Wining Celeste (Book 4) Jacob...

By LRObooks

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Things have been wonky in the world, and it's not getting better anytime soon. The same can be said for the i... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33

chapter 13

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By LRObooks


I write a list with items even trickier to retrieve. I even throw him off with simple stuff completely unrelated, like a marble and a compass. Anything to pass his time and give me a chance to escape. If I could just figure out these tunnels, maybe find a flashlight. 
He watches over my shoulder the entire time, making me beyond nervous and sick to my stomach. How much blood would you need to consume before it becomes that overbearing of a stench? I swear it’s seeping out of his poor through his sweat.
“That’s it.” I tell him, handing over the loose-leaf sheet.
“You’re sure this time?”
He steps forward, physically pushing into my personal space.
“Yes.” I lie, following through on a ten second plan that has more holes than a sieve. 
As I watch him depart, I search for a flashlight, kerosene lamp, anything that produces light. With no luck, I look for an exit that I took for granted was there. The only door is dead bolted from the outside. Then it occurs to me… he can just sift. He doesn’t need an exit, per se. Ten minutes later, I manage to break a pair of scissors and cut myself in the process. 
This can’t be happening. There’s no way I’m this unlucky. I end up tearing a strip of fabric from my favorite cashmere sweater with a piece of the broken scissors.
“What am I doing?” I say out loud to the empty room. Even if I manage to escape, he’s the only one who knows where Amber is. why would he keep her alive? I’m her lifeline. If I leave, she’s as good as dead. He’ll kill her and find some other witch. If anything, I should thrive on the opportunity. Oh my God, is this Stockholm syndrome? Or is that when you desire your captor? When I do what he wants, I’m dead anyway. My God, my head hurts. I can’t think straight. 
I sit down and take a deep breath, counting to ten before slowly letting it out. I still need to find her location. So, I have to stick around, regardless. Now I just need to think of a spell to kill him, contain, or pacify him once I have her. I’ll just refuse to do the spell until my sister is here within arm’s reach. Then I’ll somehow break us out? No, I’ll ask him to take me to her. She’s chained, so there must be an exit. He can’t be that cruel to chain her for no reason. Although all signs point to, he sure the fuck can. I’m going to have to wing it and hope for the best.
A loud bang echoes jarring my thoughts, and I jump in surprise, not fear. Okay, maybe I’m a little edgy. Can you blame me? It happens again, this time louder. I get up to investigate and a double thump has my heart racing. It’s coming from the door. 
Whatever large ass thing trying to get inside is freakishly strong and the very thick steel door has bowed. Panicking, I grab the first object I can find; a thin wire magazine rack. Another blow, one more like that, and the doors coming off at the hinges. I grip the wire so hard it cuts into my hands. This is it… this is how it ends.
I’m so relieved I practically jump into his arms. It’s not until he tells me to hurry that I panic, backing away. 
“I can’t.” 
“Why not?”
Jacob and Elliot step in behind him.
“There’s something you don’t know about me. I have a-“
“Sister? Yeah, we know. Lucifer told me.”
I shake my head, certain I heard him wrong. 
“I know about your sister and that you’ve had Lucifer locked away since the day he supposedly died. We’ll talk about that later. Right now, we need to get you somewhere safe.”
So, I heard him right. 
“How did you find out?” I ask, completely confused. There’s no way he got out. Wait… Has my power drained that much?
“It doesn’t matter right now.”
“It does to me!” I snap. He sighs, stepping towards me, but I step back too.
“I went through your things, found the videos of your… interrogations. It wasn’t hard to recognize the place.”
I narrow my eyes at him. Anger makes my voice high.
“You went through my things?”
I have to move to the side as I come up against the wall. He pursues me at a steady pace.
“You had just gotten sifted away by a vampire, taken gods knows where. What did you expect me to do?”
He’s got a point. I would have done the same. 
“It doesn’t matter. I can’t leave he’s the only one who knows where my sister is. If I don’t do this for him, he’ll kill her and it won’t be quick.” 
Grayson looks back at his friends. I don’t like the way Jacob shrugs. I don’t think they’re taking me seriously. 
“Look, you know where I am. Just hand me a phone and I’ll tell you when I’m ready for a rescue.” I tell him simply.
“It doesn’t work that way. You know that, Celeste… We have no idea what he’s capable of and we can’t leave you in harm’s way… I can’t.”
I knew he was going to say something like that. I don’t want to, but he’s left me no choice. I chant a sedation spell and Grayson launches so fast I don’t have time to dodge him. His hand clamps tightly over my mouth, killing the spell like a deflated balloon. 
Grayson’s body makes full contact with mine and I go still, except it’s not from fear. Nope, not at all. Just red-hot desire. I never knew he was so muscular, but then I’ve never seen him in anything form fitting; aside from jeans.
Guilt consumes me at my wayward thoughts. Amber is suffering and I’m getting all hot and bothered by some mutt. Renewing my struggles. I try to slam him in the nose with the back of my head, but he predicts it, pulling me tight to his chest. Faking an elbow that he responds to at once. I manage to jab my heel into his foot. I feel more than hear his growl of pain, but his grip stays firm. 
“Stop struggling and think for a minute. How are you going to save your sister alone, hmmm? Do you even know where she is?”
I try to answer, but he hasn’t moved his hand. He lets off me, staying close. I spin to face him, nearly losing my balance.
“I’m supposed to perform a spell, and he’s going to let us go.”
Grayson scoffs, and I have a powerful urge to claw his eyes out.
“No. I hadn’t gotten that far in my plan yet.”
He folds his arms looking smug as fuck and I try not to find him attractive. Every time he’s around, I turn into metal and he’s my ultra-magnet, pulling me in like a force of nature. 
“Okay, then. Let’s brainstorm… come on, what do you got? Do you think He’s going to patiently wait? This is ludicrous. We’re leaving.”
Tears well in my eyes as panic grips my heart. She’ll starve... his cruel words play in my head.
“I can’t!” I yell with a thready voice. I hold my shaky hand up in a show of fight I don’t have left in me. I know he’s right, but if I don’t see it through, then I might as well give up.
“We’ll get your sister; I promise you that, but not like this... I’m going to leave Estevan here to follow him. I trust him to find her.”
Estevan? I don’t even... he appears beside me, making me jump back in surprise.
“Sorry, sometimes I forget to show myself; habits. Mica can’t be trusted. I think stealth would be a more useful tool in this case. Don’t you think?” 
I look at him, trying to read his intentions, but can’t. That’s never happened before and it’s eerie as fuck. 
“What’s in it for you?” I ask Estevan skeptically. He looks at me sideways like he’s never encountered someone like me and is amused. How old-fashioned is this guy? Do they keep him under a rock?
“Is saving an innocent not enough?” he replies easily. I can’t get a read on him, so I turn to Grayson. If I’m truly his mate, these words should hit home.
“If my sister dies under your watch, I’ll never forgive you.”
I can see Grayson swallow. He gives me a nod; an agreement of sorts then bores his eyes into Estevan’s. It’s like watching some kind of telepathic communication after a brief moment I look away from the awkward exchange. My involvement feels like an invasion of privacy I can’t explain. I’m putting a lot of faith in these people. The only reason I am is because I’m smart enough to know I’ve got no play and I can’t help her if I’m dead.

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