Let's Recelebrate - Book 2 (a...

By InthenameofJoshDun

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Now that Josh reconnected with Tyler again, and he was finally allowing Josh to become his friend, Josh final... More

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128 28 16
By InthenameofJoshDun

Helloooo friends, new chapter! I am absolutely still obsessed with this story Lmao I can't get enough of it fr. And I am so glad you're all still here enjoying the story too ♥️ makes me so happy!

Really hope next semester will come out on Wednesday! Can't wait to see the video & also can't wait to find out what the men in black outfits were for haha I assume it's also for a video but we won't know for sure for a while I think!

Anyways please enjoy this chapter, let's hope there'll be a new song this Wednesday indeed (or sooner lol) and while you can, don't forget to leave a like ♥️ I can't wait to hear your thoughts and I truly hope you enjoy.

See you Wednesday!

Word count: 3376


Eventually, as Steve and Lucas had lunch, Josh and Tyler had brunch. They sat at the table as the balcony doors were wide open again, and they loved the spring breeze on their skin.

"Hey J isn't your birthday pretty soon? May or June or something?" Lucas asked. "June, yeah", Josh smiled. "Still about two, two and a half months to go though." "Right", Lucas hummed with a nod.

"How old are you gonna be? Twenty-five, twenty-six?" Steve asked. "Twenty-three", Josh replied. Steve choked on a piece of breath as he coughed, his eyes widening. "You're twenty-two right now?!" He gasped. "Uh, y-yeah", Josh blushed. "Oh Jesus I was fully thinking you were older too", Tyler muttered. "I- yeah, same, what the hell", Josh said. "Wh- I- why- how?" Josh asked with a blush. "I guess we've all been through so much in those years of not really talking to you, it felt like much longer has passed?" Lucas said. "I- fuck, yeah, you're right", Tyler said. "Gosh I literally did not think you were just 22 at all", he muttered as he shoved a piece of his bagel into his mouth.

"I- I'm sorry", Josh frowned softly. "For what? Your age? No, oh no J, don't apologize for that", Lucas said. "You can't change that! We're all just fucking dumb", Lucas shrugged. Josh let out a soft laugh. "Does- does uh... does it... change anything..?" He asked. "Oh no, no I don't think so", Steve said. "I mean, you're still you. You're still our Josh. It doesn't really change much, if anything, for me", he said. "...but I will not date you", Steve joked, and Josh let out a laugh. "Wasn't counting on that", he chuckled, and Steve smiled, sending him a comforting wink. Josh smiled at that. He knew they were fine.

Josh knew Lucas agreed with Steve, but he didn't know what Tyler would think. He looked over at him hesitantly, anxiously but hopefully waiting a response.

"Uhm... no I- I agree with Steve", Tyler said. "It... it's a bit of a surprise but... but you're still you, still our incredible Josh, so... it doesn't", he said. "It's... six years, the difference. That's not too bad is it?" Tyler asked. "I- I mean, I don't think so", Josh blushed. "I think you're fine", Steve said. "Lucas and Josh are nine years apart. He and I are ten years apart. Compared to that, six is more than fine", he chuckled.

"None of us is gonna throw you out J", Lucas smiled. "We love you too much for that. You gotta stick around 'kay?" He asked. "Okay", Josh smiled.

"Well then", Steve said as he stretched his arms out. "I'm gonna go head out." "Where are you going?" Tyler asked. "I'm meeting Gabe at the skate park", Steve replied. "Oh you do skateboarding? I didn't know", Josh said. "Yeah, been doing it since... Well, since forever, honestly", Steve said. "What about you?" he asked. "Uhm I used to, quite a lot, but I haven't really done so since I left for college, though I always really loved it", Josh said. "But I always really liked it and I guess I could still do it if I would start again..." he trailed.

"Oh you should! You should come, why don't you go with me? It could be fun!" Steve said. "Wh- oh no, no I- I don't wanna ruin or interfere with your plans, you really don't have to take me, I didn't mean to imply that", Josh said. "You weren't implying, and you're not interfering! I'd love it if you'd come. Gabe would too!" Steve said.

Josh realized that Steve was being serious, and he hesitated. He looked at Lucas, who was nodding at him encouragingly. Josh blushed, then he looked at Tyler, for some reason searching for his approval. "Yeah, why don't you go with Steve? I bet you'd have a lot of fun", Tyler said. "And you should never stop any of your hobbies if they make you happy", he smiled at Josh knowingly, referencing the conversation they'd had the night before, when Tyler told Josh he had quit gaming even though it had given him so much joy in the past.

Josh blushed. "I- are you sure?" He asked Steve. "One thousand percent. I'll let Gabe know we're twenty minutes late so you can get ready", Steve said as he grabbed his phone. "I- o-okay", Josh blushed.

Gabe was totally down too, excited that Josh would be joining. Josh finished his bagel and went to get ready. He hurried so Steve wouldn't have to wait for him too long. "I don't have a-", Josh started. "I have an extra deck. I got you", Steve smiled. "You ready?" He asked. Josh nodded. "Well, have fun sweets! We'll see you in a few", Lucas said as he hugged Steve tightly, pressing a kiss on his cheek, and then he did the same with Josh. Tyler also hugged his soulmate tightly, before he hugged Josh, pressing a kiss on his temple. "Careful, 'kay?" He spoke softly. "I will, promise", Josh replied. Tyler hummed. "Enjoy, baby. Have fun", he smiled.

Steve and Josh then left the apartment and Josh was nervous, but excited too. They went to Steve's car and got inside as they started their drive to the skate park that wasn't too overcrowded, one where Steve and Gabe could skate in mostly peace.

As they drove, the music played on the radio but it was quiet between them. Josh didn't know what to say, and Steve seemed to be in thought. So Josh just looked down at his lap.

"So uhm... Do you think we should talk about what happened?" Steve then said. "Y'know, the making out... the kissing?"

"Uhm, n-no not- not really", Josh replied, his chest pounding like a mad man. Steve let out a laugh. "Could've expected you to reply that", he chuckled. "I think we should, though. Nothing... nothing weird, not at all. Just... think we should clear the air", Steve said. Josh wished he could disappear and he didn't have to have this conversation, but he gave in. "Okay", he said softly. He was nervous as hell.

"So, what I think is... we were just having fun and we were playing a game and that's it. Just... two good friends playing a drunk game with their other close friends and doing dumb things and following the rules of the game... also caused by some pent up tension. That's all there is to it", he said.

Josh felt a sense of relief at Steve's answer, and Josh let out a soft sigh. "I- I... yeah", he said. "I agree", he said. Steve smiled at him. "Great. That's settled then", he said. "Wasn't so bad now, was it?" he hummed with a grin. Josh rolled his eyes with a soft smile. "It wasn't", he said. Steve chuckled softly. "We're still good friends regardless, aren't we?" He asked. "If- if that's okay with you", Josh blushed. "Abso-fucking-lutely, J", he sent him a smile. "We had fun during the game and I wouldn't be opposed to it if another one of those games would happen, but just because it would be part of the fun game and you're a handsome guy. Nothing more", Steve said.

Josh blushed at the last part as he looked out the window. "You- you're not so bad yourself", he said with a blush, and he heard Steve let out another soft laugh. "I appreciate that", he said. Josh chuckled with a soft smile.


"Hey, Ty?" Lucas spoke up as Tyler was smoking a cigarette. "Hi baby", Tyler replied. "Do you think you could braid my hair?" Lucas asked. "Sure baby, of course. What were you thinking of?" Tyler asked as he looked up. "Just regular cornrows I think", Lucas replied. "'Cause I feel like this is getting out of hand", he chuckled as he pointed at his hair. Tyler smiled. "I love every way your hair looks on you, no matter what style", Tyler said. "But I'll absolutely braid your hair, baby. I'll go get the supplies right after", he said. "I'll go get them, you stay here", Lucas smiled. "Okay baby", Tyler kissed his cheek.

Tyler had taught himself how to braid Lucas' coily hair, so he could save Lucas the time and money going to a hair dresser every time. Of course Lucas still did, but sometimes he just really appreciated Tyler being able to do it for him. It was a form of trust between them too, something Tyler never took for granted as he knew how important Lucas' hair was to him. He always felt honored, in a way, when Lucas allowed him to help him with his hair. It meant a great deal to Lucas, but it meant a great deal to Tyler too.

Lucas came back with the supplies and he pulled out a chair so he would be sitting up straight, instead of sitting on the couch. Tyler put his cigarette between his lips as he started to gently prep Lucas' hair. "I love you Lukie", Tyler told him. "I love you too Ty", Lucas smiled. "Thank you for helping me out." "Always baby, thank you for letting me. I'll always braid your hair for you", Tyler said as he leaned forward and he pressed a kiss on Lucas' forehead. "And anything else you need help with."

As they had a drink and talked about anthing at all, Tyler slowly but surely made progress on braiding Lucas' hair into corn rows. Tyler was hesitant as he wanted to ask Lucas something, but he wasn't sure if he should. However he couldn't shake the question off and so he decided to ask.

"Luke?" Tyler asked. "Do you... do you think Josh... likes me?" Tyler asked. "Yeah, of course Josh likes you, baby", Lucas replied. "No, no I mean... do you think Josh likes me", he repeated, putting emphasis on the word. Lucas was quiet for a while, his eyes narrowing slighly. "...do you want him to like you?" He asked. Tyler frowned. "Wh- no, no", he said. "No, I was just... I was just wonering", he said.

"...because you like him?" Lucas asked. "No", Tyler rolled his eyes. "Just because we kissed and I wanted to fuck him, doesn't mean I like him", he said. Lucas raised his eyebrows as he looked at Tyler in disbelief. "You wanted to fuck him?!" He exclaimed. "Well of course I did! He turned me on so fucking bad, I wanted to fuck everyone that night", Tyler said. "You, Steve, Josh; I would've fucked anyone at that point. That doesn't say anything", he added. Now Lucas was the one to roll his eyes. "So you don't like Josh", Lucas said. "My question was if Josh likes me, not if I like him", Tyler said. "...so you do like him?" Lucas asked. "No, oh my god, stop asking me that", Tyler said. "Just asnwer the damn question!"

"Well I don't know! No? Maybe? Would you care whether he does or not?" Lucas asked. "If you're asking if it'd be a problem, then... no, it wouldn't", Tyler said. "But... I guess I'd wanna know? Honestly I don't even know", Tyler muttered the last part, then he let out a sigh. "I'm not saying Josh doesn, 'cause I don't know. But... hypothetically, if he liked you, then... then what? Would you... look at him differently? Take him out on a date? Give him a chance?" Lucas asked.

"No, no, and no", Tyler said. "Right now, I'd never. I mean... I know I'm desperate as fuck for someone to love me and be my partner and feel loved and all that, but I wouldn't do that with Josh", Tyler said. "Josh deserves someone who actually genuinely likes him and is so in love with him that they'll love and respect and lift Josh up for the rest of their lives. Not someone who's so desperate for love he'll take anything he can get", he said. "So, not someone like me."

"But isn't that exactly who you want to be, though?" Lucas asked. "Of course I do", Tyler sighed softly. "But I can't do that, not right now", he said. "We just finally started hanging out again a few days ago. That'd be way too soon anyways", Tyler said. "Plus, I don't even like him like that, so as I said, doing that would just be me taking whatever I can get and moving way too fast and using Josh for that, only to discard him after. So, no, I won't do that."

"Never said you should do that", Lucas said. "Just curious if you think there'd ever be a chance where you'd like him", Lucas replied. "I don't know, I can't say yes or no to that. But uh... I don't think so", he said. "But also... I don't choose who I like or dislike in that way, so I wouldn't know. For now, as I said, it's still a very big no."

"Alright Ty", Lucas said. "Glad you're not gonna use Josh as a rebound." "I'd never", Tyler replied. "I'm glad, Ty. Anyways... still can't answer the question either because I genuinely have no idea whether Josh likes you or not", he said. Tyler hummed softly. "Okay", he replied.

"...what makes you think there's a chance that Josh likes you, though?" Lucas then asked. Tyler was quiet for a while as he braided Lucas' hair. "Uhm... I- I don't know", he said. "...maybe we did a bit more than kiss and hug yesterday", he confessed. "Tyler... what did you do..." Lucas trailed.

"...It- it wasn't just last night", Tyler said. "...Jesus Christ Tyler", Lucas muttered. "You did more than that yesterday and the night before?" He asked. "...yeah", Tyler admitted. "Okay, tell me. Spill", Lucas said. "What did you do, tell me", he said.

"...uhm so... we kind of got carried away a bit", Tyler said. "...maybe we were kind of... grinding on each other?" He said. "Oh good god", Lucas muttered. "And..." Tyler trailed. Lucas raised his eyebrows. "There's more? You did more?" Lucas asked in disbelief. "I- I mean we didn't do anything naked, we didn't have sex or anything like that", Tyler said. "...but I may have literally told him I wanted to fuck him", Tyler said. "You did?!" Lucas exclaimed. "Yeah I know that was dumb okay! I wasn't planning on that! But he was literally kissing my cock, how the fuck was I supposed to not be turned on and want that and tell him!" Tyler replied. "You said you guys didn't do anything serious!" Lucas said. "Well we weren't naked! That's what I said! There was... fabric", Tyler said. "...I can't believe you guys did that", Lucas muttered.

"We kind of touched each other's cocks through the fabric too", Tyler then casually admitted. "Oh for God's sake Ty", Lucas sighed. "Why are you this way? Why can't you just... not be horny?" He asked. "'Cause Josh was being hot", Tyler whined. "I couldn't resist, I was drunk, or high... that shit turns me on and Josh made it worse", Tyler said. "Please tell me you and Josh talked about it and he doesn't regret it", Lucas said. "He doesn't, he doesn't regret it, I promise", Tyler said.

"I talked to him about that a lot and he assured me several times. We... I know he doesn't regret it", he said. "...and I also told him we should take twenty steps back and not do this again because I don't wanna ruin our friendship."

"...well that's good at least", Lucas said. "Now keep yourself to that, Ty. Don't let it happen again. Don't play with Josh like that okay?" Lucas said. "...you think I was playing with him?" Tyler asked softly, voice sounding a bit hurt. "No, no that's not what I'm saying baby", Lucas said. "You and Josh were both horny motherfuckers that decided to do this together and that's okay, but... if you continue doing it, then you'd be playing with him", he said. "Especially when you suspect that Josh might have feelings for you... speaking of, I still don't know exactly why you think so, other than the fact that you did all of those things with him. You're saying you don't like Josh that way and you still did it so that might be the same for Josh, we don't know", he said.

"Well... when we were talking last night after all of that happened..." Tyler trailed. "...Josh said he never does things like that with just anyone... never with anyone he doesn't 'feel so much for'", Tyler quoted. "...and I do know that years ago we talked about how Josh had only been intimate with Jon at that time because he could never do casual hook ups or one night stands because his anxiety wouldn't let him do that with someone he wouldn't be in love with", Tyler said.

"That might've changed of course, but... he did mention his anxiety again, also when saying what he said last night", he said. "...don't even think he realized what he said. I think he doesn't remember even saying that if I were to ask him", he said.

"Oh God", Lucas sighed. "Fuck, Ty, I really hope he doesn't", he said. "...yeah, me too", Tyler added as he tried to shake the uneasy feeling that crept through his skin off, focusing on Lucas' hair.

"Okay just... treat him like he hasn't said that, and treat him like he definitely does not, and let's just... assume he just feels the same way as you do", Lucas said. "You- you don't think I should... ask him about it?" Tyler asked. "No! No, absolutely not. You're just gonna treat Josh the same way you've been treating him - minus the steamy horny fucking nights you two had while we were asleep - and that's it. Don't ask him about it", Lucas said. "If the answer is no then Josh will feel awkward for unintentionally having implied that, and he won't be as close to you as he is now anymore. But if the answer is yes, then he also won't be close to you anymore because then you'd know and I know Josh would feel extremely uncomfortable with that, especially since your own answer is the opposite", he said.

"So don't do that. Okay? Promise me", Lucas said. "Yeah, okay, I promise, I do", Tyler said. "I won't ask him, I don't want him to distance himself from me at all", Tyler said. He thought back to the conversation last night, about how Tyler was scared to have Josh walk away from him, or how he was afraid to ruin their bond and friendship. That was the last thing he wanted to happen to them. So he absolutely would not be asking Josh that.


Ohhh mannnn

Joshie's having fun with Steve and gabeeee and Ty is having a moment with his bb Lucas 🥺 I love them so much ahhh

What did you think? I'd love to hear!! Ty and Luke are talking about Joshie 👀👀👀

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this and if you could leave a vote that'd be great! Can't wait to write more and publish more chapters too. Thank you so much for being here, means the world. See you this Wednesday ♥️🫶🏻

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