Surrender -7 Deadly Sins Nove...

By alexandraj19

588 50 15

Anybody who is anybody lives in Lakeaway Heights, New York. It is where the most high profiled families resid... More

-Author's Note-
-Character Aesthetics-
-Chapter 1-
-Chapter 2-
-Chapter 3-
-Chapter 5-
-Chapter 6-
-Chapter 7-

-Chapter 4-

29 2 0
By alexandraj19


I've been on edge this whole weekend anticipating the inevitable madness that is bound to come for me Monday morning. I tried to hide how freaked out I really am from Hunter. But he knows something is up. I appreciate how much he cares but I don't need him to become overbearing. After my 9th grade year there was an incident that wasn't my fault, but people didn't see it that way. Hunter pulled me from my highschool and put me in a homeschooling program.

It was a war all summer trying to convince Hunter to let me go back to public school for my senior year. It was all but a miracle he agreed. More so I got into the most elite school there is. I always wanted to go there but that was a hopeless dream. Now it seems like a nightmare made in hell knowing there is a devil there waiting for me. And his name is Everestt Jaxxon.

After my encounter with Everestt at the Gala and crying my eyes out. Hunter found me in the bathroom wiping my tears at the sink. When he touched my arm that triggered something and I felt that cold and helplessness again. I pulled my arm away from his, and I ran to a nearby stall to throw up. Hunter said his goodbyes thanking the mayor and his wife for the invite then took me home.

I've barely left my room, my safe space since. Only to go get food, use the bathroom, and go on my routine runs. But it's pointless because I haven't been able to eat anything. Water, Sprite and maybe some toast is the only thing I can stomach. Hunter thinks I should stay home and that I have a bug. I told him I'm fine, and not to worry I'll be better Monday.

My neck is red with little scratch marks from all the times I've rubbed it. I sat in my white hammock chair restless because everytime I tried closing my eyes. Those voidless green eyes with a fire burning around the iris appeared. I can still feel the heat of his body on mine, igniting my nerves alive. I hated him for invading my space like that. But most of all I hated how he made me feel. I got all hot and bothered and he knew it too. Now my body is a ticking time bomb of anxious nerves waiting to explode.

I still don't understand what Everestt saw when he said I showed him a part of myself. Claiming that he wants to take my inner chaos. The only thing I showed him is my disdain of how much I hate him. He's a self entitled psychopath with big boundary issues. If he thinks that he can scare me into hiding then he is dead wrong. I doubt we'll even have the same classes. Most of mine are AP. I plan to avoid him and keep my head down minding my own business.

The timer on my watch goes off signaling me that if I don't run back to my house now, I won't have time to get ready. I stand here in the woods on a trail that is by my house. When I'm restless and can't sleep, I start my morning runs early. I think I got a total of 10 hours of sleep this whole weekend.

Running is my calm when I get overwhelmed by the madness. I feel free and safe. It's my alone time to just appreciate the beauty of being surrounded by nature. Feel a soft breeze flow through my hair. Welcoming the clean air into my lungs. Letting me know I'm alive, and no longer drowning in dark crimson. If my body could take it I would run forever and never stop. I've been out here since 3:30 this morning and it's now 6:30. I make it back home and take a quick shower. Then get dressed and put on the school uniform.

I put on the navy blue high waist skirt that stops down a little above my knees. I tuck in the white button-down shirt in my skirt. I pull on the matching navy blue blazer that has a red trim along the lapel. They say I don't have to wear a tie but it's preferable. But I'm grateful for that because I don't have to worry about another thing suffocating me. However I do button up to the top button to try and cover the lower half of my scar.

I pull on my white knee high lace stockings to try and cover my exposed skin the best I can. I hate having my skin show like this. I asked to wear trousers like the guys do but the school said 'that's not a proper way a lady should dress.' So I pull down my skirt trying to stretch it out, and pull up my stockings as high as they can go. I quickly slip on my old Doc Martens.

I wear my hair down and part it to the sides, having it rest on my shoulders with little braids in it. I decided to go with a light natural makeup look. Mascara, eyeliner on my top and lower lash line to bring out my green eyes. Blush with some highlight to enhance my strong cheekbones. And to finish it all off with a pink glossy lip.

I grab my white backpack and head down stairs out the door. I see Hunter leaning on his car dressed in a suit for work. I get in the passenger seat and buckle up. Hunter starts the car driving us off to an unexpected fate that'll determine what happens next for this year. I stare out the window seeing the brown oak with deep green leaves pass by creating a calm color. But that calm then turns into high raised gray steel buildings holding a dominating power entering the world of the wealthy.

"After the incident at your old school, part of the agreement for you to go here is that you have to see their counselor. She's agreed to see you every other day. And this is not up for debate." I haven't been in counseling since I was 15. The nightmares stopped and the panic attacks have lessened. Counselors have this way of getting into your head stripping you bare, revealing your deepest secrets out before you. He knows there are certain things that he doesn't want me to talk about, so why is he pushing this?

At a stop light I turn and face Hunter. "I'll go because the school said so. I haven't needed therapy in over 2 years now. I'm fine, even mom thinks-" I stop myself from talking about mom anymore. Hunter's hands grip the steering wheel making his knuckles turn white. His jaw clenches and his right eye twitches. "Yes, her. The woman who would rather get drunk and party on the job then come home to take care of her kids. She's real reliable on mentally stability Ashby."

Hunter has issues with our mom and they are valid. She travels all the time and would rather be thousands of miles away from her kids, drinking in her sorrows. Yes it hurts a lot how neglectful she can be. But she's our mom and really does love and care for us. She was there for me when the nightmares started and stayed up with me when I was too scared to go to sleep. When her husband passed away that spark of life that was once in her eyes disappeared. I can't hate her the way Hunter does. I just can't.

"I'm sorry but she is still our mom and if you don't want to talk with her that's fine. I'll respect your choice but you have to respect mine too." I explained. "Then where is she, huh? Because I'm here taking care of you, and she's gone. She'll only continue to hurt you, can't you see that? I don't understand why I'm not enough for you." He argues and ends the conversation by pulling up in front of the school.

We park the car and I look up at the building and I automatically feel small. It is a tall dark Victorian style structure. Giving it a very hauntingly beautiful ominous look to it. It stands at 2 stories high with big tall spires and sharp turrets. The windows are stainless glass and some have rich angel designs on them. The building is surrounded by large well cut green land with a glass greenhouse. This place screams old money that powerful people put a lot of work into.

Teens come out of their luxurious cars, some even arrive in limos. They carry designer bags, dress in rich clothing along with expensive jewelry, and shoes. I look down at my old rough Doc Martens wishing they looked more nicer than they are. I go to reach in the back seat to get my bag. "Wait," Hunter grabs me by my wrist stopping me from getting out of his car. His eyes narrow and darken.

I go still and freeze feeling a chill run up my arm and down my spine. I try to pull my arm back but he tightens his hand around my wrist digging his nails into my skin. "You know that it will not benefit anyone if you talk about certain things right?" He lowers his voice with a serious edge to it. If he squeezes my wrist harder he'll break my bones. He can feel my pulse in his hand probably seeing if what I say next is a lie or the truth. He hasn't tried this method since I was 14.

I know what to talk about and what not to. I won't be making that same mistake again. "I won't. I promise." Hunter stares at my eyes seeing I'm truthful. He looks at his hand wrapped around my wrist, and his eyes grow wide. He quickly drops his hand, releasing me. I cradle my wrist to my chest and pull up the sleeve. "Fuck Ashby I'm so sorry. I can't lose you. Not after that one counselor twisted what you said, and fucking called child protective services over a misunderstanding." Yea I remember and I should have kept my mouth shut.

"It's fine, we're fine. Can I go now? I don't want to be late." I already see the parking lot empty with everyone inside. "Yeah you can go. I'll pick you up after school at 4:00." I smile then get my bag out of the back seat. Hunter leans over and gives me a hug and I do the same. "Have a good day, you know I love you." Hunter says into my hair and I nod my head. I pull back and step out of the car. "Love you 2. And good luck at work today. Bye." I smile and wait, Hunter smiles back and then proceeds to drive away.

I stare at his car until it becomes a little black dot fading into nothing. A noise goes off in the distance, and I jump, noticing it's the bell. I walk towards the building and run up the steps to the big black double doors. I pull on them but am shocked to see that they're locked. No no no. I see there's a sign that says the doors lock at 8:45am sharp. I walk down the steps and pace around the parking lot.

I keep ruining everything. My wrist feels numb from where Hunter grabbed me and cold hands run down my body making me shiver. I wrap my hand around my hurt wrist and dig my nails hard into my skin, needing heat to register. I whimper from the pain but don't stop squeezing it. I want it to burn. I need it to burn. I hate the cold.

Breathe in and out. 1 2 3 fall. I'm fine. I'm fine. Let me go. I'm fine. I'm fine. Help me. I'm fine. I'm fine. Stop. I'm fine. I'm fine. It's still so cold. I ball my hand in a fist and start to hit my chest. I need the cold to go away. My body is going numb. The world starts to fade away only seeing sadistic brown eyes appear. My knees buckle under me and I land on the ground. I'm hyperventilating, gasping out, unable to speak. Only feeling the cold. Just the cold. You know you wanted this.

"Breathe." A voice calls out and the numbness starts to go away starting in my wrist. My vision starts to clear up and those sadistic brown eyes disappear, and green warm ones appear instead. Everestt? But as I focus more I realize they are not his eyes but someone else's. I desperately try taking in sharp breaths of air. My face feels wet, and when I look up I see that the once calm blue sky is now an angry dark gray one weeping. Matching what's going on inside my head.

"Are you okay?" I stare at the boy in front of me and see he has dark brown tousled hair. Because of the rain it sticks to his tan skin. His facial structure is sharp and if I touch his cheekbones I'd probably cut myself. His left eyebrow has a piercing in it. He has 2 small moles on his left temple, and one on the corner of the right side of his mouth. The drenched white button down sticks to his body outlining his chest and abs. A red tie casually rests around his neck. His hands that are holding my wrist have rings on them with faded black nail polish. I look back up to his face and really study him. He looks handsome like a dark knight from a storybook. But there's a sinful glint behind those familiar green eyes.

I pull my hands from his and rub my wrist. He puts both his hands up in a surrender pose. "I
was just stopping you from choking yourself out. Some fucked up panic attack by the looks of it." I furrowed my eyebrows at him. Choke myself? I rub my throat to calm myself and accidentally scratch too hard. But I never choked myself before. He must have seen it wrong. Is that how I got rid of the cold?

I stand up but do it too fast seeing the world spin. The strange boy catches me by my waist and I immediately push him away, jumping back. "Don't touch me!" I wrap my arms around myself, shivering. He holds up his hands again, backing away slowly and chuckling. "No need to get all hostile on me sweetheart. I was only trying to help you." He puts his hands in his front pockets and stares me up and down like he's thinking of something. "You're Ashby Willson right?"

"Yes" I sign, wondering how he knows my name. "I'm A-A-R-O-N" the guy signs his name slowly. "I took ASL for a summer in 9th grade, but really only remember the alphabet." I smile and do thumbs up showing he did good. "Wanna head inside? I'm all for standing out in the rain no problem. But you look like Bella from that one wolf movie." I raise an eyebrow at him. "T-W-I-L-I-G-H-T?" I spell out slowly to clarify. "No, the one about the moon. Where the more interesting guy shows up with his werewolf friends. Then that bitch brooding vampire guy dies by the vampire girl with the red eyes."

I laugh at his retelling of New Moon which is my favorite in the Twilight franchise. But his take is... interesting. "That's New Moon." It takes him a second to pick up what I said. "Yea that one. Still wanna head inside?" I agree and start to get my bag from the ground but Aaron already holds it out for me. "Thanks," Aaron smirks back at me and signs "you're welcome."

I walk back up the steps heading towards the front doors, but Aaron grabs my hand stopping me. "No use they won't open again until 9:30 there strict fuckers here." How do we get in then? Aaron sees my worry and gestures to the large greenhouse. "Follow me, I know a shortcut." I look back up to the doors unsure if I should leave or just wait.

I feel Aaron at my back bending down and whispering in my ear. "Scared of the unknown sweetheart?" I turn around with my back against the door looking up at him thinking, No. I'm not scared. "You can wait here for the next half hour, because that's when the doors will really open." He points to the time on the door making me look inside the empty halls. "Or you can take a chance and come with me." He tucks a loose hair of mine behind my ear. "Your choice?" His hand lingers beside my face for a moment before he finally drops it waiting for my answer. As if he's somehow challenging me. "Lead the way."

Aaron holds my hand tighter pulling me with him while smirking. We go to the left side of the school and enter an elegant glass greenhouse. I don't really have time to appreciate it all because he pulls me to the back. We stand in front of an old door against a brick wall that doesn't look like it's been used in a while. There is a small shelf of plants in front of the door that Aaron moves to the side. A sign in bold print reads Do Not Enter. "Don't worry it's meaningless I come through here all the time." Aaron nonchalantly mentions. He pulls a key from his pocket, sticking it into the door. He lifts up the handle a bit, jiggling it around until the door pops open.

This is a bad idea. Aaron holds the door open for me daring me to go inside. I straighten my back with my chin held high and walk in showing him I'm not afraid. Walking inside a warm breeze hits me and my tense shoulders relax. The door shuts behind me surrounding us in dim lighting. The only real light here is cast from the windows above. "This way," Aaron says and puts his hand on my lower back guiding me forward. I startle at the contact and step away crossing my arms over my chest putting space between us. Aaron narrows his eyes then shakes it off, laughing under his breath. "So peculiar."

We walk down a long dark corridor and along it is old furniture covered with sheets and classical paintings resting against the wall. Is this some storage area? We reach the end coming to another door and when it opens my jaw drops. At the main entrance this place looks like a scene out of Hogwarts; but with more of a darker look to it. The roof is so high up it looks like a tower with a big chandelier above. The floor here is marble with rich oak walls. There are paintings you would see in museums hung up on the walls. A broad staircase is to the left and looking at the railing is handmade designs engraved in the wood. Wow.

To the right I see a sign that says office. Maybe I can get a late pass and explain why. As I walk forward Aaron steps in front of me blocking my way. "Not the best first impression you'd want to make on the headmistress coming in here lookin like a wet t-shirt girl." Excuse me? He reads my offended expression and points to my arterie. My white knee high lace stockings are wet, and my top is molded to my body showcasing my blue bralette underneath. I button up my blazer covering myself. Mother Nature, just strike me down please.

"I can get our clothes dry." I rub my throat looking at the office and thinking I can explain to her what happened. But they'd probably call Hunter... First impressions are everything so I'll clean up and then get to my next class. First period was only a spare period, but if I hurry I can make it there before it ends. "Fine. Then you'll take me to class. Right?" He takes his index finger and makes an X over his heart while holding up his other hand. "Scout's honor." He says innocently enough but his charming smile holds an alternative meaning to it.

~Author Note~
Word Count: 3,454
I love it how Ashby is always going through it when she meets people. I don't do it on purpose I SWEEARR!! But who's this new character calling her sweetheart?? And where the fuck is Everestt not greeting us on our first day of school?! Mid.

Remember to comment & vote!!
xoxo gossip girl. Hehe I'm just playing

Instagram & Tiktok- lifeinalliesworld

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