Charmed into Darkness

By taylorsaltair

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"the devil doesn't come dressed in red and with horns, he comes as everything you ever wanted." a pelle fanfi... More



320 24 6
By taylorsaltair

NOT EDITED. Prepare yourself for incorrect grammars, and weird wordings.

In a blink of an eye, a month had passed since that dinner at Christian's where Mark left early after an outburst. He had been avoiding Cathy like his life depended on it, and when they did converse, it was forced and rude. Which broke Cathy's heart because he was her friend since they got their masters. She couldn't believe Mark would throw it all away just because he couldn't accept whom she's dating. 

Pelle suggested that maybe Mark was jealous, to which Cathy laughed at the idea. Mark? Jealous? He didn't even cared when his ex girlfriend kissed another guy to get his attention, why would he be jealous of his female friend? The idea of Mark liking Cathy was ridiculous to her. He never showed any romantic interest before, so why would he be upset, he doesn't even have to rights to that.

Cathy continued to rant about Mark's sudden change of behavior to her boyfriend. They were spending time gardening at Pelle's balcony garden. Well, Pelle was the one who was working his green thumbs off, Cathy was just ranting and admiring her boyfriend at the same time. She never thought a man who loves to garden would be such a turn on. Pelle claimed that planting helps him relax, he also shared that he happened to be quite a grower horticulturist back at the Harga. Cathy finds it cute the way he bragged about himself, the way he showed her that swoon worthy smile of his—oh he definitely knew what he was doing.

Cathy was ranting about something, when suddenly her eyes were stuck to Pelle's figure. He was just crouching to mend plants that had grew weed, and yet Cathy found him so distracting that she forgot her rant half way. Fuck it. Cathy stood up and approached her boyfriend, launched herself on his lap. Pelle fell down on his butt, holding his dirty hands on Cathy's waist for support, but she didn't mind. Staring down into his blue eyes, Cathy smiled and pecked his lips softly. Pelle breathed out a little before kissing her back. Entangling her fingers in Pelle's hair, she clenched it which made him curse slightly in his native language. Pelle quickly removed his gloves and lifted his hands to cup her neck, deepening the kiss when suddenly his phone lit up as a notification came through. Pelle read the message from Josh before sighing, "I guess we're going to a party." As tempting as it was to skip the offer, they knew Josh would not be happy, and the couple didn't want to spend the rest of the week with him being sarcastically mean to them.

The first thing Cathy noticed at the party was Dani, which shocked her because she didn't think she would come along. Dani was standing in between Chrstian and Mark, looking aloof and uncomfortable, but you could tell she was trying to appear social. Cathy pouted slightly, understanding where her cousin was coming from. The boys aren't exactly the most welcoming set of people in the room. Heck, Mark literally tried to force Christian to dump Dani months ago.

If Cathy were in Dani's place, Cathy would prefer to be with the right people whom can cheer her up. It's mainly the only reason why Cathy is moving on quite well from her loss, Pelle was there for her to make her happy. Cathy knew Dani needed that sort of relationship too.

When Cathy and Pelle reached the group, she excused herself from her boyfriend and immediately went to hug her cousin from behind. Dani panicked at first but she saw it was Cathy, she let her guard down and wrapped her arms around her, "I missed you." Dani whispered lowly as she breathed out in relief.

"Gosh, I miss you so much. I'm sorry I didn't get to visit you last week, I'm just glad exams are over." Cathy sighed out loud as she pulled Dani away from the boys to get a drink. "Speaking of exams, did they approved to give you an extra semester?" Cathy yelled slightly as they entered a loud kitchen.

"Fortunately, yeah they did. At least that's one less thing to worry." She yelled back. Cathy nodded in agreement as they picked up a bottle of beer from the refrigerator and went towards the corner of the room, where the area was more secluded.

"Anyway, tell me how you're feeling." Cathy started as she glanced at Dani, who huffed and leaned against a wall.

"I guess I'm getting better, but it's still hard to let it go." She took a huge gulp of her drink, and sighed once again. "Sometimes I'd just blank out and stare at the wall for hours, and I didn't even realized, you know." Cathy nodded her head, understanding the challenges her cousin faced as Dani rubbed her face tiredly. "The only reason I'm here is, because I know I needed to get out there, to be around people. Can't get myself spiraling down into bad thoughts." Dani glanced at Cathy, who was listening intently with a slight pout on her lips. "Damn psychology, am I right?" Dani joked, lightening the mood with a touch of humor.

Cathy chuckled softly, "Well, at least it helps you to be self-aware. I mean, you should try anthropology. The articles I have read can be really disturbing. It's like this dark rabbit hole of human behavior. I mean, sure, it's fascinating to study different cultures, but then you come across stuff like cults and their supremacist traditions, and it's like staring into the abyss, you know? Sometimes it puts my mind in this dark place, almost in a psychopathic way." Cathy shared as she took another sip nonchalantly.

Dani raised an eyebrow at her cousin, "Oh, so you weren't already fantasizing about fucked up things before you took this path?" Cathy stuck her tongue out at Dani, though a smile lingered her lips afterwards. "It's okay, we're both crazy. There's a reason why anthropology and psychology alligns with our interest, we're fucked in the head." She joked, this time they both couldn't help but cackled like witches.

"Imagine if I took a course in criminology." Cathy snickered.

"You'd be having sex with criminals, for god's sake." Dani shake her head, wiping her laughing tears away. Cathy couldn't help but chuckled at the truth behind her cousin's words. She truly is fucked up in the head. "At least you have a good guy to tame you now." Dani nudged Cathy teasingly, which made her blush, knowing Pelle would never ever tame her, he doesn't plan to. Not when he's also wild and crazy in his own way.

Cathy cleared her throat, "Oh, speaking of my good guy..." Cathy motioned Dani to look at the direction her finger was pointing, where Pelle was staring at Cathy with that adorable smile of his, though Cathy couldn't help but noticed the dark looks in his eyes. Cathy bit her lip and glanced back at Dani, who were playfully rolling her eyes at the couple's sweetness. "Well, what about you?" Cathy started carefully. "How's your relationship with Christian?"

Dani immediately looked away, but made eye contact once again after a few seconds. A tired fake smile marred her lips, "We're doing okay." Cathy gave her a look which made Dani sighed out loud. "I don't know, I feel like a huge burden to him. There's no chemistry anymore, Cathy." Frustrations lingered in her words. "Like I said those months ago, what if I leaned too much on him?" Dani sighed.

Cathy grabbed Dani's hand, "and like I said those months ago, he's your boyfriend, Dani. He's supposed to let you lean on him for support." Cathy murmured before sighing in defeat, "Did you talk it out with him?" Dani shook her head, looking guilty. "Sometimes the only solution is talk to each other, seek your relationship in a different light." Dani kept quiet, eyes well with tears as she stare at her cousin. "You deserve so much, Dani. I just wanna see you happy again." Cathy pouted as she squeezed her cousin's hand before letting go.

Dani wiped away a stray tear and managed a weak smile. "Thanks, Cathy," she murmured, her voice tinged with gratitude.

"Anytime, Dani. You know I got your back." Cathy returned the smile, giving her cousin a warm tight hug. "Though I won't be there for you in two weeks, but I'll be sure to text you more often and send you pictures! Wait, I kinda forgot to ask Pelle if there's signal there. It's fine, I'll just send you as soon as I get a si—" Cathy paused the moment she saw Dani's confused expression. Cathy's smile immediately disappeared, "You don't know." Cathy whispered in disbelief.

The girls decided to head back towards the boys—Cathy ready to confront Christian. Dani followed behind Cathy quietly as she resume taking her place in between Mark and Christian, giving her boyfriend a fake smile.

Cathy, on the other hand, couldn't wait to get back to Pelle—but her excitement had to wait because she was so angry with Christian, she might burn him to death and feed his body to the bears. She couldn't believe Christian didn't told Dani about their trip to Sweden. It's something huge and he decided to keep it from his girlfriend, who had just been abandoned by her family and is suffering from fear of loneliness. Did he really think it'd be a good idea to just break the news and hop on a plane the next day? That would probably be a good idea if he would just leave, never come back, and disappear from the face of the earth.

"So Josh, why don't you tell your friend here where we're going for the summer." Cathy smiled at Josh before tilting her head to Christian who looked panicked all of a sudden.

Josh, clueless, immediately nodded his head, "Yeah, uh, for my thesis." He nodded again before pointing to the rest of the group, "Actually, we're all going." Cathy glanced up at Pelle for a moment, showcasing her excitement. Her smile widened when she felt him giving her head a kiss, but immediately glared at Christian as she turned around.

"Oh, you're all going?" The hippie commented in a surprised tone.

"Yeah, they're all coming to visit my home in halsingland." Pelle wrapped both his arms around her chest, bringing her closer to him as he spoke up. "And probably marrying you." Pelle whispered lowly, Cathy thought he was joking and elbowed him lightly earning a quiet chuckle.

"Sweden." Josh smiled, raising both his eyebrows as he nodded.

"Oh, is there any occasion, or is it just for fun?" The guy asked again.

Josh once again answered his friend, "Uh, well. I'm doing my research on European midsummer traditions. These guys are just tagging along."

"Mr Pelle's invited us to an authentic hippie midsummer at his yodeling farm." Mark pursed his lips, giving Pelle a mocking smile.

"Oh, yeah?" All eyes suddenly snapped to Dani, who was putting up a smile as she tried to understand the situation that was going on. Dani glanced at her cousin, Cathy's eyes softened, feeling slightly sympathetic at Dani—not her, but the way Christian treated her.

"I mean, we were talking about it. We we're thinking about it." Christian spoke up, pouting his lips trying to too innocent, as if the group hadn't planned this summer trip for months.

"Really? You're just thinking about it?" Cathy raised an eyebrow, giving him a pointed look. Christian pursed his lips, nodding shamelessly.

"For when?" Dani interrupted.

"Uh, mid june to mid july." Josh glanced at Pelle, unsure himself.

"Yeah, two weeks from now?" Mark added the information without remorse.

"Yeah" Christian said. "I mean, that's if we even go. I'm probably not gonna go, but yeah, we were talking about it." Cathy rolled her eyes at Christian's words, tired of listening to him talking like a broken radio.

"Are you fucking serious?" Cathy scoffed, earning a more uncomfortable look from Christian. Cathy shook her head, if she had known Christian didn't told her cousin, Cathy would have told Dani herself. It had just struck Cathy how the topic of Christian leaving for Sweden never came up in between the cousin's conversations, well now she knows why.

After the awkward interaction, Dani had asked to excuse herself, saying she wasn't feeling well. Christian naturally followed Dani along, and said his goodbye with the groups, telling them he'll meet them at Mark and Josh's apartment the next day. Cathy managed to gave Dani a smile of encouragement before mouthing her a goodbye.

As the tension dissipated, the group gradually dispersed, each member silently processing the awkward encounter.

Pelle and Cathy soon stepped out of the building, relieved to escape the stifling atmosphere. "Well, that was awkward." He remarked as soon as they left, walking hand in hand with Cathy to his apartment.

Cathy sighed and leaned into him, "I know. I can't believe he didn't tell her, we're leaving in two weeks! When did he think was the perfect time to tell?" Cathy exhaled angrily.

"Well, why didn't you tell her?" Pelle glanced down at his girlfriend.

Cathy exhaled once again, this time in defeat. "I don't know, it never crossed my mind. Is that weird? I've been so excited for this trip to your home for so long, but whenever I'm with Dani, it slipped my mind. And I genuinely thought she knew too." Cathy frowned, wondering how she could be so forgetful. Pelle went and kissed the back of her hand, telling her that it's not weird. "Christian should've told her."

"He's not always best at communication." Pelle said.

"I know. I just thought he changed after supporting Dani through everything, but then Dani told me that there was no chemistry anymore. What if the reason why Christian is still with her, is because he doesn't know how to break up with her?" Cathy shared. "If that is true, I would've supported Mark months ago to break up with Dani, maybe then she would've found someone better." Cathy pursed her lips at the thought of Christian holding her just enough to keep her on her feet, but not enough to make her happy.

"You don't know that, Cathy. Let them handle their own relationship." Pelle rubbed her arm. "Now, how about we focus on ours." Pelle whispered as he unlocked the door to his apartment. Cathy looked around, didn't realized they had arrived. Pelle was already walking in, switching on the lights as his girlfriend was still stunned by the door. "Are you hungry? Want me to cook for dinner?" Pelle took off his shirt and dumped it on his sofa, as he made his way to his kitchen.

Cathy smirked, locking the door behind her and followed Pelle. "Oh, I'm hungry alright." Cathy whispered seductively as she placed her hands on the counter far apart and leaned forward to showcase the curves of her breasts. Pelle glanced at her before giving her a lustful look. Cathy immediately bit her lip, trying to control her laughter as she spoke the next words, "I kinda want that Swedish curry you made last time." Cathy batted her eyelashes innocently. Cathy's eyes widened when Pelle suddenly stalked towards her and lifted her off the ground, throwing Cathy over his shoulder, giving her a perfect view of Pelle's derriere. "Wait, no! I really wanted that curry!" Cathy laughed as she watched the kitchen disappearing from her sight and the view of the bedroom welcomed her.

"I'll cook for you later." Pelle threw her on the bed, watching as her body bounced against the mattress. Cathy grinned as he leaned in to kiss her. "I have to admit, I love how loyal and caring you are to others—especially to those you hold dear."

"If you're talking about Dani, she's my cousin, and currently the only family I have. I would defend her against everyone." Cathy smiled, playing with Pelle's long hair that had fallen off its place."If about you..." She bit her grin, but didn't say anything.

"You know in my community, our first language there, is strictly emotion-based. They would definitely appreciate you." Pelle went down to capture her lips once again before pulling away, "Emotions are how we connect and understand one another, it can be used to influenced others too. A tool for manipulation." Pelle searched into Cathy's eyes, "What if I manipulated you into liking me?" Pelle whispered, running his thumb along Cathy's jawline.

"Oh, really? Did you really think a girl like me likes you because of your good guy façade? I always look for the worst in everyone." Cathy leaned forward to whisper in his ear. "I like you, because I know you're not a good guy, Pelle" She nibbled his earlobe gently, smirking when she heard his breath hitched. "And I'm going to find out the real you in two weeks, so mind giving me small taste what the real you feels like now?" Cathy pouted her lips as she pulled back to stare into his blue eyes which were darkened in emotions Cathy couldn't comprehend. A mixture of excitement and anticipation coursing through her veins as her heart raced fast, waiting for Pelle to make the first move. A gasped escaped her when he smashed his lips against hers, kissing her harder than he had ever before.

Needless to say, throughout the moans groans, Pelle had made Cathy forgotten how hungry she really was.

A/N: Is this cringe? Yes. Lemme know if there's any plothole, cause I made like ten different versions of this and i get confused which information to include. So yeah, hope you enjoy it! Idk whenever pelle speaks in this, i imagine him speaking with that calm and collected voice of his. its hot.

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