The Blood Of A ...... (Bloo...

Por charlesmykhala

21.3K 879 100

"You're bleeding and upset. What happened?" "Nothing is wrong. Go away, Jace." She answered. "Bullshit, what... Mais



771 34 4
Por charlesmykhala

They were pictures of everything from the dancing to the altercation with Lisa, and, of course, there were pictures of them as they escorted her outside.

This was exactly what she meant when she said that there were paparazzi at the event. Who observed their every move just like always.

"Don't stress yourself about it it'll give you a headache." Her motther's other brother Greyson said from behind her.

"The only thing that gives me a headache is having to deal with this shit every time I go out with someone." She let out a sigh.

"If it bothers you that much, I could arrange for you to be accompanied by a bodyguard or two." His offer made her roll her eyes.

"No thanks. If I wanted to hire someone to keep me away from invasive people by being an invasive person, I'd do it myself."

"Dexter was right about you being as Liam put it sassy." He stood beside her.

"Oh, so you've all been talking about me."

"Only good things, though I am truly sorry I missed your show." He apologized.

"To be honest, I don't even know who you are." She scratched the back of her neck.

"Has it really been so long that you've forgotten about me?"

She didn't respond.

"It's me, child Greyson. Naomi's brother. " He looked at her expectantly.

"Oh. Bye." She turned around to leave.

"You do not wish to be around me." He sounded confused.

"No, I'd rather not associate with you."

"Such a shame. I was hoping we could have a chat before you head to bed."

"It's not much of a shame more like running into an unfortunate coincidence that follows you everywhere."

"I beg your pardon?"

"I had no intention of running into any of you tonight, let alone going home with you that alone spoiled my mood. On top of that, everyone suddenly wants to talk to me. I know it doesn't look like it to you all because you don't care, but I have other things to do." She clarified quite bluntly.

"And what are these other things you have to do." Shannon asked.

"And how are these other things I have to do your business?" She counter questioned.

"It has to do with all of us since we are your family." Shannon stated.

"And who is all of us the last time I checked? I don't even know you, let alone half the people sitting in front of me calling themselves my family." Mika replied, looking amused at her audacity.

"We'll introduce you to the rest of the family tomorrow." Ryker intruded.

"Like I said, way to spoil my mood. Family that doesn't like to see you happy some family you are." She chuckled humorlessly.

"Bye, baby." James said rather disappointed at her leaving.

"Bye hun." She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him lovingly.

"You're gonna call me when you get home. Right?" He asked, wanting to make sure she's ok.

"Of course I-" "She won't that enough." Ander interjected separating the two.

"I'll call you." She mouthed as she blew him a kiss.

It was around 12a.m. when they arrived home. And headed straight to bed.


Mika woke up in the middle of the night after having another nightmare.

She was sweating profusely. She got up and made her way to the shower. After she was done she decided she was hungry but she didn't want to cook.

She decided to order some fast food. It was what she craved. Besides, everyone was asleep anyway.

Plus, this was not her first time doing this, and it wouldn't be her last.

She got pizza, chicken, and spaghetti from Jollibee and a few burgers from her favorite restaurant and some birria tacos.

She went downstairs to wait for her order.

She paid the driver and happily made her way upstairs to show just how hungry she was.

She was on the balcony enjoying her food when she heard a voice she hated hearing.

"You're awake. Why?" He folded his arms, awaiting her response.

"I was getting something to eat." She shrugged.

"It's 2a.m. in the morning. And instead of saying something, you order a fuck ton of food." He peered over the balcony at her.

"Why do you two care about what I did."
Lucas and liam exchanged glances.

"You shouldn't be out this late at night. It's dangerous." Lscolded her.

"Like you care about me being in danger." She scoffed.

"Hold on. I'm coming over." Lucas said 

"What is wrong with you? Others are trying to sleep." Jace came out rubbing his eyes.

"Go back to sleep, little brother." Xavier ruffled his hair.

"What's going on?" He asked, sobering up to the situation.

"Your twin left the house at 2 in the morning to get food." Lucas explained rather untruthfully.

Jace turned to face Mika.
"Is that true? Do you know how unsafe that is?"

She just stared at him blankly.

"Stay right there. I'm coming over."

"Good luck. I'm not opening the door." She  grinned.

"Who said anything about a door." He smirked as he began climbing onto her balcony.

Liam followed while Lucas came through the door like the lazy bitch he is.

They were suprised to see how much food she'd ordered.

"Her hair's gonna get in the food." Lucas  whinned.

"Why is your hair so long anyway?" Liam asked.

"My hair's not that long. You're just bald, so of course you'd think so and too lazy to grow yours out." She defended herself.

"I'm not lazy. I just climbed over that balcony for you." Xavier disagreed.

"You mean to tell me you climbed over the balcony when you could've told rapunzel over here to let down her hair." Lucas exclaimed, pointing towards Mika.

"Rapunzel would've let your ass fall down her tower. Plus, your fingernails are dirty."


"Oh please, you've done worse, mother gothel."

"That's true." He chuckled.

"You should head back to your room now." She said though it was more of a command.

Xavier and Lucas left. But Jace stayed behind.

"What do you want?" she asked rather coldly.

"Are you ok?"

She didn't reply.

"I'm sorry about the pictures. I rea- "

"I don't really want to talk about it now. You should go too." She cut him off.

"Do you want me to go?" He sounded hurt.

"It's not about what I want but about what I need, and that is to be alone. To clear my head."

"Ok, take all the time you need." He leaned in for a hug, but she recoiled.

"Sorry." And with that, he left.


"How could you be so irresponsible leaving the house at 2 a.m. to get food? Do you know how dangerous the streets are, especially at night." Her uncle ranted.

"Well, nobody cared when I did it before, so why would anyone care now?" She shrugged.

"Mika, why? Why would you do that?" He lowered his voice.

"I wanted food, so I ordered it. I didn't go outside the gate. I just went out to collect it." She explained.

"It's  not that. I'm not mad that you got food for yourself. I'm mad that you left the house without informing me, without informing anyone. You could've come to me we're staying in the same house for Christ sake."

"Actually, I can't."

"What do you mean you can't. You know which room I'm in? Right."

"Well, obviously not. Am I supposed to pull that information out of my ass- ."

"MIKA ." He cut her off.

"I'm on the fourth floor third room to the right." He said.

"There's no need. I'll just make myself something to eat next time." She said, disappointed.

He sighed, running his hand through his hair in frustration.

"Mika, I don't - " He started.

"Fuck." Mika yelped as the door that had been opened violently hit her ankle causing a jolt of pain to run through her body.

"Uncle I." The boy who opened the door started speaking but was cut off by Mika.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Do you not know how to knock before opening the door?" She questioned him.

"What is it, Victor?" Randy asked the boy while tending to Mika.

"I was checking if you've seen Father." The boy whose name she now knew was Victor spoke.

"He's not here he's probably having breakfast."

"No, he's not. Grandmother wants to talk to him."

"Check Damon's office." The nodded before turning his attention towards Mika.

"Who's this?" He asked, pointing at her.

"Jesus bitch." She answered deadpan.

He let out a small chuckle, but she just continued to glare at him.

"Mika, stop swearing." Randy pinched her.

"Ouch, that harassing a minor." She whined he smiled softly at her.

"Oh, so he does have emotions. I was beginning to think he's a robot." She laughed.

"This is your cousin she prefers to be called Mika." He introduced them.

" I'm Victor." He stretched his hand to shake hers. She looked him up and down.

"You have parents correct." She tilted her head.

He nodded.

"Have they ever educated you on the topic of basic human decency? Because it sure as hell doesn't look like it." She watched as he paused before smiling at her.

Oh, so he knows how to smile, but not to apologize for his actions.

"You're adorable when you're angry. "

"Victor." Randy motioned his hand towards Mika.

Victor sighed.

"I'm sorry -. " "Oh save it if your 'apology' has to be forced, then it's not sincere." She hushed him.

"I'm gonna go do literally anything else." She walked out of the room.

(I wanna make a story about alien-human romance.)

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