Radiant Bonds: The Light of F...

By hrijit

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In the vibrant world of Fiore, where magic reigns supreme and adventure awaits at every turn, a new hero emer... More

Chapter 1: Clash of Forces
Chapter 3: the Light's Return
Chapter 4: Barrier of Resolve
Chapter 5: Unity in Conflict
Chapter 6: Echoes of Loss
Chapter 7: Battles, and Breakthroughs
Chapter 8: the fairies vs the phantom
natsu vs gajeel (an interlude)
Chapter 9: the number 1 guild
Chapter 10: clash of the wizard saints
Chapter 11: the promise
Chapter 12: a summon from the magic council?
Siegrain's Intrigue
Their Reaction
The Other Wizard Saints
Calm Before The Storm
akane Resort
tower of heaven(prelude)
tower of heaven(1)
tower of heaven(2)

Chapter 2: Echoes of Friendship

129 4 7
By hrijit

As Fairy Tail witnesses Makarov incapacitated, their morale plummets, while Phantom Lord's confidence swells. Recognizing the dire situation, Erza takes charge and orders her guildmates to retreat, despite their reluctance to leave their fallen master behind. With a heavy heart, they comply, knowing that their safety is paramount.

Erza: "We must retreat for now. Our priority is to regroup and strategize."Despite their protests, Erza's firm persuasion convinces them of the necessity to withdraw. As they make their way out, Natsu overhears a conversation between Gajeel and Aria regarding Lucy's kidnapping.

Gajeel:"We've got the girl. She's going to lead us straight to Fairy Tail's demise."Determined to rescue their comrade, Natsu takes matters into his own hands, seizing a Phantom Lord member as a hostage.

Natsu: "Where is she? Tell me now!"

The Phantom Lord member, unwilling to cooperate, braces for Natsu's interrogation. With flames flickering in his eyes, Natsu employs his Fire Dragon Slayer Magic, using the threat of his flames to extract information.

Natsu: "You don't want to talk? Fine. I'll make you talk."Under the intense heat of Natsu's flames, the Phantom Lord member caves, revealing the location of their headquarters.

Phantom Lord Member:"It's... It's in the outskirts of Magnolia. Near the old abandoned warehouse."With the information obtained, Natsu wastes no time and rushes off to rescue Lucy, his determination burning brighter than ever.

In the dim confines of the Phantom Lord headquarters, Lucy slowly regains consciousness, her senses reeling as she finds herself bound and imprisoned within the cold confines of a cell. Her heart pounds with a mixture of fear and defiance as she braces herself for whatever may come next.As the heavy footsteps of Phantom Lord's master, Jose, echo through the chamber, Lucy braces herself for their inevitable confrontation. Jose's presence looms over her, his demeanor oozing with arrogance as he offers her better conditions in exchange for compliance.

Jose: "You could have a more comfortable stay here if you cooperate, my dear Lucy."But Lucy's resolve remains unyielding as she demands answers, her voice tinged with defiance.

Lucy:"Why did Phantom Lord attack Fairy Tail? What do you hope to achieve?"With a dismissive wave of his hand, Jose brushes off her questions, claiming the attack to be nothing more than a temporary setback.

Jose:"It's merely a passing effect, my dear. A means to an end."But then, he drops a bombshell that shatters Lucy's world. It was her own father who ordered her kidnapping, using the destruction of Fairy Tail as a mere bonus.

Lucy: "No... That can't be..."The revelation leaves Lucy reeling, her heart torn asunder by the betrayal of her own flesh and blood. In a fit of rage and despair, she screams her defiance, vowing never to return to her father's clutches.Lucy: "I'll never go back! Never!"

With desperation coursing through her veins, Lucy devises a daring plan for escape. She requests to be released under the guise of needing to use the bathroom. Jose scoffs at her feeble attempt, but reluctantly grants her request, providing her with a simple bucket.Seizing the moment, Lucy feigns compliance, lulling Jose into a false sense of security. And when his guard is down, she strikes with all her might, delivering a swift and well-aimed kick to his most vulnerable area.

Jose: groans in painDoubled over in agony, Jose is incapacitated, providing Lucy with the opportunity she needs to flee. But as she attempts to make her escape, she is met with a chilling revelation - she is imprisoned in a sky prison, her only view the endless expanse of the open sky, mocking her freedom.

Summoning every ounce of courage within her, Lucy makes a bold decision. With unwavering trust in Natsu's abilities, she throws caution to the wind and leaps off the edge of her prison cell, her heart pounding with both fear and hope.In a testament to the strength of their friendship, Lucy feels a familiar presence drawing near, and her heart swells with relief as Natsu swoops in just in time to catch her, his arms a reassuring embrace as they descend to the ground below. With Natsu's timely intervention, Lucy lands safely, her faith in her friend reaffirmed.But as the adrenaline of their escape begins to subside, tension mounts between Natsu and his trusty companion, Happy, as they debate their next course of action. Lucy, overcome with guilt and emotion, breaks down in tears, blaming herself for the turmoil that has befallen her guild. Despite her anguish, her love for Fairy Tail remains steadfast, a beacon of light amidst the darkness.

Lucy: "It's all my fault... But I still want to be in the guild. I love it, Natsu."Her heartfelt confession strikes a chord within Natsu's fiery heart, his resolve renewed by Lucy's unwavering dedication to Fairy Tail. With a determined nod, Natsu concedes, his fiery determination burning brighter than ever.Natsu: "Alright, Lucy. We'll stay and fight. Together."

Back at the Phantom Lord headquarters, Jose seethes with rage, nursing his wounds from Lucy's unexpected assault. His facade of calm composure crumbles away, revealing the true depths of his malevolence. With eyes blazing with malice, he vows vengeance upon the Celestial Spirit Mage, his heart consumed by a darkness that knows no bounds. As his sinister intentions unfurl, the stage is set for a clash of epic proportions between good and evil.

In the bustling train station of Crocus, Mystogan can't help but let out a weary sigh as his friend and travel companion, Y/N, groans in discomfort, succumbing to yet another bout of motion sickness the moment they board the train bound for Magnolia.

Y/N: "Ughhh, why didn't we use your magic to travel back?"Mystogan offers an unseen sympathetic smile, accustomed to Y/N's susceptibility to motion sickness.

Mystogan:"I thought a change of scenery might do us good. Besides, it's not every day we get to experience the sights and sounds of a train journey."

Y/N: "Oh, the sight of my motion sickness, huh? Are you still mad I stole your bacon from breakfast?"Mystogan remained silent, refusing to engage in the banter.

Y/N: "Oh, you can't be serious! You're really petty, Myst!"Despite the playful accusation, Mystogan's silence spoke volumes, leaving Y/N to stew in his own amusement at his friend's seemingly unyielding grudge.

Back in Magnolia, after being incapacitated by Aria, Makarov is brought to the healing Mage, Porlyusica, deep within the forest east of Magnolia. With a quick examination, she concludes that Makarov's power has been drained by Aria and expresses her frustration at his recklessness. Despite her harsh words, it's evident that Porlyusica deeply cares for Makarov. She proceeds to chase away Bisca and Alzack, unable to tolerate their presence due to her disdain for humans.

back at the guild, the aftermath of the attack on Phantom Lord leaves many members injured and exhausted. Amidst the chaos, Natsu, Gray, and Erza notice Lucy's somber demeanor. Concerned, they approach her, prompting Lucy to voice her frustration and anger over the orchestrators of the war. She contemplates returning home, believing it may stop the conflict, but Natsu vehemently opposes the idea.

Lucy: "I'm sorry... I just don't know what to do anymore."

Natsu: "You don't have to go anywhere, Lucy. You belong here with us, in Fairy Tail. This guild... it's your home."His words strike a chord within Lucy, touching her deeply. Tears well up in her eyes as she realizes the depth of her bonds with her guildmates.

Lucy: "Thank you, Natsu... Thank you, everyone..."Moved by her friends' unwavering support, Lucy finds solace in their words, knowing that no matter the challenges they face, they will always stand together as a family.

Elsewhere in Magnolia, Cana sits in quiet concentration, surrounded by a flurry of cards as she attempts to contact Mystogan using her card magic. With each attempt, however, her efforts are met with failure, frustration mounting with each unsuccessful try.

Cana: "Come on, Mystogan... Where are you?"

Meanwhile, Mirajane engages in a conversation with Laxus through a Communication Lacrima, hoping to enlist his aid in their current predicament. However, her plea falls on deaf ears as Laxus dismisses the situation, stating that it doesn't concern him. His demands for Lucy to date him and Cana to strip for him only serve to further infuriate Mirajane, her anger boiling over at his callousness.

Mirajane: "Laxus, this is serious! We need your help!"

Laxus: "I'll only help if Lucy agrees to go on a date with me and if Cana does a little striptease for me."Enraged by Laxus's disrespectful demands, Mirajane's patience snaps, and in a fit of righteous fury, she shatters the Communication Lacrima, cutting off their conversation abruptly.

Mirajane: "How dare you! What would Y/N think?"

Laxus hesitates, momentarily taken aback by Mirajane's mention of Y/N, before attempting to regain his composure with an arrogant smirk. With a decisive gesture, he crushes the crystal, ending the call without another word.With no other viable options at hand, Cana reaches for a different card, this one depicting a much younger version of Y/N. As she holds the card in her trembling hands, Cana's heart flutters with a mix of nostalgia and anticipation.

Cana: "Okay, Cana, you got this. Just one more try..."Reminding herself that this is simply a call for help, Cana tries to quell the rising emotions within her, but she can't help but blush at the memory of her childhood and best friend. It has been too long since she last saw Y/N, and the prospect of reaching out to him fills her with a mixture of hope and uncertainty.

Back in the train station, Mystogan sits in contemplative silence, his thoughts drifting to the path his life might have taken if he had never crossed paths with Y/N. As he reflects on the bond they share, Mystogan's musings are interrupted by a gentle weight pressing against him. Glancing down, he sees Y/N sprawled over him, fast asleep, a faint smile gracing his lips.

Mystogan: softly "Always finding ways to make himself comfortable..."

Suddenly, a beeping sound emits from Y/N's pocket, drawing Mystogan's attention. With curiosity piqued, he reaches into the pocket and retrieves a small device adorned with a depiction of a much younger Cana.

Mystogan: muttering to himself "What's this?"

Examining the device further, Mystogan notices a blinking light indicating an incoming message. Intrigued, he activates the device and reads the message displayed on its screen, his curiosity growing with each passing moment.

Mystogan gently shakes Y/N awake, his voice calm yet firm as he informs him of the ringing card.

Mystogan: "Y/N, your card is ringing."

Y/N's eyes flutter open, panic evident in his expression as he registers the identity of the caller.

Y/N: "Eh? C-Cana is calling? Oh god, I just ran away with you on that quest 2 years ago. Oh no, she's mad. She's going to kill us both! Oh no, how do I look? Do I look presentable? Oh god, oh god..."

Mystogan sighs, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes as he raises a hand to gently chop Y/N on the head.

Mystogan: "Calm down, Y/N. These cards are audio only. Now, let's see what Cana wants."

hey guys author here how are you guys liking the story so far? i know its a bit slow but i really like building up to the point please comment and vote as it motivates me to write

until next time

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