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[This Au, Of course, is historically inaccurate.] Hundreds of years ago, the world as we know it was brok... More

CHAPTER 1|| Royalty.
CH. 1》 PG 2
CH 1» PG. 3
CH.1》PG. 4
☆ CH. 1 ☆ PG. 5
☆CH. 1 PG. 7☆
☆CHAPTER 2|| The monochrome kingdom
☆CH. 2 PG.2 ☆
☆ CH.2 PG.3 ☆
✧CH. 2 PG.4✧
☆CH. 2 PG. 5☆
☆CH. 2 PG.6☆
☆ CH.2 PG. 7 ☆

☆CH. 1 PG.6☆

145 6 46

-That's all trophy could think about that morning. Despite having the worst hangover of his life- he couldn't get that boy out of his head. He shouldn't have cared, yes, but he'd interacted with a peasant, for heaven's Sake! Trophy groaned as he sat up. He didn't attempt to fix his appearance despite being all for caring about his public reputation. Instead, he let his hair hang loose, leaving his crown behind on his nightstand, tripping over himself and stumbling.
The scent of alcohol and a strong perfume lingered on his clothing, it made him sick. The prince hopped into the shower, Passing his maids and butlers who stood by, a look of concern plastered on their shriveled faces. The shower ran hot, steam filling the air and blurring the mirror whilst trophy's thoughts ran through his head uncontrollably. He couldn't marry her, and he wouldn't. A mere village's girl would've been better! Why couldn't he choose? Why didn't he have a say? He needed someone to blame.

As the man finished up, he stepped out, his face flushed as he adjusted to the uncomfortably tailored clothing.

Footsteps echoed through the halls once more as he arrived at the throne room, watching as Queen Goldie filled out papers and treaties, the knights standing guard. Her gaze soon turned to trophy, a faint smile on her face.
"..Oh, dear. I was so worried about you!"
She stood, giving the knights a nod of affirmation. In sync, they'd march off, allowing the royals some privacy.

"Our knights told me you were...out. late. I am sorry about what happened at the Kingdom of Spices, I hadn't known you two wouldn't.."
She trailed off, realizing the stern glare he held on her.

-"..My father. you said he'd organized the whole thing.. who is he? I will not stop asking. I refuse to marry the princess, and I want answers!"
He demanded, his fist slamming into the wall.. she remained unphased however; she was used to his temper. It was that of his fathers.
"..Trophy, you and I both know I cannot give you an..efficient answer. But I do know one thing, he loved you very much.." A hand fell onto trophys cheek, her eyes narrowed sweetly. For the first time in years, trophy didn't believe..nor trust her.

"Loved me? Right. For three years."
Trophy tugged away from her touch, eyes cast downwards. "He left us Sixteen years ago- he'll never be coming back, but you're in charge... call it off, would you?"
He demanded fist clenched.. "..It's not that simple!" Her voice raised in pitch, Queen Goldie would never get loud with trophy. Her wings flared slightly, causing trophy to tug away.

"Trophy, I am sick and tired of your blatant disrespect!"
She'd screech, arms crossed. Trophy retaliated rather quickly- "And I'm tired of the lies, a-and- and secrets, mother! Why do we have to be so secretive? What are you hiding?!-"

-"I am not required to answer those questions, trophy! I want you in your bedroom, and I want you to think about-"
-"And you still treat me like a dammed child! To hell with this!"
With that he vanished, footsteps heavy as he dragged himself to his room. He paced the large area with great frustration.. not knowing much else to do, He calmed himself. Only a little. He sat on a stool and began painting.

For a moment, he thought of going back to the comedians' place, it was much better than staying in this hell hole. With every stroke and dip of the brush, his anger subsided, transforming into an air of peace. It was pure bliss, and he continued, until sunset.. that was until, a sharp object hit trophys window. It caused the window to crack, ever so slightly. His anger immediately boiled up again as he cursed himself under his breath, storming to the window and peering outside.

And there he was. Cheesy, holding a bunch of small yet devastatingly sharp rocks in his palm, looking around cautiously. Trophy practically gagged- How in God's name- did he make it over there? His blood ran cold for a second as Cheesy made eye contact with him, dropping the rocks one he knew he'd gotten his attention. damn it. Trophy rolled his eyes and shut the window- much too tired to pay attention to this idiot. Even then, the sounds of rocks being thrown never failed to falter. And that was all trophy needed to be pushed over the edge.

He slammed the brush' onto the table as the paint splashed onto the hard wooden floors, he'd make his way downstairs and past the throne room silently.. he passed a particular maid, who glanced at him with a smile. She had long green hair and blue eyes, and was extremely kind.. maybe too kind?

She chirped gleefully as he made his way to the castle's entrance.

"-Not now, clover."
He growled as she watched him pass- eyes narrowed slightly. She was one of the few peasants he showed any kind of respect to. As Clover attempted to confront him, the door flew open, revealing a disheveled cheesy, his clothes slightly ragged, and his choice of style off-putting to trophys eye.

Before he could open his mouth, trophy grabbed the peasant by the collar and dragged him inside, his muscles tense. Clover squeaked, watching silently. Her eyes widened in shock as Trophy whispered;
"What the hell do you think you're doing here?"
He growled, his face eerily close to the other man's. "M-My king! Sorry for interrupting' but I would've liked tuh' see how you were doin' after last night's events!"

He had a crooked smile on his face, which caused trophys grip to loosen- but not completely falter..it was nice to have someone to care about you. Clover looked between the two, a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

"..You look different from what I remember."
Said trophy - cocking his head to the left.

"Ya' don't remember much when drunk, but I can for sure say it's amazin' what a bita' makeup can do!"
Cheesy clicked his tongue as trophy gave in, releasing him from his grasp. Clover practically caught cheesy, patting his back as the comedian gently rubbed the base of his sore neck.

"..You're dismissed, boy'.."
Trophy murmured before turning around.

"B-but sir, I- I insist on talkin'! You seemed pretty open last night-"
Cheesy trailed off a bit.
"Goin' through much, you are? The princess? Well, you've got yourself a catch!" Cheesy laughed, gaining a chuckle from Clover.

"He's funny." She said, ending off with a sigh.

-"That is none of your business!"
Trophy snapped, fist clenched.

"Why can't you be like the other peasants who do not dare step foot into this castle, cowering in fear, they'd maybe even be honored. most would trade an eye or a limb to even be in the same room as me, You hear? You're just lucky. Fortunate."

With that cheesy shrugged, which stunned Trophy a bit. He'd never met someone so nonchalant with their language yet expressive with their actions.
"After 20 long years of livin' on the farm outside of the village, I don't get the love surroundin' a higher rank of power. Ain't they just people?"

Cheesy carefully explained, but Trophy almost refused to listen. Cheesy was at least a year and some older than him and still failed to properly respect his superiors.
Before Cheesy could make another snarky remark, trophy grabbed him by the collar and dragged him upstairs as Clover watched, in shock. Before she could object, she could hear the door slamming, her nerves seething.

The comedian tensed as trophy threw him against the wall, holding him there.
"You are not supposed to be here.."
The prince growled, his gaze hardening.

"I don't care about what I said last night, I wasn't thinking straight."
His grip tightened ever so slightly, yet cheesy only grinned, giving a soft yet throaty laugh.

"Ah' don't get too worked up now! Im'a pretty helpful guy if you took some time to-"
-"Do you not speak standard english', peasant? I don't need anybodys help, let alone yours!" -Trophy dug his finger into the comedians chest- "Soon I will be king and I will most definitely have you banished, or worse.." he warned, however, cheesy remained unphased.

"King? Where's the current king? Such a position of power seems like a lot to handle given your current..er...situation.."

Trophys gaze suddenly softened, he pouted.
"It's none of your business."
He released his grip, taking a deep breath. Cheesy stumbled back as he turned away, smiling. The boy took a look around the room, taking in the unusual interior. It want long until his spotted a photo of a young trophy and his mother', with a part torn out.
Cheesy glanced back at the prince, smirking.

"Do you atleast know what he looks like..? I mean, I get it."
He'd pause, taking a deep breath.

"I'll leave ya', really! Though, I find it silly that you want to do this alone. When I was younger, I was a....chatter box , to say the least. No wonder what I do what I do now!"
The comedian said with a chuckle, patting the Prince's shoulder. Cheesy wasnt' one to take social questions, but he understood when it I
Was time to get serious.

"If you'd like, I can take you away from this for a little while, true!.. Outside of the kingdom, a barn. An absolute safe space!"
He said, as trophy sighed.
"I.. appreciate your request."
He'd empathize the word, eyes narrowed slightly.
"However, i believe, as your future king, I can handle this alone."
He shot daggers at cheesy, causing him to sigh.

"right then! I'll get going. But do remember my request.."

The boy warned before cracking open the door, leaving trophy feeling..conflicted.


I'd sit at the edge of a deep lake. Yes, I had snuck out of my castle once again, it wasn't like I was needed there anyway.. I mean, I don't need anybody! Especially not my mother, not in a thousand years! I'd clutch my amulet gently, fiddling with it using my thumb and index fingers.. Oh, how I missed him. he was the only one I could depend on, and now, he's gone. Just as I feel tears begin to brim, somebody plopped down next to me.

I grunted, glancing over at her.
"Salt. Fancy seeing you here...expected, though."
She smiled gently, noticing the tears in my eyes.

"Is everything, like- alright? You're always so down. You've got everything, a Castle, fame, riches!"
Pepper said, smiling.

"..That is nice. Very nice." A smile crept onto my face before it dropped - "But I dont have anyone who.. genuinely cares for me, you know? I-I mean, all that attention would never be there if I wasn't a princess. Sometimes I'd like to be treated normally, like you other 'People!'.."
I said,as Pepper gave me a hard glare.


She mumbled, sighing.

"Right, uhm..t that's like..great or whatever, though you should be happy. I'm talking to you. And- I guess you could say I like having you around, princess.

I could feel my cheeks turn a grim shade of red when she said that, she was always so sweet. She didn't even drop me, even after providing me with that...information.

I smile, softly..

"Its like...No problem."

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