Tough Love

By B_too_drippy

1K 94 7

"when you chase a predator you become the prey " More



52 7 1
By B_too_drippy

Honey Dayes

I woke up in the morning with tears that had dried on my eyes.

Immediately I felt unexplainable cramps shoot through my body. Each breath I took felt like a battle.

When I tried to get up from the bed  my legs refused to support me,letting me fall, a sharp pain shooting through me as I did.

I began crying from the pain as I felt my pajama pants get wetter and wetter and when I looked....


I knew something was terribly wrong.

I tried to crawl to the living room slowly as my pain intensified.

I managed to unlock the front door before my body just gave in.

Darius suddenly busted into the living room, I guess after hearing my screams.

"Honey are you okay?" He asked looking at the pool of blood that surrounded me.

Tears continued to stream down my cheeks, my body racked with pain beyond anything I had ever experienced. "

I don't know, Darius. Something's wrong. I'm scared," I managed to choke out.

Darius's hands trembled as he reached out to touch me, hesitant yet firm "We gotta go "

I nodded weakly, the thought of losing my baby on my mind

After what felt like forever..

The sound of approaching sirens was evident meaning it was the arrival of help.

Paramedics rushed into my home. Da

"We need to get her to the hospital immediately. She's hemorrhaging," one of the paramedics stated making my heart drop.

The journey to the hospital was a blur of flashing lights and muffled voices.

After they placed me in the room I was wondering to myself..would my baby be safe?

Darius entered the room and approached the bed slowly " you feeling okay ?" he murmured.

. "I'm scared, Darius. I don't know if I can handle this," I confessed.

Hours stretched into eternity as we waited for news from the medical team.

Each passing moment felt like forever.

The doctor entered the room, his eyes giving it all away "I'm sorry, Ms. Dayes, but I fear that you miscarried...the baby passed on."

As the doctor quietly left the room to give us a moment, I clung onto Darius, as I cried  onto his chest. It was a strange comfort, one I hadn't expected to find in someone who was not a lover but who had stepped up when I needed him most.

But also someone who I never thought I would've grown attached to.

"It's okay, baby," Darius whispered as he rocked me back and forth.

"Do you know what could've caused this?" Darius asked.

The doctor re-entered the room, his expression grave as he responded to Darius's question. "Yes, I suspect stress may have played a role in this. Ms. Dayes has no underlying medical issues that could have contributed to the miscarriage," he explained.

"Darius, why is this happening to me?" I cried.

Darius held me tighter "why not you ? You built for this shit Honey "

After completing a few more tests and undergoing medical procedures, the doctors were finally getting ready to release me from the hospital.

Just as I was starting to gather my thoughts, the door swung open, and in walked my mother.

How the fuck did she know... neighbours probably told her.

"Oh, my sweet baby," she said softly, her eyes filled with concern. "What has life done to you?"

My mother reached out and attempted to sit me up"I'm fine, Mom," I murmured, brushing away a year.

"No, you're not. You're coming with me."

Confused I looked up at her"Honey, you're only 19. I'm taking you back to school. Forget about this gap year."

I shook my head"No, Mom. I'm not going to live with you."

she exhaled deeply. "You're right. You're not going to live with me. You're going to your grandma's."

Saying nothing else about that situation I finally spoke.

"Mama, give me some space, I need to talk to Darius," I mumbled, sinking back into the chair.

My mama shot a hard look at Darius. "You bring her here?" she asked him.

Darius nodded.

"I know things ain't been smooth between us, but the Lord says forgive and forget. Thank you for saving my daughter's life," Mama said and without waiting for a response from Darius, she turned and left the room.

"Darius, she ain't letting me stay," I sobbed. "She's my mama. She knows me, man."

"Honey, don't do this"

"I can't... she's sending me away. Maybe it's for the best,"

"Yo, you can't play me like that, Honey. Don't mess with me like that," Darius said in a serious that I had never had before.

I took a deep breath"Darius, please... I don't know what to do."

"You know what, honey? Fuck you." Darius spat, his voice thick with anger and frustration. "You wanna fucking dip? Then do that"

I raised an eyebrow "Oh, so now it's a 'fuck me' situation? Darius, I can't even decide. My mama's done decided. I'm headin' to my grandma's crib."

Darius's jaw clenched "You actin' like you can't stand up to yo mama, huh? You a weak-ass little girl for real."

"Don't even front on me nigga, Darius you don't know nothin' 'bout standin' up to your folks cause you don't have any remember,?" I shot back.

Darius was hurt by my comment I could tell  "You and yo mama can both get the hell on...y'all cut from the same cloth," he said shaking his head "You came at me, got me caught up in you, and now this is what you're tellin' me?"

"It's for the best,"

"Naw fuck that and fuck you you ain't nothin' to me" Darius said... tears tracing silent paths down my cheeks.

"Have a nice fucking life Honey."he said heading for the door.

"So you just gon leave me?"

"I mean I ain't yo man right?"he asked "I don't owe you shit and you don't owe me shit...since you wanna leave just leave...ain't nobody gon force you to stay, listen to yo mama since you got no backbone and she yo backbone."

"Honestly fuck you."I said to him

"Yeah and a fuck don't give you."he shot back.

Come to think about it this the most I've heard him speak in a conversation ever.

I wiped my tears and turned my back to him.

He chuckled and walked out of the room leaving me all alone.

I silently cried because I had gone through so much in one day and Darius was not here to hear me talk about leaving....he wasn't going for none of that I knew he felt led on but it was for the best.

This is for the best.

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