Chained Soldier: Level up

By kingkaizo54

8.4K 363 119

In the year 2020, the concept of Gender Equality shifted with the appearance of a dimension called Mato. Righ... More

Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine

Chapter one

1K 41 11
By kingkaizo54

Currently, Shigeo sees a Shuuki walking towards him. Shigeo just stands there in annoyance.

Shigeo: You have to be fucking kidding me...!

The Shuuki suddenly lunges towards him at full speed, but he dogeds and flips away to a wall.

Shigeo's thoughts: My body...My body feels light!

Shigeo lands back on his feet as the Shuuki again lunged at him but dodged at the last second.

Shigeo's thoughts: I cant keep dodging it forever I need to find an opening!

Shigeo then jumps behind the Shuuki as he clenches his fist for a punch.

Shigeo: Now!

Shigeo used all his strength as he punched the Shuuki right in the face as it was sent flying back into the wall.

Shigeo: What? How did I...?

He then saw The Shuuki getting right back up with barely any damage on it, Shigeo tried to go for another punch but was blocked as he was then kicked in the gut, coughing out blood.

Shigeo: ACK!

The Shuuki then threw Shigeo back a little as he got back up holding his stomach in pain.

Shigeo's thoughts: Damn it! I can't win like this, I'm not strong enough! If only I had something to defend myself with! Like a weapon... Wait... This thing must have an inventory!

Shigeo: Inventory!!!

In seconds, an inventory screen pops up. Shigeo looks at what he can use and sees a sword icon, he then shoves his hand in the screen and pulls out a sword.

He then grips the sword as he lunges at the Shuuki and slashes it head off, finally killing it.

[ You have defeated a Shuuki. You have leveled up!]

Shigeo takes a deep breath as he looks at the sword.

Shigeo: When did I have this? Maybe it's like a beginning equipment?

Just then, he heard another pair of footsteps from the shadows as two more Shuuki appeared.

Shigeo: Since I have a weapon now...I'm not afraid anymore!

He tried to pick up the sword but it was stuck to the ground.

Shigeo: What!? Are you kidding me!? Why can't I pull it out!?

The two Shuuki rushed at him and were ready to kill him, but with an enraged scream, Shigeo pulled out the sword and slashed one of them while the other caught it with its hand.

Shigeo: Damn, these things do have tight grips! But even so... I'm not dying here!

Shigeo slid under and slashed right through the Shuuki's arm and body cutting it into two halves, as more and more Shuuki appeared 

Shigeo: Now that I think about it, you to the first three Shuuki. *Grins* You look weak.


After killing more Shuuki, Shigeo took a break and learned that the mysterious screen was some sort of system. Like the one in video games, he also learned that when killing Shuuki he could level up and also buy and sell equipment, but his level wasn't high enough.

Shigeo: Damn, I leveled up a good amount, but the level requirement for buying these items is pretty damn high.  But back to important matters...How am I gonna find a way out?

Shigeo turned to the darkness as a giant group of Shuuki walked towards him, ready to kill Shigeo with no mercy.

Shigeo: Looks like I can level up some more.

Shigeo smirked as he picked up his sword and dashed at Shuuki's and began slashing at them one by one, with more surrounding him but stood his ground.

Shigeo: You fuckers better not die so easily, or you'll be sorry!

As Shigeo kept slashing at the SHuuki, his speed increased as he was getting faster and faster with each swing.

SHigeo's thoughts No matter what, I will not ever go back to my old ways!

[You have leveled up]

Shigeo's thought: Because now I realize!

[You have leveled up!]

Shigeo's thoughts: If i were to give up here, I'd get killed!

[You have leveled up] 

Shigeo's thoughts: If I die here, then I'll never fulfill the promise I had made!

As more Shuuki's appeared, Shigeo rushed at them with  his sword and a scream of determination

Shigeo's thoughts: If I can become stronger...


[You have leveled up!]

Shigeo killed the last SHuuki of the group, he then stabbed his sword on the ground for a breath. But that wouldn't last long as he turned his head and saw another wave of Shuuki waiting for him, Shigeo just smirked as he readied his sword for battle.

[ You have earned[ Title: Shuuki Slayer]


Shigeo: *Huff* Puff*!

Shigeo leaned on his sword as blue electric sparks appeared around him before disappearing, as Shigeo looked around and saw no more Shuuki coming at him. He then looked at his current stats and as that he was now level 15 and earned a title.

[ Title: Shuuki Slayer, a title given to a fighter that hunts Shuuki, 40%  increased experience against any type of Shuuki]

Shigeo: Looks like that's the last of them, for now at least. Damn, my blade is getting dull, it won't last much longer.

As he was looking at his stats, he noticed that he had gotten a new skill when he reached level 15.

[ Origin skill: A skill that uses a magical element and turns into a style of combat, unlocked Thunder, Wind: Locked, Water: Locked, Earth: Locked, Flame: Locked]

Shigeo: Origin skill, I can use it with my sword. But I guess I have to reach a certain level to unlock the others.

Shigeo then closes his inventory as he picks up his sword looks around and sees a tunnel.

Shigeo: I have no choice but to move forward.

Shigeo then began walking towards the tunnel as it was only way that he might get out of this hell hole of a place, he kept running into Shuuki as he killed every single one that crossed his path, as he continued on he noticed how to determine their strengths. Shuuki's with white names are weak, ones with orange names were strong, and ones with Red are the strongest.

Shigeo: How fucking long is this tunnel!?

As Shigeo kept going forward he felt a very strong presence that was ahead.

Shigeo: Holy crap....that just gave me goosebumps.

Shigeo then looked at his right hand as it was shaking a bit before he curled his hand into a fist.

Shigeo: I can't be acting like a coward right now, I have to keep going!

Shigeo then walked towards the strong presence, he followed it until it stopped at a wet swamp-like area.

Shigeo: When did Mato have a place like this? 

Shigeo looked around until suddenly, he saw something move in the water at incredible speeds right in his direction.

Shigeo: What the!?

Then a tail came out of nowhere and Shigeo blocked the attack with his sword , but was sent flying into a wall. As he got back up, he saw his sword was now broken.

Shigeo: My Sword...!?

Out of the smoke, the monster revealed its self to Shigeo

Shigeo: I thought I leveled up quite a bit...But your name is orange, which means you're the boss of this place, huh?

The monster standing before him was a giant blue serpent with thick scales and glowing orange eyes looking down at him. 

[Swamp's Ruler, Blue Posion Fangs Rasaka]

Shigeo's thoughts: A sword won't pierce those scales, and punches won't have any effect on it either.

Without warning, Rasaka charged at Shigeo, who dodged while trying to find a way to get past the scales.

Shigeo's thoughts: I need a super fast attack with some weight on it! But what is this thing's weakness, and how !?

Shigeo dashes at Rasak as he tries to slash it with his broken sword but doesn't even make a dent, Rasaka then smaller its tail at him but Shigeo blocks the attack.

SHigeo's thoughts: Not even a scratch!?

[ Activate Origin skill: Thunder]

Shigeo ran up to Rasaka's head and activated his origin skill, Lightning covered his blade as he thrust his blade into Raskaka's head but was quickly slammed into the wall by Rasakas tail.

Shigeo: ACK!! 

Shigeo coughed out blood as he was then thrown into the water, Shigeo looked around in the water and saw that Rasaka was coming at him at full speed, he barely dodged it and jumped out of the water.

Shigeo: Damn it! Damn it! Damnit! How the hell can I beat this thing, How much stronger do I need to get!?

Rasaka then dashed out of the water and its tail grabbed Shigeo and began to drag him through the ground and through him deeper into the wall as he gushed out blood.


Shigeo falls to the ground face first as he begins to lose his vision.

Shigeo: Fuck... Why....Why do live in a world where I'm just weak...

As Rasaka began getting closer and closer to Shigeo, he then thought back to the conversation he had with the man many years ago.

Shigeo's thoughts: No... I can't give up now, Not when I came this far.

Shigeo stood up and looked at Rasaka as his eyes glowed blue with determination.

Shigeo: I swear it... I'll get stronger if it's the last thing I do. 

Rasaka charged its fangs towards Shiggeo, he dodged and slammed his blade into the scales as he swept off his feet and into the air.

Shigeo: Tsk!

Shigeo hung on for dear life as he unstuck his blade and tried digging his blade into the scales, he then ducked from Rasaka's fangs. He then ran up Rasakas neck and jumped up into the air.

Shigeo's thoughts: this is it!

As a destruction, Shigeo slashed at the side of Rasaka's scales to make it bite in that direction, it then noticed that Shigeo wasn't there as it saw him hanging on its neck for dear life.

Shigeo's thoughts: I'll put all of my ability points into strength!

Shigeo then gripped the serpent's neck tightly as he broke some of the scales, in a desperate situation, Rasaka went berserk and slammed Shigeo into walls all around the tunnel in an attempt to shake him off.

Shigeo: With the power I have!

As Rasaka continues to slam Shigeo through walls, his head gets slammed as blood pours on his face. He then tightens his grip as Rasakas neck begins gushing out blood.

Shigeo: With the power I have, I know I can kill you right here and now!!!

    Shigeo: ARHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!


Shigeo finally crushed the serpent's neck all the blood gushed out of it, as it fell to the ground. As the smoke cleared Shigeo was sitting down and leaning on Rasaka's lifeless corpse as he took a breather and began to laugh.

Shigeo: Heh...Hahahaha. Holy shit...

Shigeo then looked up and saw that he got a notification.

[You have defeated the dungeon boss.]

Shigeo: So this was a dungeon, huh?

Shigeo looked around and a smile formed on his mouth as he began to close his eyes.

Shigeo: Haha...Hahaha. I guess, I really did get a bit 



Currently, in a room, Shigeo opens his eyes and sees that he's in a room. He then looks at his arm and sees that he's bandaged up all around his body.

Shigeo: Were am I ?

??? and ???: Shigeo !!!

Shigeo heard two voices next to him, he turned his head and saw that it was Yuuki and Maki with shocked expressions on their faces, before Shigeo could say anything the two ran up to him and hugged him.

Maki: You fucking idiot, do you know how worried we were!?

Yuuki: You son of a bitch, I never thought you wake up!!!

Shigeo could only smile as he hugged the two back, after a while they broke the hug as Shigeo stood up from his bed.

Shigeo: Its great to see you guys but can anyone tell me where we are?

Yuuki: Its-

???: Your new workplace.

Shigeo then saw a woman with silver hair, pink eyes, and two chunks, she was wearing a black military uniform.

Shigeo: Uh, sorry but who are you?

???: My apologies, My name is Kyouka Uzen, Chief of the Anit-Demon Corps 7th unit. 

 Shigeo's thoughts: The Anit-Demon Corps, I've heard about them before...

Shigeo then walks over to her and raises his hand for a handshake, which he does.

Shigeo: I'm Shigeo Mizushino. Thanks for allowing me to rest in this place.

Kyouka: No problem. Come outside and meet your comrades.

Shigeo: Ok...?

The four then walk outside and see three girls waiting in the living room.

???: Urgh, it really is another man, And why is one in bandages?

???: I'm from an all-girls high school, so I never had a chance at a man let alone two, this is gonna be fun.

???: P-Please treat us well, other Caretaker!

Shigeo: Caretaker?

Kyouka: Since we really can't send you home until we find out how you got badly hurt, along with that giant dead serpent we found you knocked out on.

Yuuki: Also since men can't join the Anti-Demon Corps, but it won't be all that bad though since  Zenin will be with us, right?

Kyouka: Actually, she will be joining the Anti-Demon Corps as a new recruit, since she is a woman after all.

Shigeo:...-_-...You fucking had to say it, Yuuki.

Kyouka: Now then...

Kyouka threw some new clothes at Shigeo as she looked at him with a smile.

Kyouka: I'm happy to officially welcome you to the 7th Unit's dormitory, Shigeo Mizushino.

Shigeo nodded his head as he looked around at the place before looking at the clothes.

Shigeo's thoughts: If I'm going to stay in this place for the time being,

I have to keep leveling up!

To be continued

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