Bloom (Editing)

By unfearnot

33.1K 1.7K 1.7K

"Your hard work is finally getting paid. I saw you struggling from a young age Minha. Your passion, your cour... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 (TW)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (TW)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 (TW)
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 (TW)
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (TW)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 (TW)
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75 (M)
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91 (TW)
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Special Chapter

Chapter 95

126 12 42
By unfearnot

As Minha and Kazuha prepared for their pastry date, they unexpectedly crossed paths with Chaewon near the front door. "Going somewhere?" Minha queried, her eyes scanning Chaewon's attire.

The blonde girl was dressed in a casual grey sweater and jogger pants, her hair tucked under a hat. "Visiting my mom. And I'll be playing with Shiro before our practice later," she replied, her voice echoing the excitement she felt at the thought of seeing her pet. "What about unnie and Zuha?" she asked, noticing their casual yet well-coordinated outfits, complete with hats and masks.

"Zuha has a craving for pastries, and we plan to go grocery shopping after that. Manchae requested homemade kimbab," Minha revealed, a hint of amusement in her voice.

At the mention of kimbab, Chaewon's eyes lit up like a child's on Christmas morning. "Can you save a few pieces for me, unnie?" she asked, her face morphing into an irresistible plea.

Minha let out a hearty laugh as they slipped into their shoes.

Kazuha, already at the front door, was growing impatient.

"Anything for you, pupu," Minha teased, winking at Chaewon as they left the house.

Chaewon's eyes followed Kazuha, who was walking briskly ahead. "What's up with her?" she asked Minha, her curiosity piqued.

"Well, if you ask me, she's a bit upset. Not really upset, but she's been whining about the two marks you saw this morning," Minha explained nonchalantly, leading Chaewon towards the parking basement.

Minha planned to drop Chaewon off at her family house, which was conveniently on their way.

"And she's embarrassed that you saw the marks," Minha added, suppressing a chuckle as Chaewon burst into laughter.

"I must admit, those marks did give me a shock. But I won't tease her about it, I'm not Yunjin," Chaewon assured, her eyes catching sight of another mark, this time on Minha's neck. "You guys are wild, unnie. Be careful!" she cautioned, shaking her head in disbelief. She found the situation amusing but didn't want others to notice the marks.

"That's love. We're just too passionate sometimes," Minha responded, giggling as they reached the car.

They slid into the car, fastened their seatbelts, and Minha started the engine. "You and Jen will reach that stage too one day. It will come, slowly but surely," Minha predicted, smirking at Chaewon's reflection in the rearview mirror.

Unbeknownst to Minha, Purinz had already crossed that stage, but Chaewon maintained a clueless facade.

After bidding Chaewon goodbye at her family house, Minha and Kazuha set their sights on the pastry shop. "Did you check the menu? Like, what's on the bestsellers and recommended?" Minha inquired, glancing towards Kazuha who was engrossed in scrolling through images from the shop on her phone.

"Yes, I found what I want. But I'm sure we'll end up buying more," Kazuha replied, her eyes sparkling at the thought of savoring her favorite cheese bread.

"Anything you want, princess," Minha responded, reaching across to intertwine her fingers with Kazuha's.

Upon their arrival, the tantalizing aroma wafting from the shop was like an olfactory symphony, pure heaven to their senses. As Minha and Kazuha stepped inside, their eyes darted around, taking in the visual feast of assorted pastries displayed in the aisle showcase.

Their stomachs growled in anticipation. "I know you can't wait. Go ahead, baby, pick whatever you want," Minha encouraged, handing a tray to her visibly excited girlfriend. To Kazuha, pastries were more than just food; they were a daily indulgence she couldn't resist.

After a while, Minha proceeded to the counter to pay for their selections. They walked out with two bags brimming with delectable treats. Kazuha was beaming, the earlier embarrassment about the marks on her neck temporarily forgotten.

"Are you that happy? You've got two bags of pastries on your lap now," Minha teased as she maneuvered the car towards their next destination.

"These two bags will be gone in no time. I could eat bread every day~" Kazuha retorted, her smile widening as she took a deep inhale of the pastry-scented air filling the car. Minha could only shake her head in disbelief at her girlfriend's unending love for pastries.

Around 2pm, Minha and Kazuha returned home, their arms laden with two bags of pastries and a variety of ingredients for kimbab. "Relax and enjoy your pastries while I prepare the kimbab," Minha instructed Kazuha, shrugging off her jacket and draping it over the dining chair next to her girlfriend. It had been some time since she last made kimbab, but her mother's recipe was etched in her memory.

In a large bowl, Minha deftly mixed steamed rice with rice seasoning and roasted sesame seeds. She then laid out a seaweed sheet on a bamboo sushi mat, spreading a thin layer of rice over it. Methodically, she arranged the prepared ingredients on top of the rice, starting with perilla leaves, followed by Bulgogi, yellow radish pickles, seasoned burdock root, cucumber, and carrots.

Kazuha watched in awe, a pastry in hand, as Minha worked her culinary magic. She knew the kimbab would taste as perfect as it looked.

Meanwhile, Eunchae emerged from her room and settled next to Kazuha, resting her head on Kazuha's shoulder. "Where's Kkura unnie?" Kazuha queried, offering a piece of bread to Eunchae.

"Unnie went out to meet her IZ*ONE friends. She left while you were out," Eunchae mumbled between bites. The pair watched Minha, their eyes filled with anticipation and admiration.

Once all the ingredients were in place, Minha lifted the bottom end of the sushi mat, enveloping the ingredients. She then rolled the seaweed to the top, securing it with some water or rice at the edge. Minha repeated the process with the remaining ingredients, each roll getting a final touch of sesame oil for a nutty, savory flavor and a glossy finish.

With a satisfied smile, Minha sliced the kimbap into bite-sized pieces and arranged them on a plate. She placed it in front of the younger girls, inviting them to taste her creation. "How's my bulgogi kimbab?" Minha asked, washing her hands as she waited for their verdict.

Eunchae was the first to respond, "This good," she declared, quickly reaching for another piece. "This is my favorite kimbab ever!" she added, her words muffled by a mouthful of kimbab.

Minha chuckled at Eunchae's predictable reaction, then turned to Kazuha. Her girlfriend gave her a thumbs up, a silent confirmation of the kimbab's deliciousness. "Eat up, Manchae. We have plenty," Minha encouraged, patting her head before retrieving her jacket and heading to her room. She paused at her nightstand, picking up a small bag and tucking it into her pocket. She decided to give it to Eunchae later.

In the bustling KBS building, Yunjin found herself trudging back to her waiting room after a series of interviews. She sank into the plush couch, her gaze fixed on the stark white wall in front of her. "I'm dead bored, oh my god," she muttered to herself. Despite her role as a special MC, there was no trace of nervousness, only a profound boredom. The waiting room was hers alone, the staff having tactfully retreated to give her some space. But the solitude, rather than being a respite, only amplified her boredom. Her only consolation was the knowledge that her workday would end in a few hours.

Her phone, resting on the coffee table, lit up, breaking the monotony. A new notification had popped up. Yunjin's face transformed into a wide smile as she recognized the sender and quickly reached for her phone.

From: Kim Pupu 🐯

Just updating you. I'm at my parents' house now, playing with Shiro. I'll bring him to the nearby park before our practice.

The message was accompanied by several photos of Chaewon and Shiro frolicking around. Yunjin's smile widened as she scrolled through the images, her heart warming at the sight of Chaewon blowing kisses at the camera in a selfie. Another message notification popped up.

From: Kim Pupu 🐯

I miss you. See you later, baby 💗

Yunjin felt a surge of happiness, so strong that she had to stifle a squeal. She quickly composed herself, aware that the staff were just outside the room. She decided to respond to Chaewon's sweet message.

To: Kim Pupu 🐯

I miss you too, baby. I hope I can see Shiro again next time. He's so adorable, just like you.

From: Kim Pupu 🐯

I'll bring him to our dorm next time. Hwaiting at work! 😘

Yunjin couldn't help but smile as she gazed at the adorable pictures of her girlfriend. She was completely engrossed in the cuteness when she suddenly heard a teasing voice from the doorway. "Jen? Why are you smiling like that? Admiring your girl?" The familiar voice belonged to Jade, her personal bodyguard, who stood there with a smile, holding an ice coffee in her hand.

Startled, Yunjin turned around to face Jade. "Ah, it's you. Phew~" Yunjin let out a relieved sigh, rubbing her chest as she felt a sense of comfort in seeing Jade.

"I brought this for you," Jade said, placing the ice coffee on the table for Yunjin.

"Thank you, Jade unnie," Yunjin replied gratefully, taking a sip of the refreshing beverage. Indeed, coffee had a way of making her feel better.

Just as Jade was about to leave, Yunjin stopped her. "Wait, unnie. Can you stay here?"

Jade turned around, confusion evident on her face. She looked at Yunjin, who was pouting like an adorable puppy. "Are you bored sitting here by yourself? Do you need some company?" Jade asked, taking a seat on the couch not far from Yunjin.

Yunjin nodded, her pout still in place. "I'm not used to this solo schedule. I have no one to talk to." Jade chuckled at the girl and unbuttoned her suit, settling onto the couch. "Okay, I'll stay here with you. Just a few more hours before your next schedule, Jen. Chin up!" Jade offered her support, providing Yunjin with some much-needed companionship.

With Jade's presence, Yunjin no longer felt bored. She chattered nonstop, and Jade proved to be a good listener. "I just can't believe my new songs are about to be released soon," Yunjin exclaimed, referring to her upcoming project that would be unveiled after the FEARNADA fan meeting.

Jade, curious, asked, "Is this the one you've been working on after the 'EASY' promotion?"

Yunjin shook her head. "Nope. This one was actually finished months ago. I'm finally getting the chance to release it this month. The teaser will probably be out after the FEARNADA event." Yunjin explained, helping Jade understand the timeline of her music releases.

After Yunjin's schedule on Music Bank came to an end, she changed into comfortable clothes, knowing that she had practice ahead. Exiting the building, she followed Jade, who led the way to the car.

Unusually, fans had gathered closer to the entrance gate, likely due to the lineup of artists on Music Bank that day. Yunjin smiled and waved at the fans and fansites, enjoying the interaction. However, in the midst of the excitement, she failed to notice a fansite from a different fandom running toward her, chasing after a group of male idols who were leaving after her.

The fansite, holding a large camera in her hand, accidentally collided with Yunjin in a harsh bump.

Jade, who was walking ahead, was unable to protect Yunjin from that side as she was leading the way. The impact caused Yunjin to wince in pain, clutching her shoulder. Jade quickly turned around to assess the situation. Meanwhile, the girl who had bumped into Yunjin hurriedly ran toward the entrance, seemingly unconcerned about the incident she had caused.

The fansites and fans who witnessed the collision glared at her in disapproval.

"Are you okay?" Jade asked, while the managers helped collect the fan letters that had fallen from Yunjin's hand.

"I'm okay," Yunjin replied, but she kept her hand on her sore shoulder. She took the fan letters from the managers and placed them in her bag. Concerned fans watched as Yunjin continued to smile, maintaining her composure until she reached the car.

Before leaving, she waved goodbye to the fans, reassuring them, "I'm okay, don't worry. Go home and rest, and remember to eat your meals." Jade closed the car door, and they departed from the KBS building, heading towards Hybe Labels.

Jade, who was driving, noticed Yunjin's expression change once the door was closed. "I don't think you're okay," Jade observed, glancing at the manager in the rearview mirror.

"Yeah... I think when she bumped into me, her camera hit my shoulder," Yunjin explained, gently massaging her sore shoulder.

"We'll go straight to Hybe and have your shoulder checked. Hopefully, it's nothing serious," Jade assured, pressing the accelerator, hoping that Yunjin's pain was not indicative of a more serious injury.

Back at the dorm, it was just Minha and Eunchae since Kazuha had already left for her solo schedule. As practice time approached, Minha expressed her concern to the youngest member. "It's already time for practice. Will you be okay staying alone?" Minha asked, glancing at Eunchae, who sat on the couch wrapped in a cozy blanket.

"I don't like being alone, but I'm going to sleep soon. I'll be fine, unnie. You can go," Eunchae replied, her voice tinged with a cute sniffle. Her red nose only added to her adorable appearance. Minha smiled and headed to her room to grab her bag.

Minha prepared to drive herself to Hybe as usual, but leaving Eunchae behind was always difficult for her. "Actually, I have something for you. It'll keep you company, and I think you'll like it," Minha announced, emerging from her room with her bag and sweater.

Curiosity sparked in Eunchae's eyes as she watched Minha retrieve something from her bag.

"I told you to look at the moon whenever you miss me," Minha explained as she handed a small red box to Eunchae.

Nervously, Eunchae opened the box and found the most beautiful moon-shaped necklace inside. She gasped in awe. "Unnie... this is..." Eunchae delicately touched the necklace, hesitant to take it out.

Minha chuckled at her reaction. "Come here. Let me help you," she offered, taking the necklace from Eunchae and carefully fastening it around her neck. "Aww... you look so adorable with this new necklace. It really suits you," Minha remarked, pinching Eunchae's cheek and even snapping a picture of her.

"This is for me, unnie? For real?" Eunchae asked, her voice filled with disbelief. She continued to touch the necklace, marveling at its beauty.

"Yes. Kkura helped me choose it last night. Do you like it?" Minha inquired, gently stroking Eunchae's purple hair.

Eunchae pouted and suddenly threw herself into Minha's arms. "I love it, unnie. Thank you so much. I love you," Eunchae expressed, her eyes welling up with tears. She felt incredibly fortunate to be the youngest and to have Minha in her life. She felt loved and cared for, as Minha always showered her with affection. "I won't take this off..." Eunchae added, her voice filled with sincerity.

Sakura, Chaewon, and Kazuha were on their way to Hybe for the next practice and run-throughs for the upcoming fan meeting, FEARNADA.

Meanwhile, Yunjin had already arrived but went straight to the Hybe medical center for a check-up.

Minha, who had just arrived, immediately rushed to the medical center upon seeing what had happened to Yunjin on social media, as fans had posted about it. On her way, Minha spotted Jade sitting alone outside the medical center.

"Jade," Minha called out, approaching the personal bodyguard. Jade stood up immediately, guilt etched on her face for not being able to protect Yunjin. "Is she okay?" Minha asked anxiously, turning her gaze towards the medical center's entrance. Through the glass, she could see the manager inside, engaged in a conversation with someone.

"Jen is fine. But she pulled a muscle in her left shoulder," Jade replied, still feeling remorseful. "Most shoulder sprains and strains can be treated. She just needs to avoid activities that cause pain or discomfort, like lifting heavy objects," Jade added, providing Minha with some information.

"Thanks, Jade," Minha said, patting Jade's arm, sensing the guilt in her eyes. "You did well today, thank you. Don't feel bad. She's fine, and I trust you," Minha reassured her before entering the medical center.

Jade made a silent promise to herself that she would do better next time. Protecting the girls was her top priority, and she couldn't afford to fail. It wasn't just about her job; she genuinely cared for the well-being of the girls.

Arriving at the practice room, Kazuha and Sakura found it empty and dark. Confusion filled the air as Sakura switched on the lights. "Eh? I thought someone would be here," Sakura voiced her bewilderment, scanning the room.

Kazuha checked her phone, hoping to find some information. "Nothing on the group chat. Maybe everyone else is just running late today?" she suggested, although uncertainty lingered in her voice. They both placed their bags on the couch and began warming up while waiting for the others.

Shortly after, Chaewon arrived, equally clueless about the situation. "Just us? Where are unnie and Yunjin?" Chaewon questioned, her brows furrowed in confusion.

Kazuha shrugged, echoing Chaewon's uncertainty. "We're as confused as you are, unnie," Kazuha replied.

Meanwhile, Sakura, scrolling through her phone, suddenly exclaimed, "Omo! Something happened at the KBS building today." She hurriedly approached the two members, showing them a video posted by a fan just an hour ago.

They watched the video, witnessing the girl accidentally bumping into Yunjin and the pained expression on Yunjin's face. Concern washed over them. "Maybe unnie is with Yunjin right now," Sakura suggested, reading through the comments to gather more information about what had happened.

Chaewon was about to dial Yunjin's number when the practice room door swung open, revealing Minha and Yunjin. "Oh? Unnie," Chaewon called out, then her gaze shifting to Yunjin. Her girlfriend wore her usual smile, one that never failed to melt Chaewon's heart.

Minha didn't say a word; she simply patted Chaewon's head and walked past her, recognizing that the lovebirds needed some time alone.

Minha placed a food container on the table, revealing that she had packed bulgogi kimbab for the members.

Chaewon embraced Yunjin tightly, her worry evident in her actions. But seeing Yunjin's reassuring smile, her heart eased a little. "Are you okay? I just saw what happened," Chaewon expressed, breaking the hug to look into Yunjin's eyes.

Still smiling, Yunjin replied, "I'm okay. I just pulled a muscle in my shoulder. It's nothing serious." Yunjin pulled Chaewon into another hug, seeking comfort in her embrace. Emotionally, she needed Chaewon to hold her for a while. With a gentle pat on her back from Chaewon, Yunjin closed her eyes, sighing in relief.

What was truly amazing about their relationship was that when they were with the other members, they teased and joked around like best friends. But when they spent time together, their love and comfort knew no bounds, making each other better in every possible way. Minha knew them so well that she allowed them to have a moment to talk before starting the practice. They stayed in each other's arms, finding solace and support, only breaking the hug when they noticed Minha had finished warming up.

"Can you join us?" Chaewon asked her girlfriend as they walked together towards the couch.

"Of course, I'll be careful and avoid any activities that cause pain or discomfort. Let me give it a try. I promise to stop if I feel any pain," Yunjin assured, not wanting to make Chaewon worry about her.

After finishing their practice, the girls gathered on the couch together, and Minha opened the food container. "I made this. It's bulgogi kimbab," Minha announced, the enticing aroma filling the air. The members grew excited at the delicious smell.

"You brought it here? Thank you so much, unnie!" Chaewon exclaimed, taking a piece of kimbab and humming in satisfaction. Her love for kimbab, especially when it was cooked by Minha, was hard to put into words.

Sakura and Yunjin also enjoyed the kimbab, their expressions reflecting their contentment. Sakura, with her mouth full, asked, "Don't you want to eat, Zuha? Unnie?"

"We already ate a lot earlier. We had plenty of kimbab with Manchae. You guys can finish it," Minha replied, pleased to see the members enjoying her cooking.

Kazuha nodded in agreement, adding, "I also had a lot of pastries. I saved some for you, Yunjin unnie." Yunjin's eyes lit up with excitement.

"Really? Thank youuuu~" Both of them shared a love for pastries within the group, making them food buddies indeed.

Chaewon took a sip of her coffee and asked, "By the way, how is Manchae doing?"

"She should be okay tomorrow. The fever has gone, and she no longer has a headache. Her nose is still a little stuffy, though," Minha updated the members on Eunchae's condition.

"I'm so glad to hear that. Manchae needs to get back to her annoying maknae self because our dorm was too quiet without her laughter," Yunjin expressed, emphasizing that a noisy dorm was better than a quiet one, as it meant Eunchae was healthy and happy.

"So you're okay with her teasing you 24/7?" Sakura giggled, teasing the American girl.

"Unnie, what you didn't know is that she whined to me every day after Manchae teased her. She knows she can never win," Chaewon chimed in, exposing Yunjin's secret, which elicited laughter from all the girls.

Yunjin playfully scoffed, "I thought you were on my side, Kim Dodok-ssi? You exposed me just like that, huh?" The playful banter between Purinz had begun.

"Of course, I'm always on your side, but not when it involves Manchae," Chaewon retorted, sticking her tongue out at her girlfriend.

Minha and Kazuha giggled, thoroughly enjoying the lighthearted exchange.

After returning home from practice, the girls headed straight to bed, knowing they had early morning schedules the next day. Minha and Kazuha decided to take a shower together, eager to cuddle up afterwards.

"Do you mind?" Minha asked, gently holding onto Kazuha's sweater. Kazuha gladly allowed her girlfriend to remove the sweater, their intimate moment beginning as soon as they stepped into their room.

They communicated through body language and eye contact, understanding each other without the need for words. Minha prepared the bathtub while Kazuha stepped in, shedding her clothes. The warm water cascading over their bodies was a soothing relief after an intense practice session.

Kazuha closed her eyes, savoring the sensation of the water against her skin. Simultaneously, Minha joined her in the tub, sitting behind her. Minha lovingly helped to scrub Kazuha's back and wash her long, beautiful hair. It was a routine they both cherished, an intimate act that brought them even closer.

Kazuha reciprocated the gesture, returning the favor to Minha. This intimate moment showcased their deep love for each other and the comfort they found in one another's presence. No words were necessary, as their actions spoke volumes. They helped each other wrap towels around their bodies before stepping out of the bathroom, slipping into their cute blue pajamas.

As a final step before settling into bed, Minha helped trim Kazuha's nails. "You're the first one to do this for me. I've never asked anyone else to cut my nails," Kazuha remarked, gazing affectionately at Minha, who was carefully trimming her fingernails.

"Really? I'm glad to be the first. Is there anything else? I'd love to learn more," Minha inquired, her focus solely on the task at hand, not wanting to cause any accidental harm to Kazuha.

Kazuha smiled warmly, "There are so many things you do for me. Like tying my shoelaces, helping me with my seatbelt, picking out my clothes for our dates, drying my hair, and much more. I love all of it..." Kazuha gently patted Minha's head, fighting the urge to pull her in for a kiss.

"May I ask which one is your favorite?" Minha asked, locking eyes with her girlfriend.

"My favorite? I can't choose. But I think I love it most when you do all of those things for me, even as we grow old together," Kazuha confessed, her cheeks flushing at her own words. She couldn't pick just one; she simply hoped that Minha would never change and would continue treating her like a princess forever.

"That's a wonderful answer, my love," Minha whispered, showering Kazuha's knuckles with gentle kisses once she finished trimming her nails. "We're done. Now, let's cuddle!" Minha declared, and they settled into bed together.

"Ahhh, what a long day..." Kazuha snuggled closer to Minha's chest, finding solace in the rhythm of her heartbeat. She closed her eyes, allowing Minha's heartbeat to lull her into a peaceful state.

"I heard you filmed a new ad for Lador today," Minha mentioned, stroking Kazuha's healthy hair.

"Yes, it will be released in two months," Kazuha replied, wrapping her arms around Minha's waist.

"I'll be sure to watch it once it's released," Minha smiled, closing her eyes as well.

Kazuha simply nodded, knowing that by the time the ad was released, Minha would be on hiatus. But now was not the time to dwell on that; Kazuha wanted to cherish the remaining moments they had together.


AUTHOR: Did you watch Yunjin on Music Bank? I did, and I'm proud of her. Her first time mc-ing and she was so cute that she posted a picture on Weverse saying that she missed Eunchae 🥹💗 It reminds me of Jennifer Show during 1st FIMILY Party last year. She was so funny lol I love her (you guys love her too right)

Talking about Music Bank...this Friday will be the last time we see Eunchaemin together 😭 I still can't believe it. Of course, I'll be wishing him the best for everything and I hope that Chaemin and LE SSERAFIM can be friends forever cuz Chaemin is our 6th member after all 😭 Our Eunchae is shy, hopefully the new mc partner will be another gentleman like Chaemin.

But, can they shoot a special episode with Chaemin for Star Diary before he leave? 🥹 I love Eunchaemin, my fav siblings mc 💗

Next chapter in a few hours! 👋🏻

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