By _Baby_A_A_

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SHS (Seducer, Hacker, and Stealer), three mysterious girls with dark pasts, have come together and started to... More



51 7 17
By _Baby_A_A_

{16} Regrets


Josephine stirred awake when she felt the bright rays of the warm sun hitting her face through the sheer white curtains.

Groaning, she pulled the soft, fluffy covers above her head and peeked with one eye open to see what time it was; 12 p.m.

"Fuck..." She yawned and rolled to her back, looking at a still sleeping Shaelynn.

Smiling at the thought of their conversation last night, Josephine got out of the bed, did her morning routine and came out of the room.

Her bare feet padded down the cold tiled stairs as she headed to the kitchen to see Halsa and Brax acting like a whole couple and making breakfast together.

"Hope I am not interrupting something." Josephine snickered, causing Brax to let go of Halsa since he had his arms wrapped around her from the back.

Halsa's face colored at her words and she turned around quickly to eye Josephine with a flustered look.

"Oh, we thought you would sleep some more. We were gonna bring these up to your room." Halsa mumbled with a smile and went back to flipping the pancakes.

"Ah, would have loved that. You can do that to Shaelynn though since she is still sleeping." Josephine suggested as she hopped on the kitchen counter and took a seat.

She looked at Brax to see him lighting up a cigarette and rolled her eyes.

"You really need to tell your boyfriend to tone it down with the smoking before he gets his lungs fucked." Brax raised his eyebrows at that and shook his head while Halsa felt shy at her choice of words.

"Fuck off." Brax replied, laughing and taking a drag.

"I told him, but he didn't listen." Halsa murmured with a shrug.

Halsa plated the scrambled eggs and pancakes with syrup and smiled widely at her accomplishment.

"Looks great, babe." Brax commented with a smirk, smacking Halsa's buttcheek, making her gasp and blush deeply as she watched him wink and walk out of the kitchen.

"Ooh, kinky." Josephine said with a huge grin, feeling giddy to see their interaction.

"Oh my God, why would he do that in front of you?! So embarrassing!" Halsa exclaimed, her cheeks turning red which made Josephine burst out laughing.

"Come on, I already know you guys spend nights together, so this shouldn't be a big deal."

"Yeah, but... We haven't really done anything, like you know, sex... The most we do is cuddling." Josephine raised an eyebrow at that.

"Really? I didn't think Brax would be such a gentleman. But he called you babe? Are you guys finally dating?" Josephine asked as she helped Halsa carry the plates to the living room.

"I don't know... I mean, I am aware we are for sure acting like one, but he didn't pop the question yet." Halsa replied with a sigh.

"I am sure he will soon..." Josephine said in an unsure tone.

"I hope so. I really do like him and I think he does too. I just don't know what's stopping him from actually dating me."

"He's probably scared of commitment. As far as I have heard, he has never been in a serious relationship before. The fact that he still hasn't fucked around is surprising enough. But give him some time, I know he will ask you out soon enough." Josephine said with a smile, placing her hand on her shoulder and squeezing it reassuringly.

Halsa placed her hand above hers and nodded, smiling. Once they set the table, Brax entered the living room with Aaron.

"Woke this shithead up." Brax said with a smirk, slapping Aaron's back, making him groan.

"Give me a break." He replied with a yawn and looked around.

"Help yourself, I will go wake Shaelynn up." Halsa spoke and left the room. After a few minutes, she came back with Shaelynn.

"You guys want coffee?" Halsa asked and Josephine nodded.

"Yeah, lemme help you." She replied and followed Halsa into the kitchen with Brax trailing behind.

"Hmm... I am used to a more luxurious breakfast, but this isn't too bad." Aaron remarked as he took a plate and plopped on the couch, making Shaelynn roll her eyes.

"Careful, don't make the person cooking for you mad. Might put shit in there." Shaelynn said with a sweet smile and sat beside him.

She took one of his pancakes, making him gasp. She brought it close to her mouth and licked it all around, her eyes seductively gazing at his.

With a wink and grin, she put it back on his plate. Aaron glared at her action, but surprised her by eating that pancake in slow motion, making sure to savor every bite.

It was Aaron's turn to smirk at her due to her startled expression as she stared at him with her mouth dropped open.

I didn't expect him to actually eat that... She hated to admit it, but she loved this little game they had going on.

The others came back into the room with coffee and sat on the royal looking couch with maroon silk covers.

"Look at this place." Josephine murmured, her eyes gazing around the enormous living room.

Everything looked like the interior of a castle here.

Cream colored tiles, chandeliers in every room, long, thick maroon curtains draped along the large windows, the grand stairs with golden railings and not to mention, each room were the size of a huge studio apartment with adjoining bathroom.

Once they were done admiring the place, they engrossed themselves in a conversation when two strangers walked into the living room, a girl and a boy who looked around the same age as them.

"Oh! Hello, I am Pamela and this is Daryl, we also live here." The girl named Pamela introduced herself with a sweet smile and Daryl did a small wave.

All of them did the same and the two of them joined in their conversation.

While everyone was talking, Josephine smiled and looked out the window, memories of yesterday's stalker flashed into her mind out of nowhere.

Fuck, how could I just forget about that? Biting her lips, she looked at Halsa, hoping she would look at her. Josephine didn't want to be rude and interrupt their conversation.

"This place is so amazing, can you believe my boyfriend here was the one who paid for everything?" Pamela gloated as she wrapped her hands around his arm and soon enough, their mouths entangled.

All of them cringed at the scene and gave side glances to each other.

"Ooh okay, you guys can tone it down a bit, haha." Aaron interrupted them with an awkward chuckle, causing them to break apart.

"Sorry about that, I just get so horny thinking about how my teddy bear here spends for me!" Pamela exclaimed, flaunting the shiny, diamond ring on her finger, which caught Shaelynn's eyes.

Brax looked like he was going to burst out laughing at her words.

"Is that even a thing?" Shaelynn asked, the disgust evident on her face.

"Oh honey, there are a lot of things you don't know about, but don't worry, we can teach you." Pamela replied in a flirty tone, winking at Shaelynn who raised her eyebrows in return.

"Well, uh, you guys sure are... Unique." Halsa mumbled, fixing her glasses and feeling embarrassed at their obvious words of sexual acts.

"I know, we love exhibiting. Trying out new things, hey, we can all perform an orgy here too!" Oh, fuck no. Josephine scrunched her nose, she did like to do kinky stuffs, but this was extreme.

"You are insane." Josephine said with a terrified smile as she shook her head and excused herself to walk out of the villa.

She stood near the entrance and looked around, trying to see if that person was still lurking somewhere. Meanwhile, she hoped Halsa would come out as well.

Thankfully, Halsa eventually joined her outside. They both looked at each other for a few seconds before they burst out laughing.

"What the fuck was that?" Josephine asked, trying to catch her breath.

"Oh God, that was so awkward. I hope Brax and I didn't look like that when he...!" Halsa trailed off, not knowing how to say the words.

"Haha, it kinda did, but you're my best friend, so it's fine." Josephine replied in a joking tone, making Halsa roll her eyes with a smile on her face.

"I left Shaelynn there to deal with that. She's gonna be so mad."

"But Aaron is a smooth talker, he can handle them. Anyway, did you call Simon last night?"

"Shoot, it completely slipped my mind. Should we call him now?"

"Yeah, plus there is something that happened last night which I have to tell him."

"What do you mean? What happened?"

Josephine described the details and Halsa had a concerned look on her face.

"Um... We have to tell this to Brax right now." With that, they went inside to see that the others were still having a conversation.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I need to talk to my friends now, privately." Josephine interjected, with a fake, sweet smile.

"Oh! Well, we will see you guys later. It was so fun talking to you." Pamela replied excitedly, and stood along with Daryl.

"Yep, see you later."

"Think about my offer and let me know what you want, beautiful. Our door will be left unlocked for you." Pamela whispered seductively, her eyes gazing at Shaelynn with a smirk, who in turn nodded and smiled.

Once they were out of hearing range, Josephine and Halsa sat back in their spots as they instantly started questioning Shaelynn.

"What the hell was that all about?" Josephine asked with a bewildered expression.

"Oh, they were just wondering if I wanna have a threesome with them. It's a stupid kink that they wanna try out." She replied with a shrug, acting as if it was not a big deal.

"What the fuck? You did not accept it, right?" Josephine exclaimed, laughing.

"Not sure yet, I'll see." Shaelynn replied, her eyes involuntarily glancing towards Aaron to see him looking unbothered.

"Why are you even considering it?" Halsa, being the motherly one, asked in a surprised tone.

"Do you see how rich they are? Wearing a diamond ring that probably costs a fortune in such a carefree way? So, take a guess." Shaelynn expressed with a smirk and crossed her arms while Halsa finally registered what she meant.

"Oh, you are gonna-"

"Shh! They might hear you!" Shaelynn whisper yelled and continued, "I didn't get the title 'Stealer' for nothing." She finished with a smug look on her face, exciting the others.

Aaron seemed genuinely interested, making Shaelynn feel joyful inside.

She couldn't wait to perform her job and surprise him with what she was capable of. If she could do that, she would win the next round of their little game.

"Okay, that's good. Almost forgot what we did for a living." Halsa mumbled, fixing her glasses.

"Alright, moving on to the real issue here. I think we are being watched." Josephine expressed in a serious, but bored tone.

"The fuck do you mean?" Brax asked, frustration written all over his face.

Josephine told everything that happened last night.

"You think it's Mark?" Brax thought out loud.

"Could be. He might be waiting for the right opportunity to strike."

"Not if we find him first. I am gonna take a look now. Kid, you are coming with me." Brax said as he stood up and Aaron hesitantly did the same.

"Uh... Okay."

"Hey, don't worry." Brax said with a smirk as he slightly lifted up his t-shirt to show him the gun tucked in his jeans.

"Wha- Do you always have that there?" Halsa asked in a concerned voice.

"Of course, I do. Can't trust no one, remember?" He asked as he ruffled Halsa's hair and bent down to kiss her forehead, making her face colour.

"Hopefully, you don't shoot me with that." Aaron mumbled, scratching the back of his head, making Brax laugh.

"Pray, kid. Pray." With that, they took off, leaving the girls by themselves.

"So, what do you guys wanna do?" Josephine asked and looked at each of them.

"Slumber party?" Shaelynn asked with a suggestive smirk, making them giggle.

"Oh, Simon. Almost forgot again."

They called Simon and let him know the recent details. He once again reassured them by talking about how he will have some of his men there.

Once that ordeal was done, they just relaxed and explored around the villa. On their way back inside, an unfamiliar girl was walking out the door.

"Hey." She greeted them with a smile since she almost bumped into them, which they returned.

"You must be the other renter." Halsa said and shook her hand.

"Yeah, I will leave tomorrow. I am just going to see my friend now. It was nice meeting you." She said politely and walked away from there.

"At least she's normal, I guess." Shaelynn said with a shrug, making them laugh.

After around two hours, the boys returned with exhausted looks on their faces.

"Nothing?" Josephine asked as Brax took a seat on the chair in the dining room.

"Nope. We searched as much as we could. Looked around in the forest, went to nearby villas, no one seemed suspicious. Fucker really knows how to blend in." Brax explained, sounding tired.

"If he's that good at blending in, it's probably your guy Mark." Aaron suggested.

"You're right. We need to stay together and keep an eye out for each other." Halsa mumbled as she bent down behind Brax and wrapped her arms around his neck.

He turned his head to look at her and smiled, making everyone else awe at their romantic couple vibes.

"You both are gonna make me act up, for real." Josephine expressed jokingly, making Halsa's face color.

"Alright, I am going to get ready for my little threesome party now." Shaelynn announced and used her fingers to emphasise her point.

"Do they know you agreed to it?" Halsa asked as she started to prepare her things to make dinner.

"Nah, I am gonna surprise them." With that, Shaelynn headed to her room to get changed.

"Can she really pull it off?" Aaron asked once she was gone.

"Of course, she can. She's Shaelynn, after all." Josephine replied with a smile.

"I thought seducing was your part?"

"Well, she's got the looks. She just needs to get their attention off of her, so she can do what she needs to do."

"What would you have done if you were in her place?" Aaron seemed genuinely intrigued to know how she did her job.

"Me? Hmm... I would work them up first, make them believe that watching them pleasuring each other is what gets me off. And yeah, when they are distracted, I will walk around and do my shit in a subtle way." Josephine explained in a proud tone, earning a whistle and clap from Aaron.

"Fuck, it's hilarious how dumb these rich people are." Brax snickered, taking a drag from his cigarette.

After a few minutes, Shaelynn strolled into the room, wearing an oversized t-shirt with mini skirt and stockings.

"Welp, see you all later then." Shaelynn said with a wink and the others rolled their eyes, but nodded.

She chanced a look at Aaron again since she wanted to make him somewhat jealous, but he still didn't seem to be bothered. Well, fuck you too.

"Just don't do anything you don't want to. And focus on the main thing." Halsa advised and Shaelynn gave a thumbs up before she walked upstairs.

"So, pasta for dinner sounds great?" Halsa asked once she was gone.

"Yep! Let me help you out!" Josephine replied as they both walked to the kitchen.

"Are you sure you saw a person last night, Jo?" Brax asked, following them inside.

"I mean, the silhouette did seem like a person."

"Yeah, but it's weird we couldn't find anyone."

"Well, there are a lot of people that come for entertainment here who don't live in this or any nearby villa. So, there is no way to tell he would still be here."

"What if I went out now?" Brax suddenly suggested, making Halsa look at him dead in the eyes.

"You are not going now, Brax. It's too dark."

"Yeah, but that fucker is probably out there lurking and waiting for us." Brax argued.

"No, Halsa's right. Plus, he will eventually do something physical. We just have to be fully prepared to counterattack him." Josephine interrupted, making Brax sigh and run a hand through his hair out of frustration.

"Hey, it's the five of us and one of him. He can't do anything to us." Halsa reassured him in a soft voice, calming him down.

All of a sudden, some loud gunshot was fired from upstairs, causing them to freeze in their spots. Aaron instantly came into the kitchen with a concerned look.

"Fuck, did you guys hear that?" Aaron exclaimed.

"Shaelynn..." Josephine mumbled, her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest.

With that, they bolted up the stairs and ran to their designated room, yanking the door open.

Their jaws dropped as they stared at the horror scene in front of them.

The lifeless bodies of Pamela and Daryl were sprawled on the floor, pools of blood oozing out of their stomachs while Shaelynn was on the bed with a gun in her trembling hands, her pale expression was a mixture of fear and panic.

Halsa covered her mouth to prevent herself from screaming and Aaron looked like he was going to be sick.

"W-What happened here...?" Josephine's voice barely came out in a whisper, her body going cold.

"I-I didn't mean to... I told them to stop... I did, but they wouldn't. They kept fucking touching me." Shaelynn explained, her voice trembling as she continued to shake.

"Fuck... This is bad..." Brax mumbled, rubbing a hand over his mouth.

Josephine rushed over to Shaelynn and pulled her in a tight hug. She was not over the shock, but the instinct of comforting her best friend took over.

"I shouldn't have agreed to this... I should have at least asked you for advice." Shaelynn mumbled, her body still rigid.

The fuckers wouldn't stop touching Shaelynn and when she pushed them away, Daryl had the audacity to raise his hand to hit her.

The vivid image of the bullet going into his stomach was so clear to her. Once he was on the floor, Shaelynn shot Pamela as well when she was going to attack her.

This was the first time she murdered someone, the guilt and regret were overbearing. Though they were in the wrong, she still did kill them.

"It's okay, Shaelynn. You didn't do anything wrong." Josephine whispered, her eyes gazing at the dead bodies.

It felt so bizarre that Josephine talked with them in the morning, but now they were gone forever.

Despite the horror of the situation, her eyes involuntarily moved towards Pamela's fingers, gazing at the once shiny diamond ring, now covered in blood. That would easily give us thousands...

She hated herself for thinking such a crude thought at a time like this, but she couldn't stop her mind. That was what made them criminals.

All of them didn't know how to react or move, the shock was yet to subside.

Thankfully, no one else was in the villa at that moment, which made things a bit easier. Suddenly, Josephine's phone vibrated, making her look down at it.

Her heart stopped and her body went cold as she read the text.

6Xaviero9: Surprise, surprise. I am going to reach the spa resort in five minutes.


A/N: Ohmagowd, dead people! What do you guys think about this chapter? The little cliffhanger at the end, wooh!

Anyways, stay tuned for the next update!

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