Wining Celeste (Book 4) Jacob...

By LRObooks

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Things have been wonky in the world, and it's not getting better anytime soon. The same can be said for the i... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33

Chapter 5

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By LRObooks


Pussy, I can’t believe I didn’t bring it up. I should have demanded he tell me the truth, but no, I melt at the sound of his voice. The mention of a containment spell didn’t help. I know they’ve been looking for Lucifer. If they found out, I’d been deceiving them. The reason wouldn’t matter and I can’t fail my sister like that. I have to snap out of this. It will lead nowhere. I’m no stranger to the history of a wolf shifter. They have mates. If I grew any kind of attachment to him, I’d be tossed aside the day destiny decided to bless him with his perfectly selected goddess. Besides, he has no flaws. I don’t date men without a flaw it’s my one and only rule. Well, that and never get attached.
I make it in record time, having zero traffic to contend with at four in the morning. I still needed that extra five minutes to put my makeup on and get properly dressed. No one sees me bare. Ever! Literally as well as metaphorically, especially Grayson.
Its Grayson who greets me shirtless with ruffled hair and barefooted in jeans. The sight steals my breath and I cover it with a cough.
“It’s down here.” he says, turning his back on me. I had no idea he was covered in tattoos beneath his shirt. Does that count as a flaw? I laugh out loud at my ridiculous reasoning and Grayson pauses mid step, glancing back.
“What?” I snap. He turns back and leads me to the basement. At least he’s not a talker. I don’t miss the sarcasm in my inner voice I just choose to ignore it and tell myself that’s a good thing. Jacob comes into view and a male I’ve never seen before. He’s huge and has a nasty jagged scar across his face.
“Celeste, thank you for coming. Can I offer you some coffee or water?”
“Coffee would be nice, thank you.” Jacob gets Grayson to fetch my coffee and I breathe a sigh of relief when he leaves the room. The feeling is equivalent to removing your bra after a long day. The man makes me tense. Only because you can’t trust yourself. Shut up! I tell my inner voice. She’s loud today. Regaining my focus, I place my duffle on the nearby table and get to work.
“Where would you like him contained?”
Jacob looks at me like I’m addled. “it’s a very specific spell. I need a perimeter outline.”
“Ah.” He declares in understanding 
“This room will be sufficient.” He says.
I make a mental note to charge for each of the three doorways separately.  
Jacob watches me as I chalk line all the exits. Including the elevator.  
“I’m going to need you to step outside the area, unless you plan on staying here with him.” 
The moment I connect with my surroundings, Jacob’s aura overwhelms my senses. I snap my attention to him. Power, ancient and foreign invades my mind until I can’t feel anything else.
“What are you?” I ask Jacob, astounded by the depth of him. I’m short winded from the harrowing effect. Then poof, it’s gone... I feel nothing but the loathing at my back. Jacob smiles at me and the expression holds a firm warning I know to heed. I set my sights on the matter at hand. The spell is quite simple, not near as intricate as the trio I performed for Lucifer. A few verses and moderate concentration and this guy or thing and his mediocre power is trapped here until I release him. When I’m done, Grayson and Jacob are waiting on the stairs.
“That’s it?” Jacob’s skepticism makes me chuckle. 
“I’ll give you my buyer’s guarantee, full refund if it fails. He’s there until you call me to release him.”
“I thought he was coming with us?” Grayson interrupts, aiming his confusion at Jacob. I look between the two as Jacob directs us out of earshot, I presume.
“Thank you for your services, Celeste. How much do I owe you?”
“That depends. Is this on or off the record?” 
Grayson scoffs, and my smile slips out at his attention. Damn it. 
“Whichever you prefer.” Jacob’s knowing expression doesn’t budge my now impenetrable poker face. When it comes to money, there're no distractions.
“Twenty-five hundred, even... no taxes.” 
Jacob leaves to get the money and I’m left alone with Grayson. I look around the room. I can feel his eyes on me. I don’t know where my courage comes from, but I look him in the eyes and ask. 
“Been on any long runs lately?” his guilty look says it all and my heart breaks. The pain is quickly replaced with panic. He’s about to say something, but Jacob cuts him off, handing me an envelope. I take it and quickly head for the exit. 
“Mrs. Quarts?”
I squeeze my eyes shut and take a deep breath before turning around.
“Yes?” I keep my eyes focused on Jacob.
“I surmise there won’t be an issue if I need him released on short notice?”
Keeping things professional, I nod with a reassuring smile.
“Of course not, you know how to reach me.” 
My hands are shaking when I place them on the steering wheel. I’ve had two major realizations today. One: I never want to cross Jacob. Two: my home is no longer safe. A knock on the window startles me and I jump with a squeak. Of course, it’s Grayson.
“You forgot this.”
He lifts my duffle, and I roll down my window to retrieve it. When I reach out, he grabs my wrist.
“What are you doing?” I pronounce fiercely. He bends down to my level and my mouth drops open at his nerve. 
“Whatever you think you saw or whatever you think I was doing is not the case... I respect your wishes, Celeste. Even if they’re without reason.”
Oh, my gods, the smell of him, deliciously man... this close, his eyes are exquisite. The deepest blue I’ve ever seen and the lines around his mouth seem to beckon, promising days of joy and pleasure. I’m dumbfounded, frozen in place; his energy is euphoric.
“You make it real hard to listen to your commands when you look at me like that.” Grayson tells me.
Huh, like what? Was I drooling?
“Fuck it!” the moment the words leave his mouth on a lustful groan, I know I’m doomed. 
Grayson presses his lips to mine and its God damn fireworks, butterflies in my stomach and an instant cloying need. I know it’s wrong. I know I’ll hate myself after. It goes against everything I’ve ever told myself, but I give in just this once. I lie to myself, justifying the kiss as a reward for a decade's worth of rules and restrictions. 
He tastes sweet like crisp apples and I melt into him. I’m in sensation overload, letting out little mewls of pleasure. From a kiss.
Grayson’s hands are fisted in my hair, pulling me closer. His teeth gently pull my bottom lip and I quiver as his tongue sweeps across me, as if licking away the burn he’s created. When he pushes away apologizing, I want to scream more. Don’t stop. Any magic word that makes him continue, but my head is telling me to leave and never come back. I laugh at the thought. Where were you a second ago when I needed you? Before Grayson can say anything else, I pull out of the driveway and peel away. 
What was that? I’m a freaking moron! Ugh, I can’t think straight when he’s around me. I’m tainted by one kiss and horny as hell. He’s ruined me, I know it. I want perfection and it’s all his fault. Who am I kidding? It’s mine. I could have pushed him away; I didn’t have to like it... I should have run his ass over! The thought of having to return has my stomach rolling. What’s worse; I can’t tell if it’s dread or excitement. What is it about Grayson that gets me so… crazy? 
I turn on the radio to distract me and Beyoncés, crazy in love, blasts from the speakers. I turn it back off, instantly trying to tamp down my superstitious thoughts. Then I remember Jolene… I’m supposed to meet with her today. Then there’s also Lucifer to contend with. 
Oh, man. What am I thinking… locking lips with Grayson, befriending Jolene, all while keeping Lucifer locked away as they scour the earth to find him? Not to mention the heavens. I’m not even a blip on their radar. Which is a blessed thing. If they catch wind? They don’t call them assassins because they paint puppies and braid each other’s hair. I, more than anyone, know the importance of balance. I’m in way over my head. So much so, I’m drowning… 
With just hours before we meet, I set an alarm and push everything away in hopes sleep will give me a new perspective. 

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