A Chimeras Weakness

By MClark608

2.6K 25 0

Just a thiam fan fic where Theo's evil and Liam's good but he's also Theo's biggest weakness. So when Liam ge... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 6

129 2 0
By MClark608

Theo walked up behind Liam's chair, grabbing his shoulders and spinning the chair to face him.

"It's not weird. It's cute." Theo lifted Liam's head to look at him. "The first day, really? That long?" Theo questioned. Liam nodded. "Yes." His voice hushed.

"You were mine ever since I laid eyes on you. It was just a matter of time." Theo said in a possessive tone.

"Oh really? And what if I rejected you? What would you have done?" Liam's voice was innocent with a hint of flirt mixed in it.

"I would have made you see just how much you needed me." A smirk was clearly displayed on Theo's face.

"Do I need you, though? I mean, I was doing pretty good before you. What makes you think I need you?" Liam lent closer to Theo. 

"Oh Liam, you wouldn't survive without me, babe" Theo's voice was low and Liam could feel his breath brushing over his skin.

Liam stood from his chair. "See, see, I think you're the one that needs me. Where would you be if I wasn't here?"

"Oh, is that what you think? That I can live without you, really?" Theo stepped closer to the shorter boy.

"Yeah, that's what I think. I think without me, you would be a lost little puppy." Liam slowly moved forward, pushing Theo to sit on the edge of his bed.

Theo sat on the bed and looked up at his beautiful beta, grabbing his waist and pulling him closer. "I think without you, I would be dead. I wouldn't have any reason to live, anything to live for." Theo voice was soft and loving.

"Well, if that's the case, I'm glad we met. I don't think my life would be as happy and filled with love as it is now if I hadn't met you." Liam lent down and softly kissed Theo, showing him how much he really ment to him. 

The boys were sharing a beautiful moment when they heard stiles groaning in the next room. They shared a warm smile as they went to see how the human was doing.

"Stiles? Hey dude, are you okay." Liam said as he opened the door to see his friend bent over the bath, holding his head.

"Liam? What are you doing here?" Stiles asked groggily and confused.

"It's my house. Am I not allowed to be here?" Liam jokingly said.

Stiles groaned again, trying to get out of the bath tub, stumbling to the toilet. "Ugh, I feel like death." Stiles knelt down next to the toilet. "Death has more colour." Theo joked.

"Theo? What are-" Stiles couldn't keep it down any more, and threw up what seemed to be everything he had last night. Theo knelt down next to the human while he was getting it all up and gently rubbed circles on his back, calming Stiles slightly. Seeing Theo taking care of stiles made Liam smile at how much Theo had changed in the past year. 

Maybe there's a chance they can change. Liam though. Maybe there really was a chance the pack could change the way they thought about Theo. He isn't all bad, he's just misunderstood.  

After Stiles had finished throwing up, Theo and Liam helped tidy him up and took him to the guest room so that he could try to sleep off his hangover. The boys settled Stiles into bed and went downstairs to make breakfast.

"I'll work on food you do the coffees, yeah?" Theo offered as they made their way to the kitchen. When they got there, they stepped over Malia and Kira and went to do their individual tasks. 

While the boys were making the breakfast in the living room, the pack was all slowly starting to wake up. Hearing the groans on the pack, Liam walked out to the dinning table and started laying out plates full of beacon, eggs, hash browns and toast. The pack slowly started to flood in and taking their seats, Malia and Kira had already left the kitchen and sleepily mode their way to the rest of the pack who were already starting to plate up their own food. Liam went back into the kitchen, seeing Theo finishing off some sausages as he grabbed the coffee pot and a jug of orange. Theo plated the sausages.

"I think I'm going to leave, you go eat with your pack, I'll get my stuff, and I'll come round later when everyone's gone." Theo places the plate down and began to wash the dishes he'd used.

"You're not leaving, you can't." Liam looked sad, he put the coffee and juice down and wrapped his arms around Theo waist as the chimera continued cleaning.

"I just don't want to ruin anything. They already hate me, I'll be weird if I'm in there with them knowing they don't want me there." Theo sounded nervous and scared.

Liam turned Theo around, holding his face with his hands. "Whatever happens, I want you there. I want you with me everywhere I go, all the time. Plus, if anyone says anything, ill just beat them up." Liam grabbed the coffee and juice and started walking out when he was gently pulled back into a hug by Theo.

"I love you, my little wolf." Theo mumbled into Liam's neck. "I love you too, my gorgeous chimera." Liam replied, kissing the side of Theo head before the two walked out and went to eat breakfast with the others. 

The breakfast was awkward at first when Theo first sat down, but after Stiles came down and sat next to him and started talking like the chatterbox he is, everyone eventually went back to usual.

Stiles was the first to make conversation with Theo. "By the way, thanks for earlier, it really helped." Stiles thanks was real, which made Theo happy inside, he always felt bad for betraying him. 

Eventually, the pack was stuck in a debate about whether it would be better to have wings or claws. You wouldn't think it, but the debate was pretty heated. Half were on the side that thought wing were better, and the rest were on the side that thought claws were better. 

Liam and Theo sat back and just watched the chaos unravel. Some of the pack were now standing shouting how their side was better, as for the humans of the pack, they were covering their ears from the noise because they couldn't heal themselves like the rest.

Everything's perfect. Liam thought as he watched the pack bicker over something petty. Theo caught Liam staring at him, not so sneakily. "You okay there, little wolf? Can't keep your eyes off me, huh?" Theo teased with a smile. 

"No, just you have a little-" Liam wiped some barbecue sauce on Theo's cheek. "-something right there." Liam burst into a fit of laughter.

"Oh no, you did not just do that. Well, you know, I think I can see some egg in your hair." Theo grabbed a handful of scrambled egg as dropped it over Liam's head.

Liam's jaw dropped. "You didn't just drop egg in my hair. Tell me you didn't just drop scrambled egg in my hair." Liam's voice raise more than usual, causing the whole pack to look over at an egg covered beta. The entire pack started laughing, so Liam grabbed a handful of egg and threw it across the table at Scott, which only caused the pack to laugh harder. Eventually the pack started having a food fight and everyone was covered in some sort of breakfast food. 

After everyone helped Liam and Theo tidy up, they all took turns showering and changing. Theo and Liam went up to Liam's room to shower and change. "You want to shower first or not?" Liam asked as he went through his clothes and picked out what he thought might fit Theo. "I'll go first if that's okay, or we could shower together." Theo offered, taking off his food covered shirt. Liam's face reddened as he turned around to a shirtless Theo. "What? Wait, what?" Liam was too stunned to speak. "Do you want to take a shower with me." Theo said slowly, moving closer to Liam, which didn't stop his heart from trying to jump out of his chest. "You do know I can hear your heart, right?" Theo whispered into Liam's ear, not helping him at all. "Okay, let's go." Liam said, pulling his shirt off and starting to undo his jeans and making his way to the bathroom, closely followed by a smiling Theo. 

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