Besotted(Karna Sangini)

By pacification_20_

24.1K 1.3K 430

Hello lovely people ๐Ÿ’• This is my first story .Do support and show your love โค๏ธ This is a story of Someone... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
๐Ÿ”ด Important ๐Ÿ”ด
chapter 19
chapter 20

chapter 21

640 61 28
By pacification_20_



Today marks the auspicious day for the Maha Yagna, a sacred ceremony everyone's been waiting for. The seven wise Rishis came yesterday, and now all the close family members are gathered, excited for what's to come. Vasudev, who is really smart, suggested not inviting  other kings to keep the ceremony peaceful and calm.

Everyone has jobs to do to get ready for the yagna, except for Kirthi, who's been fasting without food or water since yesterday, following what Rishi Gautam said. Even though fasting is really hard, Kirthi hasn't given up, and instead of looking weak, she was glowing.

Krishna has been put in charge of making sure everything is ready for the ceremony by Rishi Kashyap, while Rishis Atri, Bharadwaj, and Jamadagni have worked really hard to make the yagna place perfect, paying attention to every little detail for the important ritual.

Rishi Vishvamitra and Rishi Varsista ceremoniously sprinkled Ganga jal throughout the entire mandap, purifying the sacred space. The Sapta Rishis then took their seats around the havan kund, while others settled at a respectful distance.

As the Rishis commenced the havan, offering prayers to Lord Ganesh and invoking Agni dev, the atmosphere became charged with reverence. With the lighting of the havan and the chanting of the Gayatri mantra eighteen times, the energy of the ceremony intensified.

Rishi Vishvamitra then beckoned Krishna to bring Kirthi forward. In moments, Kirthi arrived, adorned in a pure white lehenga and adorned with minimal yet elegant jewelry, exuding a divine aura with each graceful step. Her radiant smile illuminated the surroundings as she entered the mandap.

With humility and reverence, Kirthi greeted Agnidev and then the assembled Rishis before taking her seat. Closing her eyes, she joined her hands in silent prayer, immersing herself in the sacred atmosphere of the Maha Yagna.

As the great Rishis chanted their mantras, each word seemed to change the atmosphere in profound ways. Sometimes, it felt powerful, then filled with divine grace, and at other times, it brought feelings of fear, love, and intense heat. Emotions ran high, leaving everyone at the yagna feeling a mix of fear, worry, and awe.

But amidst all these ups and downs, Krishna, Balram, and Kirthi stayed calm, their peaceful presence grounding the space. After an hour or two of intense chanting, the mantras stopped, and Kirthi opened her eyes. But this time, something was different; her eyes shone with a golden light, like flames flickering within them. The Sapta Rishis shared knowing looks, understanding that a crucial moment had arrived.

Rishi Atri's gaze rested upon Kirthi as he addressed her, conveying the solemnity of the moment. "Putri, now is the time for the Ahuti, where we offer sacrifices into the sacred fire. Through these offerings to Agnidev, not only he but all divine beings shall bear witness to your emotions, strength, wisdom, aura, weakness, and love." Kirthi nodded in acknowledgment, her demeanor poised and reverent. "Awashya, Rishivar," she replied, signaling her readiness. With that, the Ahuti commenced, marking the beginning of a sacred exchange between mortal and divine.

As each offering was made into the sacred fire, its significance echoed through the air, resonating with the divine and the mortal
Started with
ghee ( Clarified butter), which represents purity and is considered a symbol of offering the best. Swaha,
Grains (rice, wheat, barley) symbolize prosperity, abundance, and nourishment. Swaha,
Fruits, which are offered as a symbol of sweetness, fertility, and abundance. Swaha,
Milk, which symbolizes purity, nourishment, and the nurturing aspect of the divine. Swaha,
Yogurt symbolizes auspiciousness, prosperity, and spiritual growth. Swaha,
Jaggery symbolizes simplicity, humility, and the sweetness of devotion. Swaha,
Coconut which represents purity, vitality, and the divine life force. Swaha,
Saffron represents purity, auspiciousness, and the attainment of spiritual goals. Swaha,
Cardamom symbolizes warmth, fragrance, and the awakening of the senses. Swaha,
Cloves which Offered for protection, purification, and the dispelling of negativity. Swaha,
Dried fruits (dates, figs, raisins) symbolize sweetness, abundance, and divine blessings. Swaha,
Nuts (almonds, cashews, pistachios), which offered for strength, endurance, and the attainment of goals. Swaha,
Flowers (marigolds, roses, jasmine) symbolize beauty, purity, and the devotion of the heart. Swaha,
Tulsi leaves (holy basil), which represents devotion, purity, and the worship of the divine. Swaha,
Sandalwood represents purity, auspiciousness, and the cooling of the mind and body. Swaha,
Camphor symbolizes purity, clarity, and the dispelling of darkness. Swaha,
Turmeric powder represents auspiciousness, protection, and the purification of the self. Swaha,
kumkum (Vermilion powder), which offered for auspiciousness, prosperity, and the blessing of the divine feminine. Swaha,
Raksha Sutra (Sacred threads) symbolize protection, blessings, and the connection to divine grace. Swaha,
Ganga Jal (Sacred water) represents purity, vitality, and the blessings of divine grace. Swaha,
Cow dung, which offered for purification, fertility, and the removal of negative energies. Swaha,
kusha grass (sacred grass), which  represents purity, auspiciousness, and the blessings of divine protection. Swaha.

Each offering carried its unique essence, enriching the sacred space and connecting mortal hearts to the divine presence, as the flames danced in acceptance: Swaha.

As the Ahuti (offerings/sacrifice) reached its completion, Agni, the sacred fire, began to manifest its divine form. With the top open, Agni blazed freely, sending forth long flames that danced in the air. Within the fiery embrace, a magnificent sight unfolded: a bow crafted from pure gold and adorned with an array of precious stones emerged.

The radiant glow of the golden bow, gleaming amidst the flames, captivated all who were present. Mesmerized by this breathtaking spectacle, every eye was drawn to the divine manifestation within the fiery inferno. It was a sight that filled the hearts of onlookers with awe and reverence, witnessing the mystical beauty born from the sacred fire.

As everyone was lost in their thoughts, a voice emanated from the flames, revealing Agni, the Fire God. He addressed Kirthi, saying, "putri , this bow and arrow symbolize your energy, your love, and your mindset. Only the one destined to complement you can lift it. This divine weapon is blessed by the great gods, Mahadev and the impartial Suryadev. It is named as SUSHIVASTRA, It will serve as the guide to finding your soulmate. May you find the one you desire."

With these words, the bow and arrow emerged from the fire, settling gracefully upon a beautiful stand beside the mandap. It awaited the one who would prove worthy.

In reverence and unity, all present joined their hands, offering their respects to the sacred weapon. With a collective gesture of humility, they bowed before the divine symbol, acknowledging its significance in the unfolding destiny. And as swiftly as it had emerged, Agnidev returned to its tranquil state, marking the culmination of this profound moment.

Kirthi suddenly felt weak, her vision blurring as black dots danced before her eyes. Just as she was about to collapse, Krishna caught her, preventing her from falling. Others gasped in concern, rushing to their side. Devki anxiously inquired, "heyy Mahadev, what's happening to her?"

Rishi Gautam reassured them, "Don't worry, putri . More than half of her energy was expended in this yagna to obtain the Sushivastra, and coupled with her fasting, it has taken its toll." Nodding in understanding, Krishna carried Kirthi to her chamber, with friends and family following closely behind. Meanwhile, Balram, Vasudev, Devansh, Didrashtra, and Shakuni escorted the Rishis to their quarters.

As their faces show worry for kirthi , Rishi Varsista comforted them, saying, "Do not fret, rajan. She will recover. You should go to her; we will engage in meditation to aid her recovery." With gratitude, they quickly bid farewell and hastened to Kirthi's side, their hearts filled with concern and hope.

Everyone gathered in her chamber. Soon, Vaidji arrived and examined her, reassuring, "Rajkumari is alright, just weak, as if a lot of her energy is drained." Others nodded and allowed her to rest while Ahana stayed by her side. The rest went about their pending tasks.

After a few hours, Kirthi regained consciousness, and they ended their day on a happy note. However, the person most worried since morning was Krishna. While everyone assumed he was concerned for Kirthi, which he was, he was also anxious for someone else.

●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Vidarbha

A beautiful lady adorned in a lovely lehenga was forcefully dragged by a man into a room. As he pushed her inside, she stumbled and fell near a table. Her eyes, usually full of love, were now filled with sorrow, her small button nose adorned with tears, and her smiling lips trembling in fear, along with the bottled-up emotions inside her.

A sob escaped her throat, expressing not just the physical pain but also the inner turmoil she felt. Ignoring her injury and tears, the man shouted at her, "I am warning you for the last time, Rukmani. Don't you dare mention that Gwala's name again! Your behavior has cost you your Swayamvar. Prepare yourself. Don't look like a lifeless person. Your soon-to-be husband will arrive the day after tomorrow."

Moving closer, he tightened his grip on her hair, causing her to groan in pain. "Forget about that Chaliya, and don't you dare act smart. I won't hesitate to punish you severely," he threatened before pushing her again and locking the door, instructing the guards not to open it without his permission.

Rukmani continued to sob, struggling to stand with the help of the table. She slowly made her way to a beautiful painting lying on the ground, sitting beside it and placing her hand on it as if seeking solace. A tear fell onto the painting, and she relaxed, whispering softly, "Why can't Brathashree understand that I can't marry anyone but you? It has always been you whom I saw as my husband, and it will always be you, only KRISHN." She began to cry again.

Meanwhile, in Dwarika, Krishna sat in his room, a tear escaping his eyes as he felt the pain of his beloved. He felt helpless, unable to do anything to ease her suffering. His gaze fell upon his flute, and he picked it up, pouring his love into the music. The melodious tunes traveled across the distance, reaching Rukmani's ears. A beautiful smile adorned her lips as she heard the familiar sound of his flute, her eyes growing heavy as sleep enveloped her. Krishna continued to play his flute until midnight, his music a soothing balm for both their hearts.

The next day

When Rukmani woke up, she found herself smiling. After freshening up, she began to draw things related to Krishna. Her entire room was adorned with peacock feathers, flute paintings, and some of Krishna's portraits. After a while, her chamber's door opened, and Rukmi entered, his cold eyes turning angry as he glanced at the surroundings.

"I told you to forget that Chaliya," he hissed, "yet you continue to make his paintings. You don't even realize the danger he poses. This should be the last time I'm telling you to forget him. Get ready; your future in-laws are here, and I dare you to do anything foolish."

With that warning, he left the room, leaving Rukmani shocked and worried about what would happen next. Some dasis came and dressed her in a beautiful lehenga with numerous jewelry pieces, enhancing her beauty. However, her face remained emotionless, her eyes reflecting sadness despite her efforts to compose herself.

As she entered the hall where everyone was gathered, she greeted them with folded hands. However, she felt uncomfortable under someone's constant gaze. When she looked, she saw Shishupal smirking, a clear sense of malice evident in his eyes.

She did her best to ignore him, but her ears caught something as Rukmi said, "So Maharaj, how about the day after tomorrow?" This time, Shishupal replied, "Kumar Rukmi, the day after tomorrow is an auspicious day for marriage. We can proceed with this date," smirking. Rukmani's eyes filled with tears, and she ran from there, her maids following behind, calling her name.

Rukmi gazed angrily, but he composed himself and said, "She might have felt shy, hahaha," prompting laughter from the others, and Rukmi sighed in relief.

Rukmani locked her door and headed straight to the portrait of Krishna. With tears streaming down her face, she whispered, "I can't marry anyone but you. I'd rather end my life than marry someone else." As she continued to cry, her gaze fell upon her side table, where she found a patra.

She picked it up and began pouring her feelings onto it, writing every emotion she couldn't express aloud. When she finished, she rolled the patra and called one of her most trusted dasis. Handing her the letter, she said, "Please do me a favor, Dithi, and send this to Shree Krishna without Brathashree knowing."

Dithi took the letter gently, assuring her, "Don't worry, Rajkumari. I'll make sure this letter reaches Shree Krishna as soon as possible." With that, she left, taking the letter with her, while Rukmani prayed fervently to God.

Dithi hurried towards the Durga Mandir, her mind racing with worry about how to deliver the letter to Krishna urgently. Unable to bear seeing her Rajkumari so sad, she felt panic creeping in. As if in response to her prayers, she spotted a Brahmin seated near the temple. With a glimmer of hope, she approached him respectfully, saying, "Pranipath Brahmin dev."

The Brahmin blessed her, asking, "Sada sushi raho putri. Why do you look so worried, putri?" Dithi poured out her heart, explaining the urgency of the situation. The Brahmin smiled kindly and reassured her, "You've come at the right time. I am leaving for Dwarika shortly. Give me the letter, and I'll ensure it reaches Shree Krishna today itself."

Overwhelmed with relief, Dithi beamed and exclaimed, "Dhanyawad Brahmin dev! You don't know how much relief I feel now. Aapka abhar, Brahmin dev," expressing her gratitude. She joined her hands in front of him as a sign of respect. The Brahmin smiled knowingly, silently acknowledging in his heart, "I can't even tell you, putri, how lucky I feel to be a part of this great love story of my Lord and Mata. How thankful I am to be a part of this beautiful Lila."

Dithi handed him the letter, receiving his blessings once again, before the Brahmin departed swiftly, determined to reach Dwarika as soon as possible.

The Brahmin continued his journey without pause, driven by his determination to deliver his beloved's letter to Lord Krishn. Despite hunger and thirst gnawing at him, he pressed on relentlessly. He covered the entire distance of 5 to 6 hours in just 4 hours, walking tirelessly. His feet were bloodied and bruised from the small stones and thorns along the way, but he felt no pain.

Upon reaching the gates of Dwarika, the soldiers opened them without hesitation, allowing the Brahmin to enter. Tears welled up in his eyes as he realized that his long wait was finally coming to an end. With a heart full of hope and anticipation, he made his way towards the mahal, eager to meet Lord Krishn.

In the backyard of Dwarika, Krishna paced back and forth anxiously, as if awaiting someone's arrival. Just then, Kirthi approached with fruits in hand, intending to feed him since he hadn't eaten all day. Concern etched on her face, she implored, "Khana, please have something. You haven't eaten, and why do you seem so troubled? Please, tell me."

Krishna simply smiled at her reassuringly and replied, "Don't worry, jiji, I'm fine. I'll eat later. Not now, please." Kirthi was about to insist when she noticed his bleeding foot. Gasping in shock, she exclaimed, "Khana! What happened to your foot? Oh Mahadev, it looks deep! You're walking despite being injured. Sit here!" She gently guided him to a swing and fetched water, a vessel, and some herbs.

As she tried to tend to his wound, the blood wouldn't stop flowing, causing her to fret even more. She was about to call for Vaidji, but Krishna stopped her, saying, "Don't call anyone, jiji. It's nothing." Angered and worried, Kirthi raised her voice, "How can you say it's nothing? The bleeding won't stop! Have you even looked at this?" Tears streamed down her cheeks.

Krishna smiled gently and reassured her, "Just as you can't bear to see me in pain, how can I bear to see my devotee suffering? Just a few more minutes, I promise, just a few more minutes." His words left Kirthi speechless, and she ran from there not able to see him in pain , also knowing he wouldn't heed her pleas. Overwhelmed by her inability to alleviate his pain, she wept, feeling his anguish as if it were her own.

Krishna sighed and promised, "I'll make it up to you, jiji." His reverie was interrupted by a soldier announcing, "Pranipath Shree Krishna, there's a Brahmin at the gate looking for you."

With a smile, Krishna responded, "Let's go." They hastened to the gates and found the Brahmin, tears of joy in his eyes. As the Brahmin approached, Krishna greeted him with folded hands, saying, "Pranipath Brahmin dev."

The Brahmin widened his eyes, refusing to let Krishna bow to him. "Don't make me sinful, Prabhu, by bowing before a mere Brahmin," he protested.

Krishna smiled warmly, insisting, "You are elder than me, Brahmin dev, and as my guest, it's my duty to show you respect. Besides, all great devotees deserve reverence, whether they are human or divine. Come inside."

The Brahmin, overwhelmed, nodded, and they entered the backyard. Krishna instructed a soldier to fetch water and a vessel. After making the Brahmin comfortable, Krishna began to tend to his wounded foot. As he cleaned the Brahmin's feet, miraculously, Krishna's own wounds began to heal.

Once finished, Krishna ordered food and water for the Brahmin, but the Brahmin insisted, "I'll eat later, Prabhu, but first, please take this." He handed Krishna Rukmani's letter.

Krishna's eyes filled with tears as he took the letter. Swallowing hard, he accepted it, while the Brahmin smiled and went to have his food, leaving Krishna alone with his beloved's message.

He opened the patra (letter)


O Krishna, you are the most attractive person in the whole universe, and having listened to your glories which enter one's thoughtthrough the ears and destroys all woes of the body and mind, and Oh Achyutha, my shameless mind dwells upon you incapable of being wrenched away from your beautiful form which is the ultimate thing for anyone to set his eyes upon and that form bestows on all eternal fortune.

Oh Mukunda, which girl, who has some strength of mind, who is born of high family, and in at least some way comparable to you in upbringing, character beauty, education, age, wealth and status would not simply woo you by mind, you who looks like a lion in human form (you were once Narasaimha) and who is simply enchanting to the minds of all the living beings in this world.

Therefore, you please accept me who has by my own will accepted you as my husband in mind and has simply placed my body and soul at your lotus feet, as you are the granter of all boons. Now I belong to you. Don't permit the king of Chedhi the Sisupala to take possession of me. It will be like a wily jackal stealing away the royal food earmarked for the consumption of the Lion.

If it a fact that you, the Lord of the Universe, have been worshiped by me with full devotion through good deeds like digging of ponds and lakes, offering to fire, through gifts to deserving people, through pilgrimages, through offerings to Brahmins on auspicious occasions, through worship of Brahmins, gods and preceptors, then you must immediately reach here and take possession of me through accepting my hands. My hands should not be dirtied by an evil fellow like sisupala.

You Krishna the unconquerable, you please come over to Vidharabha tomorrow itself without being noticed by anyone.

You must annihilate or defeat the Sisupala and his retinue with your own valour and marry me through the rakshasa method as a prize for your valour.

If you are wondering how you can enter the palace at Vidarbha and accept me without causing damage to the lives of my relatives, I shall inform you the right way. On the eve of the marriage day there is a big procession to the Durga temple.

Accompanying that procession, me the bride, will be going to the Parvati temple for worship.

My Krishna, gods like the husband of Uma are eagerly awaiting to bathe themselves in the dust of your feet so that their own weaknesses will be removed. If it is my fate that I am not fortunate to get the protection from such great Krishna, I will kill myself through severe austerities in this life and will be born in hundreds of future lives till I attain your company.

I'll be waiting for you my love

Vidarbha Kumari,


Closing the letter, Krishna hugged it tightly, feeling his beloved's presence within its words. Tears streamed down his face like a waterfall as he whispered, "The wait is over, my love. The wait is finally over." Wiping away his tears, he turned around to find Balram standing there, his eyes also filled with tears.

Balram asked in a choked voice, "Is this the time, Khana?" Krishna nodded, a smile breaking through his tears. Balram engulfed him in a tight hug, both overwhelmed with emotion.

After they parted, Balram eagerly asked, "So when are we leaving?" His excitement palpable. With a smile, Krishna replied, "Tomorrow itself, Dau." Balram's smile widened, his anticipation evident.

Krishna then expressed his desire to meet Kirthi first. Making his way to her room, he prepared himself for the emotional encounter that awaited him.

Krishna opened the door to find Kirthi sitting on the balcony, watching rabbits play in the garden. He joined her, and as she turned towards him, her gaze fell on his foot, where his wounds had miraculously vanished. Relief washed over her, and she leaned tiredly against his shoulder without saying a word.

Handing her Rukmini's letter, Krishna watched as Kirthi took it without moving from her position and began to read. As she read, her expression changed from curiosity to joy. Once finished, she turned towards him with a bright smile and asked, "When are you bringing Bhabishree?"

Smiling at her excitement, Krishna replied, "Tomorrow." Kirthi's eyes widened in shock, and she exclaimed, "WHAT! And you are telling me now? How will I manage everything in one day? Oh wait, not even one day, half of the day has already gone. Hey Narayan, why is my brother so dumb?"

Krishna looked at Kirthi with a puzzled expression and questioned, "Are you complaining about me to myself? Wait, did you just call me dumb?" Kirthi rolled her eyes in response, retorting, "If you behave like one, why won't I call you one?" Giving her a "dude" look, Krishna pouted and defended himself, "It wasn't my mistake; your Bhabhishree sent this letter so late. What can I do?"

Kirthi shot him a pointed look and said sternly, "Don't you dare blame my Bhabhishree. It's your mistake. You knew you would receive the letter today; you could have told me earlier so I could have prepared." She flipped her hair in annoyance, and just as Krishna was about to defend himself, Kirthi cut him off, declaring, "Okay, I don't have time to listen to your 'it's not my mistake' or 'I am innocent' excuses. I have a lot to do, and I'm taking this letter with me." Indicating the letter, she swiftly ran from the room.

Krishna sighed, folding his arms and pouting, "Hunnnn, she didn't even come, and everyone is favoring her. Oh Mahadev, what will happen when she comes here?" He made a horror face and then started fake crying, "No one loves me." Suddenly, he heard Mahadev's voice saying, "Now stop disturbing my meditation with your dumb questions."

Krishna feigned anger, responding, "Now you are also betraying me, Mahadev, and you also called me dumb. Hunn, I won't talk to you." With a pout.

After a few seconds, Krishna spoke again, "Mahadev, what should I wear tomorrow?" He received only a frustrated "Krishnnnn" in response. Shrugging, he replied, "Okay fine, accha silha diya aapne mere pyar ka Mahadev,  dekhlunga " He flipped his hair dramatically and left.

In Kailash, Mahadev simply rolled his eyes and muttered, "Dramebazz," before closing his eyes, a small smile playing on his lips.


Hey beautiful people's, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you do, then do let me know ,don't forget to





Word count 4142

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✨️Om Namah Parvati Pataye Har Har Mahadev✨️

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