The Web That Connects All (Yo...

By Shainessy

340 7 1

The son of Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne aka: Batman but the kid doesn't know it. His name is Daniel, he lives... More

Happy New Year!
Party For Chaos

Orion-Spider VS Electro

77 3 1
By Shainessy

Orion-Spider P.O.V

Our fist's collide causing a shockwave pushing each other, I crash into a wall and Electro falls to the ground leaving a crater but soon gets up and floats in the air and blasts electricity at me but thanks to my spider sense I dodge.

Orion-Spider: Everyone get out of here, Now!!!

As everyone leaves I can finally let loose. Electro fires a blast of electricity but Spider-Man swings off the post before the power causes the light bulb to explode.

Electro: So much power, so much electricity, so much I could do-

I web his mouth making him shut up.

Orion-Spider: Hey don't get any funny ideas buddy.

I charge at him with my bare fists but I got electrocuted and flew all the way to a building. My hands were bloody with my gloves destroyed.

Orion-Spider: That's gonna leave a mark...

I say tired but get up to see Electro flying away heading to the city.

Orion-Spider: can't let him get away...

I swing after him.



Electro was surrounded by police and saw his face on every billboard being able to look at his face.

Police#1: Stand Down!

Electro: NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!

Electro unleashes all of his electricity pushing back the cop and leaving them paralyzed making the civilians run away.

Electro: I have never felt like I had power before... I can whatever I want now... I'm free... I'M FINALLY FREEEEE!!!

(This vid explains the fight but if you want to read my trash writing that's up to you and Gwen isn't there just you and Electro)

Unleashing more power blasting everything while absorbing all of the citie's power, causing a power outage all over the city. Electro was causing havoc around the city destroying buildings.

I arrive and see a large glowing building releasing electricity.

I land on a water tank looking at the building in shock.

Electro: Don't you see it now Orion-Spider... It's time to meet our... DESTINY!!!

He says from the building leaving only echo's with each word he says. I chase after Electro. I land on a building looking for the source of power for the city.

Electro: I will take back what is rightfully mine. They will see me more of a God than a coward. I will be like a GOD to them...!

Orion-Spider: Let me guess your godly name...Oh I got one! A God Named SPARKLES! Isn't that catchy!

Electro shoots a blast of lighting to me and I dodge soon landed on a water tanks and aimed it at Electro but Sparkles fights back shooting off his lighting making sure he doesn't get hit.

While he was distracted I come from behind and kick him from the back and dodge every attack he throws at me. I was in the air,  then I web falling debris, turn and throw it at Electro causing massive damage. I web two pillars and throw myself at Electro but Electro was on top of me holding me down.

Orion-Spider: If you're ready to give up just say so!

Electro decides to do this.

I looks like it hurts but I didn't feel a thing.

Orion-Spider: Ugh you breathe... This says something about you and girls!

I push him off me and use my webs to throw him into the ground but it gives an electric shockwave throwing me back into a rock knocking me out but soon get's up in pain.

Orion-Spider: C'mon Spidey *Pants* Shake it off *Pants* It's just your bones, muscles, and organs.

I shake my head to wake me up. I turn to see electricity in a electric pillar kind of making a rhythm and soon punching square in the face pushing me back.

Orion-Spider: W-What the! (My spider sense are off-!)

Electro transfers into another pillar AND PUNCHES ME AGAIN.

Orion-Spider: Oh I know this song! It's the "Itsy Bitsy Spider"! I loved this song!

I get hit again by Electro AGAIN!

Orion-Spider: I hate this song NOW!!!

Electro with the beat of "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and keeps on hitting me left, right, center, everywhere I look he is there to hit me. Soon a shockwave of electricity throws me up in the air just for me to get hit again up in the air. I try using a web to swing away but Electro catches me and holds in the air and electrocute me, Electro is soon hit by a cop Car as I fall down onto the ground.

As Robin Aka Tim Drake comew out of the Cop car

Robin: Heard you could use some help.

Robin help Orion-Spider up.

Orion-Spider: Thanks...

Robin: I have a idea.

Orion-Spider: What is it? I'm all ears.

Robin: Since lighting guy-

Orion-Spider: Electro! Came up with it an hour ago!

Robin: Electro is electric like a battery. What happens if you overcharge a battery?

Orion-Spider: It explodes...

Robin: Right.

Orion-Spider: So we can use that power against him! That makes a lot more sense!

Robin: I will reset the system while-!

Orion-Spider: I can try reconnect the power lines and I will give you the signal to turn it on, no matter what!

Robin: yeh no matter what! Let's do this!

Electro wakes up angered and looks at Orion-Spider and soon charges at him.

Orion-Spider: Go, Go!

I look at Electro ready to fight and my Bio-Electricity activates. I dodge each a attack Electro throws at me while using my gliding wings to give me a better advantage.

Swinging elegantly and running through falling debris. Robin find the main room and looks around to discover the Master reset button and breaks the glass protecting it. Electro and I were fighting and deal some decent and blows and Electro kept on missing me.

I use my gliders to fly around to make it easier for me not too get hit.

I land and put my webs around a few pillars and I held on too those webs for my dear life as Electro uses his full power and blast an electric energy blast. I scream in pain and Electro was smiling in satisfaction. Robin from the main room looks at me in worry. I connects all my webs together as my body began to slowly giving off an electric blue, orange color it seemed I absorbed all of Electro's power, slowly but surely.

Orion-Spider: NOW, ROBIN! DO.. IT...NOW!!!

As Robin pulled on the switch as a orange electric beam shot back at Sparkles seeming too much for our lightning villain. All the power from New York City came back on. Electro's body and mind was being overloaded with power and was thrown back a large distance into the rubble. I see Robin falling so I swing to him and save him.

Orion-Spider: Don't worry pal I got you!

I put Robin on the floor gently and I swing my way to Electro and Robin follows from behind. I find him on the ground breathing heavily and I run to him and get on one knee.

Orion-Spider: Hey buddy! Hey c'mon hang on I'm gonna find a way to cure you, alright!? C'mon please stay with me! I'm not failing you! I will save you!

Electro: I am sorry...I let the power get to my head... I hurt people who didn't deserve it... I even killed somebody... I deserve death...

Orion-Spider: No, no, no, NO! Let me help you! We can get better together.

Electro: How would you know how it feels like to be me...?

Orion-Spider: I should now *Removes Mask* I am the only one who understands.

Electro: I never had a good life... But you did... I don't want you to ruin it because of me... please as my final wish... help people that are like me and be their hero that they need *Tears start to fall*

Orion-Spider: I-I'm sorry I didn't help you when you needed it...*Tears begin to fall out* I'm so sorry...

Electro: It's okay... Electro is dead! Max will live on... Sorry for ruining the suit.

Orion-Spider: Hey don't worry about me... close your eyes and think of your happy place, alright?

Max: This feels so much comforting knowing I passed away in someone's arms who relates to me...

Max stops breathing and I feel his body get colder and colder. I cry and kept apologizing over and over again.

Orion-Spider: NOOOOOOOOO!!!

I scream in pain and in sadness having to live with the guilt of failing to save someone for the rest of my life as Max's body disappears into a glowing light leaving nothing left.


Time Skip

It has been a few weeks now I had to tell his family the news, needed to tell Mark why I left had to hide a few injuries from my Aunt (Which was very hard), and I can't forget the day Electro, I mean Max's death and with a damaged suit, I couldn't really go out as Spidey so between those days I have been healing and coming up with a new suit idea and it's finally done ready for action. I look out my window still mourning my friend Max but I look forward and smile, wear my suit and put that mask and jump out the window and swing out as my usual Spidey self!

I'm a bit rusty but still pretty good at web swinging. I look down at my city in warmth and comfort as I soon glide but without falcon wings this time

As I stop crime, protect the innocent and make fun of that Australian dude on the news and as my silhouette figure lands on the side of a building soon it shows the new suit... The Daniel Kyle's original!

(I know some of ya'll are tired of seeing the same colored suits every time so I am giving you the decision to chose colors that would make the suit more unique or better)

I leap the building swinging again looking at the readers and winking.

And do a sick pose while doing it!

I felt like I was in a comic book for a second... anyway that is just the start of my journey but I have a feeling it'll be more exciting than the last. Rest In Peace Max I will miss you.

A lightbulb flashed a blue color as the screen goes black


In space

A meteorite was falling on to the Earth

As it was traveling fast to the Earth's surface.

The meteorite crashes down as it cracks open.

And a black alien symbiote oozes out showing a black liquid hand reaching out

And it only words it spoke was



Quote of the day:

"Do the best you can."

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