Yandere Tales (Male Reader)

By MrTainaka

44.3K 633 396

A story book of some of my Yandere stories. Won't contain too much or too explicit content. For Male Readers ... More

Yandere Empress (Vera)
Yandere Mercenary (Voronova) EYM
Yandere Mercenary Ch.2 (Voronova) EYM
Yandere v. Yandere (Amelia & Carla)
Yandere Classmate (Haley)
Yandere Teacher (Rose)
Yandere Coworker (Mary)
Russian Girl (Arina)
Yandere Bully (Mara) Slight Lemon
Yandere Amazon Lemon
Mean Yandere Maid (Lily)
Yandere Bully Ch.2 (Mara) Slight Lemon
Yandere Knight (Erika) Lemon
Five Yanderes Ch.1 EYM
Yandere Daughter (Grace)
Saved Yandere Fallout 4 Ch. 1 (Avery)
Five Yanderes Ch. 2 EYM
Saved Yandere Fallout 4 Ch. 2 (Avery)
Yandere Wolf Girls Lemon
Evil Yandere Queen (Alice)
Yandere Mafia Boss (Scarlette)
Abusive Yandere Wife (Ren) Slight Lemon
Yandere Vampire Hunter (Nora)
Yandere Cop (Merci)

Yandere Singer (Kaylee) Lemon EYM

2K 37 51
By MrTainaka

It was a bright Saturday day as Y/n got done ordering his favorite cup of coffee from his favorite cafe downtown in Y/n's home city, Gravehills. Despite the name having the 'Grave' in its name, Gravehills is one of the safest cities in the state.

"Alright, see you later, Kim!" Y/n shouted to the cafe barista as he made his way out the door of the cafe. With his Coffee in hand, Y/n was on his way back to his college. While walking, Y/n suddenly sees sitting in an alleyway a woman against the wall, holding her knees. Y/n then walks up slowly.

"Excuse me..." He spoke softly. The woman looked up and revealed her bright, but red from crying, green eyes. She had long brown hair that ran down to the halfway point of her back.

"What?" She sniffled, still holding her knees while Y/n kneeled to her.

"Are you okay?" He asked. The girl then wiped her eyes before sniffling once more.

"Not really..." Y/n then sits next to her on the ground, against the wall.

"What's wrong?" The girl then started to rant about how she was a famous singer and how she ran away from shooting a video as it overwhelmed her and stressed her out. Y/n nods his head as he takes all this information in.

After getting done talking about all her problems, the girl rested her head on her knees and sighed. Not knowing what to do or what to say, Y/n tries to think of some way to cheer up the girl.

"Here you go," Y/n spoke as he held his coffee up to the girl's vision. She looked at the cup of coffee before looking over at Y/n before glancing back at the coffee. She takes the coffee and takes a sip.

"Thanks," she thanked in a soft voice. Y/n nodded as he looked on at the other side of the alley which was just the side of another building. Y/n then got up and dusted himself off.

"I hope things get better for you," Y/n said, looking back at the girl. She looked up at him while she still held the coffee in hand that Y/n had just given her. Y/n then turns and begins walking but is grabbed by the hand of the girl.

"Wait." Y/n looks back and sees the girl slowly getting up on her feet. "Could we possibly get some more coffee together?" She then asked. Y/n looks down and thinks about it for a bit. He looked back up at the girl and saw her lips tremble while she still had a firm grip on Y/n's hand. Seeing her pleading face and having nothing else to do as it was the weekend, Y/n agrees. The girl smiles happily as her gloomy and depressed look from before completely disappears.

"Thank you so much!!" She squealed. Y/n chuckles seeing the girl jump in excitement. She then stops and gasps, covering her mouth. "I almost forgot. What's your name?"

"Y/n." The girl, still with Y/n's hand in hers, looks down mumbling to herself.

"Y/n... Y/n..."

"And your name is..." the girl then shoots up and looks at Y/n with a smile on her face.

"My name is Kaylee." She then squeezes Y/n's hand a little. He nods slightly with a slight smile and the two start walking. While they walked, Kaylee talked without stopping while Y/n listened not minding at all but still feeling a little flustered by the fact Kaylee still held onto his hand.

While Y/n was dragged everywhere by the girl, the more he noticed people started to follow him. Kaylee also noticed and started to get annoyed gripping Y/n's hand tighter. After getting tired of it, Kaylee starts running away dragging Y/n along with her.

Running for a while, the two finally lost the crowd that had formed. But soon they could be heard once more. So then Kaylee, still holding Y/n by the hand, runs towards a nearby mall. Running inside, the two rush over to a photo booth and rush inside. Kaylee and Y/n both stood facing each other while inside the booth as they listened to the group of people right outside looking and discussing where they could have gone.

Then the sounds of the talking soon started to fade more until it was completely gone.

"I think they're gone now," Y/n says, moving to get out. Kaylee then grabs onto his arm, keeping him in place.

"Hold on," Kaylee spoke as she looked into Y/n's eyes. confused, Y/n glanced at Kaylee who was still in a daze while looking at him. Then all of a sudden, Kaylee pushes Y/n against the wall of the photo booth and wraps her arms around his neck while she makes out with his lips. Y/n is taken by surprise and pushes away.

"What are you doing?" He asked, leaning his head away.

"What's the matter?" Kaylee questioned. Y/n wiped his lips and looked at Kaylee weirdly.

"You just started kissing me."

"So what?" After hearing this, Y/n lightly pushed Kaylee who was leaning on him, away and walked out of the photo booth. Y/n strode away from the photo booth and out of the mall. Kaylee looked out the booth, looking on at Y/n as he walked out of the mall. After watching him disappear around the corner, Kaylee sighed as she leaned against the booth with dreamy eyes.

Walking home, Y/n continues to wipe his mouth while thinking back to why Kaylee suddenly started to kiss him. He does feel bad a little but pushes that thought in the back of his mind and continues on home.

It's been a couple of weeks since then. Y/n hasn't seen nor heard from Kaylee and soon he begins to forget until one day he sees, from one of his friend's phone, Kaylee's face, reminding him of her.

That night, Y/n laid in his bed, thinking about Kaylee and where she was. Wondering if she went back to her work as a famous singer. That's when he gets up and walks over to his computer. Once he turned it on he searched Kaylee's name and there she was. She had a huge following and had many successful pieces of music.

He clicks on one and sits back, listening to the song. It takes a moment before the instrumental intro ends and Kaylee's voice could be heard. Her soft and angelic voice filled Y/n's headphones. He sits back and appreciates the song and her voice. Despite her weird freakout that one afternoon, she did have a good voice.

However, he sits up and rewinds the song a little to something that catches his ears. He clicks a few seconds back and listens more attentively. He stands back as he hears his name being sung over and over by Kaylee. She sang with her heart, expressing her love and devotion to Y/n.

It would have been endearing if it wasn't for Kaylee singing about what she was also going to do to him in a very dirty and filthy way. Things such as kidnapping to some extreme BDSM, all the way down to straight-up rape. Y/n sat back on his chair as he continued listening to the rest of the song, wondering why and how did they allow this to be put out.

After listening to three more songs and they all still talking about him, Y/n just takes off his headphones and climbs back into bed. While lying with his eyes closed, the echoes of Kaylee's music kept ringing in his ears. The vulgarity of the things she sang about in her songs stunned and amazed Y/n at how she was able to release them at all. It took a little bit but Y/n finally managed to fall asleep.

The next couple of weeks went by with no other incident until one day when Y/n got up and got ready for his usual day and exited his room where he found multiple of his other dorm mates crowding his door and space.

"How did you do it?"

"When did you and Kaylee start going out?

"Who got you two together, man?" The questions the others bombarded Y/n with. Y/n struggled to push past everyone. Confused and a little annoyed Y/n snapped a little

"What are you talking about?" He questioned. Then one of the boys held up their phone to Y/n's face. There, displayed on the phone screen, was the newest album from Kaylee. The album is called, "Baby" and what caught everyone's attention was the cover art being the image of Y/n walking down a sidewalk next to the college campus.

Y/n stands there shocked, not knowing what to do as the crowd of boys erupts back into loud chatter. Y/n shakes his head and pushes by everyone and towards the door. Eventually making it out of his dormitory, Y/n quickly rushes toward class. It didn't take long until Y/n was soon surrounded by more students once again. To class, Y/n was bombarded with questions and even was asked for autographs, instilling why he would never want to be famous.

Finally getting to class he got some breathing air. The room was quiet but Y/n could still hear the whispers and murmurs around the class. That day class was longer than usual. Eventually, it came to an end. Y/n rubs his face as he prepares to step foot outside again.

With one big inhale and exhale, Y/n stands up and makes his way towards the door. Opening it, Y/n is met by only three or four students unlike before. The large crowd from before has disbursed. He wasn't complaining though and took this opportunity to run back towards his dorm. He makes it back. Hanging his bag over his bedpost, he walks over to his bed and collapses onto it. Without meaning to, Y/n falls right asleep.

A couple of hours later Y/n wakes up. The sun was down and the room was cold. He sits up from his bed and looks around the room. From the light of the lap, Y/n sees his phone sitting on his nightstand. He grabs it and checks the time. "9:48 pm," the time read. Setting his phone back down, he gets up from his bed and walks into his bathroom to wash his face.

As Y/n sat back on his bed, he suddenly began to get notification after notification from his phone by old "friends" and family, asking about his and Kaylee's relationship. Since the day Kaylee released her single about Y/n, he's been getting non-stop attention all over the media.

Being overwhelmed by his unwanted popularity Y/n turns off his phone and lays back down onto his bed, resting his arm on his eyes. Unexpectedly the knocking on his door jolts Y/n up on his bed. He gets up and walks over to the door. He prepares himself and turns the doorknob, pulling his door open.

Upon seeing who was knocking on the door, he gasped a little. Her long brown hair ran to her lower back and her green Peridot eyes were accompanied by her sweet loving smile.

"Hey, there, 'Baby'," Kaylee spoke softly with a smile growing on her face. Wearing a zip-up hoodie with a black mini skirt.

"What are you doing? Why are you here?" Kaylee doesn't respond and pushes Y/n back into his room, ignoring his questions. Kaylee kicks the door close and looks back at him.

"You should get on that bed now."

"W-what...?" Kaylee walks to the window and closes his curtains. Y/n gulps when he sees Kaylee's eyes filled with hunger and lust.

"Now, Babe," Kaylee repeated, with a more stern and annoyed tone while showing off a knife she was holding behind her back. Y/n nodded and reluctantly walked back to his bed and laid back on it. Kaylee follows and climbs onto the bed as well, getting on top of Y/n. His breaths hitched as the sweat forming on his forehead slowly slid down his face. Kaylee's thighs wrapped around his waist, straddling him.

"How did you find where I was?" Y/n stuttered.

"Well I knew where you went to school, all I needed to know was where you lived. So after asking around, I found out that you lived in the dorms here," she explains, adjusting herself on Y/n. "After that, I went to the dorm's adviser. Asked him which room you were in. He wasn't willing to give away information like that, but after I slipped him a check of hundred thousand," Kaylee giggles. "He was more than willing to tell me."

Y/n shakes his head, not wanting to believe what was happening. How did the girl he found all those weeks ago, crying in an alley, become this psychopath sitting on top of him? Y/n then gets a rush of determination. Kaylee also sees this, through his eyes, and pins his wrists on the bed.

"Don't even think about it, babe," Kaylee warns. Y/n doesn't listen and tries to shake Kaylee off of him. Kaylee sighs with frustration and grabs Y/n's hand. Y/n then cried out for a moment as Kaylee swiped the knife she was holding across his inner hand, cutting it. With his hand bleeding blood all over his bed, Y/n breathes heavily from the pain.

'I warned you, babe." Kaylee then moved his wrist back up above his head along with his other. With Y/n done fighting and his wrists restrained Kaylee leans down and begins making out his lips. Running her tongue in and out of his mouth vigorously. Y/n has no other choice but to endure it out of fear of being cut again.

Pulling away with strings of their saliva still connected between their mouths, Kaylee sits up and eagerly unzips her jacket followed by removing her shirt and soon pants, revealing her maroon lingerie.

"Tonight, you're going to make me scream," Kaylee uttered while re-pinning Y/n's hands. After a while of kissing his mouth roughly again her breaths got heavier. Kaylee sets her elbows near Y/n's head, leaning down to whisper in his ear. "I can feel your dick throbbing." She then licks his neck right after.

Feeling Y/n's body jerk a bit, she smiles and starts to make her way down his body, kissing every inch of it. From his collarbone to his chest down passing his stomach, eventually stopping at his crotch. Kaylee takes her time in unbuttoning his pants and then shorts. Pulling them down, Kaylee gazes upon Y/n's member standing up straight, throbbing.

She gasps and smiles, before rubbing his head across her lips, coating them in his pre. With his member twitching, Kaylee begins to suck it, inserting it in and out of her mouth, going far back to her throat. A couple of minutes pass by like a blur for the both of them. With Y/n panting and Kaylee, throat pounding herself with Y/n's member.

Y/n finally climaxes and releases his built-up load into Kaylee's mouth. With his member buried deep inside her neck, Kaylee swallowed every ounce of his seed. After drinking him all up, Kaylee finally slides his member out of her throat and mouth.

"Fucking delicious," she said while slowly catching her breath and licking up small bits of his sperm that leaked out. Cleaning his member completely clean, Kaylee slides back up to Y/n. His face was beat red and stained with sweat as he panted with his eyes closed.

"I want you in my mouth more often," she giggled. Not wasting any time, Kaylee grabs hold of Y/n's sensitive cock and aligns it with her box, making her body jolt.

"Please, no-," Kaylee moves her hand up to his mouth.

"Shh, don't speak, baby. Just take it." With nothing but whimpers coming from Y/n, Kaylee moans softly as she rubs the head of his member along her p**sy, with her moans increasing every time it caresses her cl*t.

Kaylee, after teasing herself long enough, slams her hips all the way down. She groans out in both pain and pleasure while Y/n grips the sheets.

"F*ck!" Kaylee cried out. After getting somewhat adjusted to Y/n's size, Kaylee leans back down and places her elbows back down on each side of Y/n's head. She finally started to move her hips up and down slowly. Every movement sends waves of pleasure throughout Kaylee's body.

Riding him for some time, Kaylee was now bouncing harshly on Y/n and his sore member. Moaning close to his ear Y/n cried from overstimulation. She ignored every plea from him and continued r*ping Y/n in his bed, in his dorm room. It grew to be too much for Y/n as he started to slip in and out of consciousness. Eventually passing out while still being ridden by Kaylee, who had her head aimed up to the ceiling, moaning while massaging her breasts.


The moment Y/n woke up, he instantly felt his groin sore and throbbing in pain, so much so that he could barely move his legs. The sun from outside shined through the curtains. He then tries to attempt to get up but is pushed back down by the hands of Kaylee, who is sitting next to his bed on a chair.

"Morning, baby." Y/n's eyes opened wide at the sight of her. Kaylee scoots closer and lays her hand over his forehead. "Don't move too much. I rode you to oblivion last night," She added followed by a chuckle right after.

"You'll be staying with me from now on, at my mansion. Not in this small room. We'll be fucking every night. Of course, we'll be getting married too, but that can be discussed later on." She then leans forward and plants a soft tender kiss on his lips. "But you're as good as mine."

Y/n lies there processing what she said. Then Kaylee breaks the silence as she begins to softly sing one of the songs from her album about Y/n, to him.

In the coming years, Kaylee and Y/n would eventually get married and move out of Kaylee's mansion into a small but beautiful one-story home where the both of them continued to make love non-stop every single night.

The two would also eventually have two children. Creating the perfect end to their story. Well, Kaylee's story at least...


Aye, BerawritesYandere281, I did one of your suggestions bruh. Hope it's what you envisioned. I will get to your other ones whenever I can. Thanks for this suggestion tho.

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