
By laft100

192 47 8

When technology fulfills every dream, reality is a nightmare. But where can one rebel hide when even her thou... More

Codex 15111
Codex 15111
Codex 15111
Codex 15111


4 1 0
By laft100

Wren knew this went against everything she believed in, but she needed answers. Her time with Codey contradicted all she had been taught. The possibility of hooking up drove her here, but she was still shocked at how willing Codey was to let her experience it. Could it all be a trap?

Along with the thrill of experiencing the hook-up, Wren desperately wanted to learn about New State technology and how it monitored the citizens. If she finds out and tells her father, Wren knows she can make him proud and live up to his high standards. She hated not telling him how she got it but hooking up might be the only way. Wren's dad would ground her for life if he found out, but she'd make sure he didn't.

She had to tell Codey about the note. Someone watched them, and that could not be good. Wren didn't want to put Codey's mother in more danger, but this might be her only opportunity to experience something no other Grounder had ever done, learn from it, and return with the information.

"Phantom," Wren mouthed.

Codey put a finger to his mouth. His eyes pled with Wren to be silent.

She held her breath. The seconds ticked backward in Wren's mind like the count before a bomb detonated, but when number one exploded in her brain, nothing happened. The whirl and swoosh of the Phantom remained outside the window.

Light advanced and then faded back into the night. She let out the rush of air she'd bottled up and noticed Codey slouching in the chair, his thin frame relaxing. His pale skin stood out against the dark leather.

"Normal night patrol. If you're hooked up, you don't even notice the Phantoms." He pushed the hair back from his ear to expose the port. "I'd normally be hooked up, but since I missed a few nights, cyborgs come around the neighborhood two or three times. Nothing to worry about as long as we're quiet." He smiled sheepishly.

"Right." Wren's words lacked conviction, but her desire to understand Codey's lifestyle drove her to recklessness. Rafe would kill her if he ever found out. She'd be off the Raiders for sure.

"Let's get you hooked up. Since you don't have a CHIP, this should be interesting."

While Wren had learned the basics about CHIPs and other implants at school, she was fascinated as it played out in real life.

"Sit here." He pointed to a comfortable recliner.

She did, back straight, elbows relaxed and ready to draw her weapon.

Codey moved behind her and did something Wren didn't expect. She practically jumped out of her seat. Her cheeks flushed as he chuckled at her reaction, but he didn't stop rubbing her shoulders in a gentle massage.

"You're too tense," he said. "The computer senses changes to physiology, which might cause things to go awry. Sit back and relax."

Wren shook her head. Codey didn't understand how hard it was to relax when she had sneaked out of the compound to visit a tech head against her better judgment. Still, his fingers kneading her shoulders felt wonderful. She sighed and sat back. He continued to work the shoulder and back

"You're good at this," Wren purred.

"We learn all the pressure points in our introductory conditioning class to help us relax when we first start joining with our computers, but usually, the massage is done with robotic hands. I don't have any available. Sorry. When your mind and body are relaxed, the CHIP syncs better with the external technology."

"What's it like to have a CHIP?"

"I can't remember a time without it. Stop asking questions and overanalyzing the situation. Enjoy it."

"I can do that." But finding tranquility was harder than she expected.

He continued to massage Wren, sending chills down her spine. Slowly she relaxed, her muscles turning to jelly under his skilled hands.

"Let's do this." He handed her the gloves and headgear.

She examined them critically. "Do I need these?"

"Yes. All the equipment is assigned to my identification. Once hooked up, people can be anyone or anything and do anything. Sorry for sounding crude, anyone. Parents monitor children, but once you reach the age of twelve, being hooked up means freedom. The freedom to do whatever you want in the network. New State has access to it all, not that they care as long as whatever happens stays on the network and the hook-up stays in the normal parameters. Those parameters are extremely generous. No one cares if you kill and eat Mom in a hook-up." Codey handed her a headset.

Her face showed her disgust, but she still fumbled in her attempt to put the close-fitting cap on. "Like this?"

Codey nodded. "No one will care what you do. Except me." He smiled as he moved over to the computer and touched the keypad to boot up. His fingerprint also synchronized with CHIP, downloading relevant new data. "I guess you don't sync, do you?"

Wren shook her head. "Nope."

"You're the first person I've ever met without a brain CHIP. How do you get any information?"

"It's called talking," Wren shot back.

"I do that too, occasionally." Codey's smile lit up his face. "Okay, you'll need an external prosthesis. Friends use it when they come over. It synchronizes you to my computer." He helped her put on the sleek, close-fitting gloves. "Don't worry. It's fine."

"This isn't a trick?" she asked, even though it was a stupid question. Her training taught her never to trust any New State citizen.

"Are you scared?" he asked.

"No," she was defiant, but she put a hand against her bird pendant for courage. A multitude of tiny bumps in the glove fabric hugged her skin. "Why are they bumpy?" she asked.

"They monitor you. Everything from your respiration to your enjoyment levels. They help the computers figure out what to put in front of you next, but the real information comes from this." He tapped the visor with his fist and yanked the shield-like cover over her eyes.

"Won't the computer be able to tell I'm not you or your friends?" she asked.

"Probably not." He appeared innocent. "People use these when they visit if there aren't enough ports for everyone to plug in, but most of the time, it's not needed because we communicate from our own homes by virtual reality. But the gloves and helmet do get used. I mean there are parties that aren't in cyberspace. I hosted a group hook-up once. It was odd having all the bodies together in one room. Too crowded and smelly. I prefer simulated ones." He made a face and shook away the memories.

"That's called an orgy," Wren's mouth dropped.

"What does that word mean?"

"Never mind." Red leaked into Wren's cheeks.

"Anyway, the computer picks up what you want to see, touch, hear, taste, and smell and shows those images. What could go wrong? Are you ready?"

"Ready," Wren said, but she felt anything but ready.

She sat back, the click of the keyboard loud, and was instantly transported into a beautiful field full of wildflowers. It was sunny but not overbearingly hot. Maple trees rustled in the breeze at the end of the meadow. This most definitely was a projection. Wren would never venture out into the daylight with Phantoms around. Too easy to be caught. She loved the sun on her neck and basked in its warmth. She could stay here for hours and be happy.

Confused about what to do, Wren took in the beauty around her, but she felt as light as a leaf on a windy day. Her body lifted off the ground, and she was flying. This wasn't humanly possible. Only cyborgs could fly. But she soared through the wispy clouds as the wind caressed her cheek. She drifted slowly. She circled an apple tree, the branches laden with fruit. Wren reached out and plucked a leaf off one of the highest limbs. She held it and watched as it waved in the breeze she created, soaring higher. She let the leaf fall from her hand and stared as it drifted to the ground. Picking up speed, Wren floated in the air as geese flew in V formation, honking at her when she disturbed them. Wren released a joyful squeal and flew higher.

The farther from the earth she went, the colder it became, but she didn't care. The view astounded her. New State glowed. Bright sunlight sparkled off the skyscrapers. Hell's Phantoms patrolled the air, but they ignored her. She should have been scared, but she was fearless. She flew higher, clouds turning gray and rain-laden, heading away from New City.

She began to wobble in the air as it changed from chilly to frigid. Whatever force had been propelling her upward suddenly stopped. Gravity dragged her back. Wren plummeted, picking up speed. She twisted and turned, trying to regain the feeling of weightlessness. It deserted her. The ground rushed to meet her. Stomach churning, heart palpitating, she stared as death rushed to meet her.

Wren became aware of a beeping sound and Codey's hand shaking her arm.

"Hey," he said softly. "Come on back."

With trembling hands, she lifted the visor from her face. The discarded headgear and gloves thumped heavily as she threw them on the desk. Her entire body shook. "What happened?" Wren asked.

"I forgot what it's like to be a newbie."

"A newbie?"

"Someone who doesn't control the program. Sorry. I should have warned you."

"Maybe." Wren squeaked.

"I said sorry. Geez, you have a temper. Don't they condition your emotions at all?"

"Me? Conditioned? Never!" As her pulse settled, the thrill of the experience returned. "It was so real. I flew. It felt so real. So amazing." She paused, dark hair shielding her as she dropped her chin. "The plummeting-toward-my-death part, on the other hand, is something I never, ever want to relive."

"Can I ask something important?" Codey placed a gentle hand on hers.

Wren's alarm buzzed even as her pulse raced for another reason. "I'm late. I didn't realize so much time had passed. I have to get back before sunrise."

Wren raced into the remaining darkness, running toward the wall.

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