Wining Celeste (Book 4) Jacob...

By LRObooks

134 0 0

Things have been wonky in the world, and it's not getting better anytime soon. The same can be said for the i... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33

chapter 12

3 0 0
By LRObooks


When I step in, the silence puts me deeper on edge. Amanda’s apologetic expression lets me know the news isn’t good. I find Estevan with Jacob in the library. Estevan gets right to the point, wasting no time.
“We were born of the same ilk. His name is Mica… he’s, my uncle.”
Fuck! That I didn’t expect. Uncle or no uncle, he’s taken Celeste, his days are numbered.
“My guess is he wants Celeste to resurrect his brother, Lakusta. They both are the definition of evil with no care to humans whatsoever… Celeste is in a lot of danger. Even if she can perform the spell, giving him what he wants, she’ll more than likely become a meal thereafter.”
“How do we find him?” My words are barely audible, escaping past a growl.
“I have no idea… families were different back then. Vampires in particular. I made my own family unrelated to blood. It was quite common... He should be dead. I don’t know how he’s still alive, and that’s not a good thing. The unknown can be very dangerous. We must proceed with caution…”
I give Estevan a look that says fess up, and he sighs, knowing damn well I won’t quit.
“My guess is, wherever he is, it will be a remote location. Where he is undisturbed but close enough to easily travel by teleportation.”
There’s my problem, I was looking locally.
“When I talked to Lucifer, he mentioned caves. Isn’t there a slew of them only an hour from here?” I ask Jacob.
“I believe there is. We happen to have an expert in that area.” 
I draw a blank at whom he means.
“Michael, he used to live near there, told me stories about the caves.” This comes from Jacob as he clears his throat to continue.
“You mean Katie’s Michael?” I ask.
“What other Michael do we have a history with? Of course, that Michael. I’ll get him on the phone. You get ready.”
I nod and do just that, gathering as much supplies as I can. Estevan warns me a normal stake won’t cut it. Says I’ll have to use something the size of a railroad tie, followed by a scythe and burn the body; scattering the remains on different ends of the earth. I almost don’t take him seriously until I remember he never kids. 
I haven’t eaten since yesterday, and my stomach growls, reminding me of the distracting need. I can’t even think about food, but I need my strength up, and lack of sleep is bad enough. I manage to stuff a sandwich in while waiting for Michael, who, to his credit; makes it in record time. The sandwich sits in my stomach like a rock as I load the equipment into his van. 
I only expect a few of us to go, but everyone minus Estevan and Tally crams in the long van. If I wasn’t so furious, I’d be able to better appreciate the support, but right now, the words are too hard to articulate. I make a mental note to thank them later…
I never realized how close we lived to mountains. Though the territory is small, it’s notable and far from anything or anyone. A perfect spot for the criminal element. Not exactly prime estate for a vampire, given the blaring sun and lack of coverage. I admit I’d never expect him to be here, yet I have an inkling he is. 
“We can’t all go. I only have enough gear for four.” Michael insists.
Amanda and Austin volunteer to keep watch, and Jolene gives Elliot a kiss goodbye. Me, Jacob, Elliot, and Michael gear up. I honestly don’t see the point since my claws would dig deeper than any equipment. He could supply me, but at the odd chance we’re spotted. We would look like hikers. 
I keep sniffing the air for her scent, with no luck. I tell myself it means nothing. She could still be here.
“These caves are hidden. Even I can’t remember where the openings are located. They all look the same. Some of them aren’t stable, although you three would likely sustain a collapse my body seems to fight that batârds concoction.”   
I watch Michael clasp his tether on the safety hook near his hip and study him. I don’t like the thought of putting someone vulnerable at risk, but the thought of Celeste helpless or worse yet tortured has me pushing on. 
“We’ll start at the back and move forward. He’s more than likely going to be a quarter way in on the right, but we won’t leave a mountain unchecked.”
While following Michael further in, I get a heady feeling of dread. I somehow know she’s here and in danger. If only I could catch her scent, this would go a lot faster and less conspicuous. At a moment’s notice, he could sift her away, and I’d have to start all over again. This is a lucky break, but I still need the element of surprise...
It’s taking longer than I expected. Hours later were only a quarter way in and cleared two caves. Michael has told me there’s over a dozen spread out in a three-mile range. He believes we are soon to approach the cluster V’s likely to have set up in. 
The sun has completely set, and the air is dry and still. I hear crickets in the distance and grunts from Michael. Turning back, I see Elliot and Jacob not far behind me. Movement above startles me, and my grip slips. My claws flare in reflex, and I grip deep in the rock beside me.
“Sorry, I thought you could use my help.”
Its Estevan, he’s standing on the peak, which is mere feet from Michael’s grip. I didn’t realize we were so close to the top. 
“Next time, wear a bell.” I tell him, only half joking.
“Noted, my apologies. Would you like me to scavenge, it could save you some time?” he asks.
“NO!” I snap a little too loudly.
“I can’t risk you getting caught and alerting him we’re here.”
Estevan nods and tells us he’ll be close by. What I’d give to have that ability. Right now, the only advantage I have is my nose; speaking of which.
“I smell her!”
The wind has picked up. It didn’t even register until I thought about it. When I reach the peak, I can gauge her smell. With the direction of the wind and the mountains surrounding me, I pinpoint her to the row in the center across from us.
“It’s over there.”
Michael follows the direction I’m pointing, but he looks doubtful.
“Are you sure?” he asks skeptically; squinting his eyes in that direction.
“Positive.” I tell him with a certainty I feel in my bones. I’d recognize her smell anywhere. 

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