Runaway (MxM)

By 2_Shots_Of_Depresso

2.4K 153 27

Pepper is a werecat, an anomaly in his world. His whole life his parents kept him confined to their secluded... More

Chapter ONE- Bad News
Chapter TWO- Oversized Poodle
Chapter THREE- "I don't stink."
Chapter FOUR- "Everyone has ears!"
Chapter FIVE- Consent
Chapter SEVEN- Like
Chapter EIGHT- Sensual Promise

Chapter SIX- Dinner

315 20 2
By 2_Shots_Of_Depresso

Sten took over putting my things away and I helped, but I was slow because I refused to let go of my blanket, worried that if I took my eyes off it for a moment it would be gone, either damp and smelling like Dom from being used as his towel, or sopped with foul smelling piss from the pups accidents.

Both were as offensive to me, the former because Dom's scent would be ingrained into the fibres, my favourite blanket smelling forever of him, it was offensive to my cat nature, the blanket was mine, him marking it was a challenge, it was rude, if he dared to do such a thing I felt compelled to spray one of his possessions in retribution.

The latter defiled my blanket, no amount of washing would rid the scent of ammonia and piss to my sensitive nose. It would ruin the blanket, I would have to throw it away.

I gripped it even tighter at the thought. To do either was an insult to my feelings, both which would cause strong animosity on my part, I dislike Dom now, but I would loathe and abhor the man if he dared to do anything of the sort, there would be no forgiving if he crossed that bridge, he would be an enemy of mine.

Cats could hold a long grudge and I was no different, no amount of gifts, nice words and smiles would forgive him, I was content enough to give him the stink eye for the rest of my life if he chose to offend me so.

Despite my lack of help my things were eventually put away, the bags pushed under the bed.

Sten straightened and looked around, nodding as his eyes took in my knew room, approving of the arrangement.

All of my books were now housed in the bookshelf, my clothes put away neatly away from view, my small collection of ornaments placed on a shelf, my few cat toys and less precious blankets were put away in a box in the corner.

My selection of paints had been put into the chest at the foot of my bed, larger items, such as canvases had been put in the space between the wardrobe and wall, my folded up easel joining them.

I had quite a few finished paintings, most of them smaller but a few had taken me hundreds of hours to finish and meant a lot to me.

Sten had carefully set them down against the armchair, promising to russle up some nails and a hammer a little later so they could be hung up on the wall.

I heard a bell ring from downstairs and my startled ears shot up. I'd taken off the beanie, my ears feeling hot in the warm house.

The smell of food had grown ever stronger as we unpacked my things, I was perfectly ravenous by now.

"Dinners ready, come on Pepper." Sten headed towards the door to my room and I scampered to follow him, my small hands wrapping around his arm like before, my blanket bundled in the bend of my elbows.

He glanced down at me but didn't say anything, walking back down the long corridor and to the steep and slightly intimidating stairs.

I didn't meow this time when he picked me up, I simply wrapped my arms around his neck without complaint, my thighs clamping around his hip to hold on.

I rested my cheek on his shoulder and watched his feet take the steps with ease, feeling slight annoyance that I couldn't do the same.

The volume increased as we descended, the sound of excited chatter and the clatter of plates and cutlery, the scrape of chair legs on the floor echoing up the stairs.

I whined at the loud noises, gripping Sten tighter, feeling my ears pin to my scalp, my tail curling around Sten's middle for extra security, with how tightly I was holding on he wouldn't be able to put me down even if he wanted to. I did make sure my nails didn't dig into him though.

We reached the bottom and entered the bustling kitchen, Bronn and the other cooks just finishing up, dishes coming out of the large oven and steaming plates being carried into the dining room.

It looked like you helped yourself in this pack, all the plates having their own dish on them, some piled high with steamed veggie's, whilst others held thick slices of tender looking meat, that and the large copper pot from earlier filled with rich looking soup, the broth I saw Bronn adding vegetables too when I'd met him.

My growling stomach helped me overcome my shy behaviour, not being used to being around so many people, hell for the past 19 years I'd only known my parents, this was a big change for me, one I certainly wasn't accustomed to.

Sten carried me into the dining room and I hid my face against his shoulder, feeling many eyes on me, the chatter quieting down slightly.

The pungent smell of so many werewolves stunned my nose, the smell of wolf, which was a yeasty smell akin to that of a damp dog but richer and deeper. That mixed in with everyone's own unique additions to that scent made my head swim.

I lifted up my blanket with a hand, burying my nose in the fabric to muffle the smells, drowning my nose in my own scent, which was now tinged with Sten's and Dom's. The result of being in that confined truck bed for hours and the fact that Dom had briefly held my blanket and my close proximity to Sten meant some of his scent seeped into the fibres.

Sten's scent didn't bother me as much, it more subtle and sweet, less offensive to my nose, Dom's was so distinct and potent, it overpowered my own in strong doses, I found I didn't like that, it was like his dominant personality, forcing his presence on everyone and demanding attention, respect and submission.

None of which cats were known well for.

Sten shifted his hold on me and lowered, and I felt soft yet firm fabric press against my bare leg, the smell of food growing ever stronger.

I peeked out from my hiding place, finding myself sat on his lap, straddling one of his thick thighs as he sat on a chair under the dinner table, the array of dishes on the table ever growing.

Other pack members sat in the chairs, conversing cheerfully and eyeing up the dishes already present, no doubt picking what they were going to go for first.

Sten had sat near the head of the table, divulging to me that his position was an elevated one, only a few spaces from the head seat, which a brooding Dom sat at, cheek pressed into a closed fist, one of his elbows resting on the table.

One of the she-wolves tried to start a conversation with him, the short distance meant she was also an elevated rank but the many werewolves animatedly chatting with their pack-mates meant she had to raise her voice in order to be heard.

Dom did hear her, his dark eyes glancing up and finding the source of the voice.

His lips pursed, mood still sour from earlier and the attention of a young she-wolf didn't seem to improve that like she had hoped.

She was pretty, in a way that young women were. Her skin smooth and unblemished, rich brown hair that went just beyond her shoulders had been brushed until it shined under the dining room lights.

Her glossed lips smiled sweetly at Dominicus, long lashes framing her hazel eyes that she blinked owlishly at him.

I was unfamiliar with the idea of flirting but she was clearly making a move on him.

She mustn't be going a good job as Dominicus merely stared for a few moments, almost like he was entertaining her to be courteous.

He looked away and went back to sulking, staring down at the grain of the table like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

I suppose he must get a lot of attention from unmated females and probably some males too.

I shuffled closer to Sten and he groaned under his breath, gripping my hips briefly to move me back.

I realised that my knee between his legs had pressed against his crotch in my haste to get closer.

My cheeks warmed a little and I mumbled out a sorry, although I doubt he heard it over all the conversation going on around us.

He did however pat my back, so I guess he had heard me.

The last of the dishes got put down and the chefs took their own places at the table, Bronn however came over to me, his apron now gone, face shining with a thin sheen of perspiration from the hot kitchen. "What do you want to eat little one? Best let you choose first or you won't get a look in, these wolves can put a whole plate of food down faster than you can say bon appetite."

I was grateful for how thoughtful he was being, I knew from feeding my parents how much a werewolf could consume at one sitting, whenever I prepared a meal it looked like it was more suitable to a family of six, rather than three, them both eating more than double normal human portions.

That and I expect the more well-muscled pack members could even eat more than my father, who was in shape but nowhere as close as Sten or Dom.

I however hated how the offer brought the attention of most of the pack members, feeling many pairs of eyes waiting. I felt hurried knowing they'd be waiting until I'd been served, I didn't want to keep them waiting.

From my brief glances I'd seen most of the dishes on offer, but I glanced over to get a second look, my stomach aching at seeing the array of dishes, all of them looking mouth-wateringly good.

From the moist looking, perfectly cooked chicken sprinkled with spices, to the flaky fish doused in rich and thick looking creamy sauce. The steaming colourful veggie's and crispy roast potatoes. The soup caught my nose more than anything, such a rich smell, my mouth watered imagining the taste of it.

To my surprise and relief Bronn seemed to track my shy yet starving eyes, adding each dish to my plate, ending by placing a steaming bowl of the soup beside said plate. I looked up at him and he smiled one of his huge and friendly smiles.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"Any time little one." he assured, taking a seat next to Sten. That seemed to be the queue and everyone dug in like they hadn't eaten in weeks, the chatter died down to a murmur, mostly complementing the dishes and making sounds to convey their like of the food.

I slowly turned around in Sten's lap and he widened his legs, my much smaller butt sinking between his legs, the wide chairs allowing his muscular thighs to do so. I mean they had to seat people like Bronn, so they had to be larger, I think about three of me could comfortably sit on one of them.

I glanced up at Sten, his lips coated in a thin layer of grease as he devoured what looked like half a chicken in a few seconds, the picked clean bones piling up on his plate at an exorbitant rate.

I turned to face my own plate, hands daring to let go of my blanket, it settling on my lap as my small hands reached out for the steaming bowl. I cupped it and brought it to my lips, blowing on the steaming liquid, spotting the cubes of vegies and chunks of beef in the dark and rich broth.

I cautiously took a small sip, the umami and salty flavour only making my mouth water even more. I let out a soft sound of pleasure and took another sip, feeling my ears slowly appear from my hair, but staying slightly pulled back to express my delight of the extremely delicious soup.

The soup was just the right temperature, not too hot for my sensitive tongue but it warmed me from the inside, making me feel cosy and sated.

It was perfect cooked, the veggie's still having a little bite but the beef was so tender it fell apart in my mouth and the spices only elevated the flavour.

I purred softly as I slowly consumed the soup, settling against Sten's stomach and lower chest, my head failing to reach above his sternum so me being there didn't obstruct his eating at all.

Once the soup was gone I had the urge to lick out the bowl, but refrained, it wasn't common werewolf behaviour, they devoured by the mouthful, my little sips and kitten licks were so different, I always ate slowly, savouring every bite, my appetite a lot smaller than ever the most slender of werewolves at the table, I bet even the pups could eat more than I could.

I picked up the heavy fork besides my plate, to me it looked more like a carving fork from the size due to my small hands,  Sten's looked the right size for him, looking even small in his large hands.

I gently picked up a piece of chicken and brought it to my lips, chewing slowly before swallowing, like the beef it fell apart in my mouth the opposite of dry and was perfectly seasoned, the spices giving it a slightly spicy and smokey flavour.

Bronn and his chefs sure were good cooks. The fish was just as good, so flaky and the cream sauce rich and smooth.

Like magic before my eyes the feast spread out on the table quickly vanished, satisfied sighs sounding from stuffed werewolves, patting their bellies and sitting back in their chairs.

I nibbled on the crispy, buttery and fluffy roast potatoes, feeling sleepier with each bite, giving up with two left on my plate.

I was almost dropping off, my stomach so contently full, the tall glass of water beside my plate empty, my once parched throat feeling a lot better.

Soft purrs vibrated in my throat, my eyes getting heavy, if I weren't surrounded by so many people I'd be content enough to fall asleep.

I didn't relent though when Sten covered me more with my blanket, my small fists gripping onto the fabric, feeling even sleepier with how warm I was, Sten's body heat and the insulation of my blanket making me pretty toasty, that and the roaring of the fireplace and my full stomach, I was perfectly cosy.

I yawned and turned on the chair, curling up against Sten, my bare feet disappearing into the warmth of my blanket, making a pleased sound in the back of my throat at how comfortable and sleepy I felt, despite the amount of people around me I couldn't stay awake any longer, feeling safe on Sten's lap despite just meeting him today.

I found myself smiling as i drifted off, warm with a full belly, the lingering taste of the wonderful food on my tongue.

Maybe being in this pack wouldn't be so bad.

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