Wining Celeste (Book 4) Jacob...

By LRObooks

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Things have been wonky in the world, and it's not getting better anytime soon. The same can be said for the i... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33

chapter 20

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By LRObooks


“What’s taking so long?” it’s been nearly twenty minutes. My hand grips the handle, and Beth weighs in, stopping me.
“I wouldn’t if I were you. They don’t like other species. You’ll just complicate things... I hope she’s kicking they’re asses.”
I don’t enjoy being away from her for this long and begin to get antsy. 
“So, what’s wrong with you?” Beth asks. I frown, turning back to her.
“Why would you assume there’s something wrong with me?” I respond, completely offended.
“Oh, that’s her thing. Celeste doesn’t date someone unless there’s something wrong with them.”
She’s serious. Why would Celeste have such a weird quirk? Beth narrows her eyes as she searches me for? I don’t know what.
“You got a tail or something?”
I choke out laughter. She keeps a straight face; stonily serious.
“No, not unless I shift, but I’ve got fur and a snout to go with it.”
“That’s cool. What’s that like?”
If I had a dollar for every time, I’ve been asked that question…
“Unexplainable kid. Especially to someone so young.” I turn back, looking at the gate for any sign of her.
“So, that’s what’s wrong with you.” she says matter-of-factly. Oh, man, I’ve got to hear this.
“Your cocky and have a ‘nobody understands me’ complex.”
“No, that’s not... I don’t have a complex, okay?”
“Ah Ha! So, you admit you 're cocky.”
She could probably do this all day. I better quit while I’m ahead. 
Celeste appears behind the gate. She looks upset. Guess things didn’t go so well. She gets in, completely silent. I know better than to pry. My tongue feels heavy in my mouth, and my mind draws a blank. I don’t know how to help. The moment we get in the house, Beth explores, and I pull Celeste into the kitchen. Wolves can’t take secrets, and she pulls my instincts to the forefront constantly. I look at her, conveying my need to know what happened.
“My life is falling apart.” Her voice breaks on the words, and I hug her until she pulls away. She seems to turn off her emotions like a well-oiled machine. 
“They booted me. Blamed it on some baseless shit about Jolene. They’re trying to link Beth to my so-called plot because she doesn’t fit into their perfectly coifed idea of perfection.”
Wow, low blow.
“So, screw em. What’s the big deal?”
Celeste slams her palm on the counter.
“You don’t get it. Witches without a coven are sitting ducks. They don’t last. I’ve got no protection, and I’ll be shunned by any friend I’ve ever made. All my favors go uncalled. I’m a ghost, and she’ll be too, unless I prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she had nothing to do with my decisions... You should leave Grayson. Anyone close to me seems to get screwed.” 
“I enjoy getting screwed by you. I look forward to it.”
“This isn’t a joke I’m serious. The only two people I’ve ever gotten close to are likely to wind up dead.”
She looks back at me with distant eyes. I grasp her chin and kiss her lips, bringing her back to me.
“I’m not going anywhere. You don’t need the coven to protect you because I’m never leaving your side. We’re getting your sister back, too... Jolene’s done perfectly fine without a coven. That kid in there is intelligent. You should give her some credit.”
Celeste shakes her head and pulls away angrily. Uh. Oh, she’s difficult to calm, that’s for sure. I can sense her anxiety. This is all too much for her. Yet, if I couldn’t connect the way I do. I wouldn’t know how stoic she really is.
“Beth is bullheaded and damaged. She can’t tell what’s good for her. She hasn’t learned it yet.”
Ah, I see. This isn’t about Beth at all. This is about her.
What happened that’s damaged her? Wolves love solving puzzles. Celeste has no idea what she’s started. Why the need to belong in a structured, rule-ridden society; that obviously doesn’t truly benefit her? Why only date men with issues? And the house. If she’s that particular about order, I’m willing to bet she’s a mess inside. So, when did it start?
“Have you always been this way?” I ask. Celeste immediately takes offence, and her back goes pin straight.
“What way? Intelligent, prepared, level-headed? There’s nothing wrong with how or who I am.” 
Meow! I throw my hands up, submitting.
“I meant no offence Celeste, I’m just curious.”
“You wouldn’t understand, Grayson, because you are one of them. You don’t know what it’s like to be on the outside of things. You 're fucking perfect! You’ve probably been athletic, popular and had things handed to you your whole life. Other people, the ones you dismiss; start with nothing. We earn what we work for! That’s the difference.”
Celeste storms away, leaving me with a serious case of exorcism neck. Holy shit! That came out of know where and revealed a lot about her. That’s why she dates men with flaws. She believes she’s flawed, damaged. We’re not even a day in and she already resents me. I never had a chance. I’ll take the in, she’s worth it. You can’t resent someone you don’t care about, it’s a start.
“So, kid, what can you tell me about Celeste?”
Beth’s eyes are glued to her phone as she plays some type of racing game. Celeste hasn’t come down and won’t answer her door.
“Chump! He never beats me.” she looks up at me and I raise my brow waiting for an answer.
“what’s it worth to you?” she asks.
So, its extortion, is it? She ditches her phone and sits cross-legged on the couch. I’ve got her full attention.
“That depends. What do you know and what’s it going to cost?”
“I know enough to keep us talking the wee hours of the morning... ten g’s.” she says in a serious tone.
I bark laughter that turns uncontrollable at her frown. When I catch my breath, I bring her back to earth.
“I was thinking a pizza, or two and twenty bucks.” I tell her. She shrugs and says:
“That’ll do.”

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