Wining Celeste (Book 4) Jacob...

By LRObooks

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Things have been wonky in the world, and it's not getting better anytime soon. The same can be said for the i... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33

chapter 3

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By LRObooks


“Do you eat?”
I don’t really care; I just want another way to torture him. Maybe bring his favorite food in and slowly eat it in front of him. At first, I think he’s ignoring me, but then he turns his head to the side with a shrug.
“I can take it or leave it. I don’t need food to survive.”
I pretend his unaffected attitude doesn’t bother me, even though it makes me want to scream and hit him. 
“That’s too bad.” I tell him. He goes back to staring at the ceiling while laying back on his cot. I spelled the cell myself. It’s in an old factory outside of town. The building is partially burned, and Lucifer isn’t the first person to be held behind these bars. That much is obvious. The stench of human waste and blood is strong enough to make me want to vomit.
“Are you going to tell me where my sister is? Or are you digging the accommodations too much to leave?” I ask aloofly, even though I’m holding my breath for the answer. It’s been three weeks of daily visits, give or take, and he has yet to crack. I know he knows where she is. My sources have sworn to me he took her, and if she was dead, I wouldn’t be able to sense her.
“I’ve been in worse places.” he nonchalantly states. Damn it! I could scream I’m so frustrated.  
“What about Jolene? Do you think she would like your accommodations? Or maybe I could torture her... call on some favors owed to me from some demons who would love to do a number on her. I heard she was innocent before Elliot.”
I wait and let that sink in. He turns his head, staring at me. I can see his jaw twitch as he grinds his teeth. 
“Go ahead. She means nothing to me.” 
He’s bluffing. I can read anyone, and he was definitely affected, but could I hurt an innocent at the chance of saving my sister? It’s not even a guaranteed strategy. He may not care enough to give Amber up. I mean, come on, he’s the devil for Christ's sake. If I could just figure out where he’s holding her.
“Is that all you’ve got… Celeste? Threats to harm a girl I never knew.”
That’s it! I snap, grabbing the bars and screaming at him;
Lucifer turns his back on me, insisting I’m wasting my time, and I almost believe him; almost. That’s all I’m getting out of him today; I’ll be leaving empty-handed again.
His magic and power are strong. It took three casts to spell that cell, and that’s only because he rose inside. Otherwise, nothing could contain him. I went back to the scene when everyone left and took his ashes.
When I got a lead on my sister’s whereabouts just days before we entered hell. I did some digging and uncovered Lucifer’s past. I managed to fill in the rest. I knew what he was going to do, so I made my own plans. Still, I wasn’t sure if he would rise. Usually, when you 're tied to the underworld and you die that’s it, but it’s official. He’s a phoenix again. That means someone out there has inherited some very potent power, and Lucifer is no longer tied to hell. Or does he have to exchange the right first? Is it split? I make a mental note to research that.
There’s a time limit of sorts on my containment spell. Making someone that powerful with a memory of dark magic takes a lot of juice. When I did that spell, I was zomped for days. If I don’t renew it soon, he’ll wear it away like a dog gnawing a collar, then before you know it… Snap! And my neck will be next. The only problem is renewing it. To do so, my previous cast will be null and void for several minutes; giving Lucifer ample time to walk right out of there. 
Shit! I’m so sidetracked. I miss my turn off and have to turn around on a service road. It’s dark now, the sun is long gone. I can hear the crickets chirping, and I pause for a second to enjoy the pleasant sound. That’s when I see it. A beautiful wolf with a golden coat. This is why I moved to the country. To be closer to nature and its treasures. Well, that and for my sanity. I turn away from the crook, and the wolf freezes, sniffing the air. It’s odd to think, but there is something familiar about the animal. As if sensing my stare, it looks back at me. A shiver jostles my body, and I bump into my high beams where my hand lingers. The animal jolts out of sight, and I startle from the odd occurrence. Even though I’m in the safety of my car, instinct tells me to leave fast. I take off squealing tires in my haste.
The moment I’m home, I feel safe. I wouldn’t trade that feeling for anything in the world. Everything is perfectly in its place and organized the same way I present myself. Slipping my shoes off, I set them in their designated spot and tell Alexa to turn on the lights. She obediently obeys perfect company. I grab a glass of wine and make a peanut butter banana sandwich. Once Alexa plays my favorite jazz station, I sit at the two-person island and enjoy my late dinner.
When I’m home, I can put my crazy away and feel numb. Placing my dish in the washer, I crack the glass door and turn off the music, preferring the crickets tonight. Just when I’m in that deeply relaxed state, I long for each and every day my phone rings. Anger makes my movements jerky, and I drop my phone, nearly breaking the stupidly expensive thing. It’s a private number. I want to ignore it, but curiosity gets the best of me.
“Hello? … Hello!” 
There’s no answer. I hang up, turning the phone off pissed my relaxed mood has soured. My thoughts wonder to Grayson and that wolf… I wonder… no, I’m just being paranoid. There’s no way Grayson could find out where I live. No one knows. I’m being paranoid, I repeat to myself… Just in case I call up Jolene. If I don’t know for sure, I won’t sleep.
Her cheerful voice sounds through the phone, and I imagine what all that joy feels like.
shit, sidetracked, I clear my throat.
“Hello Jolene… I thought we could meet tomorrow.” Damn it, I wasn’t prepared to meet. I’m actually really busy tomorrow. I just froze up, my brain telling me not to create suspicion.
“Sure! You just tell me when and where. I’ll be there.”
“How about Portersville quarry, one pm?” why the fuck would I do that? This day just keeps getting better. I set a meet no more than a mile from my home… my sanctuary. 
My tongue is tied and when I don’t answer, Jolene gets impatient. 
“Was there something else?”
What is wrong with me? I’m direct and quick on my feet. This is… not me.
“Um, yeah…”
My insecure tone has me biting my tongue. In this moment, I’m back in the schoolyard with blue sugar water running down my face. I pull my shit together and act like the boss bitch I trained myself to be.
“Where Is Grayson?” 
“Sorry Celeste, he stepped out for a… run. Did you want me to give him your number and have him call you when he gets back? He shouldn’t be too much longer.”
I tell myself that means nothing. That calling was stupid. I even reason twelve miles is a lot for any animal to travel, but it doesn’t help. My zone is ruined!
“NO!” I snap. Adjusting my high-pitched tone, I try again.
“Don’t tell him I asked that. I don’t know why I did.”
“Okay… are you feeling alright Celeste? You don’t sound like yourself”
Ha, that’s an understatement. Between my sister, Virgina, Lucifer and Grayson, my plate is overflowing.
“Peachy keen, see you tomorrow. “
I hang up before I do anymore damage to my rep. It’s funny between all my problems. Grayson should worry me the least, but he seems to be at the top of my list.

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