treated her right. He was better than any of her dates in the past. It was a shame it didn't go well. In only a half-hour drive she had imagined herself being his wife. Making his holiday worthy of him. She groaned a little leaning into her seat. She knew she had to stop thinking about him. There was no future with him.

She wished she could say yes but the divorce term was such a disgrace to accept. She wanted someone who would give her a chance at something real. But the moment her car pulled in front of her home she rolled her eyes. Though it was the first time someone had proposed such a condition she knew her dad wasn't going to see any problem with it. And, it was going to be a long discussion with her dad. And, for turning down this she was going to have an ear full from her dad for a month or as long as he doesn't get an investor.

Maria walked in but got slower in her movements the moment she looked at the broken vase on the floor. Two huge bulky men appeared in front of her and she gasped stepping aside. They stared at her momentarily before they left speaking something in French.

"Dad?" She walked in to notice a disaster in their living area. Daphne seemed flustered and her dad was on the ground groaning. "Dad!" Maria was the first one to hold her dad's arm. His lip was busted and eye was black. "How could you!" Daphne shouted and Maria looked at Daphne in surprise. "What's wrong with you? Look at Dad?"

"What's wrong with me? He had risked gambling with wrong people. And, they are in our home threatening us with their men? This is wrong with me! My sons were put in danger by the man I chose to trust. This is what happened you bitch! And, it's all because of your father!"

Maria looked at her father but he was still trying to figure out his jaw. Maria gave him the balance to stand up and asked, "Are you ok?"

"Are you for real? How can you care about him after knowing he has put you on sale..." But before Maria could listen to what Daphne had to say her father asked,

"Tell me it worked with Mr. Bianchi Maria? Please, tell me you cracked it."

"Dad?" Maria mumbled,

"You are not for real. These are dangerous people. They are going to kill us." Her dad told her.

"What?" Maria couldn't understand the situation.

"What went wrong! What went wrong with Emilio? Tell me? You always have an excuse. What is it this time?" Maria knew she couldn't talk to her dad right now. This situation wasn't ideal for her to make her dad understand her reason. She couldn't explain what she was thinking. "He wanted a contract marriage, dad. He had some conditions."

"Was he marrying you? What conditions? How hard those conditions were? Tell me already. Why aren't you speaking?"

"He want this marriage as long as his grandparents are alive. He will give a divorce with eighty million dollars after their demise."

"What? But will he give the twenty millions I asked for my company...." Her dad inquired.

"Yea, but..."

"Then what? What other conditions that can't be worked around."

"There..." Maria got extremely cornered. "...Just this. There were no other conditions."

"So, why it didn't work out?"

"Because I don't want to get into a marriage with a pre-set divorce date." Her father looked at her for a moment. "Are you stupid? Do you have the slightest of an idea about how much you can do with eighty million dollars? Maria!..."


"No, dad. You are calling him right away and telling him you are fine with his conditions. And, you will do anything to..."

"But dad..."

"This is your sure way to life, Maria. I am not your enemy. I want to see you in a better situation than you are in right now. Are you even listening to me!"

"Divorce is not what I am looking for. It will be a losing bet. A failed investment."

"What the hell do you know about investment? Do you have the slightest idea where eighty million can get you? Call him. Call him now."

"What are you doing stupid? Call him and tell him you are fine with this condition and pray that you land this opportunity."

"Call him now." Daphne jumped in too. The words, their eyes and voice gave her such a scare she could only manage.

"I don't have his number." And, her father was quick to get his phone out.

"Note it down. I can't call him from my phone. It will look forced." Maria typed down the number and called him. Her hands were shivering and she was hoping for him to not pick the phone right away. She was in no condition to talk to him.

"Hello?" Emilio said,

"Hi, this is me, Maria."

"Miss Davis?" Emilio had a surprise in his voice.

"I am fine with the condition. I..."

"Is everything alright?" Emilio had to ask given how her voice came out raspy.

"Yes, I gave it a thought. And, you were right. I can look at it more like an employment."

"I guess I explained well."

"Yes,..." Maria said and someone could be heard from his back.

"I will get back to you. What about this weekend? I am sure I have got quite a time at the breakfast."

"...will work for me." Maria replied and Emilio was quick. "See you then, take care." Emilio didn't wait for her reply and cut the call.

Maria looked at her father for how she was wronged but he was quick to ask. "You know you should have agreed to this right away. I keep teaching you how to get ahead in life yet you are acting as if you know better."


"Men are fools, Maria. Even easier to manipulate when all they care about their family. You have gotten all the time in your hands to make your way into his heart and pocket through his grandparents yet you..."

"But dad this is not what our agreement would be..." Maria reminded.

"Life isn't white and black, Maria. Daphne? Talk to her."

"Your dad is right. I don't want to celebrate ahead but we sure are going on a vacation if their wedding happens. Because she already has two failed engagements..." This made her dad groan when he said, "Don't attract the negative energy. And, Maria you better dress your best. Also, tell him that we are seeing his grandparents on Sunday for how you helped his grandpa. So, he knows that his grandparents would be seeing you before he arranges for it."

"I will," Maria was down. This is not how she has it planned. She hadn't thought that this is how it will be arranged.

Maria walked to the stairs and looked at Rory who had heard all of it. "Aren't you tired of being you? Why can't you make your own money? But oh that will require work. You want all of it for free."

Ignoring his comment Maria passed him and got into her room. Looking at her mother's picture makes her eyes teary. Nothing of it was going to happen if that accident didn't happen. But it seems that one day would decide the whole course of her life. She couldn't help her dad by working fair. Her dad had lost a lot for her treatment and needed a lot to get helped. And, she wanted to help. She wanted to believe that it would be the best decision to let her dad seal a secure future for her.

It was Emilio's assistant who called her on Friday night to set the time and date with her. This time the venue was his penthouse. She wondered who had breakfast at six but had to wake up at four to get ready. Daphne had taken a pale white backless dress for her in the night. Maria paired it with her mother's diamond earrings.

Maria was left with too little jewelry from her mom. The most had gone to Daphne. It was only now that she started thinking about why she didn't say anything about it. But then she recalled how she had always believed Daphne would be an amazing addition into her family. It took her a few months to realize that she can't expect anyone to mother her. Daphne only wanted to have a family with her father. Nothing more and nothing less. And, she was only a misfit in their family. Soon, she was at a crossroads where she wanted to hold onto her father strong. She found herself proving every time how she loved her father a lot too. Daphne was always ready to prove that she didn't care about her father. And, Maria had to prove her wrong. Maria had a feeling that she will lose everything if she loses her father or lets him believe she doesn't love him.

Again, a driver was there to pick her up. She got in and the car started. They were pulled in the basement of his penthouse. The driver opened the door for her and a man was standing to escort her. "Good morning, Miss Davis. I am Philip, Mr. Bianchi's assistant. You can call me Phil."

"Good morning, Phil." It was six in the morning and Maria had her hair prim. Anyone could tell how important this meeting was for her looking at her.

Maria wonders if Emilio would marry her. She has two broken engagements so far. And, this reminded her of Mr. Gail who had her meet with his family. He didn't have any problems with her medical condition too. It was only until his mother started making mean comments about her weight that he started seeing her as someone lazy.

Maria looked at the high ceiling once she exited the elevator. The lobby was amazing and had sparkling floor. Phil took her into the penthouse and escorted through the living area. Maria spread her mouth into a smile the moment she noticed Emilio looking at the newspaper and reading something. He had his hair undone and was still in pajamas. He had a cup in his hand and was standing in his kitchen as if any person would at six in the morning.

"Mr. Bianchi," Phil made their presence known the moment they entered the space and Emilio looked up only to stare at her for one good minute. Phil only waited for a moment and when Emilio didn't offer a word to him he left.

Emilio couldn't help looking at her from head to toe. He could almost feel underdressed if it wasn't for the fact that he hadn't expected her to get here in a dress. And, it was only now that he recalled he had seen her in a dress always. She was dressed for a whole-course meal and he only had coffee to offer.

"Good morning, Mr. Bianchi," Maria was extremely nervous at his stare.

"Good morning, coffee?" Emilio asked.

"Sure," Maria replied. Emilio folded his paper and walked to her to get her coat. He was mad in an instant. But this time he was mad at himself. Why did he expect her to not dress? She could dress. And, he couldn't let her down with just coffee now.

"Take a seat. Make yourself comfortable. Would you like omelets? Anything you want for the breakfast." Maria walked to take a seat on the dining table all the while catering to his question. "I am fine with Omelets,"

Maria said and Emilio looked at his chef who was quick to nod. Maria looked at his t-shirt and Emilio couldn't help asking. "You changed your mind quite quickly. Can I ask you why?"

"I think you were right. I can take it as an employment. Plus, no employment offers you eighty million on the termination. I did give it a thought. It was an offer not to reject." Emilio wasn't convinced by her answer.

"It still is different. It will be your identity for twenty-four hours. You will be required to see my grandparents that will expect you to behave in a certain way." This made Maria narrow her eyes.

"What ways?"

"Not much but they will expect us to care for each other. They can get suspicious if we won't. And, we can't get them suspicious."

"You don't have to worry about it. I won't have to prove I am your wife because I will be your wife. I won't have to act it out. Or fake it. I will be what I am. Your wife." Emilio couldn't help but realize how smooth she was.

"You do look like someone who is ready to take on the role." Maria gave a nod very slowly as if pondering what he had said.

"We will have to see."

"The only thing I can't promise is love. And, I do believe that a marriage can work if only we play our roles with precision. What do you think about it?"

"I am not seeing profiles to see who I can love. I was seeing profiles to see who could be my husband and support my father's business. I seek stability for my societal and financial goals."

"That I can promise. But there is indeed a fine line between helping a family and letting them walk over you. I will invest twenty five million dollars and I get access to all financial details about the company." Maria didn't know if her father wanted this. So, she had to ask. "Had you talked about this to my dad?"


"Then, it is fine with me too."

"Is there anything else you want to discuss about? Because I won't like any differences after we make it official in front of our grandparents."

Maria knew she wasn't allowed to give any care to such differences. In fact, she was supposed to take care of those differences if there were any. "It's attractive when you give such importance to your family." She chose to compliment him instead.

"They are the only important people for me."

"I would like for you to respect my family too. If I am to be very respectful for your family I want you to be the same for my family." Emilio nodded a little before asking. "Is it a deal breaker for you?"

"Yes, most people think that my father is some greedy man who is offering his daughter for the investment but I don't see it this way. I see it how my father is helping me to find someone who can take great care of me after him. He doesn't want me to spend time with stupid guys but look for someone who has the power to raise a great family." Emilio raised his brows and tasted the word.

"Family?" It was enough to raise an image in Emilio's mind.

"Yes," Maria replied with calm.

"About that, have you ever considered the kids?" Emilio's gaze was enough to tell her that this question was important.

"I don't think about it a lot. It will largely depend on what kind of family my future husband is looking for." Emilio stared at her for a long moment. It seems she was experienced in arranged marriage meetings. It was difficult to find a fault in her.

The chef was done with setting the table and Emilio told her. "Bon appetite,"

"I had something to tell you." Maria stated and Emilio nodded for her to continue.
"After you returned that hair clip and the money. My father called your grandpa's assistant to thank you and to inquire about his health. Your grandpa had invited us to a tea tomorrow. It was before you contacted my father on my profile." Emilio let this sink in.

"Are you seeing my grandparents tomorrow?" Emilio raised his brows.

"Yes, is that a problem?" Emilio could tell her father wanted to make contact with his grandpa.

Emilio seemed to be thinking for a moment before he got his phone out and looked at something. He dialed for someone and stated. "Schedule my tomorrow's evening meeting for the morning. And, if they can't do it you can push it to the Thursday."

"I will be there too." Emilio told her after cutting the call and Maria blinked, "And?"

"Nothing, we will see each other on the tea and I will show you my granny's garden. We will show them we have started seeing each other."

"But you said you don't want me to see your grandparents until we are sure."

"I am sure. Are you?"

Maria nodded her head a little before she managed. "I don't see a reason for why not?"

"Are you sure?" Emilio didn't want her confused about the answer. He wanted more than why not. And, it had Maria intimidated. He does ooze power and confidence. He was someone who didn't have to fear anything.

"Yes, I am,"

"Then, we will be marrying in six months. And, we will try our best that we don't present any differences that aren't difficult to overcome. Also, don't call me if it is not an emergency. Always leave a message and I will get to you the moment I can."

"Sure," Maria offered a smile.

Emilio stood up from his place and told her. "Just for a tip. Don't show much skin while seeing my grandparents. They won't dislike it. But they will love you more if you look like someone who isn't dressing to scare women for their men."

"Do I dress..." Maria was shocked.

"You dress perfectly to look for a husband. But now you have found one." Maria stared at his hard yet beautifully sculptured face.

"So, I should dress to show I have a husband." She asked more like a question.

"You get me." Emilio got his wallet out and retrieved his credit card. "You can shop to look like you have a husband." It was the first time a man had offered her a card. None of her other fiancés or dates had ever offered her a card.

Maria didn't touch the card and leaned into her chair to tell him. "I have a lot of dresses that can make me look like I have a husband." Emilio smiled a little while assuring.

"I completely trust you on this but if I tell you how to dress. I better pay for it all too." He left the card on the table and added,

"I have to leave for an important meeting. Tell your father I will see him tomorrow at the dinner. But we better keep the arranged marriage thing to ourselves."

"I understand," Maria said and stood up but Emilio was quick to tell her. "Oh please, have the breakfast. Make yourself feel at home. Greta!" He called for the keeper of the house and she walked to them and greeted them. "Good morning,"

"Show her around the house if she wants to..." But then he looked at Maria and said, "...excuse me,"

Maria nodded and realized how different he was from the other men. Not for once he had seen her she was a sexual object. And, did he say she has to dress like she has a husband now? And, was already giving her money to sponsor her living style? He hadn't made it about money for once. Or talked about the value he wanted in return. He cared about his grandparents despite having all this money. Maria could already feel her feet sweep off the floor but had to calm down her nerves. She wasn't his wife yet and had to be very cautious. She didn't want to make any mistakes. He had made her want to make no mistakes.

Maria chose not to have the tour of the home but accepted the card from the table. She could tell it would be rude not to accept it. The driver gave her the ride back home and Maria couldn't help the smile on her face. It was the first time she had met a man who didn't care about her extra few pounds. In addition, he wanted her to dress modestly. He wasn't marrying her to have a beautiful trophy wife to show off. He only wanted to make his grandparents happy. He was the kind of guy she had never dreamed of. It was as if he was to tell her what kind of man she should look for. She wonders if he knows what is she thinking of him.

With him, she didn't have to guess what he was thinking. She could take this man for what he had said. It wasn't complicated at all.

Getting home she was met by her father in the lobby. "Please, tell me you didn't ruin it."

"What do you mean?" Maria asked,

"Nothing, I have a bet with your dad that you ruined it for us again," Daphne added and it was enough to ruin Maria's mood.

"Emilio said he will be seeing us with his grandparents. And, he said not to tell them about our arrangement. But we will be revealing to his grandparents about us seeing each other." Daphne got her mood sour but Mr. Davis couldn't help the calm on his face. "Thank God, I am so proud of you." Henry offered his arm for her daughter and Maria walked to her dad to share a side hug.

"Also, he did mention that a wedding can commence in the next six months."

"That's a great piece of news."

"Yes, but only if she manages to keep him. You know her..." Maria was quick to draw the card and show it to them. "I will manage Daphne. But right now I have a lot of shopping to do..." But then she looked at her dad and stated. "What do you think dad? I want to buy you something. Tell me what you want."

"This...did he?" Henry seemed rejoiced.

"Of course, also, he said he doesn't want me to dress that I am still looking for a husband. He wants me to look like I have a husband."

"Have we hit a jackpot? He sounds like rich family values." Henry remarked.

"This is what I was thinking dad."

"Look, you can't be stupid enough to let this thing end up in a divorce. No matter the agreement, you better work on to make it permanent. What is eighty million when you can be Mrs. Bianchi until your last breath?" Maria liked the plan and asked. "Do you think I can do this?"

"Of course, but you better not bring your medical condition up. You are perfectly alright, Maria. And, you better work to impress his grandparents. They sound like wonderful people if he loves them a lot."

"I hope so," Maria said but Daphne was quick to interrupt.

"Why don't I buy something to impress too? No way, I am going to look like I don't have a partner."

"Well, for that you will have to ask Maria."

"Of course, I will need someone. There are going to be a lot of bags."

"Come on, don't tease her. Why don't you two go and have a perfect weekend." Maria knew she couldn't avoid Daphne and remained with manners. But she couldn't wait for the day she would be out of there and could shop only for herself alone. 

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