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Mentions and implications of sex,
Mentions of drugs, and Mentions of alcohol

Prologue, "What is life without a little rivalry?"
S1; ep0

FREYA THORNFIELD WAS ONE of the many children injected with Compound V. This is a drug injected into infants when they're born to produce what Society calls "supes". These lethal kids are best known for their inhuman abilities; hence the nickname "supes"; as in "superhero".

The injection "Compound V" itself was introduced during World War II which was around September 1, 1939–September 2, 1945.

Two decades later Godolkin University was made.

Godolkin University is a College for specifically supes. The school was made to help them have a place in society where they have the ability to study without judgment or prejudice.

Most people were and still are against Compound V and supes in all due to the overwhelming fear that these powerful humans will one day take their special abilities onto humans without such capabilities.

This fear is what caused people to form "The Seven". This team is used to make "normal" people feel more safe and comfortable with the idea of supes being around.

It didn't work fully as there are still people today who fear these people. This is what caused Freya to want to become a hero.

She had one of two abilities.

Her first ability can be specified as Florakinesis. Which is the ability to alter or manipulate vegetation. She can cause plants to grow rapidly and can regenerate that life. Depending on whether the root is intact or not, she can revive it too. If she manipulates a specific plant with toxins, she has the ability to release it.

Her second ability was best known as Terrakenisis. It's the ability to control any form of earth, which includes Metal and lots of other things. Freya spent most of her time trying to figure out how her powers worked and how she could use them to the best of her ability.

She had learned over the years due to her dedication that she could manipulate the earth's natural metal and she can manipulate the formation of the materials of the earth. If she wanted to, she could manipulate sand into quicksand, or she could grab earth's natural metals and manipulate them as she pleases.

With the ability to control earth elements, comes the ability to manipulate lava. If you don't know what I mean, it's simple really; Earth has layers, and within those layers contains a section filled with magma, which heats up the rocks that are closest to it and creates molten lava rocks.

So, lava is just a liquified form of rock. This is how Freya learned if she were powerful enough, she could burn her enemies in one of the most painful ways possible.

That is if she chooses not to make theirs a quick death. . .

She also learned that with the right water, she could manipulate it. She learned that water has variations of calcium in it. Although it isn't something found naturally, it is in fact found in the earth's crust, which allows Freya if she pleases, to manipulate water.

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