By introvert_expert

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❝ I could never love someone.❞ She liked him. But god forbid life happens and screws everything up. Doubting... More

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volume one
chapter one: you're a genius
chapter two: the note
chapter three: 𝐡arrington to the rescue
chapter four: hopp𝐞r?
chapter five: farrah f𝐚wcett
chapter six: 𝐝umb & dumber
chapter seven: th𝐞 𝐯isi𝐨n
chapter eight: trish johnson
chapter nine: the calm before t𝐡e sto𝐫m
chapter ten: dear abuela
chapter eleven: valentina's husband
chapter twelve: the 'if'
chapter thirteen: the truth

chapter fourteen: i could never love someone

15 3 0
By introvert_expert

A/N: the picture above is steve's outfit for the chapter & buckle up it's going to be a long chapter


People always have this anxious feeling in their stomachs when they are put in specific situations they don't want to deal with. Though there may be different outcomes, most of the time they have to put on a mask of confidence.

That person was Valentina, as she stood outside her house, not knowing what to expect when she walks in. She looked up at the house, taking a deep breath.

"So are we going in or not?"

Blinking out of her mostly anxious state, Valentina turned her head to look at her brother. "Jesus, calm down." She inched forward to unlock the door. Slowly turning the nob, the two were met with silence.

They looked at each in curiosity, until they heard a voice. It belonging to Christina.

"Valentina?" she moved forward to put her hand out to her. Although Valentina moved back in reaction.

"Listen, I'm sorry we've been keeping this a secret from you. But we had no choice."

"No choice? You had the option to run the other way when Brenner offered to experiment on me or take up on his offer. I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure I would've done the first option," Valentina sarcastically replied.

"How are we supposed to know if we can trust you anymore. Is there anything else you've been hiding?" she added, as she walked around the living room.

Christina went to respond, but was interrupted. "We received this box a few days ago. If you had seen what was inside we were afraid that you'd go after him."

Staring at the box in Armando's hands, Valentina didn't know if it was a trick or not. But she took it anyway.

First reading the label, she furrowed her eyebrows when she saw the stamp. "Russia? Who's sending me stuff from Russia?"

Opening the box, then looking inside to find Matryoshka dolls. "Well that's not creepy."

Taking them out of the box, Valentina opened them until she got to the very last doll. Inside was a note, an encrypted one.

Hop Is Alive!

He looks ford to seeing you again.

Pleez do not tell anyone about this leter.

Contact Enzo

"When did you get this?" Valentina held the note in her hand.

Her parents looked at each other.

Christina nodding her head. "We got it a couple days ago. We just wanted you to be safe, you know not wanting to go to Russia and all that, if you would've seen the note."

"So just because you wanted to keep me safe, you kept the package from me?"


Valentina scoffed. "You know it's funny, I saw Hopper in my dreams the other night. Now I don't even know if it actually was a dream or a vision. You know, since you two practically sold me to Brenner. How was he by the way? Personality wise?"

"What do you mea-"

"The stories that are told about him. They were never good. Old employees never had anything good to say about him. And do you know that I wasn't the last experiment? For all we know he went all the way up to eleven."

"Hija, we still love you. We regret our decision now and we have to deal with consequences of it," Christina responded.

"We? We have to deal with them or you? Did you ever think about how it'd affect me now. Back then, how did you think I was going to respond when I grew up and found out about these powers or abilities?" Valentina started tearing up. "Do you have anything to say dad?"

Armando was looking at the floor, seemingly to be lost in a trance. Snapping out of it, he held a guilty expression. "We're sorry, hija. We love you."

Shaking her head, Valentina was at loss for words. "I know."

Clearing his throat, Marco spoke up for the first time. "I'm going to go pack a bag."

"Why's he going to go pack a bag?"

"Because I'm not going to let my little brother stay here."

"Hija, por favor!" (Daughter, please!)

"Hija, nada. You've done enough." Valentina went to go sit on the couch. (Daughter, nothing.)

It was about three minutes later and the sibling duo were walking out of the house. Their parents trailing behind them.

Christina was crying and Armando had his hands in his pockets. Although it was only temporary, it felt as if the two could've done more to stop their children from leaving.

With Steve waiting in the front, he began to help Marco with his bag and put it in the trunk.

Now with the two Alma siblings in car, Steve half-smiled at their parents.

"Take care of them, Steve."

"Will do, Mr. Alma."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Steve headed off to the Wheeler's house.

Looking in the rear view mirror, Valentina saw her father hold her mom as they were now both crying.

The trio arrived at the Wheeler house. As they all stepped out, the feeling became more real.

Steve stopping the siblings from getting the bag in the trunk and opened his arms. Valentina immediately rushed to his arms, but Marco was hesitant.

Steve nodding his head in reassurance, making Marco join the hug.

After a few seconds, the boys let go, but Valentina was still holding on, on to Steve that is.

Smirking at his sister, Marco went to get his bag, and walked towards the Wheeler house. "I'm going to head inside."

Valentina and Steve still hugging, the younger Alma was greeted by Mrs. Wheeler with Holly standing beside her. "Hey, Marco! What're you doing here?"

"Hey, Mrs. W. Dustin was going to help me with Spanish, I went to his house, but he wasn't there."

"Oh! He's in the basement. Let me know if you need anything," Mrs. Wheeler offered.

"Thanks. Hi Holly. Bye Holly," Marco rushed to the stairs of the basement.

"Bye Marco," the girl responded with a blush.

Heading down the stairs, Marco was met with the rest of the group.

"Hey, where's your sister and Steve?"

"Yeah, where are they?"

Smiling, Marco sarcastically commented. "On a date."

"No way!"

"He finally grew a pair."

Meanwhile outside, the two no longer hugging, and Steve softening his gaze. "What's wrong?"

Like her father, Valentina was in a slight trance, tears brimming her waterline. "I don't know what to do."

"After all this is over, fighting Vecna and even spring break being over, I don't know how to deal with my parents. Do I run away with Marco or do we go back?" Finally looking up, Valentina officially started crying. "Tell me what to do Steve."

Wiping her tears with his thumbs. Steve then held her by the shoulders. "Take one step at a time. This fight might be the first step, but you're not alone. We're in this together. Okay?"

Taking a deep breath, Valentina nodded her head. "Okay."


"That's what I just said isn't it?"

Laughing, Steve took one last look at the person in front of him. He couldn't believe that just in a few days him and Valentina were basically best friends at this point. Sometimes he feels like he read more into their relationship. As if they were more.

It was now Valentina's turn to laugh.

She looked at the person in front her. She couldn't believe that in just a short amount of time, her crush, Steve Harrington, even knew she existed. Being even more surprised she could even hold a conversation with him without making a fool out of herself. But it was too bad she didn't know how to read signals. Or know what love was, maybe up until now.



The two laughed in unison.

"You can go first," Steve suggested.

"Are you sure?"

"Seguro, Señorita Alma." (Positive, Ms. Alma)

"Who knew Steve Harrington knew basic Spanish."

"I have a tutor. Her name's Robin, you probably know her."

They heard someone yell out, "Confess already!"

Turning both of their heads, they saw Robin poking her head out of the window. "He made me teach him Spanish because he wanted to ask you out in Spanish."

"Robin," another voice was heard scolding Robin. Now with their head poking out the window, it was revealed to be Max. "Sorry! Continue!"

Steve and Valentina laughed once more, before it died down.

"You guys are funny. If I knew any better, I would say it's a prank and distraction from what happened with my parents."

Taking ahold of her hands, Steve looked into her eyes. "We're not playing with you. It's true."

"What's true? That you were going to ask me out or that it's prank? Although I'm kind of hoping it's the second one."

Genuinely curious, Steve asked, "Why would you want it to be the second one?"

"I would like to think it's because I never thought I'd ever go out on a date. No guy has ever looked my way, except for this weird dude in my film class. Girls like me, weren't made for boys like you, Steve. The shy girl doesn't get the popular guy. That stuff only happens in a John Hughes movie. I just, I could never love someone."

"And what if I said that there's someone who's willing to show how to love?"

"Then maybe I'd be willing to try."

but honestly what's their ship name?
anyone have ideas?

-okay, okay. next chapter is dear billy don't worry!

-this chapter was sappy asf

-also can we talk about steve's outfit? it didn't get enough screen time

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