Carnage | Gen V

By Aesthetic_rxssxs

320 10 0

FREYA THORNFIELD is a girl with big dreams. Those dreams included herself becoming a hero, making sure that n... More


Chapter 1

64 2 0
By Aesthetic_rxssxs

Death, Mentions of death, Suicide,
Mentions of Sex, and Violence

Chapter 1, "What is life without a little chaos?"
S1; ep1

FREYA ENTERED HER SOPHOMORE YEAR of Godolkin. Her return had some people talking around her. She could tell that the upperclassmen had been gossiping about her and Jordan's rivalry. It was the only drama that ran around the school.

Which comes as a surprise considering the fact that this is college and this is a school for superheroes. . .

Amiyah was running late because she decided to take a detour to Starbucks on her way back. She spent her summer with her family.

Freya had also visited her hometown from time to time but since her parents were always busy, she spent the remainder of the summer on campus.

FREYA WENT TO MEET UP WITH AMIYAH at the University stadium where Luke 'golden boy' Riorden was working out. Most people sat in to watch considering he is ranked number one in the entire school.

Amiyah was sat with shades on and a hat which was weird because she had freshly styled hair.

Freya narrowed her eyes at her red-headed friend. "Are you drunk?"

"Pfft! Me? Never. . ."

"Fucking Amiyah. It's barely the first day," Freya laughed with a roll of her eyes.

"Fucking Freya! It's barely the first day and everyone is still talking about your rivalry with Jordan Li. You better hop on that before all that tension makes you burst into flames like golden boy Riordan," Amiyah insinuates.

"Jordan? No way! They're so obnoxious." Freya turned with a glare present on her face. "They've been nothing but rude— Fucking hell!" Freya was distracted by the gory sight of Luke ripping off his competitor's arms. You could see the bone sticking out and the worst part was seeing Luke and Andre helping the victim mold back his arms together.

"Jesus—" Amiyah said as she almost threw up. "Bad idea to be hung over right now."

Freya cringed as she patted her friend's back in false sympathy. "Well, as much as I'd love to see that image branded in my mind, I have to turn in an extra credit summer assignment to Brinks."

Amiyah managed a smirk, "If you end up boning Li on their desk I'm telling you I told you so."

"Amiyah. Just no." Freya shook her head. "Also since when did you not hate Jordan?"

Amiyah rolled her eyes. "We both know I never hated them and was just being a supportive friend to a petty yet entertaining fight between you two."

"Ha, ha, ha," Freya mocked a laugh before throwing up her middle finger and walking down the stadium stairs.

AS FREYA WALKS DOWN THE HALL TO BRINK'S OFFICE, she tries to mentally prepare for Jordan. She would be lying if she didn't admit to the fact that she had been thinking about all the possible scenarios that could be presented when they reunited after the weird connection they had at the end of last year.

She tried to pay no mind to it as she walked up to their desk with her folder in hand, in which the contents held her summer extra credit homework.

"I'm here to turn in my extra credit assignment to Brinks."

Jordan didn't look up at her and just gestured to the empty side of their desk.

Freya complied but was visibly confused at their demeanor. She paid it no mind and left it to mood swings before speed-walking out of that situation so fast that she accidentally bumped into a girl with dark brown hair.

Freya quickly apologized before leaving the poor girl to Jordan.

Freya continued to run into many other people on her way to her shared dorm with Amiyah. Including Maverick who made sure to have her let Amiyah know to call him.

Freya shivered at the insinuations he had given her when he made a jerking-off gesture and then winked as if it were some secret that only the three knew.

She was definitely going to talk about boundaries with the two once she had the time.

AS SHE FINALLY ARRIVED IN HER DORM, Freya let out a sigh and landed her frame onto the closed door in relief. Amiyah sat on her bed with her red hair all frizzed out from moving around too much in her sleep.

Freya chose to tell her about Maverick's request after she was done with her nap.

NOT TOO LONG AFTER HER NAP, Freya had awoken to a knock on her door. She got up and looked around and didn't find any traces of Amiyah anywhere. She chose not to think about it any further for fear of getting an image. . .

"Gross," she shivered.

As she opened her door she was greeted by Cate. I know it might seem weird but Freya was actually friends with Jordan's little circle.

The two were rivals, but Andre, Luke, and Cate took a liking to the girl. Especially when she'd put Jordan in their place. Something about their relationship had them entertained. So they had bonded over their shared class and had developed a friendship.

Freya couldn't tell if it was a burden or a miracle. . .

"Freya!" Cate greeted excitedly.

Freya was still drowsy so she chose to lazily wave as a greeting.

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to go to a club tomorrow? We had planned it and it would be a lot more interesting if you came," The blonde smiled in hope.

Freya narrowed her eyes, "Will Jordan be there?"


"Then no."


"Just, no," Freya repeated very seriously.

"Oh come on! You hardly go out or do anything, don't let grumpy Jordan stop you from having college memories!"

"More like college mistakes," Freya said giving a pointed look.

"Okay— maybe college mistakes. . . But you can always learn from them!" Cate tried to convince her.

"You make mistakes by accident. You don't do something knowing it is more than likely going to end horribly. That doesn't make it a mistake, it makes it intentional."

Cate rolls her eyes, "I sometimes hate how smart you are. Just think about it, please?"

Freya gives a look but is interrupted by Cate. "It doesn't hurt to think, Freya. You're living proof."

Freya stays silent as Cate's pointed look reverts to a small smile as she walks away.

Fuck. I'm going to have to go to that party now, aren't I? She thought with mild annoyance.

THE NEXT NIGHT, was when Freya was waltzing up to where Cate had told her to meet them. She had clipped her hair to the side and wore a black tub top with a greyish-green skirt and had on a baggy plain yellow flannel for warmth.

The clicking sound of her black ankle boots brought the attention of none other than Marie Moreau.

She was the girl that Freya had accidentally bumped into. Marie couldn't help but admire the confidence that Freya had ensued. She had especially loved her dangly gold earrings.

As Marie walked in sync with her, she spoke out, "Hey! So you're going to this party thing too? I'm Marie, by the way. The girl you bumped into?"

Freya's matte red lipstick-colored lips formed an o shape as she recognized the girl. "Hey. Sorry about that by the way, I had to get out of there."

"No, don't worry about it," Marie said before her face lightened up with immediate anger, "I can tell why you did. Jordan's a dick."

Freya smirked, "Welcome to the Jordan Li hate club, Marie."

The two shook hands as Freya threw her arm around Marie as they both walked up to the group.

If you're wondering about Freya's new found confidence, just know that God U will do that to you. There's no use in being shy when people like Maverick have their dick out 24/7 and have the audacity to wear a hat like it somehow makes it better.

WHEN FREYA AND MARIE WALKED UP to the four waiting by the car, they saw Andre blowing out smoke into the sky.

"Oh! Told you." He said as he caused everyone to turn around and look at the two. "This is Marie. She's the one I was telling you guys about."

"Freya!" Cate shouted as she hugged the girl. "You made it! I didn't think you were coming."

Everyone introduced themselves to Marie and vise versa up until Jordan. "Uh, that's Jordan."

"Yeah, we've met," He said with distaste.

"You gonna reject me from this outing, too?" Marie asked with just as much enthusiasm.

"I'd love to," He replied back with honesty.

"No, play nice. Or I will not share my drugs with you," Andre said seriously with a certain playful attribute.

Freya managed a chuckle as she turned to gauge Jordan's expression. What she wasn't expecting was for him to be already looking back at her.

The girl walked to Marie and threw her arm around her before throwing up her middle finger at Jordan as she sarcastically smiled. Her smile quickly fell as she glared at him and guided Marie to Luke's car.

"Someone has to sit on someone because we didn't anticipate Freya being here," Andre said as he turned to Cate with a look.

She rolled her eyes in response.

"Sit on Jordan's lap, Freya," Cate suggested with a mischievous smirk.

"Fuck no," they both said with an unpleasant face present.

Everyone laughed as the two glared at each other.

"Why don't you just sit on Luke's lap, Cate? He is your boyfriend."

As Freya said that, Andre and Cate gave each other a subtle look. Not subtle enough as Freya narrowed her eyes at the two.

"Uh, yeah— obviously. Way to ruin the fun, Frey," Cate eased back into her old self as she teased the curly-haired girl.

AS EVERYONE WAS UP TOP THE 7 TOWER, Freya was bored out of her mind. She wasn't the type of person to participate in any drug or alcoholic involved activities, so it was a waste to even be there.

She was sat on the grimy couch with an equally grimy seat partner. That's right, Jordan just had to be sat next to her.

"Don't you have somewhere else to be? Or better yet, somewhere else to sit," Jordan spoke out annoyed. But not as much as Freya at that moment, "If you're so bothered then move. Also, last time I checked, I don't have to do anything that you like."

Jordan gave her a roll of his eyes, "I'm not moving, you are." With that, he got up and gripped her waist, and threw her over his shoulder. "What the fuck Jordan? Let me down!"

It seemed Luke was busy with Marie and Cate and Andre were too busy laughing their asses off to actually help her. "Cate! I swear to God, if you don't get this asshole off of me right now, I'll fucking kill all of you!"

Cate quickly stopped laughing and went up to the two and tried to get a hold of her and made Jordan let her go.

"Fucking douche," Freya snarked and pulled down her tub top, which definitely grabbed said "douche"s attention. "Well it got you to move, didn't it?"

Freya turned and scoffed at him, "Yeah, unwillingly! That was borderline assault! Try that shit again," she walked closer to him and grabbed the collar of his suit, "and I'll make you regret it."

EVERYONE ARRIVED AT THE CLUB, some more excited than others... AHEM; Freya. She was going further and further away from her comfort zone. The only person she thought was having the same problem was Marie, and she seemed too mesmerized to realize her own discomfort.

"Good evening. Reservation under?" The dull and uninterested voice of the host called out to the college students. Cate started to take off her glove as she said, "We don't have one," She placed her hand onto his, "But you don't give a fuck. Right?"

Like magic, he replied back as if he were a broken record player, "I do not give a fuck. Follow me."

Jordan and Luke turned back around to gauge Marie's and Freya's reaction, and as how they expected, Freya was visibly uncomfortable as her nose was scrunched up and her arms were wrapped around her waist. The only thing surprising to them was Marie "Goody-two-shoes" Moreau was more amazed than worried or discomfort.

The two followed the group in and sat on red velvet seats. Cate and Luke were laughing while Jordan was smirking and Andre went into his jacket. He reached in, grabbed a white powdered bag, and flaunted it at them, "You guys in?"

Jordan snatched the bag before anyone could verbally say so. Marie spoke out what Freya was silently asking, "Is that cocaine?" Jordan replied while licking his finger which Freya unwillingly found her eyes drawn to, "We finished all the coke. It's molly."

Marie nodded her head as if it were common knowledge, those around her laughed except for Freya. She still had her reservations and wasn't planning on giving them up.

Luke spoke out to Marie, reassuring her, "Hey, I don't really fuck with powders, but I do microdose shrooms," He smiles along with Cate as he shakes the bag in front of Marie.

"So, what do you say, freshman?" Jordan asked, making Marie's smile falter. Andre smiled at her as he continued to hold out the bag. Marie looked down, "Um... no, thank you."

"You know, I could take my glove off and make you. I won't, 'cause I'm all about consent. But I could. So... you should," Cate smiles which makes Freya frown and her stomach twist. She interrupted Marie before she could give in, "You don't have to Marie. Do what you want."

Jordan couldn't help but admire Freya's stubbornness when it comes to drugs and other substances. She never gave in. Which was the opposite for Marie as she licked her finger before dipping it into the bag and putting her finger back into her mouth.

When she gulped it down, the others cheered, and Freya slowly clapped in reluctance. Marie's face had twisted at the taste of Molly.

Cate moved closer to Marie as she giggled, "Now let's dance!" Marie turned to her with hesitance, "What?" Cate pulled her up before she could back out, "Come on."

Cate knew better than to make Freya do anything, she wasn't willing to risk her life so easily like that. The two left the three boys including Freya alone.

Andre turned to everyone, Jordan specifically, "I told you." Jordan took a gulp of his champagne, "Yeah. She's cool."

Freya was still sitting with Luke and Andre because Jordan went off. She was slowly drifting off before Jordan made an appearance in their female form.

"There she is," Luke said when she brought over shots. Andre stated before he asked, "You changed. Why?"

Jordan turned her attention to the shots, "'Cause I fucking felt like it. Also, free drinks." Luke raised his eyebrows along with his shot, "True. Cheers." Andre clinked his with Luke's, "To The Seven. Fucking Seven."

This rose Freya's interest. Andre chuckled while Luke said, "Calm down. I just told you." Andre hummed back and Jordan chuckled out, "Oh."

Andre said, "You got to invite me to the Tower. 'Cause I crush hard on A-Tran. A speedster in bed?" Luke closed his eyes and placed his hand to his head, "Making a mental note right now to never invite you."

Freya didn't bother with their conversation as she was slowly drifting in and out of consciousness.

Meanwhile, Jordan chuckled, "Mm. It is the least surprising surprise ever, but... congrats," She went for a bottle and opened it, "When do you start?"

"Uh, you mean, when do I leave so you can finally be ranked number one?" Luke joked. That was one of the few things that made Freya chuckle. Jordan gave her a look even though she couldn't see it because her eyes were closed, "Please. That'd be great, but trustees think I'm too confusing. No way I'll be number one."

Andre spoke out, "The trustees put you in the orientation video." Freya was finally finding some interest in the conversation and kept her eyes closed as she hummed and threw her hand up, "That's true."

"Well, yeah, so they could suck their own dicks about how progressive they are," Jordan said before glancing at Freya. Jordan found himself remembering what happened on the last day of last year. He tried to ignore it.

Andre hummed while Luke continued, "Okay, well, Brink does carry a lot of weight with them, and he loves you. I mean, you're like his, um, his favorite son/daughter," Luke joked with a smile.

Which had a domino effect on Jordan. Luke progressed, "I think you got a shot." Jordan sucked in a breath before saying, "It'll be Andre. As much as that pisses me off."

Andre's smile falls as his eyes do when he says, "Uh, that- that responsibility and having to work with my dad? Fuck that. That's all you. I will cheer you on as I continue to suck and fuck my little heart out." Andre then turns to Luke, "But you, you worked your fucking ass off for this. And I'm proud of you. I love you, man." Luke and him hug and he replies back, "Love you."

Freya smirks, "Aww. You guys have a bromance going on! Does Cate know," she jokes. The group laughs. "Yeah- yeah no. I'm cheating on her with Andre," Luke jokingly leans into Andre to kiss him but Andre quickly blocks him with an "Okay, you've definitely had too much to drink."

Freya laughs with Jordan and they both forget that they're supposed to hate each other for a moment. Luke separates himself from them to go to the restroom. Not too long after, Andre spots a blonde and goes over to flirt with her.

That left Jordan and Freya alone to themselves. Which was very awkward.

"Why don't you drink?" Jordan asks out of the blue to break the obvious tension. Freya turned to them with furrowed eyebrows, contemplating, "It's a stupid reason why, no need for me to bore you. Just know I don't like it."

Jordan takes a shot and says okay, which confuses Freya, "What?" Jordan heaves out a sigh before turning to her, "I'm ready to be bored. Not like I have anything better to do."

Freya scoffs. He raises his eyebrows in encouragement. "Fine. It's not really a story or anything-- but whatever. You know how there are different kinds of drunks?" Jordan nods.

"Well, I know of a few. There are sleepy drunks, friendly drunks, aggressive drunks, truthful drunks, bat-shit crazy drunks, and last, but not least, dare-devil drunks. In all of those scenarios I can't find myself benefiting from being drunk," Freya says in total honesty. Jordan gives her an incredulous look before bursting out laughing.

Freya turns red in embarrassment. "It's not fucking funny, asshole!" Jordan waves his hand a bit before saying, "That- that's why you don't drink? You're afraid of what kind of drunk you are?"

Frey sheepishly shrugs, "Well, I mean yeah. Imagine if I were an aggressive drunk. Horrid."

""Horid"? Who the fuck says that? And I mean yeah, it's kinda scary finding out what kind of drunk you are, but isn't the point of being drunk to let go? So naturally whatever drunk you are is just yourself without a filter," Jordan explains with a smirk.

"So, yeah. I guess you'd be an aggressive drunk," He laughs. Freya frowns, "Not funny. I'm not aggressive, I'm just aggressive to you because I don't like you."

Jordan falters a bit before composing himself, "Yeah. Well like I care what you think. You're not even top ten." Freya shrugs in response, "That's just a list based on grown people tracking fresh adults on whether or not they're stronger than the others. I feel it's better not to be recognized."

Jordan contemplates it before realizing she is not wrong. Not like they will actually admit that, of course. Before they can continue the conversation, the music stops and screams can be heard.

Freya gets up quickly and so does Jordan. They look for the source and see Andre hunched over a bleeding woman. He looks terrified.

The two rush over to him. Jordan goes down with him, "Oh, my god. What the hell happened?"

People around them continue to scream and yell in panic and some video the situation instead of helping. Andre replies in panic, "Uh, I think I hit an artery, dude! Aw, fuck! Some fuck bumped into me! I think she's gonna die, man. She's bleeding out."

Freya was near Marie and she had her palm to her mouth as she watched the scene play out in front of her. Jordan turned to Cate, "We need to call 911!"

Cate took a once-over before saying, "They won't get here in time. We need to go. We need to get the fuck out of here."

Jordan whispers in Andre's ear and gets him up. His hand leaving the woman's body causes her blood to flow out. Freya turns to Marie, "We have to go. Now, Marie."

Marie is standing frozen, not even when Freya shakes her does she move. "Fuck! Marie, look at me. This does not end well." With no other response, Freya shouts, "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Jordan came back after he gave Andre to Cate and Luke. "Come on, Freya. We have to go, she's frozen solid. There's nothing we can do."

Freya reluctantly accepts defeat as she leaves Marie with regret.

THE NEXT DAY, Freya is still remorseful. She tried to knock on Marie's door but her roommate Emma opened the door and told her she left for Brink's office. She also said that she was still pretty upset about being left, so Freya instead chose to leave her alone for a bit before apologizing.

Freya was walking around and was headed to the front of the Campus but stopped when she heard weird noises. Marie ran outside and Freya could only look at her back before she turned back to see Luke throw Jordan.

Jordan called out his name when she saw him turn around and she throttled herself and punched him in the face. Freya gasped.

They kept on changing their forms as they fought Luke in his flame form. They there punch after punch until they punched him so hard he flew against the wall.

Freya saw that Jordan was in trouble and knew she'd regret fighting Luke, but seeing as no one was helping, they instead chose to run away.

Freya hesitated before she placed her hands on the ground and tried to feel around for natural metal, luckily she found some and lifted it up and the force of the floor shaking caused Luke to momentarily turn to look back at her while choking Jordan.

He turned around just in time to be hit by a big block of material. He was knocked out for a second and Freya was terrified. Jordan coughed before he got up and continued to try and stop Luke from getting to Marie.

But this time with the help of Freya. She seemed very hesitant but became more confident when she was close to be being burnt by Luke. She turned back to him and tried to constrict the carbon around him. Carbon regulates Earth's temperature, so she's initially trying to cool him down.

It works for a bit until it starts to drain her. Jordan sees this and goes after Luke up until he flames up again and Jordan turns to see Freya passed out. He can't do much either as he gets knocked out by Luke.

Freya is in and out of consciousness and wakes up and slurs her way outside just as she looks up to see Luke explode himself. The remains of him splatter onto the ground and Freya finds herself gagging.

Marie turns to see her, she's still mad but rushes to the curly head once she sees her sway. She gets there just in time to catch her. As Marie calls for her, Freya's last thoughts echo Jordan.


I hope you enjoyed this! I tried my best to include Freya and I think I did a pretty good job. What do you think? 😁💕

What's your favorite scene in this chapter? Why? 🤔

Anyways, enjoy the story, 'Carnage'.

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